Just a student trying her best
6 posts
Graduate Student of History and ClassicsSocial- and cultural history, ancient magicThis is suppost to be just some form of digital notebook for myself. Might talk about thoughts, collect scholary resources or simply shout my opinions into the void that is tumblr.
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historia-aphrodea-hekatea · 5 months ago
So the seminar paper is finished and I am happy that I am done with it. Now this just has to be rewritten to be an essay for a book and I am good to go. It is honestly a weird feeling to be so close to your first publication, but here I am.
The semester started and I am looking forwoard to finally focus on classical studies.
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historia-aphrodea-hekatea · 5 months ago
Somehow this paper is starting to take form. Still i am not fond of the topic, but at least it is not really painfull to write it. Anyways, I am now at 18 pages. 23 is the minimum and it should not be more than 35. So I am doing fine, even though I wish this was already over.
Maybe the trick is to not think about it. Idk.. I am doing it I guess.
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historia-aphrodea-hekatea · 5 months ago
Last week before the semester starts, and I am working on a seminar paper. The topic itself: so not my cup of tea. I am fine with working on anything about Greco-Roman times, really. I would even be fine with Egypt, but somehow I ended up in a seminar about World War II, and I am 100% positive that this will be the last time I push myself through this.
The thing is: I am very much in favor of more research in this field and raising public awareness about this period. Seeing how far-right politics are rising and how easily parties like the AfD in Germany and the FPÖ in Austria are gaining traction, there simply needs to be more awareness.
My problem, though, is that I just can't take it anymore. It’s a topic filled with so much hate and madness that I simply can’t find any joy in writing about it. Maybe that’s selfish, but it’s just not good for my mental health.
One last time, I can do it. But after this, I think I will never write about anything after 1900 ever again. I just can't do that for a living, but I am so grateful for the people who can and do the important work of educating our and the generations to come about this dark chapter in history.
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historia-aphrodea-hekatea · 5 months ago
Honestly, I feel like I was not productiv today, but at the same time I do? It is a weird feeling. Anyways: Todays topic was Chaos Magick. Even though I am not at all focusing on the 19th-20th century it is interesting to take a look at later forms of magical believes. That timeperiod in particular is interesting, since psychoanalysis became a thing, what also shaped the view on magic itself.
Key figure for CM was Austin Osman Spare, who was a "critic" (that might be a far to nice word) of Freud, Jung but also Crowley. His philosphy/religious view mainly focused around the Idea of KAI as the unfiltered source energy of all. All in the sense of literally everything as one conected being and us as humans as part of that one thing. ZOS is more or less the lack (?) of KAI or having it blured by something like the ego. To reconect to KAI Sigil Magick is used as a tool.
For more Information I recomend Angela Puca's talk about Chaos Magick at Witchfest. Justin Sledge did a good video on the topic as well.
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historia-aphrodea-hekatea · 5 months ago
Youtube Channels that are helpfull for my research:
Esoterica: https://www.youtube.com/@TheEsotericaChannel
Angela's Symposium: https://www.youtube.com/@drangelapuca
David Litwa: https://www.youtube.com/@m.davidlitwa
(List is work in progress)
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historia-aphrodea-hekatea · 5 months ago
It is kind of weird to go out again into the wilderness of the internet, but here I am. To be fair, Tumblr is, and kind of always was, just a safe space that you could use however you wanted to.
Somehow, and I wouldn’t have believed this just a few months ago, I made it. I was finally able to get away from every kind of social media and had a good while without any sort of brainrot or doomscrolling. Honestly, I do not want to go back to that at this point. So why return to Tumblr? Well, as I was saying, Tumblr can be used in any way you want. And I want to use it mindfully. This is not about people seeing me. This is not about doomscrolling, not about brainrot. This is just so I have a space to share my thoughts and findings with ... well, maybe nobody, or maybe the world.
Mainly, I want to have a place to just write about stuff that’s on my mind without keeping it to myself. I also want a spot to save links, YouTube videos, and add tags to them, so I can find them more easily later.
This blog is 1. personal and 2. a tool to help me with my research as a graduate student of two master’s programs.
Whoever wants to follow along, be my guest.
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