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➴ you're gonna miss each and every shot you can't be bothered to take. [ indie hawkeye rp blog. mcu/fraction based. ]
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
What do you think of my characterisation?
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
       [  it's all clint can do to hold on for a few           moments, gasping slightly against tony's           mouth. stubborn asshole, he thinks.           followed shortly by: oh my god oh my           god do that again please please please.           tony is the one to pull away, and clint knows           he must look ridiculous, flushed and dazed           and all but chasing after tony's mouth.  ] 
                        you-- you can't possibly know that this                         is a good idea. or-- or incredible, or what-                         ever you said, because it won't be, tony.
                        it'll be, i dunno, messy. and chaotic, sometimes,                         and really, really fucking hard. so you can't just--                         just try it and then give up. because we're not just--
        [  he glances between them, still trying to work             the words out in his head.  ] 
                        we aren't just... whatever this is. we're teammates                                                           first. 
         [  he closes his eyes, taking a shallow breath.  ] 
                           how does this not terrify you?
   [  Okay, no, he’s having none of that. He can see it       in Clint because he knows the feeling— that feeling       that you’re not good enough, no matter how much       you want to be.  ]    [  He catches Clint's jaw again, this time grasping it       a little tighter so that Clint can’t just draw away and       avoid his gaze again.  ]             I like you. You clearly like me. If             this is because you think you’re             not good enough for me, of all             people, just shut up.    [  He leans in, sealing his lips over Clint's in a firm,        deep press of his lips. It sends sparks through him,       and he feels a low hum bubble up from his chest       as he presses Clint’s form back against the railing,       finally drawing away after a few moments.  ]                           It wouldn't be bad. It would be             absolutely incredible— So just…             just shut up, okay? Stop over             thinking things and kiss me.             Shut up.
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
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And flowers might wilt when we walk past And self-help might help when it makes us laugh
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
SARCASM: a sentence pack
"That went well."
"I hope you're happy now."
"Do you ever use your brain, or do you just think those five pounds are a built in workout for your neck muscles?"
"Remind me why I should care."
"Oh, gosh, you've insulted me! What ever shall I do? I'll be mentally and emotionally scared for years!"
"This is your bright idea?"
"Wow, you are just so incredibly funny."
"You keep on telling yourself that, sweetheart."
"Whose idea of a fun time is this?"
"Careful, keep having that much fun and it might actually start being good for your health."
"Yes, because your well-being is definitely my number one concern."
"I'll lose sleep over that. Definitely."
"Oh, no. Whatever shall we do? It's dark and we live in the 21st century!"
"Yeah, sure thing."
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
"He loves me, he loves me not… oh."
"She loves me, she loves me not… oh."
"I don’t think it’s love…"
"So, is there anyone you’re secretly crushing on?"
"I don’t even like chocolate."
"Yeah, nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a bouquet that’ll die in two days…"
"I’m not sure if they’re a secret admirer or a stalker… but at least they have good taste in gifts."
"Oh! It’s my favourite time of year."
"If I send a mass text to all the people I like, I don’t need to get all of them gifts do I?"
"I’ve never had a Valentine."
"Will you be my Valentine?"
"Do you have a Valentine yet?"
"No one ever serenades me any more."
"Just don’t write a song and play it in front of everyone again… it’s embarrassing."
"Any secret admirers?"
"Oh, so you’re my secret admirer?"
"I may have been admiring you not so secretly."
"Just because you like me doesn’t mean the feeling is mutual."
"Seeing as we’ve both not got anyone, do you want to come to mine and watch a film?
"We’re never getting back together."
"So, he got me a teddy bear, but we fought and he tore off it’s head."
"How about instead of being ridiculous on one day of the year, you just be a decent partner for the other 364 days?!"
"We’re not together any more."
"If you haven’t booked a table we definitely won’t get to eat there on such short notice."
"It’s just Valentine’s day… I don’t see the big deal."
"What do you mean you didn’t get me anything?"
"I’m feeling sick, is it okay if we arrange our date for another night?"
"I’m not sure if they’re a secret admirer or a stalker…."
"Well… they don’t know I’m going out with you so we’re going to have a girls night sitting in and cry about being single…"
"I’ve got the lube and strawberries, we’re all set!"
"I got out the whipped cream and she slammed the door in my face."
"I am not wearing that."
"When he said he would give me a pearl necklace, I thought I was getting actual jewelry."
