helloclairvoyant · 4 years
Hollow knight sentence starter meme.
I imagine you come across many interesting items in your travels 
Oh? What are you doing out in this miserable downpour?
Impressive fountain isn’t it?
 I’m sure we’d be able to appreciate it more if we weren’t both getting drenched.
Ah. I enjoy collecting their like, but there’s little information to be gleaned of each.
Do you have anything else for me? If not, get your damp little self out of my home.
. A ruler seeking worship tends to hide their blemishes. It’d do no good to appear a common bug/man
Hmph. How did you find me, down here where the world ends?
Yes, I know why you’re here.
Those who do not share their strength will never learn.
Leave me to my solitude.
You’ve returned, though you were not invited.
Rest here if you must, but do not stay longer than you need to.
In the future, if you will listen… I will tell you why I chose to tread this path.
Hmph. I must say, you are an excellent pupil.
So, it was you who called us/me/them.
Well met, my friend. Well met.
A masterful opening act. The air hums with excitement
Bravo, my friend. Hear how the crowd adores you! 
How grand a stage!
A charming ritual… a pleasure!
Dance with me, my friend
Sounds unnecessary to me
I’m normally quite perceptive.
 You I underestimated, though I’ve since guessed the truth.
So peaceful. So dull.
Garrgh. What a calm place. It’s action I want, vicious and deadly battle. This serenity is a bore.
That place calls to me.
. I can already taste my victory…
Oh, it’s you again. I’m glad to see you return.
I swore I’d visit, but…
Oh, I’m sorry. Ignore me, I’m being foolish.
 If I’m not careful I’ll sink down into old memories and won’t ever come back again.
Ohhh… please… don’t leave me behind!
You… forgot about me…?
Oh?! Who are you?
I knew you would… everyone always forgets about me…
Sorry, when I look at your face I can hardly… I just can’t believe you came all the way down here to rescue me. I didn’t think anybody…
.. Sometimes, I like to find a spot somewhere you can lie down and look up, and not see the roof of any caverns. The darkness is beautiful, and it goes on forever. 
.. Forgive my inaction…
…Do they watch us struggle?..
Do you haunt my dreams… Or I yours?
Oh. Please. Please. Don’t be shy.
My dear. Aren’t you so kind, checking again on my well-being.
Gah!! Get out! Get out! Get out!
So you followed me here .
A song that never ends… is no song at all.
A new land. Different from the last. How many more will we see
The roads between are dark and long,
…Return to us…
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
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private multifandom multimuse ft. the radiance. written by magnolia. template credit.
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
taken from the bands’ various songs,   but with a twist:    a lot of it are soft sentence starters meant for those quiet or glaringly tender moments.     nothing belongs to me.     feel free to change any pronouns or sentence structure according to your muse’s preferences.
❝   the world is brighter than the sun now that you’re here.    ❞
❝   you are loved, you are loved more than you know.   ❞
❝   i’ll give you everything i have, i’ll teach you everything i know.   ❞
❝   i will always hold you close, but i will learn to let you go.    ❞
❝   i will soften every edge, I’ll hold the world to its best.   ❞
❝   you taught me the courage of stars before you left.   ❞
❝   how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.   ❞
❝   sweetheart, you look a little tired. when did you last ate?   ❞
❝   it’s okay if you can’t catch your breath; you can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest.   ❞
❝   just wanna build you up till you’re good as new.   ❞
❝   with every heartbeat i have left, i will defend your every breath.    ❞
❝   i promise i’ll do better.   ❞
❝   your heart is far too young to realise the unimaginable light you hold inside.   ❞
❝   come in and make yourself at home. stay as long as you need.   ❞
❝   no, i don’t wanna talk about myself - tell me where it hurts.   ❞
❝   i just wanna love you well.   ❞
❝   i’d give anything to hear you say it one more time that the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes.   ❞
❝   i will rearrange the stars, pull them down to where you are.   ❞
❝   i will love you without any strings attached.   ❞
❝   i finally see myself—unabridged and overwhelmed, a mess of a story i’m ashamed to tell—but i’m slowly learning how to break this spell.   ❞
❝   make my messes matter.   ❞
❝   tell me if something’s wrong - you can count on me.  ❞
❝   we were full of life, we could barely hold it in.   ❞
❝   time is ruthless but showed us kindness in the end.   ❞
❝   we find our way back home.   ❞
❝   i wanna love you but i don’t know how.  ❞
❝   for the first time i see an image of my brokenness utterly worthy of love.   ❞
❝   you know i’ll take my heart and clean apart, if it helps yours beat.    ❞
❝   we will call this place our home.   ❞
❝   it’s okay if you can’t find the words; let me take your coat off and these weight off your shoulders.   ❞
❝   let our hearts, like doors, open wide.   ❞
❝   i will love you with every single thing i have.   ❞
❝   what a privilege it is to love.   ❞
❝   a little broken, a little new. we are the impact and the glue. capable more than we know to call this fixer upper home.   ❞
❝   let the years we’re here be kind.   ❞
❝   there is goodness in the heart of every broken man.   ❞
❝   we’re young enough to try to build a better life.   ❞
❝   i rebuild when I break down.   ❞
❝   don’t you worry, there’s still time.   ❞
❝   i’m short of breath standing next to you   ❞
❝   you are beautiful like I’ve never seen.   ❞
❝   goodnight, it is time to sleep. the moon will watch over all of your dreams.   ❞
❝   go ahead and laugh, even if it hurts.   ❞
❝   you’re enough. i promise you.   ❞
❝   oh, let me be right.   ❞
❝   we are infinite.   ❞
❝   we may fall in love every time we open up our eyes.   ❞
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
hey! i know i’ve been pretty quiet, it’s because i’ve become hyperfixated on hollow knight, but know that this blog hasn’t been abandoned! i just don’t have the focus for much outside of hollow knight rn 
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
Send a Heart for a Specific Kiss!
