Periodic reminders that Hope and Light are perfect. Upcoming: Hoperai Summer Festival (July 17 - July 21)
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@hoperaievent Day Three - Fireworks
In french! Just wanted to try.
La sensation de l'herbe était on-ne-peut-plus comfortable. Un autre verre de vin, et Hope pourrait s'endormir, blotti contre la couette - et contre sa chère et tendre.
Il releva les yeux vers le ciel, contemplant le spectacle que lui offrait les étoiles, méditant sur l'univers, et sur le parcours pour le moins ésotérique qui les avait conduit jusque là.
« Hope, à quoi est-tu en train de penser ? » lui demanda Lightning.
Il réflechit pendant une minute. Difficile de résumer ses pensées, car celles-ci allaient de leur rencontre initiale à leur mariage, en passant par la défaite d'un dieu et la fin d'un monde.
« Eh bien… » dit-il en s'emparant de son poignet, « il semblerait que j'ai encore du mal, encore maintenant, à réaliser la chance que nous avons eu… », lui pris la main, « la chance que j'ai eu » termina-t-il en la fixant dans les yeux.
Elle se pencha pour l'embrasser, lui frôlant les lèvres à peine « Tout le monde a le droit à sa Fin Heureuse »
Il sourit. Quoi qu'elle en pense, il se considérait au fond de lui la personne la plus chanceuse de leur nouvelle planète.
« Oui, en retrospective… Tout s'est bien passé. Pour nous tous. » Il grimaça, repensant à leur situation parentale, mais il semblerait que Lightning n'y ait pas porté attention.
« Si on m'avait dit, il y a mille ans, que je finirais avec la femme de mes rêves ..? »
Elle rigola. « Ben voyons. Et si on m'avait dit que le jeune qui restait dans mes jupons, effrayé de tout, finirait plusieurs siècles plus tard par demander ma main ? Et qu'à la place d'avoir sa revanche sur Snow, il deviendrait son beau-frère ? »
Hope se laissa retombé, heureux in fine mais honteux des… Différentes étapes émotionnelles… Traversés durant leur épopée.
« Oui, c'est sûr – il me manquait beaucoup de maturité. Heureusement que j'avais un très bon exemple ». Un petit rire s'échappa de sa gorge. « Enfin, j'ai fait des efforts pour toi ! Devenir Directeur de l'Académie, par exemple… »
« Hope… Je te connais un peu trop bien, tu sais ? Je n'ai *aucun* doute sur ta sincérité » - elle toussa - « mais je pense que la survie de tout ce dont tu tiens à comptait plus pendant ta période à l'Académie ! »
Hope se figea. Il n'avait pas… Tout dit à Lightning. Elle ne savait pas pour le fantôme rose. Il n'avait jamais eu le courage d'adresser le problème.
Tout du moins… C'est ce qu'il pensait. Hope faisait souvent des cauchemards, pendant lesquels il parlait en charabia - mais elle pouvait toujours entendre à travers les incohérences, ses complaintes qui implorait la Rose d'arrêter de le torturer.
Elle avait fini par (presque) torturer Snow pour le forcer à avouer la vérité, et il avait tout avoué ; tout en lui faisant promettre de ne pas en vouloir à Hope.
Elle comprenait. Elle n'était pas la personne qui se confiait le plus elle-même, et elle savait que Hope avait promi de la protéger.
Mais pendant que le couple se préocuppait du passé, un feu d'artifice, célébrant la première année passée, interrompu leurs longues pensées moroses.
« Hope ? »
« Oui ? »
« Merci », termina-t'elle en l'embrassant.
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Here’s my contribution to Hoperai Week: Sailing Song by GAL!
You can find this scanlation over at my community, The Light of Hope. Be sure to carefully read the rules if you’re joining.
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Teachers AU - bonus 3
Also @hoperaievent Day 5 - Rain
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The Hoperai Summer Festival Has Concluded!
Thank you to everyone who contributed and long live the OTP. The AO3 collection will remain open for submissions for a few more days. Likewise, feel free to tag any late submissions here on tumblr. (We're always thirsty for content. 👀)
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@hoperaievent Day Five - Sun
basically a direct continuation to the really long mermaid fic
The first time Hope put his head underwater after his mother had drowned at sea, his initial panic had given way to the utter silence.
