hqheroes · 5 years
These look fun to do I’ll try to do as much as I can, but please be patient with me. Work has been kicking my ass ;v;
Please read the RULES before sending UvU
tea prompts
feel free to reblog & use for your own blog/s ♡
lemon tea; what are mornings like with them?
peppermint tea; what do they get excited about?
chamomile tea; what is their sleep schedule like? does it change around their s/o?
earl grey tea; how did they court their s/o?
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
rosehip tea; how romantic are they? how do they show affection?
black tea; what do they look for in a person?
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
matcha tea; how and when do they propose to their s/o?
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
hibiscus tea; what’s their favourite place to take their s/o?
green tea; how do they comfort their s/o? 
russian caravan tea; how experienced are they with relationships?
english breakfast tea; would they want a family?
rooibos tea; what’s their favourite thing to do with their s/o?
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hqheroes · 5 years
Can I please request angsty headcanons for Mirio? Reader is secretly in love with him but gets jealous when other girls flirt with him & becomes colds & distant with him? Then suddenly during a battle she gets fatally wounded and reveals to Mirio with her dying breaths that she loves him and just so much grieving and angst on Mirio’s part??? Thank you so much! ☺️❤️💖
Yes, delicious angst. Making pain and tears is my specialty. I hope I do this justice!
You’ve known him since year one, though at first y’all were just classmates. Aside from hellos and good mornings, there wasn’t anything beyond that. 
After accidentally revealing too much of himself during the sports festival, (Thank god you were behind, but still), you can’t help but get flustered when passing by.
Mirio thought it was cute. Now your casual hellos have slowly evolved in small idle chatting. It’s not much, but it’s far beyond from being casual strangers.
This is when you really started noticing Mirio as more than a classmate.
You saw how funny and nice and inspirational he is. You were smitten, case closed.
Unfortunately, you’re not the only one who is. Just about the entire female group has eyes on the pure sunshine boy. Can ya blame them?
Now it’s so much harder to talk let alone see him.There’s always a crowd just wanting his attention.
It’s so frustrating because you were so ready in trying to get closer in being more than friends.
As time went by, Mirio’s fame as one of the Big 3 created a huge distance between you two. He still waved whenever you crossed paths. Giving is his signature toothy grin. God he’s so cute, it hurts your heart.
You thought and tried several ways of confessing but to no avail.
Love letter in shoe locker? It’s always full
Asking to meet up after school? There’s already a crowd waiting at the entrance.
Maybe having Nejire or Tamaki relay the message? No, too cowardly. It has to be in person.
In the end, you just kinda… gave up?
Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. With how popular he is now at school you can only imagine how much worse it’ll be as a pro hero.
How can you even compete when there’s probably other girls way better
He probably already likes one of them already and you’re just wasting your time.
It should be best to let go
…But you can’t
No more good mornings. No more waving at each other. Hell, you don’t even look his way. Just seeing the crowd he attracts hurts.
Mirio notices the lack of you
He notices the sad expression you hold everyday. You look ready to cry.
He really wants to talk to you, but training and interns have sucked up all of his free time that it’s almost impossible.
Just one moment with you to talk things out would be more than enough.
Wouldn’t you be blessed (or cursed?) that during interns both you and his agencies decided to team up to for patrols.
It’s the perfect chance to talk! Like right now! Y’all are literally walking side by side.
But you can’t find the words to.
You’ve already given up, but to have him so close should make you happy.
You’re scared.
Scared that if you even try to talk something is gonna get in the way again, and you’re not ready for more of that pain.
Mirio, the sweeheart he is, tries to lighten the mood with random banter.
He managed to crack a small smile from you. (of which he proceeds to point out and tease)
Stop it you blonde angel! You’re supposed to be distant! This is making it worst!. Kokoro doing the major dokis!
But, of course, all good things are short lived.
A cry of people running away from a group of gang members causing a riot has you and Mirio are on the scene.
You saw first hand just how much improvement his training has come. How coordinated and thought trough his movements are. It’s a sight to behold.
You, unfortunately, aren’t as such. 
