the gentle giant.
445 posts
companion oc from baldur's gate 3 / forgotten realms. narrated by bee. originally created may 2024. revamped sept 2024
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harpersoath · 24 hours ago
ppl seem to do this thing in fandoms where theyll take a character whos inherently kind and trusting of people and then they make the fanon version of them ignorant or innocent to certain things by default and i dont like it
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harpersoath · 4 days ago
there is a 98% chance that if you see neyvin post-game, there is at least one child hanging off of them like a jungle gym.
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harpersoath · 5 days ago
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"you look like the most beautiful man i have seen..." neyvin said, then, with an almost mischievous smile, added, "today."
still, they regard the other with a warm gaze, leaning in to press a quick kiss to vigor's forehead. they had both needed this. this moment, this peace. the life of a harper was one neyvin loved, but taking a moment to just breathe and enjoy the soft blanket and the warm sun was a small joy that made neyvin themselves feel like a flower.
she leans back slightly. "you know, happiness suits you." she said, quietly, after a moment, taking in the joy on the other's face. neyvin casts her gaze around, taking in the variety of flowers that are all around them, considering which ones would be best for a crown.
"we could." neyvin agrees, his eyes lighting up with the idea of it. "do you know how?" he asks, curiously.
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Send me 🌺 to place a flower in my muse’s hair ☼
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A moment of reprieve had been much needed and well deserved. Vigor could not think of anyone better than Neyvin to spend an afternoon in a meadow with. He made sure to bring a thick blanket and some lunch for their comfort, along with a book to read should he tire of simply basking in the sun.
      Vigor lets his tired bones sink into the soft grass as the warm sun makes his eyelids prickle in the heat. Safe in good company and held in nature's serene embrace, he feels utterly at ease. He does not flinch when she places a flower in his hair, only humming a curious sound before gentle hands lean up to touch it.
      The gesture is little surprise coming from Neyvin, but it is no less special. Vigor beams with delight, feeling quite beautiful. It had been years since he felt handsome, but beautiful? Delicate? That was delightfully novel. He places his palms either side of his jaw, feeling like the belle of the ball. ❝How do I look?❞ The etchings of joy's memory frame honey eyes that catch the sunlight, as a flicker of laughter escapes his lips. ❝We could make crowns. We have time.❞
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harpersoath · 5 days ago
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"home for you." neyvin reminds bramble. while it was believed that firbolgs had fey ancestry, neyvin was not a fey in the sense that the satyr was and they did not trust that to be a saving grace for them. but, they also do not add that in the time they have known the other the word 'careful' had never once been able to be applied to anything they did. their eyes flicker to the familiar, unable to help a small smile that forms.
as much as he was protesting, neyvin was a little curious. as much as he would prefer to not leave the material plane for a wide variety of reasons, the feywild was (while dangerous) a novel concept.
she gives a look at the mushroom circle, then at bramble. something told her that if she didn't let bramble go now and accompany him, then they would find themselves suddenly missing a satyr if she looked away. "fine." neyvin relents, with a sigh.
neyvin isn’t fun. the words are gwynne’s. silent to neyvin’s ears, but loud and clear to bramble’s. 
his familiar dances from branch to branch, mocking the paladin. gobble us, gobble us fills the space. it’s followed by mimicking laughter. bramble ignores it all, saying, “ it isn’t a demiplane. it’s home ! ”
eyes are rolled. tail flicks, and a single hoof stops with impatience. “ and you can’t get gobbled up if you’re careful. trust me, i’ve explored it before. ” what he doesn’t mention is that it was a single time, he was lost, and something with too many teeth tried to make a meal out of him.
but it was exciting. 
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harpersoath · 6 days ago
...anyone want to guess what my favorite animal is.
(this is not including the three turtle pillows that live on my couch or the homemade turtle collage artwork I am hanging up)
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harpersoath · 7 days ago
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neyvin's face flushes, and the large qunari ducks his head. he had hoped he wasn't over stepping with the gesture, but the approval in esha's tone catches him off guard.
