hazardmemetic · 1 year
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Edited for usability, change pronouns/wording as needed.
Target Market
"I'm the target market." "There is no danger." "I could be the savior." "Always wanted something to live for." "It's gonna be my day, no one's gonna take it away from me." "No one's gonna take it away from me!" "I got the right look." "Pain is pleasure's cushion."
Lonely Girl
"I was a witch in my time of Descartes." "Fought for my soul, but they tried to tear it apart." "Who does she think she is?" "I am a virgin, and I am a whore." "I am a saint and a sinner galore." "I am the inventor of my own tradition." "I know the key and the form of your heart." "I know how to make you tremble and groan."
Marie Antoinette Robot 2073 (A Rock Opera)
"And who would now create such harm?" "What a bonney-bon need." "Sometimes I'm tired of being a serf." "Sometimes I wish the doll on the shelf lead existence, breathed." "Did you know that it was me?" "She's having a crisis." "She's having a crisis about being." "And when the darkness comes to me, it's a star to count on." "You can write it out to make your way back home." "When I look in the mirror, it's empty." "It's just an infinity winking back at me." "You might say I'm a fool to feel this way." "They're making moves in my brain, they say." "They're pretend I know my history."
Time of Light
"It was the time of light." "We'll be loved through thick and thin." "What's outside is just a reflection of what's within." "So dance the night away, my dear." "My cup's already overflowing." "Oh, yes, it is." "I am just waiting for my soul to be restored."
Little Soldier of Time
"Pierce the vortex of your mind, and see what images arise." "You're burning up inside." "My thoughts of you are spinning 'round." "You broke the bronco of my heart." "The past explodes and burns." "Love is a dangerous game." "I guess that love of the self is the only love you can trust." "Deep in my heart, there is a line of keys."
"You're going to light your soul on fire." "The world will blossom with your love." "You sparkling little dove!" "I believe in a world where you are president." "Everything would be so divine." "You turn the water right into wine." "Tell the people how to see the beauty of a thousand dreams." "Pointless wars based on the expert of democracy." "We have no answers, no solutions, no possibilities." "Cast my ballot for a new day and eternal spring."
God Doesn't Take American Express
"I dreamed the Statue of Liberty fell over." "Any move you make creates danger." "It takes a lot of hard work to be saved." "Come take a trip outside of your mind." "It's got a way of treating you so, so unkind." "Got a big surprise waiting here, just for you." "Your dreams are coming true." "Bring back the feeling inside my brain." "The eye that is hidden feeds off the stranger." "God doesn't take American Express no more." "How you ever going to make it home again?" "Oh, my love." "How you ever going to fill that emptiness deep inside?" "What a challenge it'll be." "You'll go down in history."
String Theory
"Freedom can mean a lot of things." "Fly your way into the sea, baby." "The key to creation's in your heart." "You know it is." "She speaks to her many dreams, but her words sew too slow." "You know, they put on quite the show."
Lou Salome
"In the past they called me Lou Salome." "Found myself on fire in the pursuit of philosophy." "For me, wisdom was my ecstasy." "There's a light shadow now, clear out on the water." "History and we live on the invisible wings of your legacy." "Hey [NAME], what are we to do without you?" "You could see the dragons." "You could see the angels." "All of life is poetry."
Electra 33
"And isn't it for you that I'm still waiting here?" "And isn't it for you that I'm still alive?" "And isn't it for you that I parted the veil to the other side?" "It's all over now, love." "I don't need you to feed me anymore." "I've got my own medicine now." "I killed the dragon with its terrible teeth." "Find a way to break the spell." "But I broke the hook that she tried to put in me." "There's no going back now."
Girl of Your Tomorrow
"In the times of old, we used to dream about her." "You know it's true, my love." "She'll soon be here." "She's the girl of your tomorrow." "She'll see you through." "Cry to cleanse the body of your fears." "You know that I'll be here for you." "She is your morning girl." "Baddest little girl in the whole wide world."
Fill Me Up With Grace
"Fill me up with grace, 'cause I'm falling." "I've buried my crown." "Fill me up with tears and Jesus." "I could use some healing." "I found the reason today to be living." "I saw the answer." "And you have stayed my heart with the blood of a thousand rose petals."
