hazelnuthattie · 3 months
"I'm never gonna see him again. He can be literally anywhere, Kira." The Doctor told her, knowing that there are endless dimensions and planets out there. And the fact that Rogue could've sent that triform portal to literally anywhere.
He felt Kira's hand on his right cheek, wiping the singular tear on his face. He smiled softly at her. "It's not like I know that he isn't dead. Cause he isn't! He told me to find him!"
He tilted his head down, wondering if he was ever going to find that handsome alien bounty hunter before he regenerates again. Hopefully he will.
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closed starter for: @girl-in-the-tardis
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Before walking back to the TARDIS, the Doctor put the ring that Rogue gave him on his left hand, right on his pinkie finger. He stared at it for a few moments before looking up at the sky. He smiled softly and then saluted at the sky.
He just sent Rogue's ship to orbit the Moon and he was still feeling slightly emotional after what the alien bounty hunter had done. Saved Ruby's life for his own, sending himself into an unknown dimension. Somewhere in the world.
But he tried not to show any more emotion that he had already done, so he tried to move on. He made his way into the TARDIS, letting Ruby in first before walking in himself, closing the doors behind him. He went over to the console, firing up the TARDIS for lift-off.
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
"I'm fine Kira." He simply said to the woman wrapping her arms around him, like he knew it was Kira doing it, and not Ruby. Of course he only knew that cause he saw Ruby going towards the wardrobe and getting out of her dress.
He then set the date on the TARDIS to the present day, wanting for Ruby to go back to her mother after a long adventure with shapeshifting aliens.
And as he turned around to see Kira's face, he sighed with a small smile on his face. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. He could see some kind of look on her face. "What? I'm fine, seriously!"
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closed starter for: @girl-in-the-tardis
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Before walking back to the TARDIS, the Doctor put the ring that Rogue gave him on his left hand, right on his pinkie finger. He stared at it for a few moments before looking up at the sky. He smiled softly and then saluted at the sky.
He just sent Rogue's ship to orbit the Moon and he was still feeling slightly emotional after what the alien bounty hunter had done. Saved Ruby's life for his own, sending himself into an unknown dimension. Somewhere in the world.
But he tried not to show any more emotion that he had already done, so he tried to move on. He made his way into the TARDIS, letting Ruby in first before walking in himself, closing the doors behind him. He went over to the console, firing up the TARDIS for lift-off.
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
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"Oh, you're here! Please sit down!" Clara said to Kira as she stood up for a moment before sitting back down. Clara was slightly nervous as she bite her bottom lip and decided to simply cut to the chase as to why Kira was there, meeting her.
"So, I must ask why do you want to get in contact with me? I've only met the Doctor and he seems... overprotective of you." Clara asked her, taking a sip of her drink and leaning backwards in her seat, wondering why the Doctor was acting like this whenever Clara wanted to meet Kira face-to-face.
+1 liked for a starter
She had to reassured her husband that she'll call him in case something happened to her. And Kira doesn't blame him for being overprotective and wanting to keep her away from Clara for the time being. Meeting someone had looked like her in the past where she died is a hell of a coincidence. Even more so as a baby sitter they had run into recently when dealing with a killer wi-fi.
But Kira had wanted to reach on her own. The American knew first hand what it was like to have a run in with the Doctor and have him lurking around their home. So that's why Kira had given the British her own cell phone number.
Clara wanted to meet somewhere in public. A neutral site. So Kira had walked from the TARDIS down the street to the cafe Clara had chosen.
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
closed starter for: @girl-in-the-tardis
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Before walking back to the TARDIS, the Doctor put the ring that Rogue gave him on his left hand, right on his pinkie finger. He stared at it for a few moments before looking up at the sky. He smiled softly and then saluted at the sky.
He just sent Rogue's ship to orbit the Moon and he was still feeling slightly emotional after what the alien bounty hunter had done. Saved Ruby's life for his own, sending himself into an unknown dimension. Somewhere in the world.
But he tried not to show any more emotion that he had already done, so he tried to move on. He made his way into the TARDIS, letting Ruby in first before walking in himself, closing the doors behind him. He went over to the console, firing up the TARDIS for lift-off.
