hellfiremaniac · 4 months
I tried writing something new for a fandom that I'm only in through association (one of my best friends is hyperfixated on it and I am always so hyped to hear about people's interests that I know a lot about it because of him) ! It's a short (1.1k words) hurt/comfort fic featuring Monoma and Compress!
My friend has his own villain au for Monoma where he joins the League because Compress expresses an interest in his quirk and genuinely builds up Monoma's confidence and shows him support and I love that idea so much that I based this entire fic off of it, hehe
Here's the link to it on Ao3, if people want to check it out! ^^
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hellfiremaniac · 5 months
Boosting this ^^ please vote on who should be included in this game
I'm about to begin working on a dating sim game featuring my original world and characters alongside some friends of mine, but first I need YOUR HELP with finalising the line-up of dateable characters!
The currently decided dateables are as follows (with varied art pieces I've done of them included for visualisation purposes):
Enatras (he/him): known best for being the king of the Orchels, more commonly known as "dark gods". He's the god of destruction and the void, and he's had a history of violence. Currently he's trying to repent for his past actions by establishing diplomatic ties to his brother's group of gods. He's sarcastic, slightly suspicious, and definitely still seems evil despite his right-hand woman trying to assure you that he's just acting like that for fun.
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Lendelrem (he/they/she): the god of life and death, their main job involves collecting spirits of those willing to move on and reincarnating them as plants and animals. They seem blank faced and unfeeling at first, but there's a lot of complex emotions hidden beneath their mask.
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Karmelerre (she/they): Acrente's twin sister and the god of knowledge, she's one of the most responsible gods and takes her job very seriously. They act put together and strong in public, but behind the ornate doors of their library rests a tired woman, seeking comfort in the strong halls of books. She dedicates a large portion of their time to cleaning up their brother's messed.
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Acrente (he/they): Karmelerre's twin brother and the god of creativity, known and widely loved by mortals for the huge parties they throw alongside their best friend. His irresponsible and fun loving demeanour is near constant, but when it falls it falls hard.
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(Art for Acrente done by @derpoprime)
Soubern (she/her): the god of summer and one of the royal children, Soubern is the brightest of all her siblings. Lights up a room like sunlight and brings with her the warmth of summer. A comforting and kind character, known to fall in love easily. She also loves wearing the worst colour combinations known to god-kind as a way to annoy her brother.
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Purzentry (he/they): the god of cats and adoptive father or Bezenade (god of bees). Purzentry is gruff and unfriendly at first, yet fiercely protective of their child. They're slow to warm up to new people, and he tends to linger in quiet places. Has seen a lot in his life and now wants to focus on their family.
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(This art was also done by @derpoprime)
Lozured (she/him): god of love in all its forms, she has a tendency to latch onto new people and make sure they know how amazing they are. An extremely positive god with a loving demeanour, he uses a lot of pet names and nick names for people, and is big on all forms of affection and love.
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Unexrial (he/him): the Orchel god of death, Unexrial is pretty much the exact opposite of Lendelrem. Energetic, loud, and very expressive, Unexrial is widely viewed as one of the two nicest Orchel gods. As an added bonus, he comes with a dog/bug/thing (Dyanyre, the shadow creature depicted with him below).
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hellfiremaniac · 6 months
saw someone say cloud has 'post traumatic sephiroth disorder' which is extremely funny but also there's no way sephiroth would ever allow cloud to be post-anything sephiroth, that twink is getting sephiroth trauma 24/7 babeyyyy
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hellfiremaniac · 9 months
Sweet As Sugar
When Angeal had initially suggested that the trio visit a small coffee shop he knew in Midgar, Sephiroth wasn't expecting it to be because he knew one of the baristas there. But, sure enough, entering the building came with the realisation that their mutual friend, Zack Fair, worked there.
And he was mortified that Angeal had chosen to bring the others there, stirring up a fuss about it and causing the other, shorter barista to eventually shoo him away from the register. Zack had reluctantly obliged, leaving his co-worker to deal with serving the three men.
The blond had diligently taken their orders and set about preparing them while Zack returned to resume his over-dramatic tale of woe and betrayal at the fact that Angeal had told the others about this.
They happened to be the only customers in the store, so Zack's co-worker handed them the drinks rather than calling out their names. Sephiroth took that time to notice how much shorter than the rest of them the blond was, a smirk forming on his face as he thought of how amusing it was.
