The Elvenking, Thranduil
74 posts
Longtime Roleplayer & Writer 10+ years experience, Literate, Para to multi-para and novella; LGBTQ+ friendly.Please follow the Common Guidelines for RP: https://rsroleplay.fandom.com/wiki/Common_Rules_of_Roleplay
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hir-nin-thranduil · 5 months ago
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hir-nin-thranduil · 5 months ago
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hir-nin-thranduil · 5 months ago
Uh, guys? Don't confuse your crappy televised fanfic for the story that Tolkien actually wrote.
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Galadriel was never "under Sauron's thrall." That's something ROP made up. In Unfinished Tales, she was the only one in Eregion who suspected that Annatar was lying about being an emissary of the Valar. Celebrimbor was deceived by him. She was not. She was certainly not "under his thrall." No, not even because she had Nenya.
Yes, when Frodo offered her the One Ring, she was tempted. It could have given her the power to prevent the fading of Lothlórien. But when she makes this speech in the book, and in the Peter Jackson movies, it's her own thought, she's not repeating something that Sauron said to her once:
“You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!”
These are Galadriel's words. Her words. Not Sauron's. And she was tempted by the One Ring because she could have been a more powerful queen, not Sauron's queen. Like, you guys really took one of the most powerful and complex female characters in Tolkien's works and you made her story all about a man and his power over her and his manipulation of her. Fuck off.
And stop tagging ROP as Lord of the Rings.
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hir-nin-thranduil · 5 months ago
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Legolas in The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
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hir-nin-thranduil · 6 months ago
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J.R.R. Tolkien writing Elvish, 1968.
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hir-nin-thranduil · 8 months ago
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Made for amazing @hyperlexia-1 as thank you gift for Buymeacoffee donation ❤
I am so sorry it took me so long, life and technology had their own plans unfortunately. Thank you so much for your support and kindness! It was a huge help for me during difficult time and I deeply appreciate it.🫂
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hir-nin-thranduil · 11 months ago
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Made for amazing @thranduilofsmirkwood as a tiny thank you gift for her PayPal donation. Thank you so much for your kindness and support, especially now when things are very difficult. It's a huge help❤
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hir-nin-thranduil · 1 year ago
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hir-nin-thranduil · 1 year ago
how it feels "trusting the process" as a writer/artist
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hir-nin-thranduil · 2 years ago
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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) dir. Peter Jackson 
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hir-nin-thranduil · 2 years ago
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hir-nin-thranduil · 2 years ago
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(source, 11/30/22)
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hir-nin-thranduil · 2 years ago
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hir-nin-thranduil · 3 years ago
Stop Selling “Rings of Power” Book Covers 
From the petition:
HarperCollins, Amazon, and, as a rights holder, The Tolkien Estate have unjustly co-opted Tolkien’s “The Lord of The Rings” with covers from promotional material for Amazon’s “The Rings of Power”. This show is not an adaptation, rather, Amazon is making something new within a pre-established framework designed by Tolkien which Amazon is using creative license with. Mostly, this show contains vastly more content from modern showrunners, writers, producers, and corporate executives. For example, many of the show’s characters, Disa, Halbrand, Arondir, Bronwyn, Theo, Eleanor Brandyfoot, Sadoc Burrows, Poppy Proudfellow, Adar, and more, are entirely original Amazon creations involved in their own originally embellished stories. That’s nine characters, a whole fellowship of original Amazon characters we know of from just the prerelease promotional material alone. Whatever anyone’s stance or opinion on The Rings of Power, it is a separate entity entirely from “The Lord of the Rings”.
There is a concern about the use of these book covers in question. With the likely inevitability of The Rings of Power’s iconography being incorporated into wide cultural use online, in videos, posts, communities, memes, in art, in stores, on posters, t-shirts, merchandise, games, book covers, theme parks, or whatever else may come, dressing Tolkien’s own original work, here meaning the bodies of text which contain his Legendarium as can be found in such texts as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Unfinished Tales, The Silmarillion, The History of Middle-earth, and elsewhere, is inappropriate as it aids in dominating the cultural consciousness’ acceptance of Amazon’s creation as part of Tolkien’s actual body of works. It would be a tragedy to have his works scrubbed and colored over like a palimpsest, conflating and confusing them with Amazon’s upcoming original series.
To quote Christopher Tolkien, “Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed into the absurdity of our time. The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has overwhelmed me. The commercialization has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing. There is only one solution for me: to turn my head away.”
The request in this petition is to solicit HarperCollins, Amazon, and the Tolkien Estate with these conditions:
Request that all Amazon tie-in covers for The Rings of Power be discontinued entirely
That all e-book covers of The Lord of the Rings with Rings of Power iconography immediately be restored with different cover images, and that The Rings of Power tie-in covers be here entirely discontinued as well
All printing and propagation of these covers by Amazon, Harper Collins, the Tolkien Estate, or any other body responsible in handling Tolkien’s works cease entirely now and henceforth
All future promotional material or iconography for The Rings of Power remain entirely separate and never be used on or in the published texts of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, The History of Middle-earth, and all subsequent publications of works by J.R.R. Tolkien containing information on his Legendarium
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hir-nin-thranduil · 3 years ago
Tolkien: Elves are the most stunning and beautiful species. The men say they are “mighty fair to look upon.” I regularly describe my male and female elves with the words beautiful and fair. They take great pride in their hair, they love hair of “exceptional loveliness”, they loved their hair so much that some didn’t even tie it up in battle and got dragged off a cliff by it. SO BEAUTIFUL. SO FAIR. LOVE THEIR HAIR.
Rings of Power: say no more
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hir-nin-thranduil · 3 years ago
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The short haired male Elves thing makes me so angry. Of all the races in Middle Earth, The Elves: “immortal, WISEST, and fairest of all beings”, would not be the ones enforcing outmoded, and very “human” gender stereotypes. All this does is enforce the indoctrination into a broken system that supports sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and overall bigotry. Elves are more enlightened than this.
Plus, imagine how incredibly hot and badass that POC playing an Elf would look if they had long hair or dreads? And what’s wrong with staying true to the BELOVED versions of characters like Elrond as they have already been established by Peter Jackson?
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hir-nin-thranduil · 3 years ago
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