herapocalyps-a · 7 years
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-  DEATH HURTS. I mean, mostly that hurt is just absences of things.    I'm thirsty all the time. Fuckin' parched. And cold. Cold in my bones .
-  livin’ in her own a p o c a l y p s e
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
                                          HEY THERE IM HENLO !!!    okay    so     i’m    gonna   be   moving   laura   bc   i    MISS   MY   GIRL    but    this    blog   is    a    mess    i’ll    be    droppin    the   link   later   2night    but    until   then   uhhhhhh    like    this    if    you’d    be   interested    in     writing    w/    this    dusty    trash   bag    still   !    
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
sometimes i get this feeling she's watching over me nd other times i feel like i should go
sha/dow mo/on probably
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
hey guys just a reminder that uh...
laura’s mental illness isn’t an excuse for her shitty behavior 
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
do you know how much i've sAC RI F IC ED????
yeah i watched u nearly kill urself while u were naked nd tied 2 a tree ovr ur dead dad u dum fUK
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
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I BELIEVE that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and that life is what happens when you’re alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it.                         
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
                                                mmmmmm    henlo beauties i gotta do some cleaning up on this blog but while I do that , LIKE THIS for a STARTER !! 
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
anonbeliever replied to your post:
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
anonbeliever replied to your post:
i can’t believe you
if u can believe in talking bulls nd ur crusty dad u caN BELIEVE THIS
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
                                                mmmmmm    henlo beauties i gotta do some cleaning up on this blog but while I do that , LIKE THIS for a STARTER !! 
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
“ hey my name’s LAURA MOON and this is JACKASS ”  : )           ——      * drives an ice cream truck off a cliff * 
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
 * @gentlebots         ;          (  SALIM NOT SALIM  ) 
                               ROTTING   LIMBS   rest   against   the   yellow   taxi   as   she   inhales   arsenic  &  tar  &  a  whole   mixture  of   things   that   used   to   make   her   throat   burn   ,   offering   relief  all   the   while  .   Now   they   just   make   her   brittle   bones   ache   with   longing   for   a   time   when   she   could   F E E L  .  
                                        Finally   a   lone   figure   steps   from   the   threshold   of   a  DUNKIN  DONUTS  and   she   sighs   with   relief   at   the  f a m i l i a r i t y   of   him   .   The   same   sweater   ,   the   same  sad   eyes   .   She’d   missed   him    . 
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                                     He   catches   her   eye   and   she   offers   a   lopsided   smile   ,    tossing    her   cigarette   into   the   street   below   before   speaking   -   her   words   blunt  &  to   the   point   .  
        ❛    Sweeny   is   dead    ❜      (   a   heartbeat   later   )   ❛      wanna   go   for   a  ride ?    ❜   
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
* @anonbeliever       ;       (  PUPPY  )
                         she   decays   &   decays   &   decays   &   time   after   time   finds   herself   in   the   SHADOWS   watching   him   .   hows   that   for   a   pun   .   what   was  once   dead   is   now   full   of   light   ,   a   beacon   before   her  ,   wandering  into   the   outskirts   a    frigid   town   with   his   head   down  .  
                           he’s   deep   in   thought   about   something   &   for   a  moment   she   considers   leaving   him   be  ,  considers   letting   him   go   through   this   journey   alone  .   HE  DOESN’T  NEED   HER   ANYMORE  . 
                          But  its   that   thought   that   brings   her   from  the   shade   of   a  snow  laden  oak   tree   ,   calling   his   attention  to   her  .   She  needs   him  to  need   her   .   it’s   the   only  thing  that  makes   her   feel   a l i v e  .   The  only   tether  to   this   world   that   no   longer   feels   like   home  .  It’s   selfish  ;   but   some   things   don’t   change     --    even  beyond   the  grave  .  
                                               ❛    puppy  ?    ❜
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
The police are dead?
all of them
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
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Shadow & Laura Moon in American Gods Season 1
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herapocalyps-a · 7 years
listen the quality of your reply formatting, your theme, your icons…in the end, they don’t mean shit. they don’t reflect the quality of your writing. some people want the aesthetic related things listed above, but i’ve seen plenty of people in my years rping that can make fancy aesthetic replies but are so focused on that that their characterization isn’t there. pls don’t let it get u down. 
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