#;; hello hello!~ nwn
dairine-bonnet · 2 months
'I hope you like pain!' screams my character from Neverwinter Nights 2 lying on the ground and dying (aka Lillian Dragon/aka Kalach-Cha/aka Knight-Captain).
My thoughts: She's almost as frightening and tough as my Revan (aka Alexandra Forst), who concludes peacefully, 'That must've hurt!' looking at the corpses of the enemies around her.
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alternianavenues · 8 months
your art is fucking gorgeous how the SHELL are you only getting ten notes
probably the inactivity! on a serious note its probably only because i just started. thank you!! you're too kind. - AA
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crucifixi · 9 months
doesn't look like anyone's lived here for a long time.
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⠀⠀⠀Wolfwood and Yuffie cautiously stepped into the abandoned town, their senses on high alert. The once bustling streets were now desolate and overgrown, with a feeling of eerie emptiness hanging in the air.
Yuffie wrinkled her nose as she surveyed the decaying buildings. "This place doesn't look like anyone's lived here for a long time."
Wolfwood grinned mischievously, his eyes gleaming with mischief. Sensing an opportunity to play a prank, he leaned in close to Yuffie. He whispered, his voice low and conspiratorial.
❛ You know, there's a local legend about this place. ❜
Wolfwood's voice took on an ominous tone as he wove his tale.
❛ Legend has it that a deranged cult once roamed these streets, seeking to revive their dead town. They believed in an ancient prophecy that an ‘angel’ would bring life back to these weathered buildings. ❜
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monnowo · 2 years
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Hello!! It's me again! A pleasure having here with me again!! Some sketches and color practice with this duo, Niriko and Dheven
Niiriko is a Niniue, and race of aliens that are pacifist, altruist and extremely Calm... the sad part here, is that she is now the last one o her species, and is
just a child even if she is decades old, having just 6 years old in human age.
And then is Dheven, a young but good hunter Yautja …. he pretends tu be rude, but lacres about Niriko before he meet her.
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Hola hola a todos, soy yo de juego hehehe, mi inglés apesta pero como si hablo español machin, aquí los dejo un saludito a todos y todas y todes, espero en verdad les gusten estos sketches que hice nwn, son Nirio y Dheven, una niniue (especié de alien que invente) y un joven yautja el cual tuvo que aterrizar de emergencia en el planeta de Niriko, donde ella vive sola, únicamente con plantas y animales, siendo la única de su especie.
A pesar de tener varios años, ella realmente tiene solo 6 en edad humana, y como su raza era de carácter pacifico, amable y altruista, ella conserva muchasde esas características c;
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sxf-rarepairweek · 4 months
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hello everyone!! i wanted to give a huge THANK YOU for joining us in celebrating the rare pairs of Spy x Family! to everyone who submitted and to all who have read or shared or commented, thank you so so much!!! this last week and everything leading up to it has been so filled with excitement and anticipation it's hard to believe it's already over.
i'm so so proud of our little community and how many works we've received! as of typing this there are 25 total fanfic submissions (23 works on the AO3 collection (+1 including chapters for each prompt) +1 submitted on tumblr), 9 pieces of fanart, 1 gifset, and 3 headcanons for a total of 38 submissions!!! it's been an incredible turnout, please give yourselves a pat on the back!!
we've reblogged all the submissions we've found, so if yours hasn't been shared yet, please shoot us a dm/ask either here or on @sxf-rarepairs or @ this account so we can reblog it!!
REMEMBER!! even though the Rare Pair Week itself is over, late submissions are always welcome! as they say, rare pair week may be over, but our love for them goes all year long uwu i have a fanfiction or two i'm planning on finishing and submitting myself, so please don't hesitate! this was so much fun that we at the Spy x Family Rare Pairs discord are already planning more events, so please stay tuned!! if you love rare pairs or even if you just have one you ship ironically (for now), we'd love to have you! there's plenty of seats here at the brainrot circus 💜🎪
once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for making this week a success!! <333 if you'd like to see more charts and statistics, there will be some based on this year's rare pair week below the cut!
hello, welcome to under the read more, because it was already getting quite long!!!
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first off, i know i said the number of submission types we received before, but here it is in pie chart form! it's easier to visualize it this way and i think it's fun nwn
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plus i made a chart for the totals of submissions each ship got! loid x franky was the most popular, with a whopping 7 pieces!! and there are, of course, plenty of singular works for other rarer pairs (9, to be exact! that's like half the total number of ships!!) i think i had more ideas for other charts and statistics but they have unfortunately fell out of my head in the span of time between starting to write this and actually making the graphs and posting it 😔 so if y'all have any ideas or further questions about this year's week, feel free to send them over!!
if you've read this far, thank you again!!! hope to see y'all in future events! 💜
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ask-the-abomination · 4 months
Last Update
Hello, hello!
To those who may have seen my posts being removed from this blog, do not worry! I was just cleaning up in preparation for the revamp and newest introduction ( Intro is not done yet. They are going to be drawn out. My PC is currently having PSU issues, so it may take some time before I can finally complete and upload the art pieces ). (^ ^)/!
Vincent's and Sabor's emote icons are already completed, which makes things a lot easier <3! I do plan to continue making this a mix blog, between art and writing ( Writing may still be predominant, but I will admit that I am more comfortable with my art now to try to post more of it ) ^^
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I look forward to bringing my boys back to the community soon <3!