He’d been at a pool party for some old college friend – he couldn’t remember their name anymore – and while he’d been reluctant to go, Noel had convinced him to just come and hang out. It’d been nice at first, but then some jerk started pulling unsuspecting people into the pool and he’d been foolish enough to be sitting on the edge.
Even though there were a ton of people there, Hope remembered nothing but the whoosh of water past his ears. The muffled screams and chatter of everyone above him seemed farther away than he could ever imagine. It was peaceful, in its own weird way.
Maybe that was how Nora had felt when she went overboard – enveloped in a blissful silence. If a pool was so quiet, he could only imagine the ocean was as well, especially in its vastness.
But now that everything was different, Hope wondered how he could have possibly thought the sea carried silence. Everything was a song, tiny parts that all came together to be part of something much bigger.
And now he was a part of the long song.
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Hoperai SuFe Day 4: Camping
@hoperaievent I introduce to you the stupidest oneshot I’ve ever written…
“Light, please..”
“Go to sleep, Hope..” the rosette said grumpily, a hint of annoyance to her voice.
“C'mon Light.. please.”
His continued pleas had gotten the better of her. She rolled over on her sleeping bag, facing the silverine. She sleepily opened her eyes amidst the grueling exhaustion. What on Earth did her husband want from her at this time of the night?
“What is it Hope?”
“I..I need to go..”
“Go? Go where?"
"You know..” His eyes gestured downwards.
“Oh.. oh..” She sighed internally. She totally knew what he was going to ask next.
“Sweetie please, I need you to-”
“No,” she said bluntly. She buried her head back into the thin pillows of her sleeping bag.
“But Light..”
“I’m sure you can go yourself Hope,” she replied, her voice muffled by her sleeping bag.
“I.. I can’t.”
An audible sigh escaped her lips. She rubbed the bridge of her nose, trying to calm herself. “Mind telling me why, Hope honey?”
He stayed silent for a moment, his emerald eyes avoiding her gaze once she turned her head to face him.
If he wasn’t going to tell her anything, then she’d just have to figure out the mystery herself. There had to be something causing him to be like this-
“Wait..” It was a hunch, but there was no other reasonable explanation than this.. “Don’t tell me you’re scared to go outside because of Snow’s story?”
Even in the low light of the tent, she could see the mad blush forming on her husband’s cheeks - which just confirmed her hunch..
“You actually believe that stuff he said?”
“Well.. I mean-”
“Hope you’re a grown man. Fang and Noel were literally laughing throughout the entire thing..” She couldn’t believe that Hope Estheim, former leader of humanity, was afraid of some campfire horror story…
“Ok, so what if there aren’t any ghosts then? There’s still the wildlife out there and I could sure use someone to have my back.”
“Gosh, Hope.. you’ve fought literal gods and behemoths and you’re scared of wild animals?”
“C'mon Light, please!” he pleaded. “I really need to go, and besides, didn’t you tell me that you’d guard the rear?”
“Hope, when I said I’d guard the rear I didn’t mean following you to go take a piss.”
“C'mon Light.. pleaaase.” He pleaded on like a little kid begging his parents for candy.
“Ugh, fine. Let’s go.” She had to give in, lest she wanted to hear him plead for the rest of the night - or piss his pants. Anything but that..
They made their way out of the cramped tent, greeted by the pitch black darkness of the night and the chirping of the crickets. Hope switched on the flashlight, leading the way to a tree stump that was quite a distance from the campsite.
“I’ll try to be fast."
She turned away out of decency, hearing the sound of a zipper opening, and soon he was answering nature’s call..
"Oh don’t worry, honey. I’ll be here to watch your back."
The sting of her sarcasm really did hit a little bit too close to home..
He sighed as he finally finished his biological duty. "Alright, let’s get-”
His eyes widened, his heart thumping in his chest. The rustling in the bush sounded very audible even with the loud chirping of the crickets.
“Light, d-did you hear that?”
“I sure did Hope..”
The rustling only grew louder. If this was really a wild animal, then all they had to defend themselves were a flashlight and their fists - which meant they would be screwed. And as luck would have it, the flashlight began to flicker before dying out entirely. Shit..
“Light.. if this is a wild animal-”
“Then I sure hope you can still pull a boomerang out of your ass..”
