#fireandfolds struggles to write: a never ending battle
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hphlseungyeonlee · 12 days ago
me, reading my ff25 series: wow, these are good. I hope the author finishes the last two prompts!
my notebook: …
my computer: …
my writing pad: …
me: maybe soon :)
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hphlseungyeonlee · 22 days ago
any writing is progress! you will find your way back to the main quest in your own sweet time :)
but also, me
My mind rn:
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hphlseungyeonlee · 17 days ago
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for the first time this femslash feb, I scrapped my original idea and started from scratch. but it’s fitting today.
poppy x f!mc fics comin’ ur way! read what I got so far on ao3
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hphlseungyeonlee · 19 days ago
once I finish this year’s femslash feb prompts… will I:
1) rest
2) write poppy x f!mc one shots using femslash feb 2024 prompts
3) take a walk
4) start another playthrough of HL
5) respond to my ao3 comments
in other news: I got a left handed spiral notebook and OH MY MCGRATH where has this been all my life
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hphlseungyeonlee · 26 days ago
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I am once again: behind. but on the plus side… I’ve got a lot of words planned? idk man I reckon I’m too aroace to do this right but I’m doing it anyWAY
read what I have so far on ao3
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hphlseungyeonlee · 8 days ago
woah, I love this, J. it reads like a hozier music video opening, and I mean that in the best way. looking forward to reading!
thank you for the tag. I will double tag @espressoristretto-patronum and @celestial--sapphic, and also tag @the-well-of-dreamfullness. I don't know many other people heheheh.
I write in such a fragmented way, often leaving sentences half finished while I jump around to another section. anywho, here we go. let's ignore the non-HL drafts for now... has not been edited yet.
1. HL's Poppy side quest storyline from Poppy's POV featuring my butch ace lesbian OC Seungyeon Lee. title is based on my favorite part of the tune, "You Might Have Belonged to Another" (P. West, L. Harmon, 1941), as performed by Frank Sinatra, Connie Haines, The Pied Pipers, Tommy Dorsey & Orch.
The aisle leading to the raised portion of the hall where the PRofessors and Staff sat was quite long; this gave Poppy ample time to observe this new girl’s features. Round, wire-rimmed glasses sat upon a narrow nose, the thin frames matching her dark hair pulled into a low ponytail. The new girl walked with confidence, despite the slight limp on her right side. She looked much too old to be a first year. Poppy wondered what year she was meant to be, and what house she would be sorted into. On first impressions alone, she seemed a Slytherin.
As the full force of the candlelight hit the new girl’s face, Poppy gasped. Beautiful, was all her brain could think. But handsome, too. She had a sinking feeling about this new student. The feeling only intensified when their eyes met. 
At the front, Professor Fig and Black stood off to the side while Professor Weasley gave the new student a warm smile and beckoned her closer to the stool. She complied without a word. The Sorting Hat moved up and down as the new student sat staring straight ahead at nothing. Poppy could see its lips moving, but she couldn’t hear what it said. Beneath the dark grey slacks she wore, however, her right foot tapped a random rhythm on the polished wood. After a tense minute (not that she was counting), the Hat boomed out, “HUFFLEPUFF!”
Professor Garlick and Bai beamed as they raised their glasses, along with the Hufflepuff table. Professor Fig clapped his hands and shot the new student a thumbs-up. Professor Weasley nodded as she retrieved the hat from the Hufflepuff’s head. With a wave of her wand, she changed the unmarked robes into a familiar grey windowpane suit and yellow-edged cloak. The new student looked down at her new outfit, a flash of distaste on her lips. Poppy’s heart sank. Did this new student hate Hufflepuff?
2. no title yet, but the doc is titled "poppy/mc hurt/comfort" and then "poppy finds out mc is hurt by hugging her". idk where I was going with this, so that'll be fun.
Seungyeon felt like snapping her quill in two.
This damn essay was taunting her. Of course, Professor Hecat expected great things from her, as she had consistently shown throughout the semester. All the professors did. No matter how much of a mess her life was, 
As exams raced closer, the initial glee and levity that had filled the fifth year cohort was now gone with the warmth of autumn. It was now winter, and her peers were locking in. 
Shoving her fingers thoughtlessly through her short hair, she growled aimlessly under her breath. 
