Ask The Girls!
452 posts
A self-insert shipping blog for my OCs to scream about their lovers. You can all ask questions about them. Avatar made by this Picrew: My main blog is @i-would-rather-be-a-fairy
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Luke: Why does Ansley call you Babygirl?
Mammon: How about we stop talking for a while?
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Atsushi x Attaka Imagine
This song makes me think of what mornings in the Atsutaka household would look like. Not so much the lyrics as the general vibe of the song.
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
The high I get from imagining Akkata in a position of power plus Akutagawa as her bodyguard/soulmate/partner in crime/co-ruler is unprecedented.
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Mammon: I think I’m in love with Ansley.
Mitzy: Congratulations, you’re officially the last person to know
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Lucifer: Now which one of us will be the object of your attraction?
Ansley: *Sarcastically* Wow, this is such a hard decision. How will I ever pick?
Mammon: *Walks in being his goofy self*
Ansley: Hello Sailor! 😍😍
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Corrupted Akkata AU
Currently thinking about an AU where Akkata’s parents did experiments on her to get rid of her ability.
Here’s how it would go, there has not been a person born with an ability since Akkata’s aunt Yumi was born. But then Akkata got an ability and her parents were furious. So when Akkata was eleven years old they took her to a shady scientist. They were hoping that the experiment would take Akkata’s ability away from her, but instead, it turned her into an angry, bloodthirsty monster. She killed her parents and the scientist and ended up at Yumi’s house. Everything after that is normal canon.
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
How Akutagwa and Akkata became the King and Queen of Hearts in my BSD Alice in Wonderland AU That I will Probably Never Write
Akkata is the crowned princess of the Kingdom of Hearts. She and Akutagawa grew up together. When she turned 18, her parents began pushing suitors toward her. She rejected all of them. Her parents thought that she was just being difficult, but in reality, she was in love with the head of the royal guard, Akutagawa Ryunosuke. She didn’t think that it would go anywhere, but she didn’t know that Akutagawa was just as in love with her.
He didn’t act on it because he knew that the king would have his head if he was caught with her. So he kept his feelings to himself and ended up distancing himself from Akkata. One day he was patrolling the castle when he heard screaming coming from Akkata’s room. He burst in and saw her writhing on the floor, her eyes were blank and her hands were pressed against her chest. He ran to her and wrapped her in his arms. He went to pick her up and take her to her parents, but she grabbed his arm. Her eyes cleared, “Don’t, I’ll explain later just put me in bed for now.” she wheezed. He reluctantly put her to bed, her screaming started again. It was growing more frantic by the second, and Akutagawa was starting to lose his composure. He sat in bed with her, white-knuckling her hand the entire time.
It was hours before Akkata’s screams of pain diminished to whimpers and then, finally, silence. Akutagawa demanded to know what he had just witnessed, so Akkata told him. She was born with magic, a forbidden thing in the Kingdom of Hearts. Her parents have been taking her to see this doctor who claims he can get rid of her magic. But the methods he’s been using are making her magic unstable, and it is slowly killing her. Her parents are aware of this, but they don’t seem to care. They’ve been pressuring her to get married because they need an heir for when Akkata inevitably dies. Akutagawa is furious.
He rants and raves to Akkata, letting out years of frustration. Amid his ranting, he confesses his feelings to her. Akkata tells him that she feels the same way. And then the two come up with a plan to kill the king and queen. For the next few weeks, Akkata slips a slow-acting poison into her parents’ food. Everyone knows what she is doing, but they don’t stop her. While she does that, Akutagawa goes through the king and queen’s books. Looking for ways to make Akkata better, or at least stave off the curse until they can find a solution. He comes across a contact shoved in the back of a book, he messages them immediately. A week or two later, he gets an answer telling him to meet the contact at a tavern in town. He goes, and secretly brings Akkata with him.
They meet at the tavern and find out that the contact is Akkata’s aunt Yumi, who also has magic. She tells them that Akkata’s father, her brother, tried to do the same thing to her when they were younger. But she was able to combat the side effects with a ritual. Akutagawa is skeptical but Akkata is more than willing to try it. They group together that night. Yumi performs the ritual, and tells Akkata that her magic must even out in order for her to feel better.