"not been called that before." they mutter. granted, most of the things the warrior was called were hardly kindly words, but even of the kinder words used to describe them, smooth was certainly not among them. they shake their head, offering an easy smile towards esha once they recover from their own surprise.
"dorian suggested that." she explained, as if that explained everything about the hand kiss. and in some ways, perhaps it did. "it's knightly." the qunari smiled, and let out a small chuckle. not that neyvin was a knight and she didn't especially want to be one. that had been part of what led to her leaving as she had in the first place, and a large part of why she had joined the shadow dragons.
they shift slightly, rubbing the back of their neck, "you use plants for a lot of the poisions and stuff you make, right?"
[   HAND   ]     ,     sender  kisses  receiver's  hand.
Esha didn't often find himself on the other end of flirtations. Usually he was the one who was doing the flirting, saying the right words, making the right moves. When he had it turned on himself, such as the rather handsome Qunari taking his hand and placing a kiss on his knuckles in such way, he found himself always at a brief loss of words.
But the lost words were quickly found again as he looked at them with a wide grin coming across his lips, yellow eyes shining with a bit of allure and mischief in his gaze.
"My, my, Neyvin, I didn't expect you to be so smooth, my friend... but I like it..."
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harpersoath · 8 days ago
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@THIEFCANT, an independent roleplay blog for an original character associated with dungeons & dragons, written by vladimir. ©
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harpersoath · 11 days ago
my vengeance paladin got a penalty bc they are too nice.
meanwhile, my life cleric cornered a man in an alley and threatened to make it look like an accident [bc he was passive aggressively commenting about her best friend] (who is now her girlfriend).
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harpersoath · 12 days ago
a selection of nsfw / spicy headcanons under the cut!
despite her overall stature, she is not as big as you might think. fairly thick, but only ~6 and a half inches long.
vers, switch. soft dom or service top tendencies, depending.
willing to recieve things like impact play, and harder kinks; hesitant to engage with those kinks on a giving / dom end because they are very aware of their strength and size especially compared to their usual partners and it makes them nervous.
favors extended foreplay, heavy kissing, and a lot of touching. not a huge fan of quick and fast. if you are fucking them, you need to set aside at least and hour or more.
often, unintentionally, will rile his partners up because he is naturally very touchy.
i'm not gonna surprise anyone when i tell you she has a worship kink (giving)
not into one night stands or hookups with strangers, but is down for casual sex with friends.
call them a "good [fill in the blank]" (girl, boy, puppy, etc)
vocal, not super good with dirty talk, but very good at praising their partner.
he likes to snuggle after. you cannot and will not escape it. prepare to be snuggled.
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harpersoath · 12 days ago
neyvin is older than jaheria, and likely one of the oldest harper's at last light inn.
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harpersoath · 12 days ago
truly, one of my favorite things is just casually dropping that neyvin is the child of polycule, was basically raised in a hippie commune, and is the youngest of their parents kids (and there are quite a lot).
and that is like 75% of the reason they are like this.
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harpersoath · 13 days ago
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"nuh uh." neyvin scrunches his nose, "i don't mess with that sort of thing. last thing i need is to i wind up in some demiplane without a clue what's going on."
but, they also can't just let bramble wander in alone. "it won't eat us, but whatever is in there might. gobble us both right up." being hag food was very low on the list of problems neyvin wanted.
gwynne disagrees. he does, too. 
curiosity is a ravenous thing. he remembers the witchlight hands and how they would shake their heads, tsk, and say, ‘ you haven’t had your fill yet ? ’ he always laughed.
and he laughs now. clear and bright like a bird’s call, and full of mischief. “ it’s just a mushroom circle. ” he can smell the wild magic from here. “ why can’t we get closer ? it won’t eat us, you know. ”
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harpersoath · 13 days ago
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neyvin smiles at them, trying to build rapport with their new travelling companions, however temporary those companions may be. "i can imagine. i don't go riding often, but i imagine it might be something like that." they remark thoughtfully. "bet it helps a lot with getting a lay of the land."
quiet falls between them, before neyvin, cautious and gentle, breaks the silence, "you menioned being raised by firbolgs. where did you grow up?" she asks them, tilting her head. neyvin wasn't trying to pry, but while she was far from the most curious around this party (she is fairly sure gale played 20 questions minimum when they had first encountered terra), neyvin did like to know about others.
