highprofilerichkid · 3 months
people who throw temper tantrums that appear to be because they didn't realize they could have chosen to not have kids and take that anger out people who make that choice
weirdly specific! sounds like maybe something you should take up with whichever person in your life you're transparently subtweeting here, instead of lashing out at random tumblr users!
To be more direct, since it seems you are not picking up on the hints, absolutely no here gives a flying fruitcake about your personal choices regarding children. The issue is that it was rude and intrusive and bizarre to jump onto a stranger's lighthearted positive post to get defensive about a tangentially-related accusation that no one in the thread made or even suggested. You know you can make your own posts, right?
i think it's fine to attribute some desire to biology, like wanting to have kids. like yeah I'm sure a lot of it is the living creature need to proliferate. it doesn't bug me. same as acknowledging that love is dopamine or whatever. a cynic saying love is just chemicals in our brains isn't a gotcha. like ok we as humans were so driven and fascinated by our capacity to love that we found the exact juice that produces that feeling and gave it a name. that's awesome, actually, i dig that, i love that. with my chemicals.
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highprofilerichkid · 3 months
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i think it's fine to attribute some desire to biology, like wanting to have kids. like yeah I'm sure a lot of it is the living creature need to proliferate. it doesn't bug me. same as acknowledging that love is dopamine or whatever. a cynic saying love is just chemicals in our brains isn't a gotcha. like ok we as humans were so driven and fascinated by our capacity to love that we found the exact juice that produces that feeling and gave it a name. that's awesome, actually, i dig that, i love that. with my chemicals.
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highprofilerichkid · 4 months
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my take on this Howard, Maria, and Tony Stark from Avengers: Timeslide (1996)
i just think they're neat
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highprofilerichkid · 5 months
Antis: "Conan can't date his cousin!"
Me, writing fic where Howard Stark from Iron Man: Armored Adventures meets Howard Stark from the MCU, goes 'I can fix him', tries to fix him and they end up having hot, loving, character-arc-completing sex in their office: "Correct, it's not nearly incestuous enough. Conan fans, go big or go home."
(This is partially a joke. His cousin appears to be hot, which is what's important, but if he has alternate universe selves and they're hot, then this is not a joke. Please consider charactercest as an option.)
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highprofilerichkid · 10 months
Kidz Bop Lament Configuration
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highprofilerichkid · 1 year
OFMDs, while I find your pathetic clownery to be even more intolerable than the rank vitriol of my Stucky fandom nemeses, I have to put my personal aggravation aside to offer you, along with my MSR besties, my most sincere congratulations on achieving what is objectively the funniest possible outcome for this round. You eliminated THE top two unquestioned juggernaut patron ships of this entire cursed website in their first matchups, and I honestly couldn't have asked for a better outcome. I cannot stand those fucking pirates but god bless. Love and peace on planet Tumblr ✌️
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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highprofilerichkid · 2 years
stuck on a GLACIER with MACGYVER
Work smart not work hard
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highprofilerichkid · 2 years
#and it's so niche. it's for me only.
false. it is also for me
i accidentally stumbled into thinking about my daemon au and i figured out what to do with maria in it, finally, which means i could actually start rewriting the plot for the nth time. haven't touched it in a year and a half so that is tempting.
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highprofilerichkid · 2 years
#oh man. yeah #the amount of 'privately owned villages' have sprouted in our country as well #and some of them don't allow small little stores to sell in from your own house #but secretly the HOA will let you because they know you gotta walk so far out to buy like a soda or something #when you can just buy from your neighbor #i don't live in the US and the suburbs rules are very weird to me. lol #suburbs I am going fully insane over these tags. Suburbs are weird and suck, but I am in hysterics over the fact that y’all have collectively decided to cope by running illegal neighborhood mini-marts off your front porches. I can’t even begin fathom what this lived experience is like. I am FASCINATED. I cannot stop thinking about sitting in my house and deciding I want a little snack so I walk down the block to Bob’s Backyard Black Market Bootleg Bodega to buy an illegal Dr. Pepper from the local PTA president. I’m obsessed.