In the edges of her peripheral vision, she saw the door to the Room of Requirement swing open. Seungyeon’s shoulders relaxed when she saw the familiar sensible loafers and yellow socks. 
After all, there was only one person they could belong to.
She had shown her other friends how the Room of Requirement worked,sure, but only Poppy had seen her aftual room. 
“Yeon! It’s supper time. You’re coming down?” Poppy phrases ut like a question, but her tone made it clear she was not asking.
She had already learned not to mess with Poppy Sweeting
3. the last installment of my femslash february 2025 prompt fills, day 28 "warmth". companion song is "personality", as sung by johnny mercer, the pied pipers, paul weston & orch (1946). (hint: it's not about personality.)
Seungyeon wondered if cultural and regional differences explained these perspectives. Had any of them attempted what Isadora had done? Surely, these people also experienced grief and loss—surely, one of them had attempted to extract these negative feelings. But then, maybe they understood the balance of light and darkness necessary for a full life. If there’s one thing these white people don’t understand, it’s balance, she mused to herself. 
(One time, she had accidentally muttered this out loud during a flying class, receiving a hearty chuckle from Professor Kogawa. “Don’t let anyone else hear that, Miss Lee,” she had said with a grin. “Although, I’m inclined to agree.”)
She’d gotten so pulled into the book that she hadn’t realized class had ended. It was only when Poppy waved a hand in front of her page. “Sweetheart, we can leave now,” she had said. Her eyes looked like burnt honey in the sunlight… not that she knew what that looked like. 
Seungyeon had felt fine all period, but the moment she stood up, she felt heavy exhaustion drop across her shoulders. 
Poppy, who had stayed in the Common Room to chat with their friends, 
“This is going to sound really weird, but… can I put my hands under your shirt?”
Poppy blushed. “I read from a book that contact with bare skin can help with emotional regulation and increase intimacy. I must admit I’m a bit skeptical, so I was wondering if I could test it out with you.”
Seungyeon laughed. Well, that hadn’t been what she expected. She was curious, too.
Thank you so much @libellule-ao3 for the tag🫶🫶🫶 I LOVED reading your excerpt, your writing flows and reads beautifully. Like a classic♥️ and I really feel for Ominis…the vulnerability of not being able to navigate with his wand����
I’m writing three things right now so I went a little overboard😅
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Before it Felt Like a Sin, Chapter 26:
“I just…in my dreams, she’s showed me how to extract my memories. I thought I would try, see if I was successful, and then you showed up. And…I just don’t know how to talk about it. I don’t know how I could make you understand…All I’ve ever wanted - or thought I wanted…”
Standing up awkwardly, too quickly, Eloise started to walk towards the Pensieve. Sebastian stumbled after her, confused, not comprehending anything she was trying to tell him, and paused when he saw how her hands trembled as she lifted the vial with her memories. She faltered right as she was about to pour them in.
Now, instead of seeing the silvery liquid as something beautiful, Sebastian was looking at it with trepidation. He brought his hand up to the one holding the vial and gently ran his fingers across hers, lowering it slightly. Her hand was shaking - her whole body was trembling - and all he wanted to do was comfort her somehow.
“Eloise, are you sure…?”
She closed her eyes and took a steadying breath before nodding, giving him a significant look before turning back to the Pensieve. They poured her memories in together, watching silently as their golden hue mixed with the moonlight liquid already inside.
“I’m not sure this will work,” she breathed, moving across from Sebastian as they stared at each other. With an unspoken agreement, they both lowered their heads together and before he knew it, Sebastian was experiencing Eloise’s life.
Going into a memory was just as strange and uncomfortable an experience as it had been the first time.
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He slips a note to her during Charms.
Dust particles are swirling in the air, Professor Ronan is unusually dull, and the hot summer sun streaming through the windows is just another reminder that they are almost free. Almost done with Hogwarts, almost ready to start the next chapter of their lives and become who they were always meant to be. She can’t deny that she’s been terribly worried about what’s to come - she still is unsure what she wants to do after graduation, and feels her stomach drop whenever she hears the others talk excitedly about the opportunities they’ve lined up; the only constant in her life is the boy at her side who has been unusually patient with her.
