hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
Back to square one
Spent the week in the hospital with a kidney infection, and ovarian cyst. Still not feeling like myself. Will take a few more days to be 100%. Now to detox out all these medications and bad hospital food.
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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Power smoothy for this long day! Feeling leg day from yesterday hard today
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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Let’s Get Fit!
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
Up early today to get a good start on the day. Heading back to my old gym after 6 months to start Monday of pre training week 3. Last week of pre-taining!
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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upload xoxo
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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Pre training week 3
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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Week zero
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
I'm a 21 year old from BC Canada! I've just joined Kayla's army! Currently in the middle of pre-training week 3. Starting weight was around 132lbs- honestly haven't weighed myself in months. My goal is to feel more confident in my own skin, and to enjoy being in a bikini. I don't need any weight loss, I just really want to become stronger, healthier, and happier. A bit about me.... I have a really rare allergy that makes working out hard- it's called exercise induced anaphylaxis, so if do any physical activity too hard I break out in hives and have once gone into full anaphylactic shock and nearly lost my life. I also have severe scoliosis but am doing back therapy to correct it. I also have premature arthritis on my spine. I also recently discovered I have an autoimmune disorders, causing inflammation in my body. I chose not to further test until it was fully needed because the testing is intense And finally I am being testing for colitis. But I am motivated and determined to feel happier and healthier, and more confident!
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