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I hate the suburbs so much it’s unreal bro
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highprofilerichkid · 2 years
hey so time isn't real i've finally watched iron man armoured adventures after remembering watching it as a kid and !!!!!!!!
any chance you (or anyone else) is still alive and kicking in this fandom so i can have some Content
Every time someone says they “remember watching armored adventures as a kid” I feel like the Crypt-Keeper, lmfao. 😂 BUT YES, WE ARE STILL ALIVE AND KICKING AND WE WANT YOU TO JOIN OUR CULT FANDOM, ANON.
Personally I don’t have much time to produce Content these days because I am in grad school and trying to finish before my only remaining career option is “Retirement Home Bingo Grandmaster,” but I still love to ramble about IMAA any time! At the moment I am most active in my IMAA Discord server, and there’s a handful of us who hang out there and chat about meta, fic ideas, headcanons, etc. I also provide an endless stream of IMAA-themed shitposting. Of course I’d be thrilled for you to join us! I’ll usually respond to asks/reblogs here, too, and can certainly be induced to wordvomit huge textwalls of meta. Otherwise, just check out the IMAA tags! There’s some hidden gems here on Tumblr, especially fanart.
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highprofilerichkid · 2 years
you are absolutely hitting the bullseye here, I completely agree with that interpretation. Of course, yes, plenty of Tony's dumbassery is the fact that he's a teenager, and it also needs to be said that some of it probably comes from him being incomprehensibly wealthy and privileged, but you're so right that even beyond that, he also has this... absolute confidence that he'll be taken seriously by everyone. It never seems to occur to him that he, a TEENAGED CHILD, does not have the clout to just waltz up to the DIRECTOR OF SHIELD, WHENEVER HE WANTS, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and say "yeah this is how things are going to go." The fucking audacity of this boy, i s2g.
That coming from Howard treating Tony a little bit too much like a peer instead of a son is the same conclusion I came to as well. My thinking is that there were a few factors that led to this dynamic developing: 1. Howard being so eager to foster Tony's brilliance, and always taking his interests and ideas very seriously (and probably insisting that everyone else at SI who Tony would have interacted with take them seriously too). 2. Howard floundering at stepping into a solo parenting role after Maria's death, and sometimes defaulting to treating Tony like a tiny adult instead of a child, because Tony is so smart and I'm sure it was hard to navigate meeting him at his intellectual level and his level of emotional development at the same time when those two things are so wildly out of step. 3. A little bit of Howard just wanting to spoil his darling baby boy 4. Tony being this funny combination of incredibly stubborn and yet at the same time very credulous/tractable. It's like... when he's decided to do something, absolutely nothing will stop him or change his mind until he burns his hand on the proverbial stove, but he doesn't mind being told what to do as long as it doesn't conflict with his immediate goals. For all the bullshit he pulls, he doesn't actually seem to have any significant impulse to be rebellious for its own sake, which I think is interesting (especially since Teenage Rebellion™ is such a common theme in shows like this). I imagine Howard realizing that Tony's three modes of operation are: behaving himself intentionally, not behaving himself unintentionally because he probably has ADHD and you really should have gotten him evaluated for that Howard, and not behaving himself intentionally with as much unstoppable momentum as a rail gun projectile because he is unshakably convinced that his course of action is correct and necessary. And in none of those cases is traditional discipline or parental authority especially helpful. I get the sense that Howard instead manages Tony with more subtle redirection as much as possible.
But despite all that, it appears that Howard has not fallen in to the toxic behaviors that you often see in “I want to be my kid’s best friend!” parents, where the parent is just emotionally immature and too conflict-averse to assert any authority and they end up being unreasonably permissive and using their child as an emotional crutch. Which is so good!! We love to see it!!! Howard actually seems to have his shit mostly sorted out (or at the very least under tight control) and I think he’s the kind of person who keeps his shit to himself anyway, which is why I think his very non-traditional and lenient parenting style mostly works.
okay so i finished watching all the episodes of armored adventures that howard is in and my review: actually pretty good? honestly pretty enjoyable? i liked it enough that i’m actually going start it over and watch all the episodes correctly, you know, like a normal person.
tony in this is way more unhinged than usual while howard is surprisingly hinged? howard has the energy of a man who is post-emotional-breakdown. this is a man who has found some sort of inner resolve because He Has Seen Shit and come out the other side. maybe this is from losing maria, maybe not?