And yet he still hasn’t made it clear to her that she is as important to him as he is her. Yes, he is carrying her bag from class to class, reading with her every nice afternoon by the Black Lake, showing her he cares with every gesture, but still:…she can’t be sure of how he feels. What if it is all perfunctory? She doesn’t want to be forgotten. She loves the little routines they’ve created for themselves, loves sitting by his side during classes, passing notes; she’s loved her short time at Hogwarts and doesn’t want to end it yet.
The note is one of many they’ve been sending back and forth throughout the course of this terribly boring theory class, but this time is different.
His hand is resting on top of the bench between the two of them, note underneath, and were she not so in-tune to his infuriatingly intoxicating presence, she wouldn’t have noticed it. He moves with the ease of someone who has been avoiding being caught for many years. And, in the hazy memories (or are they?) she has of her past with Sebastian, the notes the two of them have sent back and forth to each other have not always been so tame.
Surreptitiously, so as not to draw the attention of Professor Ronan (she does not want a scandal), the sound of her blood rushing in her ears as she thinks about what she’s about to do, she slowly slides her hand toward Sebastian’s - the one resting on top of his note. He starts moving his hand away - he’s learned by now to not play any games - but she’s faster.
It feels like all of her nerves are located in her fingers as she grazes the back of his freckled hand. She can feel him staring at her in surprise, but she doesn’t dare look up at him.
She continues.
Her fingers flutter over his, hesitating, until she gets up her nerve and laces her fingers through his, pressing their palms together. She hears his breath hitch and warmth pools to her stomach at the sound as she finally glances at him. He’s looking at her with the most dumbstruck expression on his face and…and her own must mirror his.
She flushes and looks away, but doesn’t remove her hand - all she can think about is the feeling of her heartbeat thrumming through her body (can he feel its nervous flutter?), how right the contact feels, and how has she not done this before? But, the nerves she feels are so intense and overwhelming and she doesn’t concentrate on Professor Ronan’s words for the rest of the lesson.
Sebastian sits, flushed, notes forgotten - even as he leans into the palm of his other hand, trying to look anywhere but at her, she can feel the intensity of his gaze every time his eyes swipe over to her and it's unbearable.
But the thought of letting go of him is even worse.
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Leo and @the-ozzie Bea🫶:
He doesn’t remember the first time he actually noticed her presence, but he knows there must have been a time in his life before she was hanging around. There must have been a time before Leonard Babbit was tormented by Beatrice Bennett. He’s sure of it.
She’s really quite annoying.
Like now, for example.
They’re supposed to be working on their arithmancy project. Leo bemoans the fact that they were partnered up - he’s always preferred to do all the work himself, but their professor was immune to his protests and insisted they work together.
This is how he finds himself tucked away in a quiet corner of the library with Bea, specifically chosen because it’s away from the noises of the other students: their distracting murmurs, the rough scratching of quills, the rustling of pages, the occasional outburst of quickly muffled laughter. Bea knows that he gets distracted easily, and yet there she is, twirling her quill in her fingers and letting the ink drip all over her notes, effectively destroying them.
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NO PRESSURE TAGS (but I would love to read any wips if you have any to share🫶) @sloanesallow @anomalyaly @superconductivebean @kay9leo @okeydokeylackey @sav-less @writing-intheundercroft @rambling-tam @spookybriecheese @newdreamlove95 @bookie-bookdust @morelikeravenbore @whizzing-fizzbee and anyone else who might want to share!!!!♥️ I am always so bad at remembering off the top of my head😓
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hphlseungyeonlee · 25 days ago
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hiya. this is a masterpost of everything pertaining to me, my hogwarts legacy OC seungyeon lee | 이승연 and her very lesbian adventures.
who am I? yujung | 유정, he/they, 🇰🇵🇰🇷🇺🇸, butch aroace lesbian, handsome bastard, writer, musician, communist, hufflepuff. much obliged. I love jazz, menswear, women—in that order.
I write sapphic fanfic (or sapphfics, as the connoisseurs know), including poppy x MC. you can find it on ao3 under username “fireandfolds”.  which is also the username for my main blog.
if you'd like to read femslash february 2025, dedicated to poppy&mc (platonic) + poppy~mc (queerplatonic) it's on ao3.
templates: character overview, personality profile, detention slip, OWL results
SAPPHICS OF HL DISCORD SERVER: click here to join!
more about my page, my character, etc under the cut
⚒︎ general page things ⚒︎
❖ tagging in ask games is OK. dms and asks are open, but no promises on when I’ll get to them. and anons are off because I trust no one. likes and follows will come from my main blog fireandfolds, I think…? 