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
Send ✔ and my muse will tell you what they like about your muse
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
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— 10 questions for multimuse blogs.
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These questions aren't limited just to multimuse blogs, but have been geared more towards them.
What drew you to the fandom(s) your muses are from?
How do you keep up muse for writing your characters?
Is there a muse or group of muses that you prefer to write over the others? If so, why?
Is there a certain theme or similarity between the muses you've added?
Are any of your muses involved in each other's backstories or ongoing storylines?
Do you have any AUs for your muses? If so, do you have any favorites?
Do you have any mains or exclusives? If you only do for certain muses, why?
Have you always had a multimuse blog, or did you start with a single muse?
Have you ever felt the desire to create a single muse blog? Either reverting to just writing for one muse, or creating a separate blog just for a favored muse.
Have you found that there are any unique pros or cons to running a multimuse blog?
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
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— 10 questions for single muse blogs.
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These questions aren't limited just to single muse blogs, but have been geared more towards them.
What inspired you to take on your muse?
How do you keep up muse for writing your character?
How do you feel about doubles?
Are you singleship, multiship, or do you approach shipping in a different way?
Do you have one overarching storyline for your muse, or do you prefer to keep each thread in its own separate verse?
Do you have any AUs for your muse? If so, do you have a favorite?
Do you have any mains or exclusives?
Have you always had a single muse blog, or did you start with a multimuse?
Have you ever felt the desire to create a multimuse blog? If so, what muses would you want to add?
Have you found that there are any unique pros or cons to running a single muse blog?
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
Send ❌ and my muse will tell you what they dislike about your muse
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
Send my muse “Never have I ever”s!
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
i vaguely promised this about a year ago, it took me about a year to get like, half of these??? and then over the last two days i ended up compiling enough for like, three lists, so here’s one of the lists!! do NOT add to this list!!! i have other lists ready!!!
“ i wanna have a baby with you. “
“ i don’t know if i’m ready to be a mom/dad/parent… “
“ actually, do you mind if we meet at the park instead? i’m sorry, it’s just… i can’t stand the smell of coffee anymore. or lavender. the baby is super picky, it seems! “
“ huh… that’s one hell of a unique craving, you know. “
“ look, we had fun. it was good! but, you know… i-i didn’t sign up for this. i’m not exactly cut out for the parenting life. “
“ hey, go rest yourself, alright? let me handle the chores; you can’t be lifting these boxes in your condition! “
“ i think the baby’s using my bladder as a stress toy… “
“ i… i think my water just broke. “
“ you know, before this, i could pretend everything was normal. but now… i mean, i’m wearing a maternity dress. it’s official. it’s real. and i’m beginning to freak out a little… “
“ you swiped right. you wore a condom. you didn’t sign up for a baby, and i get it. i don’t want you sticking around because you think you’re supposed to. this is just me informing you. okay? “
“ hey, hey, it’s okay! false alarm, the doctor called it braxton-hicks contractions. totally normal; i just need to go home and take it easy for a bit. “
“ i mean, look at these little booties! look how tiny they are! it shouldn’t be possible that there’s gonna be feet that small! “
“ look, i don’t like you living so far away… why don’t you move in with me? i have plenty of space, it’s closer to the hospital, a good neighborhood… what do you think? “
“ if i get married, i want it to be because of love, not because of a positive pregnancy test. “
“ so… that was the surrogate. it’s good news, babe… we’re gonna have a baby. we’re gonna be parents! “
“ the adoption agency just called. they want us to come in tomorrow… sweetie, they say they might have a kid for us… “