Weeks go by, and Akkata feels stronger than ever. Meanwhile, her parents are getting weaker by the day. A month later, both of her parents passed away. That same day, Akkata is made the new Queen of Hearts, and she makes Akutagawa her king.
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Currently Thinking (Sk8 Edition)
Currently thinking about how Chris dates Kojiro before she, Koaru, and Kojiro get together. Thinking about how Cherry didn’t know they were together until Crystal and Joe walk into S together holding hands and everyone just about loses their minds. Cherry doesn’t offer much by ways of congratulations, just a nod. He knows they will know what it means. After S, Cherry more or less corners Joe and threatens him about taking proper care of Crystal. To which Joe rolls his eyes and says in a completely serious voice, “I would rather die than see her hurt.” the statement alone makes Cherry’s heart do weird things.
Thinking of how Koaru isn’t surprised that they got together. Chris and Kojiro have always been close, it was part of the reason he was so interested in Ainosuke. Thinking of Koaru growing jealous of the two of them, but not knowing who he was more jealous of. Was it Chris? Who gets to be in Joe’s arms, see his big stupid grin every day, and kiss his stupid beautiful face. Or was it Kojiro? Who got to run his fingers through Chris’ hair, make her smile every day, and kiss her face. He broods over this for a few days before Langa notices and asks what’s up. He tells him not to worry about it, but Langa is persistent. So Koaru ends up spilling his guts to Langa. And Langa, sweet, beautiful Langa says “It sounds like you’re in love with both of them.” and that leaves Koaru spiraling. He thinks it over for hours before he realizes that Langa is right and that Koaru is absolutely, irrevocably fucked.
Alternatively, this but with Kojiro or Chris instead of Koaru.
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
New OC Alert!
Am I really about to make a Sk8 the Infinity self-insert for Kojiro and Koaru? Yes, yes I am.
Name: Christina “Chris” Sato
Anime: Sk8 the Infinity
Alias for S: Crystal
Gender: Female
Age: 21-22 years
Date of Birth: November 22nd
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birthstone: Topaz
Favorite Color: Shades of Purple
Love Interest: Kojiro & Koaru
Species: Human
Career: Fashion Designer/ Skater at “S”
Tumblr media
Chris is a relatively tall woman standing at 5’4 (162 cm). She has curly blonde hair, golden eyes, and chestnut skin.
Personality and Quirks: Chris is very outgoing, she is often referred to as the life of the party, but in private she is very quiet and seems almost shy. You’d have to be very close to her to tell that she is not shy, just tired. Chris is naturally very kind and giving, until you get on her bad side, then she can be your worst nightmare. Chris has been referred to as “the girl that can be your best friend or your worst enemy.”
Background: Chris spent her entire childhood in Okinawa. She met Koaru and Kojiro in Kindergarten and the three have stuck together for years. Chris loves fashion, she has always been a fashionista. When she was younger, Chris would drag Kojiro and Koaru into doing fashion shows with her. Chris was there when “S” was created. She can’t stand Adam. When Chris was about 18, she got accepted into a fashion school, but she had to move away to attend it, meaning she had to leave her friends behind. But the night before she left, she participated in a race at “S” under the alias Crystal. And she skated under that same name, the night she came back.
Talents: Chris has an eye for fashion and anything sparkly. She can put together an outfit in three seconds flat. She is also amazing at sewing.
Fears: Being alone, failing
Likes: Rain, fashion, designing, sewing, skateboarding, fairycore
Dislikes: Adam, when it rains while she’s skateboarding
Picrew I used for Chris’ picture:
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Higuchi: *Exists*
Akkata: And I took that personally
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Currently Thinking
Currently thinking about how when Attaka and Atsushi reunite, they won’t believe that it’s real. How the second they lock eyes for the first time in a year, they will just stare at each other. Until Attaka attempts to get up and go to Atsushi and almost ends up falling. How Atsushi would run to her and help her up. And then when she’s settled it’ll just be silent until Atsushi pulls Attaka into a crushing hug. And how Attaka would hesitate for a minute before wrapping her arms around Atsushi. How they would stand there for a minute or two, just holding each other. And how they would be thinking ‘This is it. I’m home’
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house-of-ocs · 3 years ago
Akkata: So my boyfriend just told me he doesn’t love me anymore, so that’s how my life’s going.