Send ❤️ for a romantic kiss. Send 💝 for a plationic kiss. Send 💞 for a awkward kiss. Send 💓 for a heated kiss. Send 💟 for a delicate kiss. Send 💔 for a interrupted kiss. Send 💘 for a static shock kiss. Send 💗 for a repetitive lip peck kiss. Send 🖤 for a forced/harsh/firm kiss. Send 💚 for an eskimo kiss. Send 💙 for a spiderman kiss. Send 💜 for a quick kiss. Send 💛 for an air kiss. Send 💕for good night/morning kiss. Send ❣️ for a kiss to a specific spot. <insert location> Send 💑 for a first kiss. Send 😍 for a surprise kiss. Send 💋 for a random kiss. <receiver’s choice>
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
@abyssel has found a fallen star.
a star fell from the cloudy, murky skies above dirtmouth last night, crashing just past the howling cliffs. the sound was deafening, and could be heard for miles around. 
coming to investigate it would reveal that it wasn’t a star at all, but rather, a ship, with a very tired capellan and disgruntled robot camping outside it. a night of having strange bird like creatures attack them and their wreckage of a ship has not been easy on them, especially right after having crashed said ship. 
neither of them has ventured any farther into the cliffs, too afraid of leaving the ship unattended for too long. hearing faint footsteps behind them, both cassandra and paola jump up, with cassandra reaching for her sword, letting bright flames dance along the blade as she raises it up to better see in the darkness. 
“who’s there?” paola tries in galactic standard from her place behind cassandra. “are you friendly?” 
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
uuuh give this post a like for a funky lil starter in the morning
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
Cassandra’s grateful for the sudden distraction- she’s been trying to read the newspaper, something she picked up because she knows Splinter enjoys the crosswords, and...it’s been a struggle. The pages are just so big and hard to focus on without sitting at a table. So, given the opportunity, she gladly folds it up as best she can and sets it aside, instead focusing on her son, and the fruit 2 go bar he offered. 
Cassandra wraps an arm around his shoulders and shell, letting a little more heat than usual radiant out from her. “Whatcha reading, kiddo?” she asks, looking over his shoulder to read along with him.
//Soft Starter for @helloclairvoyant
Its no doubt that the lady who has fire powers would run at a distinctly higher temperature than the rest of them. It's incredibly convenient when she's adopted the entire cold-blooded family, and even if its not particularily cold out, its hard to warm up too much. In Raph's opinion anyway.
So he doesn't care that its nice and sunny and warm out, he's going to bring his book and flop down beside Cassandra, wriggle himself up to her side and resume where he'd left off. Raph's eyes skim over the page to find his spot and he reaches up with his other hand to hold up a fruit 2 go bar to his mum.
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
There’s the sound of a crash nearby, as Cassandra moves too much, too fast, and the panel that had been just barely holding him up in the vents for repairs gives out, and Cassandra is unceremoniously dumped on the floor. 
His face is scrunched up in pain- oh, he was gonna need Paola to check his head later for sure- but he opens his eyes just a crack to see Odette. Which isn’t really a surprise- it was her voice that had startled him so badly, but he did have just enough time to note the concern in her voice before falling.
“Hi, hey, Odette,” he says, sitting up slowly, rubbing the back of his head. He turns himself around, so he’s facing her, but still sitting down. He’s gonna give himself a minute before he gets up. “What was it you wanted to talk about?” 
Then, looking around and noticing a distinct lack of his children, he adds, “Did you come here alone?”
Odette had met Splinter. Even for the gentle girl with not a lot of sense, she could tell something was just… off. She didn’t like him from the start, which was a strange new feeling for her. Her uncles often said she’d never met a stranger, after all.
But meeting Cassandra was something different entirely. She felt a lot more at ease around the alien than she did around the rat, and carried a presence that reminded her a lot of her uncle Marcel.