All your romantic sulking made you slack off in training. Thus, hesitation, delayed reactions. You’re just a hot mess and it’s not looking good given you’re against 2 at a time.
Mirio sees this and provides back up the best he can. Though with so many things going one at once it’s hard to keep up.
You saw one villain going for a fatal blow while Mirio wasn’t looking.
You wanted to call out to him, but your voice wasn’t cooperating.
Instead, your body moved before you could think.
You shielded him, taking the majority of the blow. Mirio turned to see the tail end of what just happened.
He couldn’t believe it, one moment y’all were having a fun time and now you were on the ground critically injured.
He saw red.
Instantly taking down the rest of the villain group in seconds. A terrifyingly new record.
Police arrived to arrest the group, but medical help was still on the way.
Mirio held onto you, using shredded pieces of his cape to try and suppress your injuries from getting worse.
It looked bad. There’s blood everywhere.
Your eyes looked so faded and tired. Your breathing slow and shallow. 
There wasn’t much time left, and you knew it. He knew it.
You’d call his name out. So soft yet weak. Of course he stood at attention.
You told him everything. Your feelings. The failed attempts at confessing. How upset you were about the distance.
And you know what’s worse? He reciprocated. 
Not exactly, “I love you too”, but he missed the small talks. The good mornings. He wanted to talk more and be friends. Heck even progress into something more if the opportunity rose.
He hates this. He’s supposed to be a hero. To save lives. Not this.
He tries to give hope that help is on he way, but the look in your eyes and that weak smile tells him there’s no use.
He holds you close.
It’s all he can do.
He feels helpless
All things are short lived, and, unfortunately, it had to be you.
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hqheroes · 5 years
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Holy cow! I don’t know when this happened but like, THANK YOU!?
I’m still surprised that people like my mediocre writing, but seeing all the likes, comments, and followers makes me feel a bit more confident. Of course there’s room to improve and I’m hoping this blog will help with that. Imma keep trying to provide the good fluff content so keep them requests coming! (Though be gentle with me. I’m kinda slow ;v; )
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hqheroes · 5 years
Could you do hcs for sleeping or taking naps with Mirio? Love your works btw!!! :)))
Aaah thank you! Gosh people seem to like the sunshine boy. He’s fun to write so I don’t see a problem. Hope you like these hcs UvU
Mirio is built like a bear. And you know what bears are good at? Bear hugs!
This boy is top tier cuddle master. Those arms aren’t just for fighting. They are perfect for wrapping around your cute, sleepy self as you curl up like a kitten. (A really cute kitten)
He loves loves LOVES the pout you make whenever he has to pull away. His heart can’t handle it! Stop! (don’t stop, please)
Is it weird that he likes to watch your face? You make some of the cutest expressions in your sleep
There have been instance where you were having nightmares and it showed. He’s gonna be holding you and nuzzling the top of your head until those awful dreams go away.
Don’t tell anyone, but sometimes he’ll eskimo kiss you while you’re asleep. I mean he could just kiss you, but what’s the fun if you’re not awake to get all blushy about it?
Just like how you plop on him, he’s gonna do the same on you! Except gently,,, and maybe just laying his head on your lap. 
As tempting as it actually is, he doesn’t want to crush you. I mean, unless you want him too???
Let. Him. Be. Small. Spoon.
Like, as much as he loves being the big spoon. Little spoon is his guilty pleasure.
He never realized how amazing it was to be on the receiving end. It’s heavenly.
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hqheroes · 5 years
💟 for Mirio? I love how you write him it's literally spot on 👌🏾
💟: what are three traits that they look for in a partner?
A beautiful smile
He loves seeing it, even more if it’s for him. The way your eyes squint and how it seems as if you’re glowing.
The way you laugh has him at your wake and call. It’s like a sirens song that he just can’t get enough of
If you’re down in the dumps you bet he’ll be there to turn that frown upside down!
Wonderful personality
I mean, everything about you is wonderful
You’re so strong, kind, ambitious, caring, gorgeous, angelic, funny... yeah he could go on
There’s not enough words in his mental dictionary to describe just how amazing you are! To put it in Tamaki’s words: You shine brighter that the sun!