Soon, the rustling was starting to get a lot louder and a lot nearer as well. They were too loud to be just some little creature..
Suddenly, from among the bushes, a dark figure stood up, towering over the both of them. It let out a bellowing and bone-chilling growl. It was a good thing he’d peed just now..
Without even a moment’s hesitation, Lightning threw a punch straight at the dark figure, hitting it smack dab in the face, or what appeared to be its face. It was pitch black after all.
That voice.. it sounded all too familiar.. The flashlight conveniently flickered back on, its bright light finally revealing the ‘figure’ shrouded in darkness.
“You idiot!”
Lightning quickly went to help the blonde-haired giant up from the ground. Oh, that punch sure was going to leave a mark on his cheek, that was a guarantee.
“Ow..,” he groaned in pain.
“What the hell were you thinking sneaking up on us like that?,” Lightning scolded.
“I just so happened to want to pee as well, and then I spotted you two. So I thought it’d be funny..”
She sighed. “You’re lucky I didn’t beat the shit out of you..”
Hope sighed in relief, mostly because it wasn’t a wild animal after all - just his dumb-headed brother-in-law - but also because it wasn’t a ghost..
The three of them returned to their tents. They’d do all the explaining to the rest of the gang once the Sun came up in the morning. But for now, Lightning plopped back down onto her sleeping bag, letting her sleep take her off into dreamland.
“Hey, Light..”
'Ugh.. what now?’ she groaned to herself.
“I just wanna say thank you.. for following me just now.” His voice was sincere, no hint of sarcasm or humour apparent.
She flipped her body to face him, his emerald eyes holding that sincere look that she’d expected from him.
“It’s just as you said Hope. You just keep your eyes front..”
“And you’ll watch the rear..”
Perhaps even in stupid situations like these, she’d always have his back, and he’d always have hers.
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Hoperai SuFe Day 4
Camping! I actually wrote this based on @hehaihohum‘s teacher AU. Check it out, it’s great.
“So, why are we here again?” Lightning asks. At first Hope thinks she’s talking to someone else, but a quick glance around reveals that they’re the only two people in the cabin. “Um…” What a great way to start off. Hope scratches his head. “I mean, I’m assuming they assigned you to chaperone this field trip because you’re the newest teacher. No one exactly wants to get stuck with a hundred students out here in the wild. And me, well…” Why did they send the chemistry teacher on a trip about…wait, what’s the field trip even about? Camping, so-called, in the middle of some woods for the purpose of…it was something P.E., right?
“Maybe it’s because you’re popular with the students,” Lightning suggests. Hope gives a smile that almost certainly looks deranged due to his surprise. “Me?” “They’re practically swarming you all the time,” Lightning says. “At least that’s what I see.” Now that she mentions it, the students do have a lot of questions. Though, recently they’re more geared toward his love life, for whatever reason. He could swear he’s been asked what he thinks of pink hair at least once every day this week.
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Day 4: Flowers
This is for you, Light-san.
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@hoperaievent Day Three - Fireworks
In french! Just wanted to try.
La sensation de l'herbe était on-ne-peut-plus comfortable. Un autre verre de vin, et Hope pourrait s'endormir, blotti contre la couette - et contre sa chère et tendre.
Il releva les yeux vers le ciel, contemplant le spectacle que lui offrait les étoiles, méditant sur l'univers, et sur le parcours pour le moins ésotérique qui les avait conduit jusque là.
« Hope, à quoi est-tu en train de penser ? » lui demanda Lightning.
Il réflechit pendant une minute. Difficile de résumer ses pensées, car celles-ci allaient de leur rencontre initiale à leur mariage, en passant par la défaite d'un dieu et la fin d'un monde.
« Eh bien… » dit-il en s'emparant de son poignet, « il semblerait que j'ai encore du mal, encore maintenant, à réaliser la chance que nous avons eu… », lui pris la main, « la chance que j'ai eu » termina-t-il en la fixant dans les yeux.
Elle se pencha pour l'embrasser, lui frôlant les lèvres à peine « Tout le monde a le droit à sa Fin Heureuse »
Il sourit. Quoi qu'elle en pense, il se considérait au fond de lui la personne la plus chanceuse de leur nouvelle planète.
