seungyeon lee | 이승연
139 posts
yujung (he/they)🇰🇵🇰🇷🇺🇸⚢☭ | SAPPHIC HOGWARTS LEGACY PAGE | archive ✍︎writer+𝄞musician, find me on ao3 or youtube jazz, menswear, butch lesbianism, korean 교포 culture, leftism, aromanticism, asexuality simping dumbass for poppy sweeting
Last active 4 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hphlseungyeonlee · 4 hours ago
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feels like fake news
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hphlseungyeonlee · 1 day ago
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I had an idea stuck in my head and... this is what came out. with thanks to the gals from the Sapphics of Hogwarts Legacy (SoHL) discord server for the support and feedback. join us today!!
POPPY SCREENSHOTS FROM: @girl-named-matty (thank you <3, y'all go show her some love)
her tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/girl-named-matty/ her pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/matty_ambrose/
original idea on paper under the cut
do not repost.
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hphlseungyeonlee · 2 days ago
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—On Love, Marina Tsvetaeva
[text ID: I just want a humble, murderously simple thing: that a person be glad when I walk into the room.]
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hphlseungyeonlee · 2 days ago
Loser Lesbian Support: Part 3
prev: one / two
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hphlseungyeonlee · 3 days ago
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hphlseungyeonlee · 3 days ago
no, literally, keeping up posts is so annoying. I wish there was a way to auto post once you post things on ao3…..
not giving up on the blog and the fic is taking everything i have these past few days dwffw
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hphlseungyeonlee · 3 days ago
When playing the game, thinking of Eleanor family tree/past. I thought it was extremely interesting with Poppy being against Poachers. Eleanor going to help her rescue creatures and stuff. Completely oblivious that her mom side of the family are well known poachers and black market traders.
This will be brought up later in The Raven’s Hex but in a few chapters. I assume by the 1905 Poppy has made a name for herself by being an activist for protection of magical creatures. I’m not sure if she would work with Ministry, since they don’t seem to do much. And she doesn’t seem to mind hurting poachers if it helps protect the animals. But she definitely sends in articles for the daily prophet or knows someone. Writes about the Griffith family and how they’ve been on the run for decades, particularly priding themselves in hunting Griffins and selling magical creatures.
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hphlseungyeonlee · 3 days ago
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hphlseungyeonlee · 3 days ago
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Femslash February 2025
Day 22: Married
Title: My Best Guess At The Future
AO3 link
Story summary:
Poppy had never gotten the best impression of what made a marriage work from her parents.
Three months on from tying the knot herself, Poppy reflects on her parents marriage and her own.
Pairing: Poppy Sweeting/Evelyn Caddel (MC)
Rating: T
Note: I've had so many thoughts about about Poppy's background and her parents that it was fulfilling to finally put a small bit of it into words!
Thank you to @espressoristretto-patronum for being such a great beta reader (not too many of these prompts left now Desi, then you can have a well-deserved break!!!)
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hphlseungyeonlee · 4 days ago
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Hello everyone ✨
It has been amazing to see the hype and excitement from the entire fandom for this event!
Earlier this week we teased more information was coming soon and you have all been so patient... so here it is: our themes for the first ever Hogwarts Legacy Pride Week 🌈
Each day has two themes, you are more than welcome to create separate works for one theme or the other, create something for both or combine them into one work – get creative!
We have been very conscious to choose themes that can apply to the broad range of identities and experiences within the LGBTQ+ community, so they are not just specifically aimed at shipping.
The themes are:
Monday (9 June):
Big Firsts / Community
Tuesday (10 June):
Modern AU / Euphoria
Wednesday (11 June):
Family & Found Family / Friendship
Thursday (12 June):
Crossover / Domesticity
Friday (13 June):
Work/ Headcanon
Saturday (14 June):
Reunion / Tension
Sunday (15 June):
Introspection / The Future
We are very much looking forward to seeing what everyone shares in June!