He likes it when you come to him about your problems, though doesn’t like to see you upset, it make him feel a sense of reliability for you. Like a hero! Your own personal hero.
Beautiful eyes
Have you looked yourself in the  mirror? Probably not hard enough because this boy can stare at your eyes forever. Or until he falls asleep
There’s something calming, almost hypnotizing about them.
Probably because he can know exactly what you’re feeling just from looking
Loves complimenting how vibrant and shining they are. Though you tend to get embarrassed, he can tell from your eyes that you appreciate it.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and when he looks into yours he sees someone who is going to do great things!
Basically, what he looks for in a partner is you. You’re amazing, beautiful and just perfect. He’ll love you no matter what
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hqheroes · 5 years
You're work is amazing. I love it. Could I request 💘 and 💕 for Tokoyami?
💕: how do they express their feelings? do they do small but meaningful gestures, or through bold declarations?
Definitely small gestures if out in public. Doesn’t like the possible attention especially if his classmates are around. They know about his partner and don’t pry (much), but any instance of seeing the couple together and eyes are targeted like predator to prey
Likes passing notes to in between class complimenting, or just wishing a good day
Shares fruits and small snacks. He takes notes on the ones they especially like more
Dark Shadow is more brave since he knows what his partner truly feels. He’d whisper some things like “He thinks your dimples are really cute.” or “He got really worried when you got injured during training yesterday”
Means well, buy boy does Tokoyami get flustered. He does wanna try to be more vocal about his feelings, so guess it’s not really a bad thing
💘: how do they act/react when they first realize that they had a crush on somebody?
His feathers do the floof poof!
Also more silent (as if he isn’t already), but it’s more concentrated. As if he’s thinking hard. (Thinking on how to win their heart!)
Tries not to let Dark Shadow out or else he’ll be ratted. Last time he waved for their attention and then disappeared so that Tokoyami was in center stage.
Fidgets with his hands a lot. Crossing arms and clenching fists can only do so much. Oragami helps, though he notices he’s mostly doing paper cranes. Think his wish would come true if he makes 1000?
Because of that thought, Dark Shadow folds along. Even doing it when Toko is studying or reading. No point in trying to stop him. Tried several times. Only way to is to tell them how he feels. When that time ever comes.
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hqheroes · 5 years
Hi, would you do 💟 for Daichi? thank you
💟: what are three traits that they look for in a partner?
Someone who is family oriented.
I feel Daichi would be a traditional family man. So someone who is peak waifu/husbando material
Household chores, cook, great with kids (especially since he wanna have some)
Basically whoever is the mom/dad friend since he too can understand the woes of being a parent of chaotic fledglings 
Bonus doki points if they can do some manual labor in repairs. 
Of course he ain’t gonna have his partner do all of that alone. He gotta be the doting hubby and help out. Maybe show a little spoiling as a thank you.
This is a must more for his sake. Though, yes, he wants to be able to manage things himself there’s gonna be times where it’s just too much. Boy needs rest
Being the captain and having so much responsibility on his shoulders is stressful. So it’d be nice if his partner could take care of him every now and then when he wants to recharge.
He doesn’t expect much, but if they go above and beyond then boy is glowing in appreciation
Can’t imagine how he would relax without his partner 
Being in a sports team has taught him that communication is key. So he’d like someone that is east to talk to
Someone that can share anything and everything that’s on their minds. Even for the most mundane of things
He just wants to hear them talk. Keeps his wee little heart a flutter
Will get really antsy if his partner is quiet out of nowhere. Assumes his fault for god knows what.
Tell him if you need space or quiet time. He’s super understandable.
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hqheroes · 5 years
Are you willing to write an scenario with tsukishima s/o interacting with his brother. Bonus if the s/o is the younger sister of Oikawas. Sorry for this ask, thank you for reading even if you don't write this.
Sorry, hun! I don’t do scenario requests. Headcanons only ;v;(Writing scenarios takes so much out of me, idk if I can do it on the regular)But I will still write this cuz I do love the salty string bean. 