“ the IVF worked! we’re gonna have a baby! “
“ hey, it says you shouldn’t eat salad while you’re pregnant. nice one! “
“ do you mind if i put you as my emergency contact? it’s just that the hospital needs one, it’s no big deal, just standard procedure for pregnant patients. “
“ here, i can drive you to the next appointment, if you like. it’s a scan, right? you shouldn’t have to miss out on that! it’s no trouble, seriously. “
“ now, i know you said you didn’t want one, but… the others organized a surprise baby shower for you. try to look surprised, please? “
“ how far along are you? “
“ so, i saw a maternity pillow in the baby store on the way here, and i thought i’d get it for you. you said you were having trouble sleeping, right? “
“ you know, with the baby coming along… i was kinda thinking of maybe getting a new place. one closer to the schools, with a nice garden, more space, a safe neighborhood… what do you think? “
“ can you stop?! i’m pregnant, for crying out loud, it’s not like i’m made of glass! “
“ yeah, well, the father wants nothing to do with us, so… single parenthood ought to be a blast, right? “
“ are you pregnant? “
“ i know we’ve been trying for so long, but… now that it’s finally happening, i’m starting to freak out a little. what if i’m a bad parent? “
“ i brought lunch, orange juice, a bunch of nail polish, and the entire aisle of baby-proofing stuff at the supermarket. you’re in charge of music and relaxing on the couch, i’ll handle everything else. got it? “
“ sorry, i don’t mean to cry all over you… god, this is so embarrassing, i don’t even know if i’m crying because of the hormones or because of my actual problems! “
“ so, remember last week when i couldn’t go out because of the stomach flu? turns out it wasn’t the stomach flu. i’m having a baby. “
“ i’ve decided to give the baby up for adoption. “
“ sweetheart, just because we can’t get pregnant, doesn’t mean we can’t have a baby… what if we adopted? “
“ pregnant, huh? wow… h-how do you feel? “
“ listen… i’m/you’re pregnant now. and as much as we mightn’t want it to, that means that a lot of stuff is gonna change. and that’s okay! right? “
“ i don’t know how to feel about having and raising a kid when i don’t know if i can keep them safe… “
“ i thought i’d bring you some meals, you know, for the freezer. i figure you might be too busy to cook once this little one comes along! “
“ no way, this is too dangerous for someone who’s pregnant. “
“ i already know this kid’s gonna be the luckiest kid in the world. they’ve got you as a mom/dad/parent/aunt/uncle/etc. “
“ how long have you known? you know, about the baby. “
“ look, i know we said i wouldn’t, but i couldn’t resist! these baby-gros were just too cute! i got five of them, and i kept the receipt if you hate them, so there’s no harm done either way! “
“ i’m so sorry to bother you, but would you mind picking up my keys? i dropped them, and my bump’s kinda in my way! “
“ so, i was wondering… when the time comes, would you wanna be in the delivery room with me? “
“ hey, so i was thinking… when the baby comes, if you have nobody else in mind, i could be in the delivery room with you, if you want? or the waiting room, whichever! “
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
pregnancy prompts ( pt. 1 )
i’m seeing a lot of baby fever on the dash lately, PLUS a lovely nonnie asked for angsty pregnancy prompts and i wasn’t able to, so have some lighter baby prompts instead! love to all!
“ is… is it mine? ”
“ have you thought of any baby names? ”
“ i thought the doctor put you on bed rest? ”
“ hey! i got you starbucks! decaf, of course. ”
“ have you had any cravings yet? ”
“ ah… i know. morning sickness is no fun, huh? ”
“ i’m pregnant. ”
“ you’re going to be a mother/father/aunt/uncle/etc. ”
“ i saw the pregnancy test in the trash. ”
“ the pregnancy test… it’s yours. right? ”
“ does the father know? “
“ who’s the father? “
“ it doesn’t matter about the father. i’m here to support you and this baby, no matter what. okay? “
“ you’re not alone. it takes a village to raise a kid, right? “
“ i want… a cheeseburger. with fries. and a strawberry shake. and onion rings… ”
“ that was a kick! ”
“ was that a kick? ”
“ is it a boy or a girl? ”
“ what color paint do you want? for the nursery? ”
“ we need to go shopping! baby clothes, maternity clothes, furniture, all of it! ”
“ i… we should get married. right? that’s what you do, when… when there’s a kid? ”