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hphlseungyeonlee · 4 days ago
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All the babies together.✨
MCs included (left to right):
Aaliya - Wreck_it_ash
Elizabeth - Regenesis354
Artemis - @polarisgreenley
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hphlseungyeonlee · 4 days ago
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femslash february 2025 day 28: warmth
title: that she knew how to use her personality
word count: 1414
reading time: 6min
summary: poppy comforts seungyeon with her... personality.
pairing: player&poppy, player~poppy, player/poppy
rating: t
companion song: "personality", as performed by johnny mercer, the pied pipers, paul weston & orch (1946)
femslash feb 2025 prompt list
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references/resources under cut
filter: “traveler” on polarr by fireandfolds
title card
warp speed: casey horner, unsplash
hanok underside: clark gu, unsplash
temple doors: zero take, unsplash
temple pillars: bundo kim, unsplash
man and woman: pinterest
stack of notebooks: Prateek Katyal, unsplash
scale: Shubham Sharan, unsplash
shirt on a rack: Nimble Made, unplash
sleeping girls: pinterest  
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hphlseungyeonlee · 5 days ago
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template here
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hphlseungyeonlee · 5 days ago
- Seungyeon hates the way yellow looks against her skin. the Hufflepuff house shade in particular makes her look sickly.
- (she likes to joke that she’s yellow enough, which makes the Shenanigals groan. but they never say she’s wrong.)
- when she was first sorted into Hufflepuff, her initial reaction was annoyance and disgust. she wanted to be sorted into Ravenclaw, purely because of the color scheme. the Sorting Hat had other ideas.
- her favorite color is navy blue. rich, royal, smooth. entirely opposite from the headache-inducing yellow.
- the school uniforms range from boring to eyesore; she did try to find something she would like, she really did. one Saturday in September, she dragged Poppy down to Hogsmeade to try all the options.
- she hates the weird texture of the Professional blazer and Embroidered blazer, and the three-quarter pants look ridiculous. you won’t catch her with high socks, no sir.
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- the plaid pattern on the Decorous and Tartan blazers immediately makes her sick. she discards them as options straightaway. no matter how dashing Poppy says it makes her look.
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- she resigns herself to wearing the standard-issue grey, windowpane-check uniform, or the so-called Elegant Blazer uniform, with its trellis pattern across the yellow fabric.
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- obviously, she has little choice for uniform and what she wears to meal times. but outside of class, one would be hard-pressed to find Seungyeon willingly wearing yellow.
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- so then why does she have a wardrobe full of Hufflepuff-themed pullovers, cardigans, and sweaters? (jumpers, Yeon. they’re jumpers, Poppy likes to say. to which Seungyeon argues it’s a dumb name.)
- she insists it’s for school, but everyone knows she’s talking shit. one certain five-foot ball of sunshine is behind it all.
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hphlseungyeonlee · 5 days ago
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Sapphics... are you ready for Hogwarts Legacy Pride Week? 👀
✨More details to come soon✨
Screenshot credit to our wonderful co-creator, @pheexblack 💕
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hphlseungyeonlee · 5 days ago
| Some facts about Hera Hwang for you to know her better until I (finally) post my main fic, part 1 |
-> As you already know if you've read brain damage, Hera has amnesia ; she doesn't remember anything from her life before she was 10. She one day woke up one a beach with no memory at all. (You'll have to wait a bit to know what happened to her! Same for her scar and her hair. Because yes, she's not born with white hair, and she didn't dye it either)
-> Since that day, she makes nightmares where she finds herself on that beach again very often. She doesn't know where she's from, who her parents are, nothing.
-> She will learn the details about all this later, but she's half French, half Korean. Her mother is French and her father Korean. She speaks both languages, but she grew up in France.
-> You WILL hate her parents.
-> And her adoptive family.
-> She doesn't speak to them anymore.