Akutagawa: I didn’t say I don’t love you. I just said that you can’t have three breakfasts.
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house-of-ocs · 4 years ago
Demon Ansley AU Part 1
A/N: The specifics of this AU are that basically, all the time Ansley has spent in the Devildom has affected her human body. In a way that will ultimately turn her into a demon. I might make more imagines based off of this later.
Normal POV
Ansley has been feeling weird. No, that wasn’t the word to describe it, odd seemed to be the better word to describe the feeling. It all started a few weeks ago, it started as a dull throb in her stomach that she wrote off as just menstrual cramps. But even after her period passed, the throb stayed. It didn’t hurt per se, but it did leave her feeling bewildered. It really started to concern her a few days later. During breakfast, Ansley had wandered into the kitchen, ready to fix herself a human-esque meal, as the food in the Devildom wasn’t really safe for human consumption. That’s when she noticed the pot on the stove. It was emitting the most heavenly aroma. She drifted over to the stove and sniffed the contents inside. She had assumed that one of the brothers, probably Mammon, had been kind enough to make her breakfast.
She smiled and ladled some of the soup into a bowl she had found. She then walked back into the dining room. She claimed her spot next to Mammon and began eating. Breakfast was quiet that morning. Levi was playing with his game, Satan was reading a book, Asmo was admiring his reflection in his mirror, Mammon was stealing shy glances at Ansley, Belphie was napping at the table, and Beel was snarfing down his breakfast. Ansley’s eyes drifted across the table to where Lucifer was sitting, only to find him staring at her.
Now, normally Ansley was pretty tolerant of Lucifer’s odd habit of observing her every move, but this morning, Ansley’s patience with said habit was quite low. “What Lucifer?” Ansley asked, he looked down at the bowl she was eating out of, “Ansley, where did you get that?” He asked. Ansley pointed to the kitchen. “From that pot sitting on the stove in the kitchen. Whatever was in it smelled really good.” Suddenly, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Ansley looked back up at the brothers only to see them all staring at her with varying degrees of horror. “What?” She asked, unnerved with all the eyes staring at her. Satan was the first to speak up, “Ansley, that pot was filled with scorpion soup. It’s extremely poisonous to humans.”, “What?!” Ansley jumped up from the table. Mammon was by her side in a second, his hands gripping her shoulders. “Why the hell did ya eat the soup, Ansley?!” He demanded. Ansley’s face grew pale, “I thought one of you made me breakfast, and it smelled good!” She exclaimed. “It isn’t supposed to smell good to humans, Ansley,” Lucifer said.
After that little debacle, the brothers kept a close eye on Ansley, but when she didn’t pass out or die after a few days they let it go. In hindsight, that should have been their first red flag.
A week or so after the breakfast catastrophe, Ansley and Solomon were in her room, working on notes for a class they shared. Ansley was diligently scribbling down notes when a smell assaulted her nostrils. She scrunched her nose up and coughed. “What is that?” She wondered aloud. Solomon looked up from where he was sitting on her floor. “What is what?” He asked. “That smell,” Ansley got up from her bed and looked around her room. “I don’t smell anything,” Solomon said. Ansley ignored him, she dropped to her knees and crawled around her room, looking for the source of the smell. The closer she got to her bed, the stronger the smell became. She stuck her head under the bed and gagged. She found where the smell was coming from, now she just needed to find the source.
Solomon watched Ansley with rapt interest. Ansley stuck her arm under the bed and felt around. Her fingers suddenly collided with something squishy. She gagged as the smell grew stronger, and yanked out what was left of a rotting sandwich. Solomon scrunched up his nose “Well, now I smell it.” Ansley’s left eye twitched as she held up the food. “Damnit Beel,” She growled. She got up and threw the sandwich morsel away, internally reminding herself to chew Beel out for this later. She sat back down on her bed and continued working, oblivious to the stare Solomon was giving her.