Until he looked at his drink cup and found the name Joseph written on the side of it. His smirk fell, confusion taking over his features as he looked over to his friends and saw their names written correctly on their drinks.
Before he could hide it, Zack pointed towards his cup. "Does that say Joseph?"
Genesis quickly snatched the cup before Sephiroth could deny it, holding it up for the others to see. "It does!" The laugh that followed his statement was loud, Zack joining in soon after. Even Angeal couldn't hide his amused smile.
Annoyed, Sephiroth turned to reprimand the blond, only to realise that he had disappeared. "Where did he go?"
"Oh, Cloud?" Zack asked, out of breath, when his laughter died down. "His shift ended right before you got here."
Sephiroth huffed, taking an annoyed sip from his drink and growing even more bothered by the fact that it tasted good. While his friends moved on to discussing Zack's new job, Sephiroth himself was silent, focusing on the blond barista that had disappeared before he could tell him his actual name.
After a few days, Genesis suggested that they return to the coffee shop. Not to harass Zack this time, but because he stated that he liked the drinks there. Angeal agreed right away, and Sephiroth went along with them so that they wouldn't think he was bothered by the incorrect name thing.
Which he was. But he didn't want them to know that.
Zack was nowhere to be seen when they entered the building, but the other barista was there, standing behind the counter. He smiled widely at them when they entered, his tone of voice cheerful as he spoke.
"Welcome back! Zack's on his break right now, but I can go get him for you!" He walked through an Employees Only door before any of them had a chance to speak, and he emerged after a few seconds with Zack in tow.
"Hello?" Zack seemed confused by why Cloud had dragged him out so suddenly, but seeing his friends made it make sense. Cloud had expressed apprehension about being alone around them after their last visit, which Zack found entertaining.
"Same orders as last time?" They all nodded, and Cloud set about making their drinks. It was impressive that he could remember them after one visit, but Zack knew he had memorised the drinks to avoid direct interactions with them in the future as much as possible.
If they weren't on shift, Zack would torment his friend about the crush he knew he had, but he knew that now wasn't the time for it.
When Sephiroth received his drink, he was more confused than last time by the name on it. Rather than saying Joseph, the name Seth was present on his cup. The others poked fun at it again, but they moved on from it quicker than they had the last time.
He shot a look towards the blond behind the counter, but the only response he got was a startled look before Cloud ran off to do something out of eyesight.
Visiting the small coffee shop had become a habit for the group, regardless of whether or not Zack was working. The drinks were good, the atmosphere was relaxing, and it made it easy for them to avoid the recognition they got in most bigger places.
While Genesis and Angeal never had their names mixed up, Sephiroth was growing increasingly agitated by the names written on his drinks. Zack had begun keeping a list of them; Joseph, Seth, Sean, Ross, Roy, Hero, Hayden, and, the most recent addition, Silver.
Receiving a drink today with the name Angel written on it had confused him at first. Looking towards Angeal, he saw the man's name written correctly on his cup once again. There was no way for it to have been his name mis-spelled, and he finally looked over at Cloud for an explanation.
He would normally run off as soon as Sephiroth confronted him about it in any way, but today his response was in the form of a soft smile as they made eye contact from across the counter. He waved slightly before moving to serve another customer, and though Sephiroth returned to his conversation with his friends, his mind stayed stuck on a small detail.
Was Cloud blushing?
— — —
A/N: Hey everyone !! This piece is an unfinished one, but it's one I still like and it seemed to be doing well on AO3, so I figured I'd post it here too :] I might finish it, eventually, but for now it remains as it is! Haha.
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hellfiremaniac · 1 year
A Broken Bond -- Sefikura Soulmate AU
Going to preface this by saying that this was written as a joke because I had a random thought and shared it with some friends that encouraged it, so not everything in it will be accurate to the games. Also based this off of the FFVII Remake because I hadn’t played Crisis Core at the time that this was written.
Oh, and this is angst. No fluff to be found. Good luck!
"We'll meet again, Cloud. I'll keep coming back -- as long as you are who you are."
The words on his wrist stung terribly, waking him from his latest dream with a hiss of pain. His right hand gripped the words that he hated so much, the last words someone's soulmate would say to them before they died.
He used to wonder who his soulmate would be. Part of him hoped he'd never find out -- but that hope was destroyed when he killed his supposed soulmate with his own two hands.
It had to have been some cruel trick the universe was playing on him, deciding that the rest of his life wasn't a nightmare enough.