-> Her given Korean name is Mi-yeon (Hwang Mi-yeon). But as it is a very feminine name, that means something like "beauty and softness", and that doesn't fit her at all, she decided to pick a new one. So, her Korean name now is Ji-yong! It's a male name that means something like "wise and brave". "Yong" is also the word for dragon in korean! Dragons are associated with wisdom and protection. Thanks a lot to @hphlseungyeonlee for giving me the idea of Hera changing her korean name, and helping me find her chosen name!
-> She is left handed, and her adoptive family hated that ; they used to for example tie her left hand up and force her to write with the right one.
-> They also used to force her to have long hair and wear dresses/feminine clothes. She hated that. She cut her hair and started wearing masculine clothes as soon as she could.
-> Her adoptive family is a muggle family. Since she didn't remember anything from her past, she didn't know she was a witch until Professor Fig came to tell her, when she had just turned 15.
-> She's 190cm. I know I've said it several times but I feel like it's worth repeating djdhd.
-> She's also very muscular and strong.
-> She has a beautiful singing voice but will rarely sing in front of anyone. Of course, Poppy is an exception 🏳️‍🌈
-> She very rarely speaks or smiles in public - except when she is with Poppy or her friends. She looks very closed and unfriendly at first. In the burning and fiery way, if that makes sense. In any case, she's not really a person you want to stop to chat with.
-> In 6th year, she'll join the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She'll be a Beater.
-> She is very, very honest and frank. There's no filter with her, she says what she thinks in the most simple way possible. That often makes her sound rude.
-> She's very confident and likes the person she is.
-> She's not an anxious person because she doesn't give a fuck about anything. Like really.
-> That said, relationships in general do terrify her.
-> She's extremely awkward and doesn't know AT ALL how to socialize. How did she manage to make so many friends? That's a mystery for everyone.
-> Natty and Sebastian are her friends that know and understand her the most (with Poppy but that's different since she is in love with her). Right after come Imelda and Ominis. She's also very close to Amit and Adelaide.
-> She LOVES food. She eats about as much as a bear.
-> She'll be an Auror for about a decade before quiting ("the ministry is full of idiots") and becoming more of a vigilante. She'll help people with Ancient Magic or by fighting bad guys even if it's not legal. As she does I can see her becoming a researcher, writing books, etc. And of course, she'll be a DADA teacher later and become best friend with Professor Sharp, lol.
-> She is a half blood.
-> Her patronus is a lion.
-> She's not all good and nice. She has some pretty dark sides.
-> She gets so, so many detentions. Yet teachers love her anyway.
-> She loves reading and dreams of learning to play an instrument. One day she'll do it.
-> She's very passionate about social justice in general.
-> She is very, very afraid of people around her abandoning her or starting to hate her. Her other fears include the dark, for example.
-> She has a very strong personality and is very fierce and assertive. Fighting and quite angry, too. I would even say quite violent around the edges lol.
And that's it for now! I hope you like my Hera!
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hphlseungyeonlee · 5 days ago
Octavia realizing she had feelings for Poppy
Snow crunched beneath Octavia's shoes as she followed Poppy through the snowy path to the dragon's nest. She adjusted herr jacket, the same one she wore on her first day, as the wind caused it to slip slightly off her shoulder. "Are you certain we are heading the right way?" Octavia asked rubbing her hands together. Even though she wore gloves the cold still seeped through causing her fingers to become a little numb.
Poppy glanced over her shoulder at the slytherin "we are, I do think this is where we will find her. The terrain is typical for where the breed would nest," Poppy explained. "I suspect that is how the poachers found her to begin with," she continued her brows knitting together at the mention of poachers. "They likely camped here and logged her patterns. Perhaps, they nabbed her first and then her egg. Dragons are hard enough to wrangle much less maternal ones," she rambled slightly. This made enough sense to Octavia, but she was still impressed nonetheless by the hufflepuff. "You got all that from simply walking here?" She asked curiously and admittedly amazed. Poppy's expression faltered for a moment into one of nervousness. It was well masked enough, but it barely flew under Octavia's radar. "You'd be surprised how easy it is to think like a poacher," She said her eyes trained ahead. "Shall we see if she's home?" Poppy asked a smile returning to her face. Octavia felt strangely warmer.
