I've been Meaning to tell You...
I’ve been Meaning to tell You…
For years we were so busy with our clients design work, and so it took a major step forward to make the decision to update our own home. And now, it’s one year since we threw ourselves into the midst of a first floor renovation. There’s a quote that applies to where we were and where our clients can be when they decide to take that one step forward. Neil Donald Walsh said “Life begins at the end…

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The first thing you see at your front door is your street number
I couldn’t stop looking at this photo. True, I love the coastal color of the door (it’s actually the same as ours). But in truth my eyes went right to the number ‘1206’. Of course it’s important to have your house number visible for a variety of reasons – safety, identity, etc.
However, the house number above goes a step further because they added the ‘No’ in front of the number for a bit more interest. House numbers are often an overlooked item, but it can be one of those things that sets your house apart.
For some coastal inspiration, let’s look at a few more ideas that you could use to brighten up your front door.
Right now is a great time to get ready for the upcoming season and all the fun summer has to offer by the beach. So, let’s start at your front door with your house number – it’s as easy as 1-2-3.
The Number One way to give your Coastal Home a Quick Lift I couldn't stop looking at this photo. True, I love the coastal color of the door (it's actually the same as ours).
#A waterfront setting near the Barnegat Bay#Bay Head#Brielle#Coastal home design#coastal living#Interior designer Bay Head NJ#Interior designer Ocean County NJ#interior designers#Lavallette#New Jersey#New Jersey home#ocean county interior designer#Sea Girt#Toms River
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Ideas and Looks We are Loving Now
Max posing after his daily walk
This morning on my daily walk with Max I bundled up because of the cool temperatures. But the sun was about to shine so I ‘pivoted’ to the thought that it was going to be a beautiful day after all.
It seems we are all instructed to ‘pivot’ or re-direct our strategies at home and in business these days. However, I like to approach the near future a different…
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#Bay Head#Coastal home design#coastal living#Interior designer Bay Head NJ#Lavallette#New Jersey#New Jersey home#Sea Girt#Spring Lake#Toms River
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How to use Colors to Change Your Mood

If you’re like us, you may feel a bit challenged with the near future.
That’s certainly understandable, yet there are many things under your control. You can face the day and see the lack, the things you don’t ‘have’. Or, you can take a moment to realize the many things you have around you that can change your mood – like color.
For instance, I can change my mood with color. I notice colors when…
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#Bay Head#Brielle#Coastal home design#coastal living#ideas for home#Interior designer Ocean County NJ#Lavallette#New Jersey#ocean county interior designer#paint colors for home#Sea Girt#Spring Lake#Toms River
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Live in colors borrowed from the coast, the bay and the river. Live in the colors you love 💗. #njcoastaldesign #coastalinteriordesigner #interiordesignernj #home #decorating #nj #oceancounty #monmouthcounty #beachhouse #beachhome #paintcolors #tomsriver #seasideparknj #lavallettenj #ortleynj #normandybeachnj #chadwickbeachnj #mantolokingnj #bayheadnj #pointbeachnj #seagirtnj #avonbytheseanj #belmarnj #coastalcolors #springlakenj
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How to Select the Best Coastal Paint Colors
How to Select the Best Coastal Paint Colors
How to Dream and then Live in Colors inspired by the Coast What do you love about the coast of New Jersey? Is this the start of the Coastal Color Story for your Home?
So often I hear someone ask me how to pick a color for their bedroom, family room, etc. Should they go to the paint store and pick from the latest coastal paint color collection?
Should they use the same paint color their…
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#A waterfront setting near the Barnegat Bay#Bay Head#Coastal home design#Interior designer Bay Head NJ#Interior designer Ocean County NJ#Lavallette#New Jersey#paint colors for home#Spring Lake#Toms River
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We’re on a roll - rolling out the most beautiful coastal homes using wallpaper for that custom look you’re dreaming about. @thibaut_1886 #chinaseas @quadrillefabrics #coastal #home #nj #bayhead #mantoloking #lavalette PS New logo launch is ready to be rolled out too! @design446
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Designer's Best Tips for Your Coastal Home
Designer’s Best Tips for Your Coastal Home
Photo courtesy of United Fabrics
Did you decide to update your summer home this year? That’s great news and well worth the time it takes to achieve your goals.
But having a goal is only a wish, although it’s a great start. The real deal in achieving your goal is to have a plan.
A plan sets the stage for what comes next. You do this, then that and eventually reach your vision of the great…
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#Bay Head#Coastal home design#coastal living#furnishings#Interior designer Ocean County NJ#Lavallette#New Jersey#Spring Lake
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It’s summer here (in my mind) and I feel like I’m already there ☀️. #coastalliving #nj #lavallette #lanokaharbor #brielle #bayhead @masmithithinteriordesign_
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Coasting into a new exciting year with you and thankful for all your likes and inspiration. We are all connected and rich with the possibility of a beautiful year ahead. #2020 #nj #coastalliving #beachday #oceancountynj @theoceancounty
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Ease into the weekend and soak up precious moments to relax. You’ve earned it😊#newyear #nj #holidays @decorpad
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Wishing you the 🎄Happiest Holidays and the Merriest Christmas 🥗 #nj #christmastime
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Enjoy a holly🎄Jolly 🥗 Christmas!🎄 #christmasdecor #2019 #nj
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Do you hear what I hear? Our fireplace’s crackling sound, the lights on the tree and of course the sailboat ⛵️ is all I want for Christmas 🎄🥗🎶 #Christmas #holidays #coastalchristmas #coastaldecor
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Thankful Thursday- we are so happy with the beautiful wreaths from Silverton Farms. Every inch of the wreath is handmade with love.#silvertonfarms #christmas #thankfulthursday
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Fire’s going, thanks to Jim and we are enjoying the tree lighting and holiday songs on tv at Rockefeller Center 🎄🎶🎄 #johnlegend #idenamenzel #gwenstephani #chicago @nyc @rockefellercenter #christmas2019
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