heartshvker · 4 years
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“they’re men.” is all taeho says in response to the query, feeling no need to provide further explanation. kyrie and taeho couldn’t be more polar opposite if they tried thus the two spending time together is rare but on this day, where taeho needs a distraction from memories forcing themselves to the forefront of his mind, ranting about men with the other is exactly what he needs to let go of all the feelings brewing inside him. he grabs the phone from kyrie’s hand, nose wrinkling as he looks through the pictures. “it’s offensive to goblins to call him as such. didn’t think you had it in you to be kind, song. you learn something new, everyday.”
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“oh, you don’t say. thanks for clearing that up,” kyrie scoffs, rolling his eyes and instantly regretting his attempt at making conversation with his annoying new neighbour. if it wasn’t for the fact that he was in urgent need for a distraction, he wouldn’t have even considered inviting taeho over coffee, but desperate times call for desperate measures. “not even close to how offensive that  gaudy eyesore of a bellybutton piercing is, but i digress.” kyrie picks up his coffee mug and sighs, blowing the steam over the rim. “it’s rather odd that my kindness has taken you by surprise, taeho. after all, i’m taking care of the poor and needy as we are speaking”  
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heartshvker · 4 years
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“Do I really need to spell it out for you? I know ignoring what’s right in front of your face is something you’re super talented at, but the least you could do is acknowledge the fact that I’m obviously flirting with you.” Humble bragging or otherwise, the entire point is that he gets a chance with him even if no one else does, and he finds that rather refreshing; last choice or not, at least he is a choice. “If not thinking about me, then you could do with remembering the fucking. You can’t pretend like you hated that too. Those memories that I revisit over and over are enough evidence to the contrary.” Leaning forward, Wyatt rests his chin in one of his hands, amusement glittering in his eyes.
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“well yes, i’m trying to, but your creepy, borderline stalker behavior and inabillity to recognize boundaries is making it practically impossible to ignore you, joe goldberg.” his jawline and dimples weren’t exactly making things easier for kyrie either, but kyrie would rather die than admit to any of that. “god, you’re so vulgar.” once again his face scrunches up in disgust as his ex-boyfriend forces him to recall their adventurous sex life. of course kyrie misses it, because how could he not? their lust for each other was basically the only thing the two of them had in common. inching closer, kyrie makes it a point to lower his voice, not wanting anyone to overhear them speaking. “i see. well, savor the memory, because that’s all you’ll ever have, wyatt,” he whispers softly, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards as he leans into wyatt’s ear. “stroke yourself at night as you think of me, my body writhing underneath you, moaning your name as you thrust into me, because it's never, ever, going to happen again, handsome.” 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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it’s awkward, beyond awkward for jovi to find himself in an elevator with the other man. he wants to talk to him, apologise for his actions on the day he went to confront his ex boyfriend but doing so in a confined space is less than ideal, however and he feels trapped. “i live here.” a coincidence. jovi had his back to the wall after the revelation, with no place to stay and had reached out to a friend for a solution which turned out to be an apartment in the same complex as the other. jovi is at loss for words as he locks eyes with kyrie, his gaze frightened and the step back he takes is further proof of the state he’s in. “i would like to talk to you about what happened that day and some other things.” it’s nothing short of a miracle that the model has somehow managed to keep his composure. he’s no longer angry with the other, he was played the same way jovi was, but the sight of him is salt to the wound and his heart aches. “please?”
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kyrie couldn’t believe what he was hearing. karma had really come back to bite him in the ass. “you live here?” he repeats, an incredulous look crossing his features. this was even worse than being followed, far, far worse. it couldn’t possibly be a coincidence that the other male had chosen to move to the same apartment building he was living in for the pas three years, could it? “you want to talk?” it’s the last thing kyrie wants, but he realizes all too well that if he were to tell this guy off, another explosive reaction would be inevitable. “i don’t think i can tell you anything you don’t already know, though,” he tries, biting his teeth down on his lower lip. “i made a mistake. a very foolish mistake. however, in my defense, i had no idea that he was seeing anyone.” not like it would have stopped him from sleeping with his boss, but had he known in advance, he would have been even more cautious about it. “regardless, i want to apologize for my actions, so... sorry. i’m not sure what else i can offer you at this point.”
