266 posts
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blogagility · 5 years ago
DevSecOps Bungling
Sometimes it is important to call out missteps even when there is good intent. Feedback is critical, and an important part of DevOps after all…
The authors, brilliant knowledge workers, amazing researchers, and well known marketers of the DevOps movement did not [originally] overload the already loaded term trying to capture acronyms for every element of the various bodies of knowledge and…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
SAFe® Program Predictability Measure Worksheet Tool
SAFe® Program Predictability Measure Worksheet Tool
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A free tool provided by and your humble blogger Marshall Guillory.
A SAFe way to calculate the Program Predictability Measure
Occasionally I get requests from folks asking about a working version of the charting tool used to display the SAFe Program Predictability Measure (PPM) for an Agile Release Train (ART). I was serving it on a case by case basis up until now. Something…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
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Episode 25: Being SAFe with Marshall Guillory A podcast with Rahul, good fun and learning!
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blogagility · 5 years ago
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The “51331 memo” and the origins of product management – Carnegie Mellon School of Business Read the article
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blogagility · 5 years ago
User stories are integral to SAFe
User stories are integral to SAFe
Contrary to a recent post from a SAFe competitor, the various SAFe course materials include many examples of user stories from user personas as well as examples from system personas.
This post was very easy to disprove by looking only into two SAFe courses, SAFe for Teams 5.0 and POPM 5.0 where they have over 10 story examples, respectively. In the current versions of the courses, and in…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
Christensen - How will you measure your life?
Christensen – How will you measure your life?
Avoid the “Marginal Costs” Mistake
We’re taught in finance and economics that in evaluating alternative investments, we should ignore sunk and fixed costs, and instead base decisions on the marginal costs and marginal revenues that each alternative entails. We learn in our course that this doctrine biases companies to leverage what they have put in place to succeed in the past, instead of…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
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Greg Coticchia: 4-UP: Prioritize This, Product Manager An excellent article on techniques for prioritization from Greg Coticcia.
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blogagility · 5 years ago
New version of the SAFe® Capacity Planning Tool Released
New version of the SAFe® Capacity Planning Tool Released
It is a new year with a fresh and amazing new version of the SAFe, 5.0, has been released! So, I had planned some updates to the tool to simplify it and add some clarity to the concepts of velocity and capacity in relation to capacity planning and management for teams. I didn’t get around to it until now.
Enjoy the 2.0 version of the SAFe Capacity Planning Tool. It now includes a bonus (not…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
Debunking more SAFe® misconceptions 10x - The Scrum master
Debunking more SAFe® misconceptions 10x – The Scrum master
In this short article we will prove the poorly crafted argument about the Scrum master role in SAFeincorrect as posited in the “Remove Scrum from SAFe” petition. I’m not really writing this to defeat the arguments presented in the petition because any rational person who looks into the details will come to the conclusion that the petition is 1.) wrong 2.) inconsistent 3.) factually incorrect. My…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
SAFe Hate Machine Update - "Remove references to Scrum..." foolishness
SAFe Hate Machine Update – "Remove references to Scrum…" foolishness
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I could do this all day. Easily pick apart the ignorance in the subject article. It seems that hate knows no bounds with some people. Get over yourself already!!
But I will not. I’m going to spend time the rest of my free time with my family instead and then go play a round of golf at the beautiful Trilogy course. #winning
So here is just one of many potential dismantling opportunities for…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
Tim Meyers: You’re too “by the Book!”
Tim Meyers: You’re too “by the Book!”
Interesting article from a coworker.
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blogagility · 5 years ago
Creating SMART PI Objectives in SAFe®
Creating SMART PI Objectives in SAFe®
There is a bunch of Apple hype recently coming out of the most recent WWDC event, or perhaps all of them?. Like the new $6,000 cheese grater (super, sigh). I’m a bit of an Apple ecosystem fan so I noticed something in an article that we can use as an example for that common question SPC’s get from teams and Product Managers. How do I write a SMART PI Objective?
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blogagility · 5 years ago
Feature Progress Chart Template
Feature Progress Chart Template
If you are a change agent, SAFe® Program Consultant, SAFe® Product Manager, STE, RTE, or practitioner you may find the™ Feature Progress Chart Template a useful tool for kick-starting your product management (PM) implementation and Lean-Agile reporting.  (more…)
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blogagility · 5 years ago
Epic Progress Measure Chart Template
Epic Progress Measure Chart Template
If you are a change agent, SAFe® Program Consultant, SAFe® Lean Portfolio Manager, STE, RTE, or practitioner you may find the™ Epic Progress Measure Chart Template a useful tool for kick-starting your lean portfolio management (LPM) implementation.  (more…)
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blogagility · 5 years ago
Exploring the economics of decision making in SAFe® through gamification
Exploring the economics of decision making in SAFe® through gamification
Economic thinking and principles
In the popular Scaled Agile Framework for Lean Enterprises (SAFe) we strive to “apply a comprehensive economic framework” through Principle #1: Take an Economic View. Certainly, part of how we deliver on this framework is through the natural decentralized decision makingprocess that occurs when real Agile teams hypothesize their way through optimizing batch…
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blogagility · 5 years ago
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SmHarter: Lean-Agile training, Lean-Agile coaching, Lean-Agile assessments, Lean-Agile Organisational Transformations
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blogagility · 5 years ago
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Love Letter to Clojure (Part 1) by Gene Kim Learning the Clojure programming language changed my life, and led to revelations about invisible structures required for developers to be productive. Source: Love Letter to Clojure (Part 1) by Gene Kim
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