"if i ever get annoying, you can tell me to stop talking. wouldn't be the first time." they said easily, with a small chuckle.
Sitting watch is a natural behaviour, for Terra. They had been the one who kept watch on the farm, the one who perched overnight with bow and arrow, to protect crops and animals both. They are not a chatty beast by any stretch of the imagination, but their head twitches around to look at the firbolg. A familiar, comforting sight in unfamiliar worlds. Just like their parents. Their wings stretched out slightly; thoughtful. "It is natural, to me." they said, after a moment. "Cannot imagine not doing it. Is hard, sometimes. When wind is not good." they clicked their beak, "But when good, feel free. Like weigh nothing."
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harpersoath · 14 days ago
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neyvin wants to add they had agreed to the stops, and that it wasn't his ideas alone. but he lets it lie. some battles were best not to pick further than you already did. and, as she said, they would make camp soon.
neyvin could carry on a little longer, but he also knew that he and rakatak, much like lae'zel or karlach, were less limited in their skills by their magic than some of the others of their party. he might not be able to draw down iallanis' divine power after the amount of fights they had picked today, but he could still swing his hammer. gale was less lucky in that aspect.
but, rather than fighting, they sigh and instead fall into step beside her, with a shrug, "your god burns, my goddess soothes." they said easily. "i'm glad i could be of assistance, regardless."
they still had orin somewhere in this city's underbelly to deal with. they had managed to catch the would-be bhaalist, but disabling gortash was more of a focus now, they knew. but, the firbolg's mind is further field than just the end of this leg of their trip.
"once we have dealt with gortash and the elderbrain, what comes after for you?"
It looks back, making note of their tone if not seeming to have much of an opinion on it. The dynamic compared to what rapport they had descending into the Sharran temple had certainly... changed.
Where once had been firm but surprisingly non-dogmatic values, something to be planned around and accounted for and occasionally changed, now rests something more like a compulsion. A knowledge of a desired outcome so all-consuming that the only thing it knows is the reaching of it. Enver Gortash dead and the Netherbrain destroyed.
But as those eyes meet Neyvin's, something changes in them. She smirks, in a way too familiar. "You now pay the price for your detours earlier, Harper. If you hadn't been so damned insistent on sticking your nose into business that didn't concern us, we wouldn't have to rush as we do. Price of being a hero, isn't it? Having to account for all the evil in the world."
Rakatak laughs, rolls her shoulder, and turns its eyes back to the front. "Aside that, we'll be making camp soon anyway." A short hum, another roll of the shoulder and a glance back at its fellow paladin. "I find it difficult to grow used to your particular strain of aid. It feels almost incomplete when it does not burn... but your attention is valued all the same."
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harpersoath · 14 days ago
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I Won't Hurt You
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harpersoath · 14 days ago
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Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena // Alain de Botton, Essays in Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts for the Broken-Hearted" // Chloe Liese, Always Only You // Anne Carson and Euripides, An Oresteia // Two—Sleeping At Last // Studio Bones, SK8 the Infinity // Trista Mateer, "is it okay to say this?" // @moodylilac // D. H. Lawrence, "The Rainbow"
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harpersoath · 15 days ago
neyvin, as a paladin, is a charisma based class, yes, but neyvin does not have rizz.
neyvin has a very pitifully earnest belief in the goodness of people, a deeply protective sense of duty, and an idealistic dream of hope.
and that is the only way they can pull anyone.
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