( This post will be deleted once I finally have the intro done and prepared for upload!! For the duration until I finally handle the PC situation properly and be able to draw on it once more, I will be on @ask-the-tale-of-kingdoms for the time being!! Oh! And @ask-the-edge-of-evolution is just on hiatus until I finally get emotes done for that blog! I feel that it is better to have the characters have expressions to better display on throughout writing-base posts nwn! )
EDIT: OH! Before I forget, if you want me to follow or send asks from my OCS in Tales of the Kingdom, just let me know in this post! I am trying to follow as much Pokeask blogs as I can on there ( As i do here ) and plan to try to send out asks later <3!
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m3rricat · 2 months
I feel pretty lucky that I got to play bg3 without knowing anything about it beforehand. The first character I was attracted to was actually not Astarion. Nope, it was Raphael that made me go 'oh hello' lol (then they went and wasted all his potential oops). Not surprising since I love devil stuff in dnd, like NWN was my first experience in a dnd setting and I still remember finding that random pit fiend in that estate and thinking it was the coolest thing? Anyway. I think I warmed up to Astarion the way Larian intended, from being all 'oh a sexy vampire ok' to '....oh. oh shit' and it was so great to experience organically.
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inkz123 · 7 months
Nit an ask but are you in Bonely hearts club??? I think I saw you character in the Holiday event!
Hello anon nwn💕
Yea I am hehe, my sona is the bouncing cat sprite lol :3👍✨
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posebean · 1 year
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hello @azlynna i am your secret valentine! enjoy the chiakanas nwn @valensemblestars
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mel-loly · 1 year
hi friend nwn
Hello mate/p! Hru? How's your day going?? :D
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sparklehoard · 2 months
Hello there!
I see we are mutuals now
Then I can wish you a very nice and amazing birthday!! 🎉🎉🎉
Welcome to the 28 (we have the same age now) you may need to update your blog info nwn
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Oh that's right I forgot about updating my blog info. I see we are both a fan of aquatic memes. Our mutualship will be bountiful 🦐🦑🐟🐠💛
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crucifixi · 1 year
@typhoonvash | Jungle gym Vash from here
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀As Wolfwood reaches the desired position on Vash's back, his small fingers grasp his sunglasses tightly, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. The bugger snatches it off the older male suddenly and carefully adjusts the sunglasses to fit his small face.
The oversized frames sit a bit crooked, but he doesn't mind. Slowly the realization hit him— his brow furrows in confusion, and he leans in closer to Vash's ear.
❛ Oi, wait. How do ya know my name? We met 'fore, or somethin'? ❜
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monnowo · 1 year
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Hello everyone!!! Its me again:D
I want to show you Dominique’s full body desing :D i really tried to do the Disney Art style!! Hope you like it!!
And sorry for dont posting anything of predator…. iwi
También lo escribo en español UwU, porque ahh, me cuesta mucho el inglés escrito iwi, aunque puedo entenderlo heheh….. el chiste que ahora me siento muy feliz por el apoyo que he recibí nwn, y perdonen si no he subido cosas de Predator, soy fan de tantos fandoms que hacerle justicia a todos me es imposible iwi
Ella es Dominique!! Y aquí está su versión de cuerpo completo, realmente intente ponerle estilo Disney :$
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desceros · 7 months
Oh my goooood! I finally found your tumblr! Absolutely love your recent Donnie fic! nwn
I always refresh my ao3 daily to see if you’ve uploaded pffft—
I was wondering what are your goals for it? Are you adding angst? Like reader getting hurt?
I also thought of a cute idea where reader wears the colours of the turtles, April, splinter + Casey on her arm as she plays for the memorial day!
Anyways! Enjoy the rest of your day <33
Can’t wait for another update!
yes hi hello i am here!! and hhhh thank you so much i'm so glad you're enjoying!!! = v=
i have SO many goals. so so many. my planning doc rn is uh. hold on. 16 pages of outline. and i have a color-coded calendar i made that my roommate made fun of me for 😔 now that i've got everything all planned out i've got soooo many things i can't WAIT to get to and it's making me BURN bc i just wanna share those moments w everyone!!!
but yeah there's going to be a LOT of angst, a lot of smut, some hurt feelings (.....a lot of hurt feelings actually; the miscommunication tag is there for a reason!!), some healed feelings, and, y'know, they're ninjas so we gotta have some action in there too! plus there's always the constant thread i'm playing with of the anti-mutant/yokai stuff, since that's fun to tug on.
oh. and scheherazade. :)
that's such a cute idea!!! professional musicians always wear all black for performances but i could totally see violist doing something to make it known that she's doing a tribute to someone in particular.
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soulnottainted · 3 months
me, please??? nWn hello hi
I miss interacting with friends here so send me a 'me please' and I'll give you a compliment! Could be about anything really, mostly about selfship
Nixxie I have known you for a LOOONG time and you are just so neat!! Your ship with primo is my all time favorite, though I love your ship with the collector and my psycho dad as well! I'm glad to have you as a friend!
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notsafetycop · 4 months
Hello! List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :D (no pressure of course)
Hmm... Not quite sure to be honest. I know caves and birds are two. Those quiet, hidden, near-to-be bearers of age are v nice nwn. Reclaimed industrial architecture, and The Holidays uwu. Found 5!
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