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heartshvker · 4 years
* kyrie & jovi  — -  a starter for @regclars​
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“what the... what are you doing here? are you following me?” kyrie’s eyes go wide as saucers at the sight of dark haired male, as he instantly recognizes him from the debacle that happened at work two weeks before. it was beyond frightening, knowing this stranger, who had every reason to be upset with him for sleeping with his boyfriend, kyrie’s boss, could ruin his reputation at any moment, if he wanted to. though he didn’t drop his name during his tantrum in the meeting room, the fact that the male had followed him home meant that this nightmare was far from over. “w-what do you want?” he stammers, taking a step back. it was hard to stay cool and collective, when your whole future was on the line. “i didn’t know, okay? i didn’t...” 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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“Men inferior to you, or men inferior to me?” Both, he would imagine, and he sniffs like he already knows the answer to it, raising his chin a fraction. It isn’t often that the people he’s with are the ones to break up with him, and there’s always been a sort of ‘love lost’ feeling that wells up in him when he thinks about Kyrie. As a result, he knows he probably isn’t quite as indifferent to him perusing dating apps as he likes to pretend that he is. Years of practice make it easy for him to tuck that away in a place where he’ll never see it. “I actually don’t mind being a ‘last option’ — it just means you’ve failed at finding any others, which can only mean good things for me.” Going from his first choice to his last should probably sting more, but it doesn’t. Wyatt is just grateful to be included, thanks very much. “Come now, it hasn’t been so long that you’ve stopped thinking about it, has it?”
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“inferior to me, obviously. did you miss the part about you being a last option only?” his eyes narrow as he glares coldly at his ex-boyfriend, warning him that he’s treading on thin ice. attractive or not, kyrie’s patience with the other’s shenanigans had run out a long time ago. admittedly, he hasn’t fully moved on from him yet, but there was no point in trying to rekindle a relationship with someone who was never serious about him to begin with. “mhm, i don’t think i’ve ever heard anyone humble brag about their mediocrity before, but do tell, how exactly is any of that beneficial to you?” kyrie questions, dark brows knitting into a frown. “thinking about what?” of course he knows what wyatt is getting at, and it’s beyond frustrating how the other male is still able to get to him like this. “you?” he answers his own question before the other can. “why on earth would i want to give a simple minded herb like you any thought?” 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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“I do not know, I don’t make it a habit to keep up with men’s grooming or hygiene.” Coraline answers, head still in her journal. She’s been writing up a storm as of late, which must be a relief to her publisher. They’re always pushing the author to follow a set deadline and yet Coraline remains steadfast in her rebellion. Patience is a virtue after all. “Any particular reason for your lament?”
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“right, that much is obvious,” kyrie retorts, scruching up his nose in disgust as images of her exes come to mind. the journalist wasn’t sure why he thought lamenting about ugly guys to his cousin of all people was a good idea, but he found himself instantly regretting his decision. “what are you working on?” he asks, in an effort to change the subject. “oh, it’s just... nevermind, it’s not important.” 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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          evelyn  caught  her  laughs  with  her  manicured  hand,  resting  it  on  her  lips. “ you  do  have  a  point,  the  dead  fish  photos  are  pretty  gross…  i  can’t  seem  to  understand  it.  they  caught  a  big  fish,  but  what’s  the  big  deal  ?  put  it  back.  also,  i  swear  you  can  smell  it  through  the  screen  too. ”   she  mirrors  the  other,  also  scrunching  up  her  nose  just  at  the  mere  thought  of  it,  lightly  shaking  her  head.  “ why  they  post  it , that  i  don’t  know,  it  just  reminds  me  of  the  thought  process  a  caveman  would  have. ”
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“anyone with at least half a brain cell would be repulsed by it, and i can only speculate that these neanderthals don’t have anything else that they can proudly show off,” kyrie responds, with a roll of his eyes. “but perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad thing to become a little less picky. ...god, i can’t believe i just said that.” leaning back in his chair, kyrie breathes out an exasperated sigh. “it’s just that it’s been a while since i last went out on a date. admittedly, i do miss it.” 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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heartshvker · 4 years
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“Who said I was complaining, beautiful?” The irony is actually that Wyatt wouldn’t be talking to Kyrie at all either if it weren’t for how pretty his face is. His ass isn’t bad, either. “I could leave, but I don’t think that you actually want me to. You haven’t swiped right even one time, and pretty soon I’m going to be your only option.” And he’s not above accepting that position. Not even a little.
