Headcanon #22
That George's Patronus is Fred
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Headcanon #21
Umbridge is the Zodiac Killer
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Headcanon #20
The Piertotem Locomotor spell had never been used since the time it completely wrecked everything
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Headcanon #19
Ravenclaws make really bad drunks
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Headcanon #18
Moaning Myrtle has a huge crush on Harry.
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Headcanon #17
Mama Weasley makes too many sweaters and send them to the entire Golden Trio extended family.
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Merry Christmas, everyone!
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Headcanon #16
All the wizards do a school wide Yankee Swap, and half the gifts turn out to be troll gifts.
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Headcanon #15
Voldemort is totally gay
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Headcanon #14
Where Dumbledore actually does love socks and he wasn't lying when he told Harry what he saw in the Mirror of Erised
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Headcanon #13
Students go around on Friday the 13th dressed as Muggle version witches with the point hats and everything.
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Hey guys!
If anyone has headcanons please send them to me! Also feel free to recommend the blog to anyone you want!
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Headcanon #12
Where Snape confesses to Lily and they’re secretly going out for a while but then he wants to avoid getting her caught up in the bullying he’s going through because she’s just his one bright star in a dark sky. So he leaves her but his heart hurts right up until the very moment she dies and he knows it’s for the best that they didn’t have a relationship but oh god his heart just hurts for the things they never had.
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Headcanon #11
Muggleborns crack race jokes... But not the kind you'd expect. Race jokes, but race as in Muggle vs. Wizard.
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Headcanon #10
Someone at some point tried to blow up the Potions classroom out of frustration.
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Headcanon #9
Muggleborns tell Purebloods of their legendary hero, John Cena. On cue, the other Muggleborns in the area begun chanting his theme.
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Headcanon #8
Umbridge was secretly related to the Dursleys.
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