“ i know it was just a one night stand, but… i’m gonna support you. whatever you decide to do. ”
“ shit… um… i-i’m the dad. right? ”
“ you got that pregnancy glow. ”
“ hey… this is new for both of us. but i reckon you’re going to be a terrific mother/father/parent. ”
“ i… i slept with someone else while we were separated. they won’t pick up their phone, but… i’m not sure if you’re the father or not. ”
“ maybe we should move in together. n-not permanently. just until the baby’s born. ”
“ wait a minute. heartbeats?! plural?! we’re having twins/triplets/etc?! ”
“ woah… this pram costs more than three months rent. ”
“ ikea really knows how to make building a crib stressful… ”
“ god, i’m a mess. i cried yesterday while watching an advertisement for fence paint. hormones are something else… ”
“ can i have your fries? don’t judge me, the baby’s hungry. ”
“ my back’s been killing me for the last month, and i have four more months to go… my chiropractor’s gonna have a field day. ”
“ i know we want this to be a secret, but people are getting suspicious. i can only turn down champagne so many times… ”
“ wanna go with me for the next scan? it’s a big one, we get to keep a copy for the baby book. ”
“ oh, you best believe i’m signing up for all the babysitting duty. ”
“ would you like to be their godfather/godmother? ”
“ i’m their honorary aunt/uncle, let me spoil the little kiddo! ”
“ they have the instructions for this crib in every language except english. they have it in irish! who has it in irish?! ”
“ no! no mayonnaise! it’s bad for pregnant people! ”
“ i took the test nine times, okay, and all of them are positive. this is real. this is happening. ”
“ i always wanted kids… ”
“ that kid’s gonna be the most insanely loved baby in the world. ”
“ don’t look at me like that, okay? we’re going totally tee-total until the baby comes. ”
“ i swear, if i read one more baby book… ”
“ i wouldn’t mind, but all the women i meet when i go outside the door, all have different advice for me. the bump is like a magnet to them… ”
“ i wouldn’t blame you if you walked away, you know. you never signed up for a baby. ”
“ one thing’s for sure… everything’s going to change the minute people find out about the baby. ”
“ here! i got you some take-out. and i researched like, fifty mommy blogs to make sure this stuff was totally safe and healthy for you. ”
“ i don’t know if i ever had a plan for my life, but… if i did, i think pregnancy was later down the road. ”
“ my love, starting a family with you… it’s my greatest wish. but if you’re not ready, that’s okay. what will be, will be. ”
“ hey, why don’t we plan a baby shower! ”
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hazardmemetic · 1 year
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A new update rolled out that allows people to blaze your posts. Now, this is fine on paper. If somebody else wants to blaze a post they found funny on your behalf, that's their choice. However, as RP blogs, we don't want some rando mistaking a rp reply for a fanfic or some weird scenario such as that and blaze your post, causing a lot of unwanted attention. Stay frosty.
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
“   nice   form ,   ____  .   ”  “   don’t   let   ____   fool   you  !   ”  “   you’re   on   the   wrong   side   of   this ,   ____  .   ”  “   if   i’m   not   your   worst   nightmare ,   i   aspire   to   be  .   ”  “   today   you   crossed   paths   with   the   wrong   immortal   fourth   grader  .   ”  “   think   about   what   you’re   doing ,   ____  !   ”  “   today   is   the   last   day   of   the   rest   of   your   life  .   ”  “   use   it   well ,   ____  .   ”  “   this   might   get   ugly  .   ”  “   no   mercy  .   ”  “   prepare   to   meet   your   end  .   ”  “   you’re   stronger   than   i   thought  .   ”  “   some   wounds ,   even   time   can’t   heal  .   ”  “   i’ve   got   a   lot   of   pathos  .   ”  “   you   should   get   that   looked   at  .   ”  “   weep   not   for   thine   enemies  .   they’re ,   like ,   total   assholes  .   ”  “   weep   not   for   thine   enemies  .   ”  “   that   looked   painful  .   ”  “   i   can’t   die  …   but   you   can  !   ”  “   you   have   no   idea   what   you’re   dealing   with  .   ”  “   shithead  !   ”  “   fuck   you ,   dude  !   ”  “   i’ve   got   a   lot   on   my   mind  .   ”  “   my   family   can’t   really   afford   to   go   to   restaurants  .   ”  “   i’m   about   to   die ,   guys  !   