Tsukki is honestly super hesitant and scared to be in a relationship. He knows he ain’t the best in showing his feelings, and how much of a tsundere he can be.
He fears that he wont be up to par for you. That’d he’d disappoint you in some way and you’d leave.
Basically the opposite end of how he felt with his brother. Not a good feeling
You’re smart, quick witted and a tough bean to handle his sass. Heck, sometimes you’d put him in his place whenever he’s being too much of an ass to his teammates. 
Has he mentioned how pretty you are? You’re so easy on the eyes and man is your hair super soft????
He sneaks in a few touches whenever he teases about your height. Patting your head and calling ya short puff.
Wasn’t planning on introducing you to his family (let alone his brother), but it kinda just happened????
It happened during the match between Aoba Josei and Karasuno.
You saw some tall blonde that kinda looks like Tsukki cheering him on.
“Hey are you like his uncle or something?”
“I’m his brother!”
Honestly, the two of you hit it off pretty well. Aki talked about some juicy embarrassing baby stories. (future blackmail) along with their rocky relationship.
You can understand sibling relationships can be a hard thing to maintain. Heck, you can recall a few times you and your bro bro have given each other the silent treatment over some stupid dispute
“You’re here now so give him some time to heal. Never too late to be his big bro ya know?”
Aki was the first to discover you were the King of the Court’s lil sister. He was flabbergasted. 
He wonders if this was going to cause tension between you and tsukki. Should this be kept secret? Maybe it’s for the best.
Cue the Karasuno squad having a crises.
Tsukki noticed you and Aki getting buddy buddy. He doesn’t know how to feel about this. It’s conflicting.
But now hearing your outburst he really doesn’t know how to feel
Boy needs to have a word with you.
After the match he saw you being all huggy and affectionate with your bro. He’s kinda jealous cuz you’re never that handsy with him. (Maybe if he wasn’t such a tsundere and accept your hugs)
You sprint over to congratulate on the win, aaaaand there’s the grump pout
“You never told me you were his little sister?”
“You never asked.” Such sass
He hints how much fun you were having with Aki
“Is someone jealous?~” His pout says yes
You reassures that he’s your only dino boy that gets special attention. (He love/hates that nickname)
Now you come over to his place almost weekly (After some struggling of Oikawa the ankle weight)
You and Aki get along great, but sometimes Tsukki comes in and decides to end it by grabbing and carrying you away to his room
“Tsukki you really need to stop.”
“Not happening.”
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hqheroes · 5 years
👑 do u still accept for the hc meme? hehe id like to try 💌 for oikawa if thats okay? thank youuuu
💌: how would they go about confessing to someone they liked? would they do it indirectly or directly, or maybe not at all?
Though he does like being in the spotlight, Oikawa prefers having his love life a bit hush hush. Being an up and coming famous player means less personal privacy, and he doesn’t want that sort of imposition on his beloved.
With that in mind, his way of confessing would be the old ‘meet me after school to talk’ approach.
He believes being forward and upfront with what you have to say is the best approach.
That, and having a few exes has taught him a thing or two about relationships and romance.
He’d have to convince his teammates to keep his relationship quiet so that the rabid fans won’t go on a witch hunt. He’s learned from the past not to gloat.
Cuz of that risk, most dates usually take place at his or your home. Not really a problem since private cuddle times are always welcome.
It’s hard trying not to be lovey dovey during classes, but you two compensate by sneaking loving glances at each other. 
During games, right before a serve, he’d look up right at you and smiles. The fans think it’s for them but you know very well who it’s really for.
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hqheroes · 5 years
Tendou is best boy. Thank u for your time.