huge fan of the way tony and howard are kind of obsessed with each other. mutual highest priority. you love to see it. it’s almost bordering on healthy, even? i mean howard keeping tony home from school for so long because he couldn’t stand being apart from him is not like the Best behavior but it could be so much worse. also like the fact that he knew from across the globe when tony was hurt, like, um. okay… love that for them…
love that howard’s got a solid obsession in this one, and love that it’s not captain america, ngl. interesting that he’s not even fully revived in this universe? compelling? i don’t care about the whole makluan thing very much, but i like the way howard’s fixation & expertise was presented and the way tony moved into the temple to make it his workshop was super normal & not at all about his dad or anything.
loved absolutely every scene of tony and howard working together in any capacity. the fact that howard knew he was iron man for soo long before he just straight up calls him anthony while he’s in the suit to say he knows?
i’m going to have to watch and actually pay attention to the whole thing so i can form some coherent headcanons about tony’s childhood and maria and so on because i have fic ideas and this universe is fascinating.
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highprofilerichkid · 2 years
Gosh yes, I love thinking about Howard's rationale for keeping Tony isolated and how it might have developed/changed through the years - because you're right, the environment he raised Tony in could have been way worse, and Tony generally seems surprisingly emotionally well-adjusted, but... his childhood was also very much still Not Normal and he is, like, totally out to lunch about how the real world works sometimes, bless his heart.
My reading of Howard is that he is very aware of this and does carry some guilt/conflict/regret about how he didn't do as well as he could have at raising Tony. The best example of this being that his will stipulates that Tony has to go to regular-ass boring school for regular-ass kids if he's still underage when Howard dies, and the way he very gently says "you are about to get dumped into a shark tank and holy shit you are so naive and gullible you are going to get eaten alive, please get some peers and learn some social skills, I fucked this up so bad you are so unprepared oh my god" in his hologram recording.
And I think it's reasonable to guess that some of that is that he just... didn't really know what to do with Tony? Even after he had his presumed 'come to jesus' moment about not being completely smothering, I think "figuring out how to raise a supergenius" came a lot easier to Howard than "figuring out how to raise a competent and emotionally intelligent adult." It's easy to see how he'd find it hard to justify putting Tony in a traditional school environment (knowing exactly how blindingly brilliant Tony is and seeing how he flourished getting constant one-on-one attention from someone who can keep up with him and having basically unfettered access to any technology he wants) but he obviously never quite figured out how to supplement his personalized homeschooling with developmentally-appropriate interpersonal socialization and common-sense life skills training, lmao.
One other thing that stands out to me about Howard's parenting - which he is much more successful at than he is at instilling Tony with some common sense - is that he is... surprisingly okay with Tony being Iron Man and regularly engaging in extremely risky superheroing? In my opinion, that speaks to Howard having put a lot of emotional legwork into overcoming his instinctive overprotectiveness, and being very conscious of being supportive of Tony without being restricting. Tony is curious, impulsive, stubborn, has a strong sense of righteousness/justice, and is inclined to get his hands dirty rather than depend on other people to get things done --- I think Howard would have recognized, long before the show starts, how much trouble that combination of personality traits could get him into (even though we have to assume that he never predicted that Tony would decide to become a superhero, sldjfsdk). And I think he did a lot of self-reflection basically going "this is who Tony is and I have to find a way to be okay with that, or he will resent me and I risk driving him into even more risky behavior." So we see Howard being actually quite chill about Tony's whole Iron Man thing, despite the fact that he probably gets a new grey hair every time Tony is out of his sight, lol. I just find it very funny to imagine that behind all the scenes where Howard goes along with whatever's happening like "yes this is all very cool and I'm okay with this, I love you and support your choices Tony" is Howard's internal monologue of barely-restrained panicked screaming. Anyway I can ramble forever but I gotta go to bed for tonight, but /finger guns/ good talk 😎👉👉
okay so i finished watching all the episodes of armored adventures that howard is in and my review: actually pretty good? honestly pretty enjoyable? i liked it enough that i’m actually going start it over and watch all the episodes correctly, you know, like a normal person.