"We only need to return her egg," Poppy explained. Her right hand gripped the strap over her shoulder keeping the satchel with the egg inside close to her side. Octavia nodded "that sounds straight forward enough," she replied easily. "We should be in and out, then we can be finished with the poachers once and for all," Poppy spoke with a determined look in her honey brown eyes. Poppy's determination was almost contagious as Octavia felt more at ease with the whole ordeal.
Octavia followed closely behind her shorter friend as they walked through the frigid forest. "Shouldn't we use our brooms? It might help us scope out the terrain better," Octavia asked. Poppy shook her head "if she sees us flying in she might take it as a sign of aggresion or food. We should stay on foot," Poppy replied. Octavia sighed slightly, her feet were cold, but she knew Poppy was right. "Oh and one more thing," Poppy spoke up again "let's not agitate her, goodness knows she's been through enough," she said sympathically.
The two witches continued forward through the trail. Octavia relied on Poppy's knowledge of beasts to lead them in the right direction. Her heart nearly leaped out of her throat when a low, rumbling roar came from overhead. They looked up only to see the mother dragon flying above them. "There she is! Above us," Poppy sounded amazed at the sight before them. Octavia felt her feet root to the ground as she watched the massive beast disappear beyond the rocks and hills. She knew there was a risk of lingering memories from the carriage ride to Hogwarts and the dragon attack effecting her, but she didn't realize it would have this effect on her. She had faced so much already why was this the thing that made her freeze?
"Octavia?" Poppy's voice pulled her back into reality. Her eyes blinked back into focus as she looked to her friend "what?" She breathed out. She hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath. "Are you okay?" Poppy asked her brows knitted slightly, worry evident on her face. Octavia's shoulders relaxed "yes, I'm sorry I just- was in my head for a moment there," she muttered scratching at the gloved surface of her hand. "Let's keep moving, shall we?" Octavia insisted. Poppy could tell she didn't want to address all that so she let it be.
The two made their way through the canyon of jagged rocks and snow. "Wait," Octavia said holding her arm out in front of Poppy to stop her. Poppy looked at her with a puzzled expression painted on her face. Octavia nodded her head forward to a pair of dark mongrels. Poppy realized the warning Octavia was giving her, careful not to tip off the beasts to their presence just yet. Octavia reached into her coat and retrieved her wand. "Looks like we have to fight our way through. Keep the egg safe," Octavia said before charging forward.
The mongrels turned their attention to her snarling and snapping their jaws at her. She hit the first one with a depulso charm sending it flying back as the other charged at her. She dove out of the way to avoid the beasts pounce hitting it in the back with a basic cast. It yelped before growling at her, Octavia wasn't nearly as good with animals as Poppy, but she was pretty certain she had made this creature mad. The one she had deplusoed recovered and leaped to attack. Octavia barely turned around in time to see it be hit by expelliarmus. The beast flew back to the ground limply. The slytherins eyes glanced to her friend who held her wand up having casted the spell. She nodded to Poppy before blasting the other mongrel with confringo finally silencing the beasts furious growls.
Poppy rushed over to her slytherin companion "are you alright?" She asked worriedly. Octavia nodded "yeah-" she began before noticing a small hand in front of her. Poppy smiled now offering her hand to the raven haired girl. Octavia couldn't help but return the smile as she took Poppy's hand letting the shorter girl help her to her feet. "That happened so fast. Are you hurt?" Poppy fussed over her. "I am I am, don't worry I'm okay Poppy," Octavia reassured. Poppy sighed relieved "good," she said. The two stood there for a moment, each second Octavia grew increasingly aware of the fact they were still holding hands. Her cheeks felt warm as she tugged her hand away slightly while clearing her throat. "We should- we should keep moving," she mumbled slightly looking off to the side. Poppy nodded, Octavia couldn't see her face as she stepped forward "yes, let's go," she said lightly.
