https-maxie · 2 years
Your Best American Girl
Dick Grayson x Hispanic!Reader
Warnings: Blood, Angst, Death, and very mild smut
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If I could, I'd be your little spoon
His fingers interlocked with her fingers as he pressed soft kisses to them, her eyes shut as she slept, he brushed some hair out of her face. “My beautiful bird…”
And kiss your fingers forevermore
But, big spoon, you have so much to do
His hands held her hips as she rocked and cooed against his warm skin, pressing kisses and marks into her unmarked skin.
And I have nothing ahead of me
“Oh my baby…” her wounds were extensive as he applied pressure to her abdomen, tears falling from his face. “Baby please…” his heart began to ache as her soft eyes met his.
You're the sun, you've never seen the night
But you hear its song from the morning birds
He held her ever so close like if she was going to disappear if he didn’t hold her. The team stared at him as he sobbed into her chest, her body pale as her curly locks now stained red.
“Please…please..” he begged.
Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds
He could barely stand as they lowered the coffin, his entire body ached. He wanted to jump in there and just die.
How could he ever live without her?
Don't wait for me, I can't come
To think she was gone was heart wrenching even after five years. He played with the ring on his finger. It was hers. It was almost like he could feel her warmth like she was right there.
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I think I do
He was thrown into a wall, their pounding fist pummeling into his chest as he gasped for air, his hand reaching towards one of his escrima sticks activating it as it shocked their sides.
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be your best American girl
They stumbled back in pain as he tackled them. The two fought like animals, their arms wrapped around his neck as they flipped themselves on top of him slamming their head into his, knocking them both back.
His hand reached towards their mask as they fell back.
You're the one
His eyes adjusted slightly as he noticed their short curly hair.
You're all I ever wanted
He sat up, she was holding her face, practically fuming as her eyes met his through her fingers as she lowered her hand his heart stopped.
I think I'll regret this
Her eyes were still as angry but he was calm. In shock but calm as he got back up. “Baby?”
She seemed confused.
“B-baby it’s me.. you know me.” He placed one hand out as though to calm her.
“Who…?” She had an almost disgusted look on her face.
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I finally do
His heart broke ten times over. He began to walk towards her slowly, she lunged towards him, beginning to attack once more.
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be the best American girl
He held her down as backup was on the way.
“Please! It’s me you know me… you know me…” his voice began to break. She struggled beneath him squirming and twitching.
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I think I do
Her eyes met his.
That’s all he could see in the eyes he once adored.
“What did they do to you..?”
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