But today… today she was worried, and had made her way down to visit of her own volition, separate from the turtles.
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“Cassandra? Are you down here? I’d like to talk to you, if you have a minute…”
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
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Pride Month Stimboards: Nonbinary Pride
[ X || X || X ]
[ X || X || X ]
[ X || X || X ]
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
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Pride Month Stimboards: Bi Pride
[ X || X || X ]
[ X || X || X ]
[ X || X || X ]
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
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hi i’m huxley, can i interest you in some bug lore? this is an indie rp blog for the player character of hollow knight! :)
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
@crystarchived said...
❛ there’s asking for forgiveness, there’s asking for permission, and then there’s saying “fuck it,” and doing what you may. ❜ (from mico)
cassandra lets out an exhale through his nose. generally, he’d be wary of that specific advice from mico, but...given how he already really wanted to do this, mico’s words were the last little push he needed. 
“right. i’m not going to be messing with any vital systems anyway, so i don’t think anyone will notice until i’m done,” he reasoned, kneeling down so he could pick the lock to the base’s control center. 
taking things apart to see how they worked had become a soothing habit of his long, long ago, and seeing how he no longer had a ship of his own to fiddle with, and had already taken apart the clock in his room six times tonight alone, that left the control center. 
he’d dragged along mico, partly for his magic expertise, and partly for the company. 
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
@arknighted said...
👫 dw if you can't make 4 but .... im curious
cassandra would definitely be. flirtatious with avery, i think. it’s mostly just banter, but. i could easily see cassandra genuinely catching feelings for avery
i feel like avery would definitely be cool w/ paola? and befriend her and treat her like any other operator which DEFINITELY gives her the Cassandra Seal Of Approval. cassandra would honestly let the, uh, himbo flirt facade drop to make sure avery knows that she really appreciates avery just. being cool w/ paola.
SPEAKING OF. avery can probably see past the himbo flirt facade after a while, and cassandra would slowly feel comfortable letting it drop around her. I JUST RLLY LIKE THE IDEA OF CASSANDRA TRUSTING AVERY 
once cassandra’s attached to avery she will. not be easy to get rid of, sorry. she’ll appoint herself avery’s right hand man and like. linger around to try and find more errands she can run for her, etc. im sorry avery she shows affection by doing shit for other people
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
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val here w/ a shiny new multimuse. right now it’s just tmnt & fe muses, though more may be added in the future. 
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
@restrainedcontrol said...
cassandra feels like shit. 
the fever makes it hard to think, hard to stay aware at all. he’s only been through a core shift like this two other times, but he can feel in his gut that it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. 
paola and splinter have stopped fussing over him for now, but cassandra almost wishes they were here, so he wouldn’t be quite so lonely. he doesn’t call for them, though, because they’ve done enough for him these past few days and he doesn’t want to be any more of a burden to them. 
he resigns himself to staring at the ceiling until he can fall back into slumber until the door opens, flooding his dark room with light. cassandra can only see the very top of the turtle’s head that comes in, so it’s anyone’s guess which one it is. there’s the faint sound of water spilling onto the floor, and then they’re close enough for cassandra to see that it’s raph. 
“hey kiddo,” he croaks, giving raph a tired smile. raph sets the bowl of water up on the table set up next to his bed, and then climbs up onto his bed. 
“they said you weren’t contag...contagious,” raph said slowly, sounding the word out. “that it’d be okay to see you, and we wouldn’t get sick.”
cassandra nodded. “that’s right. what i’ve got is called a core shift. it normally wouldn’t be this bad, if i were around other capellans, but...” he trailed off, looking away. 
raph frowned, and grabbed a washcloth from the bowl that gone unnoticed until now. without ringing it out, he scooted closer to cassandra, and pressed it against his entire face. the water was ice cold, and quickly got all over cassandra’s face and pillow. raph starting scrubbing his face, like a parent would do to a messy child, and cassandra could stop the confused laughter that left him. 
“raph- what-?” cassandra tried to ask through laughter and the turtle’s persistent scrubbing. 
“this is what you do for sick people, right?” he said, not letting up until cassandra gently grabbed his hands. “you’ve got us, so you don’t...you’ll be fine. we’ll take care of you. i’ll take care of you.”
cassandra was left speechless. he gently took the washcloth from raph’s hands, who looked just about ready to cry. he folded it gently, then placed it on raph’s forehead. “like that, kiddo.” 
“you...you’re gonna be fine,” he said, sniffling. “and then you won’t have to leave to go live with other capellans.” 
ah, so that’s what was on raph’s mind. putting a hand on the top of his head, cassandra replied, “of course i’m gonna be fine. how could i not be, with someone like you helping look out for me?” 
later on, paola and splinter would find the turtle curled up against the alien’s side, both sleeping deeply, as if neither had a care in the world. 
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helloclairvoyant · 4 years
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@ starspangledscarf i do have the technology…… TO MAKE ANOTHER DRAWING!!
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