As the two witches approached an old wooden bridge they realized it was broken. This was the only way of crossing. Octavia's eyes darted around, she knew exactly what spell to use. She raised her wand "repairo!" She casted causing the bridge's pieces to repair itself once more. Continuing across the bridge they both noticed wooden structures left behind. "Do you think the poachers built all this?" Octavia asked. Poppy thought for a moment but shook her head "no, this was likely here before they found this plafe," she responded. The flapping of large wings drew both their attention to the skies once more. "There she is again!" Poppy gasped as the mother dragon flew overhead. Octavia swallowed dryly at the sight. "Isn't she beautiful," Poppy asked wistfully. "Maybe from a distance.." Octavia mumbled in response.
Octavia knew she couldn't turn back now not because she didn't want to make the journey back, but because leaving Poppy on her own was the last thing she would ever do, no matter how much Poppy's facts about dragons made her worry more. "How good do you think her eyesight is?" Poppy asked casually. "I beg your pardon?" Octavia blinked at her slightly. "I can't imagine the poachers fed her well," Poppy explained "we probably look exactly like sheep to her!" She said, which didn't really help the slytherins anxiety. "Wonderful.." Octavia whined slightly as they climbed down a small drop.
Approaching more stone structures Poppy paused. "Wait, what was that?" She asked her hand tugging on Octavia's coat sleeve to stop her. With a roar the mother dragon made herself visible as she flew into their sights. She did not look pleased by their presence as she hovered overhead observing them before landing. Her mouth opened revealing large sharp jagged teeth and a throat full of flames. Octavia found herself with that same freeze feeling as she found her limbs would not obey her commands. "Move" she told herself as the creature before her hissed a low growl. Her fist shook as she weakly punched her leg trying to get it to move. For a moment she felt like she was back in that carriage again, left hanging desperately onto it after a dragon destroyed half of it and ate George Osric. Octavia narrowly avoided becoming a very burnt and charred slytherin once Poppy grabbed onto her arm and tugged her behind a brick wall.
Octavia snapped back to reality once again rapidly blinking trying to process the near death experience. "Octavia, Octavia look at me," Poppy instructed her hands finding their place on the taller girls shoulders with a grounding grip. Octavia's green eyes locked with Poppy's honey brown. "She thinks we are enemies we have to get passed her," Poppy said her voice focused. "How?" Octavia questioned to which Poppy peeked over the wall as the dragons hail of furious flamed paused. "She has to take breaks to build up her flames again after each flurry of flames she released that will be our chance. All we have to do is get under her," Poppy explained. "I'll distract her while you-" Poppy was cut off by Octavia. "No, I'll distract her you follow when it's safe," Octavia volunteered. "But, you keep freezing up," the hufflepuff argued in a worried way. She didn't want to make her friend feel bad for freezing up, but she also found herself very worried because of it. "I know, but you have the egg, and it should stay with you. I can distract it while you get under her. We can't risk something happening to the egg," Octavia countered. Poppy glanced down considering Octavia's reasoning before meeting her eyes once more "okay, you distract her," she said hesitantly. "Be careful," she warned slightly gripping the taller girls shoulders for a moment. Her eyes never left Octavia's as she did so. The slytherin felt that warm feeling again the one she could not explain. The skin where Poppy touched tingled despite a layer of coat and shirt laid between them. Octavia couldn't help but observe the light dusting of freckles across her face, or the way her eyes gazed at her softly, or the way she smiled encouragingly at Octavia almost as if to wordlessly say "I trust you". She inhaled sharply pushing these thoughts to the back of her mind. She could worry about them later. Octavia nodded to Poppy and threw herself out from the cover of the brick wall.
