happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
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happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
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happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
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happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
46 notes · View notes
happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
I am at @bungleheads now!
this will b ONLIIIII an archive account to record my past mistakes and my eventuallll Downfall! :-D!
Hetalia fans who are still here for some reason. block my new account!!!!!! :-)
Thank You!
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happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
a beginner’s guide to fandom racists
This is by no stretch of the imagination a finished list, nor will it probably ever be. But over my years in Tumblr I’ve started to Notice some Things…
Basic Racist
“so NO poc characters can die????”
purposely misinterprets your argument
“blackwashing exists too. if mj can be black then aang can be white”
“why don’t they just make a NEW black superhero/princess/franchise?”
“stop making fun of xyz writer; they’re probably a much better writer than you’ll ever be”
alternatively “have you written a book? then you can’t have any opinion whatsoever”
alternatively “if you want to see diverse characters then write your own story instead of complaining”
“you should be grateful for the one side poc who died in the first episode”
“imagine if i said the same thing about poc. that’s reverse racism”
Smug/Oppressed Racist
makes several posts expressing their dismay and sadness after being called out for racism
assumes victim position whenever possible
lowkey/highkey an anti-anti
thinks and acts like they are oppressed by the existence of antis
*approaching their mutual of color (or a blogger of color in their community) after writing/reblogging a problematic post* “hey just wondering, why did you block me?”
makes fic/edits/headcanons/art that relies on racist stereotypes and characterization
“i miss the days when you could just be racist write whatever fic/like whatever character/post whatever headcanons without people getting mad :/”
“some people just don’t know how to have FUN!”
“don’t you have anything better to do than run a HATE BLOG about this poor writer?”
part of a network of white mutuals and followers who supportively affirm each other that they’re Not Racist
refuses to acknowledge anything you say unless it’s written in standard white grammar and falsely cheery affect
Schrodinger’s Woke
usually a white lady
has some posts about intersectionality on their blog
doesn’t support any movies/shows/books written by and for poc
never reblogs bloggers of color
alternatively, only reblogs bloggers of color who agree with their opinion (which 90% of the other poc in the fandom disagree with)
goes hard in calling out misogyny, but “can excuse” the racism of the author
alternatively, *about a problematic white female character* “you have to excuse the racism in her narrative. just because there’s racism in it doesn’t mean she’s not a feminist hero. it’s not her fault that the writers wrote it that way”
generally expecting all fans to put the representation of white women before any other representation in terms of importance
why can’t this strong woc just be single?! she’s awesome without a man
selectively calls out racism in fandom/content when it makes their preferred character/blogger look better in comparison to the “more racist” character/blogger
repeats what bloggers of color say but in a cheery tone and more watered down; gets heaps of praise from mutuals and followers for being a woke queen
assumes position of authority on all social justice issues, especially concerning gender (and sexuality if they are lgbtq+)
“the writer knows what they’re doing. i give them the benefit of the doubt because we don’t know how the story will turn out in the end”
may or may not have written elaborate posts about racism and race theory
definitely stans at least one extremely problematic white author and defends them and their “genius” to the death
thinks that calling out white cis/het women for their racism/homophobia/transphobia is sexist
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happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
i... i didnt know hetalia was... around anymore... that's uh. scary.
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happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
Tumblr media
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happyradio-blog1 · 5 years
Tumblr media
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