hopkiiinsx · 10 years
Shit, Hopkins, are you trying to kill me?
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❝Nah, but it is fun    watchin' you squirm.❞
Definitely winks in her direction
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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Jimmy Hopkins;; Moodboard
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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He watched, as best he could, as both Garys made their way over to the worn couch. He settled a bit, trying to command the room to be still.
After a moment Jimmy slid slowly from the bar top, feet hitting the floor solidly though legs carried him in a shaky path over to flop heavily beside Gary. There's a quiet, drunken laugh from him as glassy eyes rolled to take in the other boy.
❝I'm fucked up.❞
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He did watch him drink with a surprised and slightly weirded out expression, but figured that Jimmy had been a drinker for a while. He was probably used to it. He shrugged it off and  continued taking sips, getting  himself used to the sting and  letting it take affect.
After getting a pleasant buzz, he  decided that leaning would be  less dangerous. He rested his head on the counter instead,  giving Jimmy a crooked smile  at the comment. He raised his bottle and sat up to take another swig.
After he did, he wobbled a bit and grabbed the counter, snickering a little.
"Shit. Maybe I should go over there."
He said, gesturing towards the couch across the room. “Mmmm’bye.” He  said as he got up and walked- more like wobbled- over and flopped down on the nicely worn piece of furniture.
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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Jimmy couldn't help laughing just a bit at Gary's expense.  It sounded like he was on a  one way ticket into the preppies rich, clammy grip.
❝What's next? You movin'    on up into Harrington House?   Your parents throwing some   serious cash around, Derby   might just try and recruit you.  God knows you've got the  attitude for it.❞
His reaction was semi-priceless, though he was actually waiting for more of an angry response. Hell, that just benefited him in  the long run.
"Well, let’s look at it this way: A rich couple desperate enough to be rid of their troubled son to where they dish out the cash to not only cover the damages that we did to the roof, but also deal out the full tuition- and a little extra to add a new wing to the infirmary.”
He rolled his eyes and crossed  his arms over his chest.
"It’s like they want me to get murdered.”
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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❝It's like you can't escape the shit.    It's the fucking cliques and then    on top of all that blind fuckery the    teachers shit on you!❞
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"Well, that is why it is called so lovingly ‘Bullshit Academy’.
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
Jimmy stops biting his nails for Gary.
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
yeah, you're the daddy. MY daddy. [ wink ]
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❝Damn right I am, Baby.❞
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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Self defense workout.
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
Jimmy “What The Fuck Is A Blog” Hopkins
Jimmy “The Internet Is For Porn” Hopkins
Jimmy “I Don’t Have Time For This Shit” Hopkins
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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❝I think... we should     blow this joint.❞
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           ”no fuckin’ kidding.”
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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❝This entire place is     complete bullshit.❞
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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❝My moms been married five times     and I've been kicked out of seven     schools. I've seen worse.❞
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
Send "I need you" for a drabble about five times our muses depended on each other.
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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I haven’t uploaded anything shippy or kissy in over a year so I’m goin’ for it lolllll It was only a matter of time before I did Gary and Jimmy asdnklsanfsmnkln sorry to all Jimmy’s kissable babs xD Guzzardi
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hopkiiinsx · 10 years
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Jimmy does the same, cracking open the bottle and taking a long, possibly questionably long, drink before settling the bottle down on the bar top. Promptly after adjusting to the tear of  burning alcohol through his esophagus and the hard sinking feeling in his stomach he hopped atop the bar. 
The bottle is nestled between his legs as he sat cross-legged. A few more sips here and there and soon every things got a weird light halo and he's pretty sure the rooms starting to spin. He lifts the bottle anyway.
❝Here's to us two pieces of shit.❞
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He reached out and grabbed  one of the bottles from him,  pulling it out of the bag to get a look at the brand. Nicely aged scotch blend. He nodded in approval before cracking it open, clinking it against Jimmy’s.
And with that, he knocked back a swig and felt the warm sting of the alcohol flow down his throat and  settle in his stomach. He made a small face but sighed contently. Had it been earlier, he would’ve rejected  and alcohol in fear of it fucking with his meds. But he took those several hours ago. He should be fine.
Plus, Gary wasn’t exactly one to take the safe route in life.
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