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
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Reblog is you would like some anons in your inbox
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
Send me a scenario to my inbox that you'd like to roleplay with my muse.
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
*waves* hi!!! :) I was wondering if you would like to rp? I have a doctor who oc.
//OOC: Yes, I would love to! Who would you like to RP with? I have 15th Doctor, Rose Noble and Clara Oswald!
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
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The Doctor couldn't believe it. He was stuck on a landmine and he couldn't move a muscle.
Breathe. Just breathe Doctor. Everything was going to be fine.
"Doctor?" He heard Ruby's voice from a distance, trying to get into the crater where the Doctor was standing on. "Oh my God--" "Don't get any closer." He quietly said to her as soon as she got to a safe distance away from him. He clearly didn't want to put his best friend in danger. His tone was serious and Ruby could tell that he was in danger. "I cannot move, otherwise this thing will go off. And that would be a problem for this planet if I do move."
"W-What will happen?" He heard Ruby's voice quivered with nervousness and the Doctor felt a bunch of emotions for what Ruby was going through right now.
"You don't want to know, Ruby."
He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down, continuing to sing 'The Skye Boat Song'. He muttered under his breath and trying to keep his balance, one leg up in the air whilst his left one was on the landmine, tricking the mine into thinking that he is not there. He took another deep breath before telling Ruby, "Could you please go and find a rock or at least, something heavy?"
"For what exactly?"
"So I can counterbalance my weight when I do move."
"Okay uhm--"
He watched as Ruby tried to find something heavy enough for him to hold. He raised an eyebrow though as she picked up some sort of urn-like object. But he didn't overthink it, just calculating if it was heavy enough. And as he knew that it was, he asked her to toss it to him.
But Ruby shook her head. "No, I can't. It's too dangerous. What if you lose your balance?"
"Ruby, I won't. Now throw it." He replied to her.
"No. I'll hand it to you."
The Doctor's eyes widen as he heard Ruby's suggestion, quickly shaking his head. "No, no, no! Ruby, don't you dare! Just... throw it." She then started singing the song that the Doctor was singing earlier -- the Doctor getting confused and telling her no -- as she walked slowly over to him with the urn-like object. "Just sing the song, Doctor. Relax..."
The Doctor took another deep breath before singing again, trying to maintain a rhythm so that Ruby can pass it to him, at the same time he set his other foot down.
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
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Looking at the gorgeous view on the spaceship that the Doctor and Ruby had landed on -- after Ruby officially became his companion -- he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards him for a side hug. He noticed the amazed expression on her face, and all he did was smile at her. "You see, Rubes, this is what I'm talkin' about!" He said excitingly, a bright smile was etched upon his face.
He heard Ruby get excited before pulling away from her to try and access the control panel. And as he heard Ruby how he keeps going, he Doctor sighed before going on to say, "For days like this, Ruby Sunday." He went back over to her and began staring at the view again, continuing to explain who he really was. Not in full detail, but enough to get Ruby thinking as to what he was. "I don't have a people. I don't have a home. But I don't have a job either."
He then turned to face Ruby, putting her hands in his. "I don’t have a boss or taxes or rent or bills to pay. I don't have a purpose or a cause or a mission, but I have... FREEDOM. That's why I keep moving on, to see the next thing, and the next and the next." He continued to smile at her, wondering if the gears in Ruby's head was turning as she had somewhat of a neutral look on her face. He then let her face the view once more, going behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Sometimes... it looks even better through your eyes." He finally said in a quiet tone, barely whispering it to Ruby. "C'mon. Let's explore this place a bit more, shall we?"
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hazelnuthattie · 3 months
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welcome to my blog! a canon / original character multi-muse roleplay blog. written by hettie. has multiple characters to roleplay with.
‣ rules / about me! ‣ muse list (both canons and ocs - with google doc sheets!)
‣ headcanons
this blog is still a work in progress, but i am ready to start roleplaying! so send me a starter or a question for one of my muses to answer! make sure to specify which muse it is directed to though!
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