hugoandmendigo · 2 years
I can’t believe I’ve seen two different drawings of pink slutty cowboy Quark today. The Ds9 fandom knows what it wants. 
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hugoandmendigo · 3 years
The Three Laws of Fandom
If you wish to take part in any fandom, you need to accept and respect these three laws.
If you aren’t able to do that, then you need to realise that your actions are making fandom unsafe for creators. That you are stifling creativity.
Like vaccination, fandom only works if everyone respects these rules. Creators need to be free to make their fanart, fanfics and all other content without fear of being harassed or concern-trolled for their creative choices, no matter whether you happen to like that content or not.
The First Law of Fandom
Don’t Like; Don’t Read (DL;DR)
It is up to you what you see online. It is not anyone else’s place to tell you what you should or should not consume in terms of content; it is not up to anyone else to police the internet so that you do not see things you do not like. At the same time, it is not up to YOU to police fandom to protect yourself or anyone else, real or hypothetical.
There are tools out there to help protect you if you have triggers or squicks. Learn to use them, and to take care of your own mental health. If you are consuming fan-made content and you find that you are disliking it - STOP.
The Second Law of Fandom
Your Kink Is Not My Kink (YKINMK)
Simply put, this means that everyone likes different things. It’s not up to you to determine what creators are allowed to create. It’s not up to you to police fandom. 
If you don’t like something, you can post meta about it or create contrarian content yourself, seek to convert other fans to your way of thinking.  
But you have no right to say to any creator “I do not like this, therefore you should not create it. Nobody should like this. It should not exist.”
It’s not up to you to decide what other people are allowed to like or not like, to create or not to create. That’s censorship. Don’t do it.
The Third Law of Fandom
Ship And Let Ship (SALS)
Much (though not all) fandom is about shipping. There are as many possible ships as there are fans, maybe more. You may have an OTP (One True Pairing), you may have a NOTP, that pairing that makes you want to barf at the very thought of its existence.
It’s not up to you to police ships or to determine what other people are allowed to ship. Just because you find that one particular ship problematic or disgusting, does not mean that other people are not allowed to explore its possibilities in their fanworks.
You are free to create contrarian content, to write meta about why a particular ship is repulsive, to discuss it endlessly on your private blog with like-minded persons.
It is not appropriate to harass creators about their ships, it is not appropriate to demand they do not create any more fanworks about those ships, or that they create fanwork only in a manner that you deem appropriate.
These three laws add up to the following:
You are not paying for fanworks content, and you have no rights to it other than to choose to consume it, or not consume it. If you do choose to consume it, do not then attack the creator if it wasn’t to your taste. That’s the height of bad manners.
Be courteous in fandom. It makes the whole experience better for all of us.
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
And that’s why the real Bracken took his place ✨✨
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
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@fairykam @fairyprincesskendra @aerinmelina @ifnotyourfriend
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
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@fairykam @fairyprincesskendra @aerinmelina @ifnotyourfriend
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
some bracken[dra] drabble
(I was writing in my trash journal tonight and realized that... hey this isn’t half bad, and while I didn’t have Bracken in my head while I wrote it, it fits. So uhhh... here you go.)
I’m hiding inside myself. I’m running toward something beautiful but other than that it is something beautiful I can’t describe it.
There’s something about the light she gives off. It shines differently than any light I’ve seen. It reflects off everything in the kind of way I never thought even vaguely possible, and as I’m around her the whole world seems to fill with this brilliance--even the shadows shift in color.
On this day, we sit together for a long time and I wonder if she knows how much she changes the way the whole world looks. I wonder if it’s actually possible she doesn’t see it.
I wonder what it would be like to live in a world that looks like this all the time--and what it would feel like, to be at her side, always. The question is familiar in my head, an old friend. I don’t let it stay too long. I know the joy of picturing it is too much to cope with because it walks hand in hand with the...not pain--stress, perhaps--of knowing that I don’t live like that now, and the utter panic at the thought of how easy it would be to reach that life, and how impossible.
She says it’s a nice day. I agree. She shifts, and suddenly her hand is very near mine. I can feel the heat of it on the side of my fingers, and it is the only important thing in the world.
I think that a centimeter is the most painful amount of distance. 
I don’t know what it is about that moment, but I feel different. The cumulative effect of all the past centuries and days turns out to be once centimeter of courage.
I realize I’m not breathing but I can’t actually do anything about that.
And she--
And we just sit. The two of us, together, there. And five seconds later I feel like I’m not the same person anymore. I realize, I’m someone whose hand she was willing to hold.
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
Hahaha you guys follow my other blog if u want my untethered Emotional Shit
My therapist explained to me that a symptom of adhd which I experience has wired my brain so that I literally experience emotion in a different way than most (neurotypical or non-adhd—or autistic, though that isn’t me) people do.
