houseaubernon · 5 years
Reach INTO your local blankey and you will find…
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houseaubernon · 5 years
My country’s literal revolution is happening right now but nobody cares bc it’s not impacting the US/Europe
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houseaubernon · 5 years
I want to apologise to
- Britney for making fun of her when she had her breakdown
- Monica Lewinski for judging her when she was a 22year old temp sexually assaulted by the most powerful man in the world
- Ke$ha for ever thinking she was trashy when all she wanted to do was make party music
- Kristen Stewart for ever thinking she was dumb when she’s actually one of the coolest people ever
- Megan Fox for ever thinking she was just a slut when actually she was an actress being harassed by her employer. 
- Hating all the women who made a career out of having a hot body. Being is shape is hard, beauty is a weapon and auto promotion is hard work. 
- All the Mary-Sues, who exist because young girls everywhere want to be part of a story they love so much
- All the female characters I ever snobbed because they got in the way of my ship.
- Hating the color pink during my teenage years, when it’s actually a lovely color and what I resented was society’s pressure to perform femininity. 
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houseaubernon · 5 years
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Neon Glow
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houseaubernon · 5 years
It's still two minutes to midnight
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houseaubernon · 5 years
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Based off of @turbobyakuren’s amazing text post on twitter!
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houseaubernon · 6 years
Arabian Little Red Riding Hood with a red hijab
A Japanese Snow White with her coveted pale skin and shiny black hair
Mexican Cinderella with colorful Mexican glass blown slippers
Greek Beauty and the Beast where Beast is a minotaur
Culture-bent fairy tales that keep key canonical characteristics
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houseaubernon · 6 years
Happy New Year! #spaceneedle #seattle #throwback #newyear https://www.instagram.com/p/BsFANt1hZHy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fr6tyw814ccu
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houseaubernon · 6 years
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21st Century Macgyver
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houseaubernon · 6 years
I have transferred this whole blog safely over to a new home at 2mblr.com/jonfawkes
You can view all my past posts and Follow me there!
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houseaubernon · 6 years
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“Beep Boop! I’ve appeared on your dash. Salutations!”
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houseaubernon · 6 years
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http://twitter.com/koyoriin http://patreon.com/koyorin http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=12576068
Collaboration piece I did with KLASSE14! I did an illustration featuring their “Imperfect Arch” watch, which you can see in the photographs below it!
If you use the code “koyoriin” on their website (www.klasse14.com), you will receive a 12% discount! Orders placed before the 31st of December will also come with a complimentary bangle. Adding a +J collection item/strap will also add an additional 20% discount!
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houseaubernon · 6 years
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houseaubernon · 6 years
The apocalypse is here, and the nudity is gone!
This is the “blog” I made on Reddit for nudes                                 https://www.reddit.com/r/SwordmaidenDK
I will however be more active on Instagram, though that is mostly family friendly and more about my daily life. I do think I look pretty good even with clothes on, so follow that :D
I will keep this blog up as long as it makes sense, but this website is dying, so follow me elsewhere if you have Reddit and/or Instagram
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houseaubernon · 6 years
Farewell to the Tumblr that was.
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houseaubernon · 6 years
hey so, i made a twitter for my n/sf/w arts 
idk if tumblr will flag this link so uh, follow while u can lol
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houseaubernon · 6 years
This is the End
If you’ve been following this Tumblr, you know what’s going to happen to it in a few hours.
It’s a shame all of this has to go. But there it is.
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