« Oui, en retrospective… Tout s'est bien passé. Pour nous tous. » Il grimaça, repensant à leur situation parentale, mais il semblerait que Lightning n'y ait pas porté attention.
« Si on m'avait dit, il y a mille ans, que je finirais avec la femme de mes rêves ..? »
Elle rigola. « Ben voyons. Et si on m'avait dit que le jeune qui restait dans mes jupons, effrayé de tout, finirait plusieurs siècles plus tard par demander ma main ? Et qu'à la place d'avoir sa revanche sur Snow, il deviendrait son beau-frère ? »
Hope se laissa retombé, heureux in fine mais honteux des… Différentes étapes émotionnelles… Traversés durant leur épopée.
« Oui, c'est sûr – il me manquait beaucoup de maturité. Heureusement que j'avais un très bon exemple ». Un petit rire s'échappa de sa gorge. « Enfin, j'ai fait des efforts pour toi ! Devenir Directeur de l'Académie, par exemple… »
« Hope… Je te connais un peu trop bien, tu sais ? Je n'ai *aucun* doute sur ta sincérité » - elle toussa - « mais je pense que la survie de tout ce dont tu tiens à comptait plus pendant ta période à l'Académie ! »
Hope se figea. Il n'avait pas… Tout dit à Lightning. Elle ne savait pas pour le fantôme rose. Il n'avait jamais eu le courage d'adresser le problème.
Tout du moins… C'est ce qu'il pensait. Hope faisait souvent des cauchemards, pendant lesquels il parlait en charabia - mais elle pouvait toujours entendre à travers les incohérences, ses complaintes qui implorait la Rose d'arrêter de le torturer.
Elle avait fini par (presque) torturer Snow pour le forcer à avouer la vérité, et il avait tout avoué ; tout en lui faisant promettre de ne pas en vouloir à Hope.
Elle comprenait. Elle n'était pas la personne qui se confiait le plus elle-même, et elle savait que Hope avait promi de la protéger.
Mais pendant que le couple se préocuppait du passé, un feu d'artifice, célébrant la première année passée, interrompu leurs longues pensées moroses.
« Hope ? »
« Oui ? »
« Merci », termina-t'elle en l'embrassant.
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@hoperaievent Day Three - Fireworks
Lightning Farron did not get embarrassed easily. She did what had to be done, everyone else’s opinions be damned. After all, someone in the Corps had to be steady and not so easily flustered, able to put aside emotion for the task at hand.
So when she felt like this was her most embarrassing moment ever, surely it wasn’t an exaggeration.
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Hoperai SuFe Day 3
“Hot.” It’s not h*rny…but like…it’s a lil h*rny
“Hope…please. Hope, please. I can’t take this anymore.” Lightning takes off her tank top to dab at the droplets of sweat on her forehead that just won’t stop. Of course, it doesn’t help that her shirt is already practically soaked. If not for her bra — her poor, drenched bra — her tank would be all but submerged. “Hope, fix the AC.”
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HoperaiSuFe 2019 Day 3: Fireworks
A firework shot into the air, bursting and painting the night sky in a plethora of wonderful and jaw-dropping colours.
“They’re really beautiful, aren’t they honey?”
“Yeah! They’re really pwetty!"
He chuckled at her childish mispronunciation as he ruffled her hair.
"I knew you’d love it…”
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Hoperai SuFe 2019 Day 2
Travel. Or, the otp being Disgusting.
“…Please ensure that your seatbelt is securely fastened before we make our descent. The flight attendants are currently…”
Lightning tunes out the mandatory announcement, quite used to the whole deal from her short flights to various shoot locations. One of the biggest downsides to being a popular model has got to be hopping on a plane, settling enough to get exactly a wink of sleep, and then hearing the descent announcement. At least this time, the flight isn’t work-related. Thank goodness it isn’t; getting cozy in a fancy hotel with her husband would not be conducive to any productivity, to put it mildly.
“I can see it from here,” Hope says with his face practically pressed against the window. At cruising altitude, he’s watching a movie or reading, but closer to the ground he’s completely wrapped up in the view of the buildings below. “No wonder it’s called the Sky Castle.” Hope sits back in his seat and Lightning looks past him at the noon skyline.