His hallucinations of the man had been growing stronger lately, as had his nightmares that featured him. He couldn't remember the last time he had a good night's rest, let alone managing to go a day without hearing the voice of the man he hated so much.
Try as he did, he could never escape his reality, the truth of his soulmate's identity; for his destined was Sephiroth, the one-winged angel that had destroyed his hometown.
Nobody else knew. Nobody had managed to figure it out, not even Tifa. The thought gave him a sense of relief, knowing that he didn't have to directly lie to his best friend. He had managed to form a fragile sense of comradery with the members of Avalanche, and with a local florist named Aerith, and he didn't want this secret destroying that.
Unfortunately for him, all good things in his life came to an end sooner or later. And this time it happened to come when he infiltrated the Shinra building to save Aerith.
He saw his soulmate in his nightmares. He saw him when he was awake, but the figure always faded quickly, and nobody else acknowledged those hallucinations.
So then, why were his friends able to see the man now?
Sephiroth, standing at the end of the metal pathway they were on. Smirking at him, like always.
His breath caught in his throat, his feet moving forward without him consciously making the decision to do so.
"Is it..." he hesitated, a burning sensation in his chest making the words difficult to say. "Is it really you?"
The man before him reacted with a simple smile and a slight, almost unnoticeable nod of his head.
The burning grew worse with the confirmation. He vaguely knew what it was, having heard stories when he was younger about the pain of a broken soulmate bond. Something in him knew the undeniable truth, and it wanted him to suffer for rejecting it.
Sephiroth picked up on this, reaching out a hand to him. "Don't deny me."
Cloud felt a scream bubble up in his throat, gripping his buster sword in both hands and lunging at the man he hated -- the man the universe said he was supposed to love -- with every ounce of disgust he felt for the man.
Sephiroth easily blocked the blow. Cloud was standing close enough that he could see the vibrant turquoise colour that the mako had turned all SOLDIERs eyes too, except this was deeper. Prettier, in a way. He wanted to hit himself for even thinking the word.
A gentle wind, an exhaled breath, hit his face, pushing his hair back slightly. It smelled like peppermint.
"Embrace me," the man before him whispered, the look of adoration on his face only feeding Cloud's anger.
He jumped back, moving in for another blow but failing as Sephiroth destroyed the path beneath his feet, watching with satisfaction as the younger SOLDIER fell into the darkness.
When he came to, he couldn't help but feel like his heart had been torn from his chest -- the same feeling he experienced after he had killed Sephiroth.
But his soulmate was back. Against all odds he was somehow alive. And Cloud wanted nothing more than to put an end to him once more.
So then, why did the thought of harming him cause such an ache in his chest? Why did his hands hesitate to strike a blow before? Why did he feel so hollow?
He couldn't figure out an answer, sitting numbly until his limbs finally decided to co-operate. He couldn't be alone for too long -- he had to find the others.
Barret was as easy to locate as always, his battle cries leading Cloud right to him, though it was Red XIII that he had first located.
The rush of battles that followed passed by in a blur. His heart was aching terribly, a feeling that he thought he left behind long ago. He didn't even notice the concerned looks Aerith was giving him, nor had he noticed her gasp when she saw him near Sephiroth earlier.
For Aerith was an Ancient, and Ancients knew when soulmates were near each other. It was how she knew that Tifa was her own soulmate -- not that she had told the other girl yet. She was too worried about how the information would be received.
But for Cloud to be Sephiroth's soulmate? She never would've guessed it if she hadn't felt their connection light up the air around her in the other room. It was unfathomable, but it was also undeniable. She wondered if the others had noticed the loving looks their enemy was giving the mercenary, but it seemed that neither Tifa nor Barret had.
Red, however, was keeping a closer eye on the mercenary now, and Aerith felt that he knew. When she connected with Red, she gave him some of her knowledge. Evidently, that was enough for him to recognise the bond that they had witnessed before.
She felt guilty as she watched her silent friend keep moving, keep protecting them, knowing where their path was leading.
Knowing that she'd have to watch the pair be broken apart once more.
Cloud didn't like how Aerith kept looking at him. He could feel her eyes on the back of his head, but he tried to ignore it, along with the sense that she knew. She had no way of knowing. Unless being an Ancient somehow let her know.
He couldn't help but look back at her, being met by the sad gaze she had rested on him since they reunited after the confrontation with Sephiroth.
