If you’re a Non-Muslim and you see a Muslim praying in public, could you please not pass in front of them?
Go behind them, but not in front. 👍
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Back from the dead! You know what that means - I’m in a slump again! I’m approaching a trough in my progress; I’m screwing up again! Not as bad as before, but not like how I was twelve days ago.
I’m reading Atomic Habits by James Clear (whose blog I took advice from even before), and realized the best review of a self-help book would be to use it as a bible help yourself. I’ll treating it as my primary source of advice to pick myself up from chronic procrastination and get back to my goals.
If I actually have the discipline to, I’ll document my self-experiments here weekly! Obviously when I say this isn’t a promise, I mean don’t expect to see it again :P
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I owe you guys an explanation. I can't believe it's been only a few months since I was still slave to procrastination, and now I feel like I can do anything
TL;DR: I'm doing very well, especially considering my past, and I'm pissed that I don't know how I came to be here but I know progress isn't a vertical line.
I still procrastinate, obviously, but like a normal person - rarely working at full efficiency, occasionally pulling off late-nighters, sometimes working before the deadline, but at least I can get much of my work done. And though I have to wake up at 5:30AM due to transportation, being accustomed to 11:30PM as the earliest bedtime after more than half a decade of sleep deprivation makes me naturally unable to see 10PM as the end of the day.
I was washing my hands in the library bathroom ready to tackle a checklist when I realized that I was living the life my past self would do anything to have, if only she knew she could. I was excited to study - and who gets excited with a checklist? I was genuinely interested in many of my classes, and to those I disliked I still found some merit to study it, even if it's only to practice mnemonic techniques. Though I'm still no good at socializing I can actually imitate for a few minutes my approachable schoolmates who bring that vibe that you can ask them for advice or have them introduce you around (hint: just feel confident and take initiave, feel you really are a leader. Every time I feel I'm the dumbest I lose that ability.)
I wasn't my dream self, but considering that I occasionally cried when I managed to sit down and hold a pencil (my screaming thoughts and emotions press my beating heart like a race to pump a balloon, I'm too scared to start), that I would trap myself in my bathroom, with a table and chair, just to force myself to start checking my planner for deadlines, I had an asymptotic progression to the ideal me.
I still find one reason to be pissed - after suffering from my own actions (or my mind's traps, whichever viewpoint you take) and deciding that my life's purpose was to tame the beast Time and turn the abuser to my disciplined pet, I kind of want to KNOW why I'm suddenly where I am.
What were the things that separated myself from the estart of the blog to now? Was it exercise? Its effects on the body and mind? Or training myself to continue running, despite my lungs screaming "STOP" and my face turning numb? Or was it having this blog and being aware of everything going on? Did KonMari's minimalism/pragmatism + spark joy philosophy actually change my life? Was it my philosophy of trying to find joy or purpose in every task? Was it the Discord server that awarded points to every hour of productivity?
I wish I knew. I know the greatest step I made was done before the blog started, but I wish I knew what helped the most. But I'm sure that it was losing battle to fight chronic procrastination directly through willpower. All of these above destroyed my having to fight it.
Though I think stone stairs made from early tools is a nice analogy to my progress. Specifically, stone stairs made by ergonomics haters. For some reason the first few steps is practically a ceiling's difference from the previous - you need to be able to reach the first one through either through ingenuity, a ladder, or try and try to jump to grab onto the step's stone smooth curve of a corner or plant your feet against the slippery riser with nothing to hold on to until luck or serendipity gives you the previous two options. But when you finally conquer these first steps, you might find that you can just walk many of them like regular steps. Sometimes you can even slide your foot on an incline instead of lift it. You might slip again, but more and more you'll be a master of Getting Over It. The steps you passed before will be easier to walk again.
Anyway, I hope I'm not the climax of my progression. I hope this is the beginning. I hope this isn't all I can do.
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some context - i used to submit half of my homework late to class, and had a handful of homework just never submitted even when the professor allowed me to submit late. i was the only person i knew who submitted late chronically. in terms of grades and mental health and a lot of other factors i’m doing well now, and haven’t gotten a C yet (although it’s been one month), but seeing myself devolve back into my original status, after all the struggle and false promises to myself - it hurts.
hello. please help. am i the only one who regularly submits my papers late?
my essay is 2 days late. it’s two grades down. not even well-written. i thought i finally conquered chronic procrastination. part of me wants to cry
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hello. please help. am i the only one who regularly submits my papers late?
my essay is 2 days late. it’s two grades down. not even well-written. i thought i finally conquered chronic procrastination. part of me wants to cry
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[Tumblr is a] safe haven from their local friends. … On Tumblr they tell their most personal stories. They share things that they normally wouldn’t share with their local friends because of the fear of judgment. That has held true for every person that I’ve met.
Jason Wong, https://newrepublic.com/article/129002/secret-lives-tumblr-teens
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Is it normal to consider doing anything that isn’t progressing your work or goals as “unproductive” if you’ve spent your entire life procrastinating? Sometimes just walking slowly instead of briskly feels unproductive.
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I never seem to do this properly - just, every day arriving home, hiding my phone from myself. Marking it in my head with a “do not touch” so I won’t have to waste another three hours of the day just wasting it on Youtube or reading Homestuck theories. Instead of something relatively more useful like exercising or doing my homework or pursuing my dreams.
Just want to actually do this simple act as a daily habit. Maybe posting this will actually make me put down my phone in the evenings for once. Will update.
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My school requirements are so chill and somehow I’m more advanced in the lessons than 70% of my classmates.
Somehow I have a problem for having no problems. Am I in the eye of the storm and should I prepare for the rainfall and floodwater?
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or even just one thing
I wish it were possible to do like 5821 things at once
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or rather, finish more than one thing
I wish it were possible to do like 5821 things at once
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Tumblr media
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I wish it were possible to do like 5821 things at once
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some days you are just not productive and don’t get anything accomplished and i think it’s more productive to accept that and go to bed knowing you get a fresh start tomorrow
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guys i don’t mean to insult or blame those who make beautiful bujos (you guys are awesome)
but to those who aren’t making them: please post all your “ugly” bullet journals. i think so many people could benefit from a simple bullet journal but are turned off by the supposed requirement that they gotta make it aesthetic
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I really hate how, now that I’m 20, most things I’m able to do won’t be any cool “young ones who did it” accomplishment. It’s like unless what I do is like deciphering an ancient civilization’s record-keeping knotted cords, then anything I do is pretty neat, but not unique.
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Hello. It’s been three weeks. My computer is finally fixed.
School has started, and I’m doing well now. It was easier to post my updates here instead of this blog. While school work is light I’ve learned some coding.
KonMari has taught me that I should discard things that I don’t use or don’t “spark joy”. And so much social media is time-consuming. I don’t think I’ll be using Tumblr as much as before. And I don’t want to update my “goals” blog right now.
But I won’t announce a hiatus yet. School’s just started, and I think I got a few things to share.
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