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HoperaiSuFe Day 2
@hoperaievent I made this in like 2 hours in the middle of the night, so excuse the quality if it’s pretty crap. But anyway, let’s get this started!
Handsome Couple
Sometimes, she really did hate the fact that all eyes were on her constantly. And that fact seemed to carry over even to her private life…
‘Claire ‘Lightning’ Farron, famous fashion model, spotted with science man in mall!’
She felt like vomiting at that tabloid headline. She couldn’t believe that these paparazzi had the absolute gall to intrude on her personal life like this!
The rosette threw the tabloid magazine across the room in a fit of rage. If only she hadn’t picked it up on her way home.. Damn her curiosity…
She turned her head, eyes widening in surprise once she found out where that magazine had landed.
The man across the room peeled the magazine off of his face, holding it in his hands in curiosity once he spotted that ridiculous headline.
“Science man?” He immediately burst out in laughter. “Tabloids these days!”
“Ughh…,” Lightning groaned in annoyance. “I wish I could just hunt down those stupid paparazzis and smash their heads in!”
“I mean.. you are sort of a local celebrity y'know..”
“Not. Helping. Hope.” she hissed.
“Right.. right…,” he said swallowing his words. “Sorry about that.”
The rosette plopped down onto the sofa, letting her head sink into the soft cushions. She really did like being a model.. too bad it came with the star life she hated so much. Did these people not know the term 'privacy’?
The silverine sat down beside her as he curiously flipped through the pages. His eyes zig zagged across the words, scanning the contents of the pages.
“Lightning Farron was just spotted with a scientist at the mall, who happens to be - Hey! They actually acknowledged my name!”
He pointed a little too enthusiastically at a sentence on the page.. 'Hope Estheim, Director of research institute The Academy’.
He felt a little bit proud to know that these tabloid folks knew of his position. But really, who didn’t recognise Director Hope Estheim, leader and spear-header of the geniuses at the Academy? He continued to read on, his interest just slightly piqued by the mention of his name.
‘Fans of the supermodel are starting to speculate whether or not Lightning Farron really is going out with the Director. But whatever the case, it seems that they seem to love the idea of the two becoming a thing!’
“Aww…” He couldn’t help but smile at that. Although now that he thought about it, maybe it wasn’t such a good thing that these people knew about his relationship with Lightning…
“Well.. at least they think we look good together,” the silverine said with an awkward smile. He was starting to question this vain attempt at cheering his partner up…
“That doesn’t matter, Hope.. I just don’t want these people meddling with our lives!” Lightning said with a tone of anger to her voice. “I don’t think I can even go to the grocery store without feeling as if I’m being watched by those stupid paparazzi..”
“I get what you mean, Light..” This really was starting to sound a lot worse now that she put it that way. “So what do you think we should do?”
“I-I don’t know.. maybe we should spend less time together outside?” It was an extreme decision.. but what other choice would there be? (and she didn’t want to go through the hassle of bringing them to court…)
“I.. I guess you’re right. Who knows, maybe if we keep this up long enough, they’ll forget all of this ever happened and we can go back to having a normal and peaceful life?” He could only hope those human-looking vultures would do such a thing…
“Yea.. I just hope so.”
And so the days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to months. They’d only ever see each other at their own homes, never at any public area - lest they want the swarm of the paparazzi to engulf them. It almost felt like they were on a curfew, their romantic lives restricted to the confines of their houses..
But one day, Hope had managed to convince Lightning to break her rule. What did he propose exactly? A walk in the park at night, where he was sure no sane paparazzi would bother them. The tabloids had already lost their appetite in reporting the newest hits on their relationship, so it was a safe bet that they wouldn’t show up this time.
He walked hand in hand, fingers intertwined with his partner’s as they strolled by the lake under the dim moonlight.
“We haven’t done this in a loong time, Light.”
“Yeah.. but it feels good to finally do it, you know?,” she replied as she took a glance at the silverine.
His eyes were staring up at the sky, fixated on the perfect full moon floating in the dark of the night. “It really is beautiful tonight…”
“I guess it is…”
He stopped in his tracks, earning him a confused look from the rosette. A cheeky smile formed on his lips.
“..but not as beautiful as you.”
She should’ve expected something so corny from him of all people, but it still caught her off guard, causing her cheeks to blush a deep red.