"What?" He knew his voice was blunt. He knew it was always like that. He figured he was too far gone for it to ever be normal again.
"Are you okay?" Her words struck him like a knife to the chest as his breath abandoned him. She knew.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes, you do." Normally, this was endearing, the way that she wouldn't let him dodge her questions.
Now, he just found it infuriating.
"It's none of your business." He tried to keep walking, to catch up to the others, but she grabbed his arm.
"Cloud, it's okay to hurt. Broken bonds are painful, especially when they break twice."
He completely froze, unsure how to proceed now that she had acknowledged that she knew. Was the world spinning, or was he? It didn't take long before the headaches came, always accompanying the thoughts of his soulmate.
"I don't..." he didn't have the strength to keep denying it to her, as pathetic as that fact made him feel. Aerith reached out to clasp her other hand in his, helping to ground him when his mind tried to slip away, when he started seeing black feathers hit the ground.
"It's okay to be scared. I don't know what I'd do if I had to hurt Tifa, even if it was to save others."
Cloud's mouth opened as he processed that information. Yes, Aerith now knew his secret, but she had offered up a similar one in return. Tifa and Aerith are soulmates.
He wanted to be happy for them, to be happy that two of his closest friends were destined for each other. But he couldn't help the resentment that crept into his chest.
Why do they get a happy life together? Why was Cloud's soulmate bond doomed to fail from the moment he discovered it?
That thought wasn't entirely true. He had felt something for the man he used to admire long before he discovered their bond, but he had always written it off as some childish infatuation with his hero. He never thought that the older SOLDIER's smiles had a hidden meaning to them... not until his dying breaths, when he smiled that wretched smile that has been burnt into Cloud's mind ever since, and uttered the words that were permanently placed on his left wrist.
He felt a part of him die that day. The small part that had loved the hero he used to admire -- the part that had once hopelessly waited for a soulmate that he could confide in.
Sephiroth was nothing to him, he had told himself repeatedly since that day. The day his heart shriveled up and died alongside the man that destiny said he was meant to be with.
What a cruel twist of fate.
"You can talk to me about it, Cloud. I won't judge you for what destiny decided for you." She smiled at him in a way that would've convinced him in normal circumstances.
But this wasn't normal, and there was no way that he could even begin to unravel the threads of his soulmate bond to another person. Just the thought of it seemed wrong. He'd hidden it for so long that his head throbbed when he thought about how she knew now.
"Aerith? Cloud? You guys coming?" Tifa called back, smiling gently at them as she saw Aerith's enthusiastic nod. Cloud watched her run to catch up to others, trailing along behind her, and saw the pure joy on Tifa's face when Aerith grabbed her hand to walk with her.
He knew she didn't intend it in a malicious way, but the gesture felt like salt on the wound of his recent encounter with Sephiroth. He wished he could just shake it off, forget about it until they were away from Shinra, but he couldn't get the visual of his eyes out of his head.
He took his left wrist in his right hand, glaring down at the metal band that he knew covered the words. Part of him longed to see them. He scoffed, dropping his wrist and raising his head to keep looking ahead as his little group continued on their quest to find a way out of the Shinra building.
Everything passed by quickly enough that he had almost forgotten about his recent encounter with the man he wished he would never see again.
That was, until Aerith looked directly at him during her speech on their destiny. "We have to take down Sephiroth. I know that we can do it if we work together." She offered him a small smile while he was internally torn apart.
It didn't hurt this much to kill him the first time. Why did it hurt so much now?
He couldn't focus on it, his vision blurring as his logical want to kill Sephiroth battled the pull of the soulmate bond. But he found himself nodding, putting his hand together with the others, and walking straight into Destiny's Crossroads.
It felt like he had been plunged into a tub of ice-cold water and then sent through an inferno of fire, but he soon found himself standing in a warped version of the normal world. It was like the road before them had been destroyed and sent flying through the sky, unlike anything he had ever seen before.
He was separated from the others, and fought his way back to them, feeling a sense of relief as he saw that they were all unharmed.
Together, they took down the Whisperer Harbinger, destroying the destiny that had been ordained for them. But they barely had a moment to celebrate before the sky turned into a swirling purple vortex, and Cloud's heart dropped to his stomach as he saw the silhoutte of Sephiroth through it all.
It hurt worse when his figure was properly revealed, and when he lunged at him in another attempt to kill him. He had fought many people in his life, more often recently, but no injury he had gotten during those fights compared to the raging fire that boiled his blood more with every clash of his sword against Masamune.