A good boi. Toll and lanky. Eccentric and weird. Such a provocateur.Have I mentioned his bowl cut as a kid sealed the deal for me.(I also kinda relate to him in the whole, being outcast-ed and labelled weird. Is okay babu you got people that love you!)♥
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hqheroes · 5 years
Hello!! I just found this blog and like your writing! Can you do a Shinsou with a black reader from America? Doesn’t have to be super hinged on race I just get annoyed with ‘runs hands through y/na straight hair’ all the time 🙃🙃 regular fluff maybe? If your uncomfortable that’s ok 💖
I realized after writing this there wasn’t as much fluff as I intended. I’m so sorry! I do hope you like it. If not I’m more than willing to re-write it.  ;v;♥
At first he didn’t think you were all that special. Yeah everyone made a big deal on how you were from America, but being that this is UA having students from abroad seemed normal.
Whenever he’d passed by, he’d overhear you talking to classmates who question what it’s like living in the US. His curiosity was peaked, but again thought nothing of it.
He should have thought something of it, cuz now he’s noticing how much more attentive he is of you. The way you smile, how your skin tone highlights your eyes and smile, the way your hair bounces as you laugh along with your friends. Boy is smitten and doesn’t know how to deal with it.
How do you initiate conversation to someone you barely talk to. The most you two conversed were passing hellos. Or when paired for training. (Has he mentioned he’s misjudged your strength, and got decimated. Thus introducing his thing for stronk ladies)
Has actually tried looking up advice on how to talk to girls and regrets it. Their so bad and cringey. Honestly, it gave him confidence that he could do better.
So throwing caution to the wind, boy went for it.
Catches you during passing period at a vending machine asking how’d you learn your hand to hand techniques. Something to break the ice. (The fact he succeeded in conversing with you is already a win for him)
Topics changed from combat to foods to heroes to all sorts to miscellaneous things. Made you laugh a few times too. 
Time went by too fast cuz now it was time to go back to class. Shinsou unconsciously sulked. He wanted to talk more. Maybe ask to hang out after school.
You seemed to have noticed. (That and the cute pout he doesn’t seem to notice). “Hey, how about we grab something to eat after school? Show me the best katsudon place ya know. I bet it’s better than the copy cats back in the States!”
God, that smile of yours could brighten his day anytime. Of course he says yes! Though tries to be more casual about it. Boy needs to be smooth, ya know?
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hqheroes · 6 years
Hi, would you do 💟 for Kuroo?
💟: what are three traits that they look for in a partner?
Someone with thick skin. Or sassy.
As I mentioned before, being the provocateur, he worries that it might go too far and hurt his partner’s feelings. Sometimes when you’re on a roll with sass you might end up saying too much then intended. 
If he can have someone with thick skin then he can worry less about it. Though maybe a few sass backs might make him be a bit more playful
A good cook.
This boy can eat, and he loves nothing more than to watch his partner cook knowing that it’s made specifically for him.
That and seeing them wearing that frilly apron makes him purr. 
Kiss the cook? You bet he will after his meal.
This fat cat wants you to shower him with love and compliments. Fill his ego on how amazing he is. Run your hand through his mess of hair. Pepper his face with kisses.
He will give you his undivided attention and wants nothing more than the same treatment
You know how cats will plop ontop of what you’re doing for attention? Yeah, that’s him. Now cuddle with him before he starts whining.
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hqheroes · 6 years
Can you give me some hcs about how todoroki calls aizawa and present mic (who also has eri) to come help him because his dad sucks, so he moves in with them for the summer? And at first the adjusting is weird but he's one of eri's favorite heros so they have fun watching frozen and braiding hair and stuff. Just big DADZAWA vibes.
It was a huge surprise when Todoroki came up to Aizawa to talk about his issues with his father. The kid is usually private about his personal life, but things were getting too much even for him. 
The move in was a bit awkward and a hard adjustment for Todoroki. He’s usually on edge even at home so to have that sense of fight or flight taken away it was foreign.
Having breakfast with everyone was a bit of a shock. Instead of the tense atmosphere back at home, it was filled with calm, and warmth. With the occasional loud talking from Yamada and Eri.
There have been times where Eri would run around the corner spooking Todoroki and his muscle memory has him in a defensive stance.
He ends up sulking and beating himself up for almost getting into a brawl with a child.
Eri was hesitant around her new pseudo brother. He was really quiet and looked so serious all the time. She imagined him much different from his hero persona.