Hope took the chance, leaning down to take her lips into his. For a few seconds, they stood there, sharing a sweet and loving kiss between each other.
But then she remembered where they were, pulling away almost immediately from the kiss.
“Don’t you remember where we are?!” she scolded under a hushed tone.
“C'mon, Light! There’s no way anyone’s here right now.”
Maybe he was right.. maybe she was just paranoid. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if she’d just forget her fears about a spying paparazzi for one moment…
She sighed, sliding her arm into his as she continued her stroll with him.
“I just hope you’re right..”
The next day, she made her usual walk from her apartment to the modelling studio, stopping by her favourite coffee shop along the way. She ordered the usual, but then something caught her eye.
There, on one of the customer’s tables was a magazine…
'Lightning Farron spotted kissing the Director on a midnight stroll!’
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Beach Headcanon
for day one of @hoperaievent
Lightning and Hope both burn very easily (fair skin family, amirite), so of course they spend forever putting sunblock on each other’s backs….and everywhere else ohoho
they like renting a beach house for a couple of weeks - it starts out as a small little couples retreat, but grows to eventually include their whole big family
Lightning likes wearing bikinis (all the better to show off her piercing, ahem)
Hope isn’t a very strong swimmer (being a city boy and all), so in the ocean, he’ll just wade out up to his knees and let the waves lap at him. Lightning’s the one who’s doing the actual swimming
she finds it kinda nice to have him looking out for her though, cause she knows he wouldn’t hesitate to go after her or rush to find help if something happened
the town where they rent their beach house reminds her a lot of Bodhum - it’s a big place, but it has a quaint, homey little feel and Hope has a feeling that Lightning relishes in that atmosphere
Lightning’s pretty much an expert at being on the beach - she always knows EXACTLY what to bring and where to sit to get the perfect breeze from the ocean. Hope has long since learned to not argue with her choices~
there’s a really good seafood restaurant in this beach town and Lightning insisted on taking Hope there when they were first vacationing in town….he was hesitant because he’s not really a seafood guy, but of course she was right about that and now it’s tradition for them to go there their first night of vacation~
after they go for a couple of years, the residents of the town start to recognize them and slip them free food and smile in congratulations when one year they’re suddenly carrying a baby between them :3
Hope’s favorite beach towel is this gaudy yellow/green/orange looking thing, and he’s sad when it eventually becomes too degraded to use… Lightning spends days trying to find a similar one for him and unceremoniously packs it for their next vacation. it’s worth it to see his face light up when she unveils it
Lightning really likes the feeling of sand between her toes
they never bury each other in the sand (Hope’s too worried about his hair lol), but once their daughter is old enough, she’s the one who gets buried and it’s hilarious and adorable
Lightning’s really susceptible to getting ‘sun drunk’ and Hope forever cherishes the hours when she just dozes against him and listens to the sound of the waves and the feel of the salty air~
nobody who looks at them would ever guess that they love the beach so much since they’re so pale and live in the city, but they both love getting away and getting soothed by the sand and the waves
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*ploinks hoperai fic*
Hoperai SuFe Day 1, let’s go. I chose “Lazy.”
Also on AO3 with its original formatting
Hope can’t help but admire his wife in silence for a moment. He smiles at her relaxed body, sunken into the comfortable living room chair, and the calm stillness of her face. It’s a face he’s seen nearly every day for the better part of the last nine years, but he finds himself in awe…frequently. Sometimes his heart goes tender with the re-realization of how much he loves her. He loves her so much, he almost feels bad for waking her up. But, this one is for the kids.
It only takes the quiet sound of Hope’s voice to stir Lightning from her sleep. Her eyes open without resistance, making him question whether she was really even sleeping in the first place. But she’s certainly awake now, and those lovely blue eyes of hers are fixed on him. “Hey.” Her voice is raspy, but gentle. It’s cute in a way, especially in addition to her hair being slightly messy from sleep— wait, that’s not the point.
Hope refocuses on the reason he woke Lightning up in the first place. “It’s already afternoon.” Lightning blinks. Perhaps he should’ve given more context. “What time do you plan on starting up the grill, my love?”
Lightning closes her eyes again. “Why don’t you do it?”
Hope stands baffled. He plays the words back in his mind, and still turns his head slightly in confusion. “Me?”
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