❖ I never write nsfw sexual content, but I do swear often and sometimes tackle abuse, trauma, violence, blood & injuries. 
❖ no m/m or f/m content will be on this page whatsoever. ⚢ SAPPHIC AND ESPECIALLY LESBIAN CONTENT ONLY. ⚢ no discussion of Sebastian or Ominus as I don’t give a shit about them. 
❖ I follow/post in these tags: hphl seungyeon lee, poppy sweeting, poppy sweeting x mc, poppy sweeting x seungyeon lee, sapphic hogwarts legacy, lesbian hogwarts legacy, fireandfolds struggles to write: a never ending battle
❖ when referring to Seungyeon, please use her full given name. no nicknames. while I will use nicknames in my writing to show a close relationship between friends, I am setting that boundary outside of fic. 
❖ obligatory FUCK JKR. I donated to a local lgbtq+ organization to match the cost of purchasing this game (yes, she gets royalties with every purchase. this is the only thing I've bought from her.). JKR is a bigot who hates trans and queer people and true inclusivity/diversity and none of what she stands for goes here. join your local union, SRA, public library, or nonprofit! or just… donate/volunteer in JKR’s name, because she would hate that XD.
❖ fanfiction and fanwork is the only way I interact with harry potter IP these days, specifically because JKR cannot control it. we take power back and seize control by making our own shit. I’m doing my part by making harry potter more lesbian. do not construe my passion for HP as support for JKR. I would like to rip her precious world out of her bigot hands and mold it into something new.
❖ why I call the Beasts professor “Professor Bai”: because I headcanon her as Chinese and Bai is a surname, I’m saying her full name is Bai Haoyin 柏皓莺. Chinese naming convention (same as Korean) puts the family name before the given name, and family name = last name. put in a Western way, her name is Haoyin Bai. (idk why I expected HP to do Asian names correctly…)
❖ Gladwin Moon is annoying, and I’m disappointed that he is the only Korean representation in the game. also, he was voiced by a white man??? ngl the voice took me out of the immersion the most. it just didn’t fit his character appearance at all.
❖ admittedly, I’m not active on tumblr. this is more of an archive and reference page for myself. but you can give me a holler in dms or chat with me on discord (user fireandfolds). find me elsewhere on my carrd.
❖ no liberal, statist, libertarian, fascist bullshit here. I am a leftist.
☭ about the idiot ☭
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❖ character sheet here (blank template included) , personality sheet here
❖ pictures: HERE, lookbook on google drive HERE
⚔︎ backstory ⚔︎
❖ Seungyeon came from a poor, working-class Korean family, born in the United States. She is fluent in Korean and English (wish that was me). Her parents were accomplished and educated back in Korea, but once coming to America their degrees and experience meant nothing.
❖ She tended the house as the youngest member, while her family worked at a railroad building camp. Her parents and both older brothers died one night in a mine explosion. The same night, she discovered she had magic and Professor Fig found her. She spent the summer with him at his summer house and then the story kicks off.
❖ Being a summer child, she is younger than most peers her age. The bitch doesn’t know it, but she’s got ADHD out the wazoo and is also so asexually lesbian it hurts to watch. Seungyeon is the densest, most oblivious, least observant fool you’ve ever come across. How Poppy fell for this mess is anyone’s guess.
❖ Seungyeon is Masc and Butch. All the way. She wears mens clothes because the fellas need a role model. Given that she’s shorter than the average guy, she learned how to tailor her clothes. Call her handsome, good looking, a bastard, a fucker… just don’t call her pretty or beautiful.
⚢ relationships ⚢
❖ poppy+seungyeon ship summary (blank template included)
❖ the Shenanigals: seungyeon, poppy, imelda, priscilla, natsai, cressida, samantha. portmanteau of “shenanigans” and “gals”. because they’re always up to some shit.
❖ Seungyeon is closest with Poppy, then Imelda.
❖ I ship Kogawa x Weasley and also Garlick x Ryan in the background because… it just makes sense.
questions? comments? critiques? send me an ask~ 안녕!
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