It truly got weird one night. Ansley had been in her room reading when yelling sounded from downstairs. Now, Ansley’s flight or fight response told her to stay upstairs in her room and wait for it to pass. But, her curiosity won out and she shut her book and exited her room. Walking downstairs, Ansley saw and heard the brother’s fighting. Mammon was on one side, and everyone else was on the other. All six brothers were yelling at Mammon, for what Ansley didn’t know nor did she care. She watched the scene silently, feeling a low bubbling in her gut. It got like this every time she watched the brothers gang up on Mammon, a bubbling sensation would start in her gut, like a volcano ready to explode. This time, the bubbling was stronger, and it felt like it was rising. ‘Look at them. They treat him with such disrespect, he’s not the only one with faults and yet they act like it. Like they’re perfect and he’s beneath them. They need to be taught a lesson.’ A voice hissed in Ansley’s ear. “No, I don’t want to hurt them.” She whispered. ‘Of course, you do. You’ve always wanted to teach them a lesson, they need to learn some respect don’t they?’ The voice chuckled.
Ansley couldn’t deny that sometimes, at her lowest, when the darker part of her mind wouldn’t shut up, she wondered what it would be like to give Lucifer a piece of his own medicine. To hurt him, and make him cry in pain. Ansley noticed movement out the corner of her eye and turned her head. Lucifer was lunging at Mammon, and something inside Ansley snapped. Her feet moved without her telling them to and her body temperature began to skyrocket. Suddenly she was standing behind Mammon, she jumped over him, her body temperature reaching tremendous heights, and without thinking, she slammed her fist into Lucifer’s jaw sending him flying back. She couched protectively in front of Mammon, her teeth bared a snarl ripping from her throat.
The brothers stared at her in stunned silence, even Lucifer had let go of his anger long enough to see what Ansley had turned into. She stood to her full height, her glare centered on the brothers. “Don’t touch him.” She growled. What Ansley didn’t notice was that her entire appearance had changed drastically. Now she had a pair of black, feathered wings sprouting from her shoulders, horns curling from her scalp, and a black tail tipped with fur swinging behind her. As Ansley calmed down, she absentmindedly wondered what the brothers were staring at, then her shoulder twitched and Ansley looked behind and saw the wings. She jumped, her wing smacked Mammon in the face. She turned in a full circle, her expression one of surprise and fear.
When she stopped turning, only one phrase left her lips,
“What the fuck?!”
A/N: In case you couldn’t tell this will be a multi-part story. Part two will be up eventually. Don’t expect much plot from this, it will mostly be Ansley getting used to her new form.
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house-of-ocs · 4 years ago
True Love's Kiss
Attaka *Under her breath*: I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss
Atsushi: And a prince I'm hoping comes with this.
Kunikida: Please no
Dazai & Danielle: That's what makes every-aftering so happy!
Kunikida: Please stop
Tanizaki: That's the reason we need lips so much.
Naomi: For lips are the only things that touch.
Ranpo: So to spend a life of endless bliss
Yosano: Just find who you love
Kunikida: *Internal screaming*
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house-of-ocs · 4 years ago
We're Gonna Die!
Higuchi: Akutagawa-senapi We are going to die!
Akutagawa: Yep
Higuchi: *Crying* We're going to die virgins!
Akutagawa: Nope.
Higuchi: *Looks at him* Akkata-san?
Akutagawa: Yep
Higuchi: *Cries harder*
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house-of-ocs · 4 years ago
Danielle singing this song to Dazai.
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house-of-ocs · 4 years ago
BSD Shifter/Familiar AU
Shifters always have been and always will be my jam. Combine that with the “Supernatural being is assigned to protect this person” trope, and I’m basically in heaven. So, without further ado, I present my BSD Shifter/Familiar AU featuring my OCs.
Shifters/Familiars: Dazai Osamu: Kitsune shifter
Chuuya Nakahara: Wolf shifter
Atsushi Nakajima: Tiger shifter
Akutagawa Ryunosuke: Wolf shifter
Abigail Yu: Kitsune shifter
Danielle Osa: Forest nymph with the powers of creation
Nina Franchesca: Dragon shifter
Attaka Lan: A nymph
Akkata Rye: Human Princess with witch lineage
Gin Akutagawa: Youngest Akutagawa sibling, Human with witch lineage.
I’ll come up with the concepts for how the vessels and familiars met later.
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