"It would have been a lot more romantic if you de-thorned the rose before you put it in your mouth…"
"I’m all for dressing up… but, how do you wear this?"
"If I see another couple holding hands, I’ll… I’ll-"
"Young love, isn’t it sweet?"
"Who did you get all these roses for?"
"I don’t love you, I’m just here for the chocolate."
"So, let me get this right, you want me to be a stand in to make the person you like jealous?"
"Valentines? Pft!"
"That’s the least romantic thing anyone has ever said to me…"
"What are you doing? Why are you on one knee? Get up! Get up!"
"My mum gave me a rose because she felt sorry for me."
"Look, you can buy me all the chocolates in the world, I still won’t go out with you."
"A diamond ring? I appreciate the offer… but don’t you think this is a bit… excessive?"
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
At that, Clint manages a small smile. Tropical fruit. So, the fruit's for him? Huh. That's-- well, that's something, isn't it? Something he doesn't really know what to do with. 
Pepper sits and Clint realizes she plans on staying, for probably a while, and it's likely that will involve talking-- talking about what happened. Clint doesn't really want to talk about what happened. 
He looks away from her. 
"You're alive because of-- I dunno, doctors. Doing their jobs. And luck, mostly." If he thought smacking himself upside the head would help him feel better, he would. At this point, he's just about ready to try anything. "Only reason we're in here at all is 'cause of me."
Visiting Hours || Clint
"I hope you’re a fan of tropical fruit," Pepper says. She juggles the arrangement a little awkwardly with her one arm but manages to set it down on Clint’s table, where it sits next to an elaborate but slightly rumpled flower arrangement that screams Tony Stark Was Here And Felt Uncomfortable.
When she’s finished with that, she takes the chair by Clint’s bed. It’s more comfortable than she’d expected (did Tony special order a hospital visiting chair?) but still uncomfortable by virtue of Clint switching to Ms. Potts.
"Clint, you can still call me Pepper," she says. "I’m alive because of you."
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
                                  send me a ▲  & i will put our                                   character’s  names  into  this                                   generator and  write a starter                                   based  on  the  scenario  that                                   comes up!
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
calming starter sentences
"Its okay, I'm here."
"I'm not going to leave you."
"Everything is okay."
"I'm going to protect you."
"I believe in you."
"Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that."
"You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now."
"You're not going to lose me."
"I love you."
"I'll stay right here, okay?"
"Just breathe."
"I'm okay, you're okay, we're okay."
"You're everything to me."
"I don't care what they think, to me, you are perfect."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"You don't have to be alone."
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
Reblog if you don't mind a partner picking up a thread after months later!
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
                          Don’t   you   E V E R                                       tame                           your    demons
                                                                          But  A L W A Y S                                                                           keep  them  on  a                                                                               LEASH
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
                [  clint doesn't know what to think. clint doesn't even know                    if he's really capable of thinking at this point, with tony                    so close, with tony's hand on his face. even then, the                    touch is almost all he can focus on-- that single point of                    contact radiating warmth through his frame.  ]
                                               stark-- tony--
                 [  he shakes his head. no, no, no, no! this can't happen.                     it can't. everything that's happened tonight is more than                     clint could ever ask for. it's more than he deserves. and                     hell if all he wants to do is press closer, take and take                     and take and find out if tony can give as good as he can                     get but--                                          there's a difference between being a good                                        person, and being a person who does good                                    things. clint knows what he is, and tony's got--
                    he's got an image to maintain. iron man, and all that.                             clint would just get in the way. like always.  ]
                                            i can't--
                  [  he pulls away, swallowing around the lump in his throat.  ]
                               i can't-- i want-- fuck, i want--                                         but you-- you shouldn't. i shouldn't.                                                it'd be bad.
   [  When Clint finally turns in his arms, Tony glances       down to watch as a hand is pressed to his chest.       The touch is entirely too light, and he finds himself            leaning into it as he tries to catch the man’s gaze.  ]                   Does it really look like I                   don’t want to know?    [  He doesn’t move his arms for fear that Clint will       draw away, and instead waits for the man to look       at him. But he doesn’t, so Tony sighs and drops his             gaze to the hand on his chest.  ]                   This is ridiculous. You                                    have to look at me, Clint.    [  Wetting his lips, he finally brings a hand up to cup       under the man’s chin to tilt his head up. He meets       his gaze firmly, and moves to stroke his thumb            slowly along the strong line of his jaw.  ]                   If it helps at all, I liked it.