"Hey! Over here!" Octavia yelled waving her arms back and forth as she ran to the left. The dragon perked her head up locking on Octavia. She roared her attention fully on the slytherin as her throat glowed brightly threatening to release another burst of flames. Octavia kept telling herself to just keep moving and ducked for cover once the dragon released her firey fury. Octavia glanced around before spotting Poppy ducked behind a wall a bit ahead of her. She held the satchel with the dragon egg close as she glanced to Octavia who nodded and revealed herself once again distracting the large creatures once again giving Poppy the chance to make her way further up to safety.
Octavia dove for cover narrowly missing the flames, the end of her coat wasn't so lucky having a small flame ignite at the end which Octavia slapped out but it left behind a black crispy hole. Better it than Octavia. Octavia eyed the spot under the dragon where Poppy was it was so close. She inhaled and made a run for it as the dragons roared. Her ears rung from the roar as she dived for safety. Poppy helped her to her feet and they ran forward not wanting to stick around in case the mother dragon turned around and found them.
"We're almost to the nest," Poppy reassured glancing back at her friend. "I hope so" Octavia breathed out as she tried her damndest to catch her breath. "Not a very warm welcome" Poppy joked slightly trying to lighten the mood. Octavia let out a small chuckle appreciating the light joke "maybe a little too warm," she replied gesturing to the singed end of her coat. Making their way through an opening in the rocks they found themselves in a Rocky corridor. "There's the nest! We're almost there," Poppy cheered slightly as they approached the nest. The bridge to the nest was broken, just like the last one. "Why is every bridge here broken?" Poppy wondered aloud. Octavia didn't answer instead taking her wand out and casting repairo once more causing the bridge to fix itself.
They crossed the newly repaired bridge to the nest. "Now, if we just return her egg we should be able to leave here without too much fuss," the hufflepuff said as she retrieved the egg from her bag. Carefully, she placed the egg down into the nest making sure it wasn't harmed in any way. Octavia watched her do so, that was something she admired about Poppy, her gentle nature. She couldn't dwell on these thoughts too long as the flapping of wings signaled the mother dragon had returned.
The large winged beast landed before them hissing and growling before roaring in their faces. They were in her nest now, and she didn't seem to keen on them being there. Octavia flinched back shielding her face as small embers connected with her clothes and skin. The dragons eyes shifted to her egg for a moment before she turned her gaze to the young hufflepuff. Octavia felt her heart sink as the dragon moved her head closer causing Poppy to back away closer and closer towards the edge.
Poppy was face to face with the beast now, almost in touching distance. Octavia didn't dare move in fear of provoking the creature to attack her, or worse, Poppy. Octavia didn't know much about dragons, they really weren't her favorite topic of study after the attack, but she knew the sounds the dragon was making sounded significantly less hostile. Poppy raised her hands slightly as Octavia watched her movements closely as her eyes shifted from her friend to the dragon. Poppy slowly stuck her hand out towards the beasts snout nearly making contact before the dragon straightened and gingerly grabbed its egg in its mouth before flying off into the sky.
The two stood there complely still for a moment before slowly turning to each other. Poppy had this look of absolute glee and astonishment on her face while Octavis's mouth was left slightly agape and her eyes were wide. Their breathes visible in the cold mingled together from how close they were, which Octavia quickly realized as her cheeks grew several shaded redder as a result. Poppy seemed too distracted by the recent events to notice. "That was brilliant! And did you see how clever? She left us perfectly unharmed!" Poppy said enthusiastically.
Octavia found her words once more "creatures are a lot more clever than most realize," she responded as a smile tugged at her lips. Poppy chuckled "that's what Gran always says. The important thing is that we survived it and we returned her egg," she responded. "Thank you for doing this with me," Poppy thanked sincerely. She left out a soft chuckle as she spoke "wouldn't blame you one bit if you wanted to head back to the castle and never think about dragons again," she teased slightly. Octavia hummed "it certainly was thrilling," she said as they began their walk back down to the trail to Hogwarts. "It was! And, I enjoyed doing it with you Octavia," Poppy said her voice dipping to a softer tone that made Octavia's skin tingle.
These were definitely new feelings.
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