That didn’t stop her from trying to make him feel welcomed. She’d invited him to colour or watch tv. 
The first couple of times, Todoroki declined. Having little experience with children, he’s worried of making Eri uncomfortable. Or hate him.
He eventually gave in though. Eri’s puppy eyes broke him.
They are now inseparable. Having played everything from colouring to tea parties to making matching bracelets and little crafts for each other. 
Honestly, Todoroki feels at ease. Like he’s in a proper loving family (given there’s 2 pseudo father figures)
Aizawa still being his teacher, continues to train Todoroki just as he would with his other students. Aspiring heroes can’t let themselves get rusty.
Sometimes after a session, Eri would help patch up her brother with cute little decorative band aids. They’re colourful and have kittens and hearts on them.
Todoroki doesn’t take them off.
You best believe Aizawa bought ugly cat clothes for Todoroki. He did it to Eri so why not.
Todoroki is… thankful? It’s not really his taste, but he can’t complain since time and money was used. That and the fact that he was on someone’s mind when getting these.
He wears it along with Eri’s to match.
Yamada is having a heart attack somewhere. These poor kids are fashion disasters.
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hqheroes · 6 years
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Oh gosh! I didn’t expect to hit 100 followers so quickly! Jldkjsfalh, honestly I only made this blog for fun. Wasn’t expecting anyone to even give it a look. But I’m so glad people like my writing! Thank you all so much for the follows, likes, reblogs, comments, everything! It warms my old lady heart. I’ll try my best to keep writing more cute fluff. ♥
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hqheroes · 6 years
Would you consider doing poly ships? (Hypothetically, don't feel pushed to say yes)
I wouldn’t mind trying! Though I’d like to keep it between reader and two characters max, please.I’ve never wrote poly before so go easy on me! UvU♥
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hqheroes · 6 years
💝 ❥ for kuroo
💝: what would they consider a “perfect gift”?
A home cooked meal
Like, honest to god, Kuroo is a simple man. The saying “quickest way to a man’s heart is through their stomach” holds true for this cat
He comes home to dinner ready and he will be worshiping you like the queen you are
He’s try to hint the idea of you feeding him. Though ‘hinting’ is more like begging, cuz come one. Who wouldn’t want to be feed by their beautiful, loving partner.
He’d want to repay you by helping out with the chores or kisses. Prefers the kisses, though. Chores are gross.
❥: what is their ideal date?
Kuroo is a hopeless romantic that doesn’t have an ideal location to take his s/o. 
He’d take the cop out corny answer and say that any place is the best as long as his partner is there.
He’d definitely fall heavily victim to the puppy love phase in the relationship. 
A park, cafe, movie, even just lazing around at home. If you’re there it’s automatically his favorite place since his favorite person is there.
He’d for sure try all the corny romancy couple things you’d see on tv. I’ve mentioned that he wouldn’t be very experienced in dating. So he’d take relationship advice from romcoms, dramas and magazines.
No way he gonna ask his teammates and fall victim to teasing. Gotta keep his captain image. (Kenma is an exception since he don’t give a dang)
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hqheroes · 6 years
💟 ushijima??
💟: what are three traits that they look for in a partner?
Someone who is traditional.
He’d like nothing more than to have a stay at home wife. Have a few kids, and be a husband that works hard to provide for his family.
Though, if you wanted to work he’s okay. He might feel inadequate as a husband and provider, but he doesn’t want to make you feel held down.
Just reassure the big bear
Supportive of his volleyball career.
The boy lives and breathes the sport. So he wants a partner that’s willing to show support in his career.
He doesn’t expect you to come to his practices. If any, he prefers you don’t cuz then he’d be too distracted by you. As much as he wants to give you attention he needs to train.
Though he’d really appreciate if you’d come to the official matches. Gives him that supportive boost.
Very patient and tolerable
Ushijima knows he’s not a romance kind of guy so he’s not gonna pick up on certain cues.
It’s all new to him so he’d really appreciate someone that’s patient enough to show him the ropes of romance, but try not to tease him too much. He’s naive so he might end up taking what you say very literal.
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