hiyapxl · 10 years
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Rabbit, Framed on Flickr.
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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Mickey’s Good Deed (1932)
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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hiyapxl · 10 years
;; OKAY I'm heading off now, the carnival is back in town and im sUCH A TWO YEAR OLD FUCK
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hiyapxl · 10 years
astronomiics beenxdreaming glxam-and-glxw
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"Uh... i-is that normal, pal? Sure doesn't seem ta be... well, uh, normal..."
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hiyapxl · 10 years
ahbutimavillain jarxth furrylatinlover peacemxker luxarionite
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"W--wow... gosh, what is that?"
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hiyapxl · 10 years
foolishmermaid curiozitxte incredible-zim istrxtegist xelmacho
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"Hmph... I am not short... 'm just funsized."
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hiyapxl · 10 years
livresxue arendelleprincess solemquis egbxrt noingredient
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"HEY!! H-hi there, 'scuse me, ah, ya gotta hide me! An angry Pete is gonna kill me and I kinda need ya as a human shield or somethin'!"
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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"Oswald--!!" Mickey cried as the rabbit pulled him into a headlock. Here we go again...
"--C'mon, Oswald, cut it out!" He laughed, pulling himself away from the teasing gesture. He wouldn't lie--he missed that. And he missed his brother. "Aw... ya know how things can be." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head with a gloved hand. "With Disneyland and with Pluto at home... this, that, and the other thing makes it harder to visit ya here. Trust me, I would'a come sooner..." Now he felt guilty. Through all the joking and teasing, he knew Oswald was worried about him. It has been a while...
"Oswald? Gosh, it's been a while, huh? Hah, I missed ya!" //it's that-20s-mouse, hiii! nwn
The rabbit’s ear twitched at the sound of the familiar voice and he turned around, his surprised expression quickly changing to one of pure joy. 
“Mick! There ya are, ya pesky little squeaker!” Oswald joked as he roughly ruffled the fur on the mouse’s head in a loving gesture. “Is it that hard tah send your big brother a postcard once in a while? I was startin’ tah think the mousetrap finally caught ya!” Oswald teased, sticking his tongue out partway. Even though he was trying to cover it up as a joke, the slight worry was visible in his expression for a few moments.
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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"Golly, ya have?" A pony party planner... right in front'a him! The fact that he was a talkin' pony, at that... huh, maybe the fella was a Toon, too?
"That's awesome! Huh, maybe I could talk ta my girlfriend about you... I'm sure we got some upcomin' parties... we could definitely use a party planner! That is, if Goofy isn't available..." He added, mostly to himself. Goofy was their party planner, for the most part... as clumsy as he was, he managed some pretty swell parties.
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"That’s awesome- Because you’re lookin’ at a professional party planner, right here!" He laughs, gesturing to himself with a hoof. "I’ve thrown some of the best parties you’re ever gonna see!"
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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"Aw, c'mon, pal, it wasn't your fault entirely... don't blame yerself. It was mostly all that Thinner that did ya in like that... but, either way, it's alright. Everythin's behind us now, ya know!"
"o-oh hello again Mickey"
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"Wha—? Oh, hah, hi there! You’re th’ Clock Tower, aren’t ya? The Gremlin Village clocktower, I remember! Nice ta see you’re doin’ well!"
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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"Aw, gosh, I’m sure! Those little fellas are pretty excitable… ‘specially when they get ta see their Uncle Mickey!” The mouse laughed, “I missed those little guys, too! Can’t wait ta see ‘em!” He chirped with a smile. Havin’ four hundred twenty little nephews (maybe nieces, too, he wasn’t too sure) was a real blast! 
Hearing that he'd missed Oswald, Mickey sighed. "Shoot... guess I came a little too late, huh?" He said, though he managed a smile. "Aw, well... I'm sure I'll catch 'im sometime later today. This gives me time ta catch up with you, Ortensia!" Which was a good idea... he hadn't seen her in so long, and he'd been busy when Oswald was around... he'd hardly had any time to spend time with Ortensia, then.
"Hiya, Ortensia! Gosh, it's good ta see ya again!"
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"Mickey! Oh, it’s been so long since your last visit. Welcome back to Wasteland." She greeted with a kind smile."It’s good to see you too. How have you been?"
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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"Uh, ahaha, well... almost all Toons can talk, pal," He replied. Gosh, this fella looked like he'd seen a ghost or somethin'. Was it really a big deal that he could talk? This was the second guy that went nuts just because he was talkin'.
"I was... I dunno, drawn to talk, I suppose? Well, I guess the first few cartoons I was in I couldn't, but... aw, that's a whole 'nother story."
Wait a minute, wait a minute —-
              Was that a M O U S E?!               With gloves, pants and shoes - and it could talk?!?                Somewhat, he was sure he knew this mouse from somewhere…
                        ❝——-yu’d help me by not freakin’ me out!!                                                     vhy in heaven’s name can yu  t a l k?!❞
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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Oh, boy... somethin' told him that he didn't believe it. Just the look on his face said it all. Aw, well... this was somethin' he loved explaining.
"Yes, like... a cartoon. That's exactly it," He began with a nod of his head. "It's very possible... ya have a creator, they draw ya on a piece of paper, and presto! ya pop outta that page and you're a Toon. That's how it happened with Dad and his friend Ub... who's kinda like an uncle ta me. In a way." Gosh, he loved talking about his father... he missed him dearly, even though it's been about fifty years or so already. So of course, any chance he got he'd go on and on about him.
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            [ ≛ ] “You’re.. a toon?” Ted repeated uncertainly. He wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but he had a feeling it had something to do with cartoons, which was starting to unnerve him even more.
Now that he thought about it, this mouse looked really familiar.
"…A toon.. like.. like a cartoon? Like something you’d see on television? Okay - uh.. have I been out in the smog too long, or are you being serious? How is that even possible? 
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hiyapxl · 10 years
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"To all who come to this happy place: Welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."
- Walt Disney, July 17, 1955
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