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“oh, so you’re actually taking time out of your day now to spy on me as i reject inferior men on tinder? god, you’re so obsessed with me, it’s just embarrassing," kyrie huffs in annoyance, turning off the app right away. admittedly, there’s a part of him that still craves his ex boyfriend’s attention, but he can’t allow himself to feel that way about him anymore. some things never change, and wyatt’s immature fuckboy antics is one of those things. “well, at least you’ve come to terms with the fact that you’re nothing but a ‘last option’, wyatt,” he snorts, rolling his eyes. “i applaud you for the character development. better late than never, right?” 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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heartshvker · 4 years
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          “ a  …  goblin  ?  ”  her  eyebrows  are  furrowed  in  slight  confusion,  her  expression  tainted  with  amusement  as  a  chuckle  left  her  lips. “ that’s  so  mean,  kyrie …  i’m  sure  there’s   something  good  about  stuart,  maybe  he  drives  one  of  those  cool  vintage  cars. ”  her  shoulders  give  a  slight  shrug.  “ it’s  news  to  no  one,  but really,  it’s  the  pretty  ones  you’ve  got  to  look  out  for.  those  goblin  personalities  come  out  without  a  warning. ” 
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“not mean, i’m just being brutally honest. someone has to be, right? i think it’s al lot meaner to get some ugly guy’s hopes up,” kyrie defends, scrunching up his nose in disgust as he swipes another picture to the left side of his screen. “i agree that the handsome devils shouldn’t be underestimated, but listen, stuart made the choice of adding a picture of himself proudly showing off a dead fish, so i don’t care how many vintage cars he has. you can’t simply bounce back from committing such a crime. as far as i’m concerned, all stuart deserves is a one way trip to cancelvania.” 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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The feeling of fingertips beneath his chin causes goose bumps to raise on his arms, and though he pretends to not be affected by it, it’s clear by the look of slight surprise on his face that he can’t quite hide it. It isn’t the first time he’s started a game he isn’t prepared to finish, but maybe it could be the time that he pushes it far enough that he can at least stumble over the line at some point. “That isn’t what I meant.” He tries, carefully trying to keep his dark eyes only on Ryuichi’s and safely away from his mouth. “I mean, I guess I kind of did, but I also meant — meaningless sex? No dates?” Because Henry doesn’t have time to date right now, and although he really isn’t seeing that sort of desire from the other person, it’s better to be very clear about what he wants than unclear. In the past, a lack of clarity has only served to make him miserable. “Maybe I’ll become a fixture in your apartment after all.” He takes a bite right off the end of his ice pop.
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ryuichi can’t help but crack up at henry’s question. was he seriously asking him to spell it out for him right now?  surely he couldn’t be that dense. “yes, very rough and very meaningless sex, stretch. if you think you can handle me, that is,” the rockstar clarifies with a teasing smirk, brushing his thumb slowly over henry’s bottom lip, back and forth. “no need to act so coy, handsome. i think what i’m offering you is exactly what you meant. actually, i’m almost positive that becoming a fixture in my apartment is all you’ve been fantasizing about for the past three months.” truth be told, even if henry tried to deny it, ryuichi’s head was way too far up his own ass to believe otherwise. “so, let’s not beat around the bush and get down to it, mhm?” standing on his tippy-toes, ryuichi grabs the taller by the collar of his shirt and tuggs him downwards, slanting his lips hungrily over his.
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heartshvker · 4 years
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admittedly the frequency of their arguments has increased, the rockstar seemingly more on edge since they moved to los angeles than back in new york. still, taeho doesn’t think much of it and attributes the change to their new environment. “i love it when you talk dirty to me, baby,” the blonde purrs as he pushes himself off the door and approaches the enraged hellbeast that is his best friend until their torsos are flushed together. he steals the cigarette from ryu’s lips, putting it between his lips and takes a long puff, that he then flicks it into the nearest bin. “you’re so hot when you’re angry,” he presses a lingering kiss to the corner of ryu’s lips then pushes past him, walking toward the laundry room, navigating the apartment with ease. the place is a second home to taeho. in fact, he’s spent so much time in the other’s penthouse that half of his stuff has ended up here and there’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom for the times he doesn’t feel like making the trip down to his own apartment, at night. “now, spill. what got you so pissy ryu? and you better not fucking tell me it’s because i ate the last damn oreo.” yes, their last argument was that idiotic. he pushes at the musician’s shoulders forcing him to walk backward until he falls onto the couch and taeho plops down on his lap to keep him from running away from him. “talk, now.”