tony in this is way more unhinged than usual while howard is surprisingly hinged? howard has the energy of a man who is post-emotional-breakdown. this is a man who has found some sort of inner resolve because He Has Seen Shit and come out the other side. maybe this is from losing maria, maybe not?
huge fan of the way tony and howard are kind of obsessed with each other. mutual highest priority. you love to see it. it’s almost bordering on healthy, even? i mean howard keeping tony home from school for so long because he couldn’t stand being apart from him is not like the Best behavior but it could be so much worse. also like the fact that he knew from across the globe when tony was hurt, like, um. okay… love that for them…
love that howard’s got a solid obsession in this one, and love that it’s not captain america, ngl. interesting that he’s not even fully revived in this universe? compelling? i don’t care about the whole makluan thing very much, but i like the way howard’s fixation & expertise was presented and the way tony moved into the temple to make it his workshop was super normal & not at all about his dad or anything.
loved absolutely every scene of tony and howard working together in any capacity. the fact that howard knew he was iron man for soo long before he just straight up calls him anthony while he’s in the suit to say he knows?
i’m going to have to watch and actually pay attention to the whole thing so i can form some coherent headcanons about tony’s childhood and maria and so on because i have fic ideas and this universe is fascinating.
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highprofilerichkid · 3 years
Hi please talk with me forever about Howard and Tony's relationship in IMAA because I am fully obsessed and I absolutely cannot shut up about them ever???
100000% co-sign on Howard being Surprisingly Hinged only by virtue of powering his way through Some Shit with sheer force of will, and Howard and Tony being kind of co-dependently obsessed with each other but in a really sweet and somehow weirdly healthy way.
I cannot get over their relationship in this show because it feels like there is just SO MUCH complex and compelling character development and backstory there that is both shown and implied, even though it's not ever really discussed directly because it's not the focus of the story. and I just. wanna dig into it and roll around in it forever like catnip omg I also headcanon Howard having an emotional breakdown about Maria's death, and that defining his relationship with Tony in a lot of ways. The fact that he took Tony out of school after Maria died and it appears that he kept him pretty sequestered does strongly imply that he got obsessively overprotective of Tony for a while, though by the time the show timeline starts he and Tony both seem to be pretty well-adjusted (except for Tony being a socially clueless dork), so at some point I think he realized how toxic that could turn out and reined himself in. Basically gave himself a stern talking to and an intervention about how You Have To Be Normal For Your Son, So Get Your Shit Together. At the same time it's still so clear that Tony is his whole world and you cannot convince me that he is not still FULLY capable of going 100% feral for Tony's sake if he ever had to. My impression is that Tony doesn't really realize this because he's socially isolated enough that he doesn't have ton of points of reference for "normal" parent/child closeness - and also he is simply a moron - which is why there's never any suggestion that he finds/has ever found Howard's parenting overbearing. He seems to to have pretty uncomplicated affection for Howard and just generally think he's great and cool, which?? is just??? make my heart full of the feels?????
anyway I think about this constantly so, you know, hmu any time for IMAA Howard thoughts lmao
okay so i finished watching all the episodes of armored adventures that howard is in and my review: actually pretty good? honestly pretty enjoyable? i liked it enough that i’m actually going start it over and watch all the episodes correctly, you know, like a normal person.
tony in this is way more unhinged than usual while howard is surprisingly hinged? howard has the energy of a man who is post-emotional-breakdown. this is a man who has found some sort of inner resolve because He Has Seen Shit and come out the other side. maybe this is from losing maria, maybe not?
huge fan of the way tony and howard are kind of obsessed with each other. mutual highest priority. you love to see it. it’s almost bordering on healthy, even? i mean howard keeping tony home from school for so long because he couldn’t stand being apart from him is not like the Best behavior but it could be so much worse. also like the fact that he knew from across the globe when tony was hurt, like, um. okay… love that for them…
love that howard’s got a solid obsession in this one, and love that it’s not captain america, ngl. interesting that he’s not even fully revived in this universe? compelling? i don’t care about the whole makluan thing very much, but i like the way howard’s fixation & expertise was presented and the way tony moved into the temple to make it his workshop was super normal & not at all about his dad or anything.
loved absolutely every scene of tony and howard working together in any capacity. the fact that howard knew he was iron man for soo long before he just straight up calls him anthony while he’s in the suit to say he knows?
i’m going to have to watch and actually pay attention to the whole thing so i can form some coherent headcanons about tony’s childhood and maria and so on because i have fic ideas and this universe is fascinating.
