Oh my god, do I try
69 posts
Tbh I don't even know why I thought of this. ALSO this is a sideblog so expect some "reblogged to the wrong blog" shenanigans from time to time.
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he-man--against--shipping · 8 years ago
there’s a difference between the ‘enemies-to-lovers’ trope and shipping someone with their abuser
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
i rly hate when kinksters (usually ddlg kinksters lbr) harp on about how tumblr is “mostly porn” when the minumum age you have to be is 13 years old (and honestly if 13 is the absolute youngest you can be to join this site then nsfw stuff shouldn’t even be allowed in the first place, but that’s a rant for another day lmao)
not only that but it’s a given that there are gonna be some kids that are younger than 13 that will simply lie about their age when making an account on here. I sure as hell am guilty for having done stuff like that when i was younger and there are other kids that will do that too.
Either way, by not flagging your blog as nsfw and also posting in nsfw tags you run the risk of young kids being exposed to this shit as well as triggering survivors that just want to look at pictures of kittens or pastel aesthetic stuff
ffs just tag your shit appropriately and flag your blogs as NSFW, it costs $0.00 and you won’t wind up looking like an irresponsible, entitled shitbag :) :) :)
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
tumblr dot hell: all ships are great! ship positivity! *ships a 14 year old with a 25 year old* dont hate uwu
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
they are delicious but they make me so thirsty at the same time #problematicfave
I got nothing to do so imma just start a Food Discourse(tm)
salt and vinegar on chips is very good.
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
Mutual :) abuse :) is :) not :) a :) thing :)
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
👏If ur sick of ppl painting Lapis as the abuser for standing up for herself against Jasper, clap ur hands👏
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
hundreds of abuse survivors: I identified with Lapis a lot and the things Jasper said were even word-for-word what I heard from my abuser(s). No one ever talks about the part of abuse where you miss your abuser or think you deserved the abuse. The self blame is rarely touched upon. I’m grateful that it showed “mutual abuse” doesn’t exist and is nothing more than a way for abusers to victimize themselves and gaslight their victims. It’s wonderful to see abuse portrayed so realistically
everyone else: um okay but Lapis fought back and was mean?? Jasper is suffering. Maybe the real abusers were the victims all along. Really makes you think huh?
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
👏If ur happy that Jaspis is dead and u know it, clap ur hands👏
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
It’s okay if trauma being part of your aro/aceness is a big part of your identity.
It’s okay if a bad relationship being part of your aro/aceness is a big part of your identity.
It’s okay if your mentall illness being part of your aro/aceness is a big part of your identity.
Don’t let people tell you that “why you’re aro/ace doesn’t mater” if the reason you’re aro/ace is important to you. 
You’re allowed to embrace the fact that you are aro/ace for a reason. You’re allowed to voice that you are aro/ace for a reason. 
It doesn’t make your voice less important to this community and it doesn’t make you any less valid. 
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
anyways! trans fellas who like fellas are not invading or taking over mlm spaces, trans gals who like gals are not invading wlw spaces and terfs can burn in hell!!
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
✨Ddlg is ableist as fuck✨
A lot of people have already addressed how Ddlg is harmful to minors (which it is) but I wanna talk about how Ddlg is also harmful to the disabled.
🐲 it sexualizes and mocks speech impediments (wike when wittles twype wike this) 🐲it sexualizes adult diapers, which some people have to wear for medical reasons. 🐲it sexualizes age regression, which many trauma survivors with ptsd do as a non sexual healthy coping mechanism. 🐲it makes autistic kids afraid to go in the sfw tags for their special interests 🐲some autistic people stim with pacifiers, which ddlg sexualizes. 🐲it fetishizes the platonic relationships between the mentally ill and their caregivers, since many mentally ill people still need their caregivers to do things a parent would do for their small child 🐲many daddy doms fetishize and target autistic kids because they see us as “weak and already childish” 🐲daddy doms often make their littles falsely adopt autistic traits to make them act more “childish,” this is fetishistic and disgusting. 🐲feel free to add onto this
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
dd/lg: exists
me: yikes
my city: Yikes
my state: YIkes
my region: YIKes
my country: YIKEs
my continent: YIKES
my hemisphere: YIKES
my planet: YIKES
my solar system: Y I K E S
my galaxy: Y I K E S
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
I’m a firm believer that hatekeepers just view ace/aro people as sub-human (like the majority of society) and therefore don’t view our pain and suffering that occurs from being ace/aro/aroace as equally traumatizing and terrible as theirs.
Our pain and suffering is valid. The aphobia you’ve experienced was terrible and should not of happened, and no one can take that away from you.
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
I read a comment on how cishet was coined by and for trans people to note how hetero trans people do not have full access to straight privilege because of their transness. Is this true? if it is, it makes the weaponization of the term against a-spectrum and some bi and trans people doubly awful. Like, parts of the cis community literally stole a word from trans people to attack other members and /trans people themselves/. While simultaneously distancing themselves from their cisness.
This is, as far as I can tell, true. It was definitely trans people who came up with ‘cis’ in the first place, and trans people talking about their experiences was where I saw ‘cishet’ being used before the Discourse Brigade came along.
And now it’s being used to tell me, a trans woman, that I don’t really belong in the community, by cis people.
It’s toxic, it’s bullshit, and it is a very stark demonstration of exactly how much they actually care about the ‘LGBT’ people they claim to be protecting.
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
for anyone following me that has/had a shitty mom, don’t worry i am now your overly-doting mother and will always support you no matter what and also I have juice
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he-man--against--shipping · 9 years ago
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