i’m   not   even   kidding  —   ”  “   why   are   you   defending   them  ?!   ”  “   you’re   so   melodramatic ,   dude  .   ”  “   take   it   easy ,   ____  .   ”  “   that’s   going   to   leave   some   scars  .   ”  “   well ,   that   went   better   than   expected  !   ”  “   you   guys   drag   me   into   this   and   then   i   always   end   up   having   to   save   your   butt  .   ”  “   i’m   impervious   to   your   bullshit  .   ”  “   come   and   get   me ,   dick  .   ”  “   for   best   results ,   target   the   groin   or   face  .   ”  “   you   practice   that   move   in   front   of   the   mirror ,   ____  ?   ”  “   keep   it   up ,   and   we   might   be   friends   someday  .   ”  “   you’re   a   beast  !   ”  “   well ,   y’know ,   i   have   been   working   out  .   ”  “   time   to   break   a   leg  .   yours  .   ”  “   you’re   a   pretty   intense   dude ,   ____  .   ”  “   okay ,   i   admit   it  :   you’ve   got   some   potential  .   ”  “   get   your   mom   to   kiss   that   boo - boo  .   ”  “   fists   really   do   solve   everything  .   ”  “   c’mon ,   help   me   out  .   ”  “   i   think   you’re   a   little   pussy  !   ”  “   you’re   our   only   hope  !   ”  “   stand   aside   or   die  !   ”  “   everything   from   here   to   here   is   lava  .   we   can’t   cross   it  !   ”  “   what’s   your   kryptonite  ?   ”  “   man ,   escort   missions   are   the   worst  .   ”  “   this   was   started   by   you  !   by   people   who   thought   there   should   be   preferential   treatment   to   certain   heroes  !   ”  “   i’m   not   the   one   who   walked   out   of   the   fucking   franchise ,   ____  !   ”  “   dude ,   dial   it   back  .   ”  “   fuck   you ,   dude  .   it’s   civil   war ,   dick  .   ”  “   ever   get   the   feeling   life   is   punishing   you   for   being   a   dick  ?   ”  “   i   will   right   wrongs   and   triumph   over   evil  !   ”  “   you’re   lame  !   you’re ,   like ,   the   lamest   lame   of   all   time  !   ”  “   it’s   about   time  .   you   know   how   hard   it   is   to   look   mysterious   when   you’re   just   standing   around   in   some   kid’s   front   yard  ?   it’s   pretty   fucking   hard  .   ”  “   wow  .   the   adults   in   this   town   are   really   out   of   their   fucking   minds  .   ”  “   where’d   you   learn   that   move ,   ____  ?   ”  “   yeah  !   we’ve   got   this ,   you   guys  !   ”  “   freedom   pals   will   be   victorious  !   ”  “   ____ ,   reporting   for   duty  .   ”  “   watch   your   back ,   girlfriend  !   ”  “   all   is   fair   in   love   and   war ,   freedom   pussies  .   ”  “   i’m   gonna   rip   you   apart  !   ”  “   you’re   gonna   hate   me   for   this  .   ”  “   sorry   about   your   friends  .   ”  “   get   that   traitor  !   ”  “   you   gotta   be   careful   playing   superheroes  .   you   can   make   a   lot   of   enemies  .   ”  “   some   boys   think   girls   don’t   make   good   superheroes  .   ”  “   who   the   fuck   is   that  ?!   ”  “   we’re   not   playing   with   you  .   ”  “   call   me   if   you   need   me  .   ”  “   so ,   i   guess   now   any   fucking   asshole   thinks   they   can   be   a   superhero  .   ”  “   nobody   will   listen   to   me  !   ”  “   i’m   asking   for   your   help  .   i   think   you’re   the   only   one   who   understands  .   ”  “   i   think   you’re   the   only   one   who   understands  .   ”  “   get   your   shit   together ,   ____  .   ”  “   it’s   not   my   fault   that   i   hate   all   of   you  .   ”  “   speak   up  .   couldn’t   hear   you   over   my   massive   middle   finger  .   ”  “   savour   my   begrudging   respect  .   ”  “   begrudging   respect  ?!   that’s   the   nicest   thing   you’ve   ever   said   to   me  !   ”  “   i’m   here   with   my   lazer   vision   if   you   need   backup  .   ”  “   oooh ,   scary  …   actually ,   that   was   pretty   scary ,   dude  .   ”  “   i   know   this   combat   stuff   doesn’t   really   come   naturally   to   you  .   ”  “   i   could’ve   done   it   without   you ,   but   i’m   glad   you   were   here �� to   watch  .   ”  “   i   wish   you   put   as   much   effort   into   your   costume   as   you   did   that   punch  .   ”  “   you’re   lucky   i   even   showed   up  .   ”
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
Mentions of NSFW topics and violence. Alter as needed!