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ryuichi doesn’t understand what has changed between them. he used to be able to laugh things off with taeho easily, even when he was furious with him, but for whatever reason his teasing remarks were only adding fuel to the fire. moving to a different location couldn’t have fractured their friendship this much, could it? no, he couldn’t blame it all on los angeles, especially since he was enjoying spending time in the city, even without taeho. “you’re not cute enough to get away with cheesy lines like that,” he huffs, dark eyes narrowing at taeho as the younger male takes a drag from his cigarette. it was hard to refrain from saying anything vicious, and actually hurtful, but truth be told, he cared a lot about taeho. it wasn’t like ryuichi to stay in touch with anyone for long, but somehow, taeho had been by his side for over a year now. soft lips press to the right corner of his mouth, and ryuichi breaths out an exasperated sigh. “it’s you. it’s always you. you piss me off, fuckface,” he grumbles, putting another cigarette to his lips. it wasn’t like him to talk about his feelings, let alone his wounded ego, but he knew that the other wouldn’t drop it unless they talked about it first. avoiding taeho’s gaze, ryuichi lights his cigarette. “why don’t you want to live here? why would you rather waste your money on that shutty apartment than live with me? 
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heartshvker · 4 years
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“Yeesh.” Wyatt lets the sound out on a laugh, pretending to wince at what’s just been said. It amuses him to no end, so at least there’s that. “Why don’t you just wear a sign saying that you’re fucking vapid? Because that’s how you’re sounding right about now. Shallow like a kiddie pool.” Which is exactly his style, thanks very much. The more shallow, the better.
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“it’s quite ironic that you of all people would complain about my aesthetic preferences, wyatt hwan. you, the one who should thank his lucky stars that i’m as superficial as i am, because i wouldn’t have given a human trash can such as yourself the time of day if i wasn’t,” kyrie points out, glaring up at the other male’s stupidly handsome face. “can you ‘yeesh’ your way out of here now?”
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heartshvker · 4 years
“Okay, first of all. Dude. I am not a shy girl. I will kick your ass in a bar fight if it came to it.” Words that failed to be as intimidating as she ( playfully ) intended coming from her tiny frame of 5′2″. “Secondly, I don’t even know you, bro. Like wow yeah, totally just pressed all these buttons to spend time with an absolute stranger.” An objectively attractive one but no one asked. Probably a good thing though since this guy looked like he was the type to waste an extra five minutes gawking at himself in the mirror. “Someone’s obsessed with themselves and it’s not me,” she joked rather comfortably for someone who didn’t quite know who she was talking to. A terrible habit of hers that she had yet to get rid of considering all of the times it landed her in trouble. But Jo was an expert procrastinator so here it still was, alive and well a year into her third decade of living.
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“kick my ass? is that a promise? because i could be into that,” ryuichi deadpans, canting his head to one side as he shamelessly looks his petite neighbour up and down. wow, cute, and an actual sense of humor. that was hard to come by in l.a. “but not in those embarrassing flats, i hope. come on, if you’re going to punish me, you better bring out the big guns. stiletto heels, or it’s a hard pass.” the former rockstar leans his back against the elevator wall, and nonchalantly slides his hands into his pockets. “exactly, you don’t know me, but you’re dying to. see, we understand each other,” he counters with a grin, wagging his brows playfully. “it’s just what happens when you’re hot, interesting and talented. everyone wants to be me, or do me. it’s the cross i have to bear.”
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heartshvker · 4 years
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heartshvker · 4 years
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Ryuichi’s flirtatious nature never fails to make Henry go flushed at the most inconvenient times. Convincing himself that he’s reading too much into his innuendos is impossible when he loses even the vaguest sense of subtlety, and he instead is forced to come up with a dry-mouth response to him saying he’d like him to do him. Clearing his throat, he drops his gaze away from the other person’s eyes, the intimacy becoming too much for him when he suggestively licks at his ice pop at the same time. “Speaking of wait lists on certain positions… The ‘positions’ that you are, um, suggesting? Teasing about?” He lets the words linger for a few moments to unwrap his own ice pop, then continues on. “I don’t get into them with many people, but if you’re looking for something regular, I’m open to talking about it.” It’s been a long time since Henry had that, and maybe he can actually win a game of chicken for once in his life. Or maybe not.
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the rose-colored blush gracing henry's cheeks doesn't go unnoticed, and causes a self-satisfied grin to spread across ryuichi’s face. was the other actually considering his offer? mhm, perhaps his neighbour wasn’t as much of a loss cause after all. “hello, i’m over here, stretch,” he taunts, reaching out his index finger and tilting the other’s chin up, forcing him to meet his piercing gaze. the rockstar is aware that he’s pushing it, but maybe a little push was exactly what henry needs right now. “i’m sure you have a good inkling of what kind of positions i have in mind for you, gorgeous,” he whispers huskily, wetting his lips before he wraps them tightly around the sweet, cherry popsicle again, sliding the frozen treat deeply into his mouth. “don’t get me wrong, i’d love to talk and elaborate more on how i want you to pound me into the mattress, but i’m afraid you'll pass out before we’re able to have any fun, you know?” 
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