Health And Fitness Over 40
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
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Nut Nutrition Comparison More than ever, nuts are recommended as the ideal snack. They are known for being high in fibre, protein, healthy fats, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, much more nutritious than a bowl of potato chips, and—if eaten in moderation—can help you lose weight. Eating nuts also improve heart health and have been shown to lower cholesterol. But not every nut is the same when it comes to its nutritional breakdown, so it is important to know how many are in a serving. The Nutrition of Nuts This comparison chart shows how common nuts differ in nutritional content, making it simple to choose the nut. Listing the approx nutritional content in weight (per ounce) for each nut and the approx number of nuts per ounce. You can compare the number of calories, fat (total, saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated), carbs, and fibre among nine types of nuts
.Don't Go Nuts
A mistake is eating too many—thinking they are healthy, can help you lose weight, and are better than other snacks, so there's no harm, right? No. Nuts are calorie-dense, with more calories per ounce than many other foods. So stick to the serving size, commonly a "handful", roughly a 1/4 cup. Also be careful which nuts you choose, some contain many more calories per nut. Macadamia nuts have the highest calorie count, and with only 11 weighing one ounce, you aren't getting much. Also keep in mind nuts can be hard on your digestion if you eat too many. Compounds in nuts (phytates and tannins) cause bloating, gas and make nuts hard to digest, and the high-fat content can cause diarrhea. So measure servings! Click the link in BIO and tag someone that needs to read this
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
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This is fun for some people and hell for others. But it needs to be done, so I make my list and buy what’s on it. Stick to your list, stay on plan (and on budget) don’t trek down the cookie aisle . Unless cookies are on your list and you plan on having a couple for your weekly treat. If that’s the case, more power to you because there’s no way I could have treats in the kitchen and not eat them until it was time. The outer of the supermarket is typically where most healthy items are located. Fruits, veggies, meats, dairy, etc. Some healthy staples, like canned beans or other vegetables and rice are located in the centre. Get the hang of tracking.
It’s a good idea to start tracking your food even before you begin your diet. This way, you see what you’ve really been eating. It’s one thing to eat 3 slices of pizza, but when you have to put it in your food diary it’s actually painful to see. I cringed at what I ate when I logged it into MyFitnessPal. The calories I consumed in a day were embarrassing. Just track how you’re eating for a couple of days, it may sting, but it will open your eyes and make you rethink an unhealthy choice.
I am a regular user of MyFitnessPal, but there are tons of other tracking apps.
You can also use a good old pen and paper. Plan out your week.
Now’s the time to write out your weight loss plan for the week. Plan out what you’re going to be doing each week. Get a day planner and write down your meals and fitness routines for the week. Hang it up on the fridge. Having it in writing and seeing it everyday will help you to not forget. Because I’ve forgotten many times. Don’t be like me. I was wandering around the gym like a lost puppy because I didn’t make a plan. I was trying to guess what I should do next and boy did I look dumb. Writing down all of your meals and snacks in advance will help you stay on track. Planning ahead takes all the guesswork out of what you should be doing.
You’ll know where you stand on your caloric and macronutrient intake for the day.
This also helps that bag of potato crisps look a little less tempting. #weightloss #makeaplan #diet #personaltrainer #energiefitnessipswich #ipswich #ptipswich
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
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Make a plan.
Planning the weight loss plan time! Decide what you will eat, find a meal plan that you can be happy with, or create one yourself. Don’t overwhelm yourself by doing too much. There are so many tasty, healthy options and you may be excited to try many new things. Don’t try to prep 20 meals at once using recipes you’ve never used before. Start small. Try one new recipe at a time. Once you get the hang of cooking something new and healthy, add another. People get frustrated and quit because they get in over their head and think they can’t keep up with weight loss because it’s too hard. In reality, they just did too much at once! The trick is to ease in, don’t go headfirst. Cook what you like. Don’t make yourself eat foods you hate and dread eating.