“If someone doesn’t have their pinky toe they’ll fall over! It’s the most important toe on the human body!”
“I’m just looking from behind a trash can, it’s a normal thing to do!”
“Fuck this, no way! It’s over, you won! Fair fight! I gotta go!”
“If I keep changing my facial expressions, they won’t be able to recognize me in a lineup!”
“Fine, I don’t care! I’ll get on the ground all day long!”
“FUUUCK! It hurts to walk on!”
“Which one of you dumb sister-fucking, tiki torch carrying, Sloth from the Goonies pieces of shit wants to go next?”
“Do you have cable? I don’t wanna stay here overnight if there’s no cable. Fargo’s on tonight.” 
“I’m just the guy who’s gonna fuck you so hard your asshole’s gonna be dragging behind you like a tail.” 
“Oh! Okay, then I change my answer to just ignoring the question.” 
“Well how else am I gonna experience motherhood?” 
“Oh, okay, now we definitely have to kill them ‘cause you’re giving stuff away about my secret identity!” 
“Don’t fuck with my BFF!”
“We can’t use duct tape, that’ll hurt their skin when they try to pull it off.” 
“I’m fine, seriously. All I need is a good nap.” 
“Look man, I’m begging you, will you please, PLEASE look at my crotch?”
“We only kill bad people! Usually. Unless there’s a mistake.”
“Listen, I’ve been meaning to thank you for allowing me to be tortured last night.” 
“You have to admit, it was kinda sweet how he wanted that monkey and that man to be friends.” 
“Shouldn’t you kill him, then?”
“My dad never made me anything. He was too busy pretending to be gay to get away from me.” 
“It’s our day off, I thought we’d get wasted!”
“I’m getting this weird feeling that you’re angry.” 
“Dude, a butterfly is a type of bird.” 
“You’re a little intense right now. Like, I don’t wanna be uncool but your face looks really weird when it goes into all those various angry positions.” 
“There’s no wrong time to rock, motherfucker!”
“Dude, this is a really weird time to do your face exercises.” 
“Try introspection on THAT, motherfucker! … I’m sorry.”
“I WAS about to go, and then you had to say THAT! Now if I acquiesce, I’ll look and feel small!”
“If you’re gonna be sarcastic, you should really warn people so there’s no confusion.” 
“Your blades are dull as fuck, man! Why don’t you maintain your torture shit?!”
“Just because they’re aliens doesn’t mean they’re gross. BIGOTRY!”
“I’m not sure I’m ever gonna walk again.” 
“You’ll fall over all the time and look stupid and everyone will laugh at you.” 
“I thought that man and that chimp were friends. I was thinking they were gonna go on an adventure together.” 
“Aw, fuck! I’m never ever gonna kill someone with a fucking chainsaw!”
“I would read anything you wrote, dude. I bet you could do some bomb poetry.” 
“Yeah? Well, welcome to the fucking club!”
“There’s your answer! AHAHAHA!”
“Are you here to put babies in us like in Alien?”
“I think they jumped over those bullets.” 
“Look, at worst, he’s paralyzed.” 
“I’m gonna make a collage of the three of us fuckin’ some chicks with a bunch of dolphins around us doing beer bongs in a Corvet.” 
“We used to go out, kill bad guys, boom boom boom, no problem. We accidentally kill the wrong person? Oh shoot, that stinks– then we move on!”
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
Go on anon and pretend to be a journalist. Ask my muse the hard-hitting questions. Make them squirm. Make them admit things they don’t want to.
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
Send me   “⚠”   for my muse to discover a wound yours has been hiding from them! 