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highprofilerichkid · 3 years
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THEM 💖 I love them 🥺
(Also have some doodles and smthn funny)
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highprofilerichkid · 3 years
Oof, update decay has really been chewing at my theme. Sorry folks. I'm super busy right now so I don't know when I'll get around to it, but I'll put a CSS update in my to-do queue. Apologies for the messiness in the meantime.
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highprofilerichkid · 3 years
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I feel the Armored Adventures Howard love in this Chili's tonight
(also y'all should join my armored adventures server)
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we got to talking on one of my marvel servers about what would happen if Armored Adventures Howard ever met any other versions of Tony, and there was unanimous agreement that he would aggressively adopt all of them, and also probably go back in time and kill every other version of himself
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highprofilerichkid · 3 years
Just some rambling author commentary that I didn’t want to spam up the main bingo post with—
The new fic (the ashes of yesterday) is an... unusual one for me. First of all, it’s a Bad End fic with more than one major character death, which I honest to god never thought I would write, because I am a soft-hearted weenie who wants everyone to live happily ever after. It’s also, structurally, kind of experimental, utilizing a sort of “snapshot” format of flashbacks and flash-forwards and leaving most of the actual plot implied in the background. And, I won’t lie to you: I keysmashed out at least a quarter of the wordcount in literally the last day of the bingo. Lmao.
Now, I normally don’t do much copy editing on my drafts anyway because I’m accustomed to writing pretty polished first drafts, but I do usually let my drafts sit and marinate for a few months or years so I can tweak them and decide if any sections need to be scrapped after the initial muse infatuation has worn off. A big portion of this fic didn’t get that treatment, which means this fic is more of a raw cut of my creative process than I normally post, for better or worse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I definitely indulged myself here on the melodrama and purple prose more than I might have otherwise, haha.
Anyway, even though this is probably the most niche-appeal YMMV fic I’ll ever post, I am pretty proud that I was able to churn the whole thing out for this year’s bingo.
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h– hewwo?? 👀 That’s right, it’s @tonystarkbingo BINGO TIME! This year we have two more updates to ongoing fics, for my poor beleaguered followers, and one entirely new fic, which is actually, shockingly, complete. That’s right, a whole-ass complete fic posted all in one go. I bet you all thought I didn’t have it in me. 
Title: the ashes of yesterday Squares Filled: A2: Watching Helplessly | Chapter 4 A3: Free Space | Chapter 6 A4: Protectiveness | Chapter 2 A5: Doom | Chapter 8 Canon: Iron Man: Armored Adventures Ship/Main Pairing: none Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, major character death, Actual Good Dad Howard, evil Tony, grief/mourning, cliffhanger, unhappy ending Summary: When a moral axis inversion spell goes wrong, and the fix goes even more wrong, a guilt-stricken Tony Stark goes on the run to escape the fallout from his recent bout of magically-induced supervillainy. Howard can only watch from the sidelines as his son’s life spirals out of control, while the heroes who Tony used to call his friends are forced to hunt him down for his crimes. And things only get worse from there. TL;DR: what if the Superior Iron Man comics arc happened in Armored Adventures but also everything was even more terrible?
Title: Six Months Earlier | Chapter 8 Square Filled: Adoptable — Alcoholism Canon: Iron Man: Armored Adventures Ship/Main Pairing: none Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: alcohol abuse, dubious consent and underage (averted - no sex happens). Summary: Struggling to cope with his grief, Tony’s impulses turn self-destructive, and he almost makes some very bad choices.
Title: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, Evil Clones Are Such a Struggle | Chapter 4 Square Filled: Adoptable — Identity Porn Canon: MCU Ship/Main Pairing: Tony/Bucky/Winter Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: selfcest (Bucky/Winter) Summary: Bucky experiments with healthy communication. Honestly, it’s the worst.
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