hellogardenblr-blog · 5 years
We’ve been learning that a plant needs water, air, and sunlight for its growth. But how many of you know that Nitrogen too is an important element for a plant’s growth? Nitrogen occupies about 78%(which is more than oxygen’s occupancy) of the atmosphere. Yet, plants cannot acquire nitrogen directly from the air. Plants acquire nitrone which is available in the soil in the form of nitrates, nitrites, etc. Nitrogen helps in making proteins which is essential for plant growth. It is good for plants but adequate amounts can lead to poor flowering and nitrogen deficiency can lead to stunted growth. There are various nitrogen-fixing plants for your home garden are available
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hellogardenblr-blog · 5 years
A berry is a pulpy, edible fruit that can either be sweet or sour. The most common berries include strawberries,  raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red currants, white currants, and black currants. Most of the berries belong to England,  United Kingdom. Bacciferous or baccate is referred to as a plant bearing berries. There are various kinds of berries available to us. Some are edible while some are poisonous. Here we are going to tell you some berries to grow in your home garden Did you know that bananas are also a part of the berry family? Watermelons and pumpkins are giant berries which are a source of fibers.
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hellogardenblr-blog · 5 years
lavender! One of the extraordinary plants in the world which offers numerous benefits to our health, skin etc. It can be used as a natural air freshener in our homes and cars and even as a perfect sleep aid.
If you are new to plant propagation and don’t know how to start, don’t worry. Because plantation of lavender doesn’t need heavy equipments to start with, it’s very simple!
So, if you are ready to have one lavender plant and want to turn that one in to many, this article will definitely help you with simple and easy steps.
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hellogardenblr-blog · 5 years
I am not sure how effect is an insect magnet, but plants that repel flies in your backyard is the best option I can find to avoid the buzzing sound.
I personally like to dine outdoors enjoying the weather with pleasant air. But, I get annoyed by flies and insects that interrupt my feast. There are sprays that keep flies away, but who would like to coat himself in toxic chemicals.
Instead, take time to plant these herbs that repel flies.
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hellogardenblr-blog · 5 years
We often come across the benefits of Grow Lavender Plant, yes many healing properties of this wonderful herb will make us speechless. So, have you ever thought of growing this wonderful healing plant in your home? No, then you might not hear about the soothing properties and aroma of this plant.
If you have gone through the benefits offered by this plant, you will never step backward to have this plant in your home.
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hellogardenblr-blog · 5 years
Hydroponics may be a method of growing plants during a simple way by using nutrient-rich soil and water system. It involves the basis system is supported employing a medium like perlite, clay pellets, peat moss, etc rather than soil. the most aim of using hydroponics for plants is to supply an efficient amount of nutrients to support their proper and healthy growth. However, this will be wiped out some ways that are the rationale why we'll check out different systems you'll grow hydroponically. Before that have a glance at the pros and cons of those systems.
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hellogardenblr-blog · 5 years
Having alittle space doesn't mean you can't create your own natural space that brings your happiness. Small Indoor plants are a real thanks to bring vibrant color to your home and to purify the air inside our homes. However, huge plants aren’t always the simplest choice to choose for little apartments and fewer than spacious homes. Thankfully, they're many plants which will assist you to supply the proper touch of green without taking over a piece of space. Small indoor plants like succulents are perfect for adding greenery to your desk or your nightstand. They even survive easily with low maintenance and may fit anywhere in your home. inspect some small indoor plants to be placed in your favorite places that save many space.
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