If you hate fish, why would I ever eat it? I know it’s healthy, but there are other healthy choices you could have instead and actually enjoy. Try new things! If you’re sure you don’t like something, fine, don’t eat it. But you should try new things you’re not so sure about or foods that you’ve never had much before. You may end up loving it and want to have it every week! Decide how you will exercise. Go check out some gyms, ask questions, make sure the gym is the right fit for you before you join. If you’d rather work out at home, plan a time that you can exercise without interruptions. Go to a quiet place where you have enough room to move around and lock the dang door. Find a fitness plan you think you’ll stick with. Whether it be weight lifting at the gym, going for a run in the park, or doing fitness videos on YouTube, find something you enjoy.
Again, try new things. I really never thought I would love lifting weights as much as I do now. I’ve always wanted to start running. I pictured myself on a run, in the zone. I imagined it would be my favourite workout. Well, I tried it. I cannot tell you how much I HATE running. Okay, I will run or maybe lightly jog very occasionally (in intervals!), because um, cardio. I learned what I like and what I don’t like through experimenting. You never know until you try!
#weightloss #makeaplan #diet #personaltrainer #energiefitnessipswich #ipswich #ptipswich
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
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Want to drop some pounds but have no clue where to start when it comes to creating a weight loss plan?
Write down your goals. Don’t just write your goal weight or how you want to look, go deeper than that. Write how you want to feel, and how you want to see yourself. What are your reasons for getting healthy?
Of course you want to look and feel better, but what else? Do you want to train for a marathon, or just get stronger?
Your reasons and goals may change as you do, so leave space to add some more. Who knows, you may fall in love with fitness, and strive to become a personal trainer! Whatever your reasons are, make sure you are doing this for yourself and only yourself. If you are only doing it to please others you are less likely to succeed. Write down your current stats and measurements.
Pant/shirt/dress size
Measure your waist (smallest point in your abdomen) hips (widest point around the butt and hip bones), arms (largest point in your upper arms), thighs (thickest part), and calves (thickest part). Take before pictures.
Most people dread this part. I know I did. But just do it anyway, you’ll be glad you did. Take photos from all angles, front, back, left, and right sides. Wear something that will totally be obvious that you’ve been working hard the next time you take progress pictures. Just take the pictures. You’ll see your hard work show more in pictures than in the mirror. More to follow
#weightloss #makeaplan #diet #personaltrainer #energiefitnessipswich #ptipswich #ipswich #healthylifestyle #ipswichpersonaltrainer
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
Early morning classes #ptipswich #energiefitnessipswich #personaltrainer #coretraining #gym #firnessmotivation #gymgoals...
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
Cable pullover, no bicep involvement, isolate lats. A great exercise to start back day #backday #backdayworkout #gymmotivation...
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
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Eating Carbohydrates
Moving on from yesterday. Since carbohydrates raise insulin, the idea goes, eating carbohydrates either causes weight gain or prevents weight loss. This is untrue. In a calorie controlled situation, high and low-carbohydrate diets cause roughly the same weight loss.
Bodyweight drops rapidly when carbohydrates are removed. And it goes up similarly when they are reintroduced. This is just water going on and off. Eating Sugar
Many people now think of sugar as the devil. There are various arguments here but they usually go back to insulin. Which is funny because the insulin response to sugar is lower than to many “good” carbohydrates. It’s glycemic index is lower than potatoes.
And there is nothing inherently evil about sugar. You could in fact, eat sufficient protein and nothing but table sugar and lose fat. Imagine that.
People have done this. So Professor Haub did The Twinkie Diet and Holly McCord did the Ice Cream Diet. And they both worked for weight loss. I’m not do this. No, it just shows that sugar intake does not explain why you’re not losing weight.
Sugar doesn’t stop weight loss. When calories are controlled, replacing some complex carbs with sugar has no impact on weight loss.