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
send me    ‘  ♡ _  ♡ ‘    and my muse will admit one to three ( 1-3 )  features of your muse  ( physical or personality )   that they find incredibly attractive. 
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
send me   “eavesdrop”   and my muse will describe your muse like they’re talking to a third party. 
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
for couples that are just beginning explore the sexual side of their relationship. 
[ EXPLORE ]  sender gets flustered while making out with receiver after becoming aroused. 
[ EXPLORED ]  receiver gets flustered while making out with sender after becoming aroused. 
[ EXPERIMENT ]  muses try touching each other more intimately for the first time,  groping,  caressing and kissing new areas. 
[ VENTURE ]  for sender to start teasing receiver by brushing their hand between their thighs or across their chest to see how they react.  
[ VENTURING ]  for receiver to start teasing sender by brushing their hand between their thighs or across their chest to see how they react. 
[ DISCOVERY ]  muses undress each other for the first time. 
[ NEED ]  receiver approaches sender and kisses them longer and more passionately than they ever have before. 
[  NEEDED  ]  sender approaches receiver and kisses them longer and more passionately than they ever have before. 
[  BUILD UP  ]  muses are kissing and it naturally begins to get more heated and intimate than they’ve ever taken it before. 
[  CAUGHT  ]  receiver catches sending getting flushed because of something they are doing or wearing. 
[  CATCHING  ]  sender catches receiver getting flushed because of something they are doing or wearing. 
❝  i think i’m ready to go further now,  if you are.  ❞
❝  i’m a little nervous,  but it’s a good nervous.  ❞
❝  i know we were waiting to get intimate until we were both ready,  so i thought i’d let you know i’m ready now.  ❞
❝  can we take a break—i’m just.  i like this,  but i need to go a little slower.  ❞
❝  why don’t you tell me what you like?  ❞
❝  take my hand,  show me where you want to be touched.  ❞
❝  you just look…you always look good but right now it’s.  wow.  ❞
❝  do you like this outfit?  i wanted to wear something special.  just for you.  ❞
❝  all i wanna do right now is take you inside.  ❞
❝  i want you to stay here with me tonight.  stay?  ❞
❝  i wanna do more than just kiss you goodnight.  ❞
❝  i don’t wanna stop touching you.  i just wanna be near you and close to you in any way i can.  ❞
❝  it’s getting harder to keep my hands off you lately.  ❞
❝  no,  don’t stop.  i liked it.  i like when you hold me like that.  ❞
❝  stop looking at me like that i’m gonna blush in front of everyone!  ❞
❝  why are you blushing?  ❞
❝  you don’t have to be so shy about it.  ❞
❝  honestly,  i’ve been starting to feel the same way.  i want more.  i want to try more.  ❞
❝  i just.  i really like you in that.  ❞
❝  so,  i thought,  it might be a good idea to talk about,  you know.  our boundaries and what we’re both comfortable with.  ❞
❝  i don’t really wanna go out tonight i just…want to be with you.  just us.  ❞
❝  i don’t usually feel these things.  but i do with you.  i’m starting to.  ❞
❝  i know i said i might not want to do anything sexual,  but.  i think i do actually.  you make me want to.  ❞
❝  i wanna try some things with you.  ❞
❝  i wanna do this.  for you.  making you feel good will make me happy.  ❞
❝  i need a little more time,  but i’m almost ready.  ❞
❝  no,  i’m okay.  i want this too.  trust me,  i really want it.  ❞
❝  i’ve done this before,  i’m just a little bit slower to get to it is all.  ❞
❝  you know,  what we talked about before?  i’m ready.  i wanna talk about it again.  ❞
❝  wow okay,  yeah.  this is doing it for me actually.  ❞
❝  i was…hoping we could stay in tonight actually.  i want you all to myself.  ❞
❝  are you sure you’re ready?  i don’t want to pressure you.  ❞
❝  is this alright?  do you want more or should we just keep it at this level for now?  ❞
❝  i’m really turned on right now for once so you better hurry up.  ❞
❝  you wanna…skip the movie and go back to my place?  ❞
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hazardmemetic · 2 years
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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