It’s made me remember every time I’ve been told that I’m more upset than I should be over something, every time someone has told me I’ve been too sad for too long. If only I could have had the words to explain. My brain is literally, chemically, wired differently. I don’t always want this overwhelming emotion, but I can not do a thing to change it except try to cope. I will have these feelings until they, very slowly and mostly on their own, abate.
I don’t that I regret these immense feelings. I think it is a gift to feel things deeply. But I’m glad to know that it’s a unique experience, and to be able to explain and defend that because I can’t think of a thing that has hurt me more than being told that my emotions are too much, that I need to calm down, that I’m being irrational.
The idea that my emotions, my love and grief and sadness and joy, are too much for human consumption is one of my greatest fears. One that—in the past 14 months especially—has been proven and reinforced by people I put too much love into, only to be repaid in hurt.
All this to say: your emotions are real and beautiful and never ever ever in my life will I tell anyone they can not be allowed to feel them.
Bonus selfie because I am not entirely sure how I attached it but I can’t figure out how to delete it and anyway fuck it I am beautiful and love finally having blue hair
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
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So if Bracken is approximately 17, and Zzyzx has existed for thousands of years, how little was Bracken when he gave up his third horn?
Ft. Fairy Queen, Agad Prime, Vasilis wizard guy that Seth meets as a rock zombie pre-stone, buff wizard lady, and most important, BABY BRACKEN
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
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Ghosts of the past. Kendra and Seth would never be where they are now without these guys. (I know here are more, but I pick some of my favorites) from left to right we have Tammy (from book 3), Laura (book 5), Civia (book 5), Neil (book 3), Patton, Lena, Coulter, Mendigo, Dougan, Vincent (book 5), and Broadhoof (book 3)
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
Oooh yay!!
Tea with milk and honey, fairy lights, forest-scented candles, used makeup brushes, thin drapey fabric, chunky sweaters, bare feet, silver hoop earrings, a handful of pens, half-filled notebooks, old instruments that don’t get played anymore, whiskey sours made with egg whites, lavender and rosemary, lists on post-it notes, neat handwriting/messy bedroom, the first two paragraphs of several abandoned stories piled in a desk drawer, fleece blankets, flannel bedsheets, tiny blue flowers, cookies with cinnamon, oat milk, liminal spaces, meteor showers, chaos, drinking white wine in the sun, overuse of the word “joy”, quiet deserts, dry heat, the feeling of sandstone under fingers, backwards baseball caps, single pearls, good beer.
All the people I interact with here are already tagged. If you want to get in on this consider this your chance!!
Describe yourself using aesthetics!
Here’s mine:
Used eyeliner penicls, red glitter eyeshadow, leather jackets, blasting rock music from car speakers, walking outside at night, old journals, being wild with friends, unlaced high tops, licorice, saying “I love you, asshole”, the smell of fizzy ginger ale, sour candies, flashlight tag during summer, pillow fights, the one song that pumps you up, red lightning, cherry cola, rusty stop signs on the ground, electric guitar riffs, loud piano keys, goosebumps, not caring about anything but fun.
@most-amazing-fuzzball @1sweet-potato1 @savetheyeemorats @insane-tomato @wine-anon @bryaxisthelibrarian @frnkieroismydaddy
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
I see her now, on the battlefield, ripping off her motorcycle helmet to reveal her identity
I’m so sold
Also while I’m relating things to LotR...
Faramir and Eowyn.
Eh? Ehhh? Thoughts?
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
I like it
I like it a lot
I’m strugglin because a big part of Eowyn’s story for me is Aragorn?
But the more I think about just Eowyn and Faramir I like it.
Also while I’m relating things to LotR...
Faramir and Eowyn.
Eh? Ehhh? Thoughts?
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
Vanessa: hey can you throw me my keys?
Warren: *yeets printer*
Vanessa: I SAID KEYS
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
Seth: I wonder who will be the cottage cheese.
Kendra & Bracken: ?????
Seth: clearly you are confused. Ok, you know there has to be a champion of the titan games right?
*kendra & bracken nod slowly*
Seth: that shortened is cottg, which looks similar to the word cottage cheese, so the champion of the titan games is cottage cheese
Kendra & Bracken: ……..
Kendra: Really, Seth?
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hugoandmendigo · 4 years
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I love this so much!!
@ifnotyourfriend did you get tagged in this yet?
Use this picrew to make yourself!
Tagged by the beautiful @scum-belina ❤ I made a new post because the other one was getting long 😁
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Tagging @trunzilla @banchoaniki @indie-animal @thekitchenphilosopheress @thatonegothcatholic @lollady-tan @paniccats @cotton-candy--clouds @strawberryy--popp @redemptiionss @alteanroyals @f-ireflowers and @zombiemanateegiraffe
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