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
ok but like. i am on mobile until after school and then rehearsal so im probs gonna reblog some memes and work out a new tagging system. BUT I AM HERE. I PROMISE.
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
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            we may LOSE and we may WIN,                                though we will never be h e r e again
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
HIs room at the hospital is, in fact, one of the nicest hospital rooms Clint Barton has ever been in. He supposes Tony had something to do with that. Still, the walls are a familiar off-white and the whole place still smells clinical. Even after Tony's (extremely awkward) visit, Clint hates hospitals.
Some things never change. 
Pepper comes in as Nurse Jane? Jamie? J-something exists. He sucks in a startled breath at her appearance, and winces when it makes the dull throbbing in his abdomen spike into a sharp pain. Damn. 
"Pepper--" he clears his throat. 
"Ms. Potts. You look--" and what is he supposed to say? She doesn't look good, that's for sure, but at least she doesn't look as bad as he does. God, he could have-- he should have stopped this. "--alive."
"Nice fruit?"
Visiting Hours || Clint
The fruit arrangement isn’t too big. Frankly, it’s pretty moderately sized compared to the fruit arrangements Tony was looking at. Clint is only one person and Pepper doesn’t actually expect him to have any visitors except for herself and Tony and maybe Happy. So, no, the fruit arrangement is the right size. But it feels too big because Pepper only has one arm to carry it with. 
At least she was able to find one without strawberries. Pepper doesn’t know how Clint feels about strawberries, but Pepper has enough animosity towards them to not want to tote them through the halls of the hospital. Not even for a man who saved her life.
Tony has been to see Clint already, but Clint had still been asleep from surgery. Tony says he looked rough, though and Pepper knows he will — she can remember the gunshot that woke her up, and knows much of the blood on her when she arrived at the hospital was Clint’s, not her would-be kidnappers’.
Visiting hours are just starting. Pepper was discharged from the hospital late the night before, too late to go see Clint, and now she’s anxious about it, as if she might be too late, even though she knows Clint will make a full recovery.
The people in the elevator up to the floor Clint’s on stare at her. She’s quite a sight, she knows: her left arm in a sling, the left side of her face all black-and-blue. the slight limp she’s walking with. Pepper is so grateful to be alive, and she’s already talked to Tony about making Clint’s bodyguard position more official. 
Clint’s room is just as bare as Pepper was expecting. A nurse exits as Pepper enters, and Pepper hopes she hasn’t come at a bad time but — Clint is there, and awake. Pepper offers him a smile. 
"Good morning, Clint," she says.
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
             [   the urge to not turn around; to just lean back                  into tony's chest and show him why crashes                  over him. but he doesn't. he can't. he has to                  push and push and push because this is tony                  fucking stark and clint can't handle that, okay?
                 maybe if he were a better person. maybe if he                  were a worse person. but he's just him, and tony's--                  god, tony's everything, isn't he? why did it take                  him so long to figure that out?   ]
             [   he turns slowly, eyes cast down. one hand                  reaches up to land butterfly light against tony's                  chest, just above the reactor. tony's his friend.  ]
                                    i'm no playing at anything, asshole,                                     i'm-- you're--                                                  you wouldn't want to know.
              [   he's not sure if the fact that it's true makes it                   better or worse.   ]
         [  Tony presses his lips together, ensuring             the door is closed properly behind himself             as he takes a few slow steps toward Clint.             But he doesn’t get the answer he’s looking             for. And Tony is never one for beating about             the bush, over anything.  ]
                        Obviously it was something.
         [  Tony advances then, because he won’t be             accepting that answer, and his hands brace             against the railing either side of Clint to             prevent him escaping, but leaving enough             room that he can turn around and face him.  ]
                        The hell are you playing at, here?                         You grabbed my hand, Clint.                          Surely you’ve got to know why?
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hawkeyedx-blog · 10 years ago
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             all my blogs are officially on semi-hiatus! i start school tomorrow. and i won't be home, most days, until 6 pm because of rehearsals. and then i need to do homework. i'll try and get on as much as possible, but y'know, i don't wanna stress myself out unneccesarily. this is supposed to be my escape, so that's what i'm keeping it as. if you need me, my skype/ig/twitter/kik are all available to mutuals, and my personal blog is over at ableismkills. love u!
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