He was the one to place the final blow upon his soulmate's skin, but the pain he felt suddenly disappeared as the grey-haired man smirked at him. Then reality warped, and he fell through the sky and suddenly woke up on a blackened rock surrounded by nothing but space.
He tried to sit up, but his headaches flared once more. He gripped his head with his right hand, closing his eyes and hoping the pain would fade. It didn't, not until he felt a gentle grip on his wrist. His pain seemed to evaporate and he slowly opened his eyes, expecting to see Tifa or Aerith.
He jolted backwards as he instead saw Sephiroth, with another stupid look on his face -- a look as if Cloud was the only thing that mattered in the world. He smiled.
"Careful now. That which lies ahead does not yet exist." Cloud's head was swimming, a mixture of hatred and rage and a terrible feeling of content that he despised so much all mixing together and confusing him further. Sephiroth let go of his wrist, gesturing to the colourful explosions scattered throughout the darkness of space that surrounded them. "Our world will become part of it... one day. But I... will not end." He looked at Cloud, his bright eyes full of so much meaning. "Nor will I have you end."
Cloud looked around, not fully comprehending what he was seeing. "This is...?"
"The edge of creation," Sephiroth responded. He stood from his crouch, reaching his hand out to the still confused man. "Cloud, lend me your strength. Let us defy destiny... together." The words were spoken in almost a whisper, and Cloud almost reached out to him. He stopped his hand midway, anger flaring at the movement that he hadn't allowed.
"Never." He made himself utter, believing the word and yet doubting it at the same time.
Sephiroth just kept smiling, though it felt hollower than before. "Not yet." He looked around. "Seven seconds till the end. Enough time for you, perhaps. But what will you do with it? Let's see."
Sephiroth vanished in the blind of an eye. Cloud dropped onto his knees as his body felt like it was lit ablaze, trying desperately to fight it off. Then everything turned white, and his thoughts fizzled down to nothing.
This time, he woke up in a familiar field that had a view of Midgar off in the distance, although he couldn't quite place why it was familiar to him. Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Red were all waiting for him to wake up.
He stood with them, looking out at the city they had all called home for so long. Not him. He hadn't known a home for a long time.
"So, what now?" Tifa's question broke the silence that had fallen across the group, and Cloud grabbed hold of his left wrist once more.
"Sephiroth..." Aerith looked concerned as he muttered the name, but he quickly raised his head once more. "Long as he's still out there, I..."
Barret cut him off, his face scrunched up in confusion. "I thought you beat him."
"We can! We will." Aerith promised, smiling at Cloud to show her support.
"Count me in!" Tifa announced, grabbing hold of Aerith's hand once more. Barret and Red followed suit with similar declarations, and Cloud almost smiled before the rain began to fall on them. They set off towards a world away from Midgar, from Shinra.
Towards a world where they'd be hunting his soulmate down, ensuring that he stayed dead this time. He could almost hear his voice, echoing through his brain. It made him more determined than ever to put a stop to him.
"We'll meet again, Cloud." Like a promise whispered on the wind.
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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you make me happy, when skies are gray
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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mm this was mostly for anatomy practice n shit but doodles!
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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surely, you'd burn the same: ritt momney
i do believe this is my first contribution to pride!roman!! :D !!
anyways, i'm really, really proud of how this turned out, and it took a really, really long time to finish, so- reblogs would be really appreciated!!
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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bees! patton! bees and patton! bees!
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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@coconut-cluster happy birthday!! I drew you some good good prinxiety!! you’re a really amazing, talented person, and I always cheer up when I see you on my dash. have an amazing day!!
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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@lavender-mochi it only took forever to get to but here’s my submission for your dtiys!! I had a lot of fun with it! you deserve 1k followers and so many more 🌼🌼🌼
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
What if the sides made a Crofters jar with Roman on it and gave it to him to make him feel better?
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absolutely could not resist drawing this
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
how u feeling?
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(send me random asks and i’ll answer w a doodle!)
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
I just watched the TS cosplay video and seeing thomas geek out over the fandom made me so happy!
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it’s so nice how involved in the community he is!! thomas is so great
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
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i love him lots :((
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hellfiremaniac · 4 years
This is awesome! I love your art!
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A now finished unfinished Logan drawing I made based on my old Inktober drawing feat. Ace!Logan
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