@energiefitnessipswich #weightlossinspiration #fatlossmotivation #fatlosstips #fatlosshelp #fatlossprogram #weighlossmotivation #looseweight #looseweightnow #looseweightfast #wightloss #dietandexercise #healthandfitness #healthandfitnessjourney #healthandfitnesscoach #healthandfitnessgoals #getfitforlife #fitnessexpert #workoutgoals #coachingonline #coachonline #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #onlinecoaches #fitnesscoachonline #personaltraineronline #onlinepersonaltrainer #weightlosscoach #weightlosscoaching #nutritionplans #stubbornfat
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
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Original by @saltylifts! It lays out what to
focus on from most important to least. Keep in mind,
everything has it’s place in a proper fat loss program.
Here’s what Sam wrote!
🕺🏼Have you been spinning your wheels trying to lose
🤯For so long, I focused on the wrong thing. I wasn’t
tuned into my diet, I was doing boatloads of cardio, not
lifting weights, drinking skinny teas and taking fat
burners. If it said “lose weight fast”, I probably tried it!
🖐🏼Fast forward five years… and lots of mistakes later, I
created this little pyramid for you guys so you know
what to focus on when you are trying to tone up and
lose fat.
⚠️Here’s the golden pyramid of fat loss for you guys!
1️⃣Calorie Deficit: Eating less calories than your body
needs is the only way to lose fat!
2️⃣Eat Enough Protein: to maintain muscle mass, to
recover from workouts, to keep you full and satiated
when you’re dieting and so you get toned aka you don’t
turn “skinny fat”
3️⃣Lift Weights: 2-5x a week! (usually 3-4 is a sweet
spot for most people) don’t be afraid to go heavy, it
WON’T make you bulky unless you eat too many
4️⃣Sleep: 7-9 hours a night to recover, rest and keep
your hunger levels in check. when you don’t sleep
enough, your body will be hungrier. so get those Zzzs!
5️⃣Cardio, Movement, and 10k steps/day. Finding
active hobbies you enjoy will keep you consistent and
make it a lot more fun.
☝🏼Find what works for you, your lifestyle, habits, and
preferences. Focus on the BIG stuff and don’t let the
little things distract you from the big picture. 💪🏼🤙🏼
Click the link in our BIO or TAG Somebody who needs
to see this post!
@energiefitnessipswich #weightlossinspiration
#fatlossmotivation #fatlosstips #fatlosshelp
#fatlossprogram #weighlossmotivation #looseweight
#looseweightnow #looseweightfast #wightloss
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healthandfitnessover40 ¡ 4 years ago
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Weight Loss Vs. Weight Gain Meals Depending on what diet protocol you follow, you can adjust the meal as needed 1️⃣Kielbasa Bowls with Rice & Beans
[rice, beans & sausage is a great combination!]
•Smaller sausage
•Turkey sausage = lower fat and calories.
•Rice, beans & carrots are the majority of the carbs.
•2x the rice & sausage
•sausage beef/pork instead of turkey.
2️⃣Steak Burrito Bowls
Great for meal prep!
[reheats well + stores well + delicious!]
•Adding more veggies, like peppers
•Still carbs but half a cup
•Smaller meat portion
✅Fill your dish with low calorie high volume foods, helps you stay fuller longer, to help you lose weight.
•More steak and rice!
•Another way to add calories would be with beans, super healthy high in carbs and protein:)
3️⃣Kielbasa Breakfast Bowls
Include more vegetables in your breakfast
•More courgette : sweet potato
•Turkey sausage lower fat
•More potatoes, more sausage, more eggs.
More calories are needed if you want to grow!
4️⃣Taco Breakfast Bowls
Ground beef, scrambled eggs, and hash browns, easy breakfast foods to cook in large batches.
Plus a delicious and easy salsa roja
5️⃣Deconstructed Cheeseburger Bowls
•Less meat
•Half potatoes
•Ground turkey for a leaner option
•More Brussel sprouts for volume without increasing many calories.
•Serve with a vinegar BBQ sauce for moisture and flavour, less sugar and and calories than ketchup.
•Double potatoes and meat
•Brussels cooked in more oil 
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#fitnessalldayeveryday #countcalories #trackingcalories #caloriedeficitdiet
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