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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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I tried the Etude House Hot Style Bubble Hair Coloring in Ash Violet a white back and here’s my two cents . It’s very convenient to use and all of the tools are already provided inside. They even provide a good latex glove so be careful if you have latex allergy. The bubble coloring dispense nicely and after you’re done, leave it for about 30 minutes before washing off . I tried several of their bubble coloring before and the color comes out pretty decent albeit leaving my hair dry as hell. But... they do provide a really good hair treatment pack inside . The color payout on this one isn’t very good. I don’t detect any hints of Ash Violet whatsoever which is odd for me because my hair usually reacts really well to hair color. Overall I’m quite disappointed with this particular color but hey maybe they’ll come out with more interesting color . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . #crochetandlipstickreview #etudehouse #bubblehaircolor #bubblehaircoloring #hotstyle #haircolor #haircoloring #beautyreview #beautyinfluencer #beauty #koreanbrand #beautycommunity #abcommunity #review #haircolorbyme #ashviolet #bblogger #sbybeautyblogger #beautyblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HWJNDFBAB/?igshid=ju7t6krq7ges
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Tried these babies from @oullu.id a few weeks back and gonna share about how I feel about their scent: . Umbra Citrusy scent at first and then comes a hint of tobacco and then it smells peppery. It feels like a masculine perfume because it’s slightly strong at first but the scent mellows out and turns out really good. . Aether The sweet scent hits me first and it was a familiar sweet scent. Ohhh it was Sapodilla aka Sawo!! My grandpa used to have Sapodilla tree in his house no wonder it’s really familiar. I don’t like a typical sweet scent like one of those VS perfume but Aether is good because it smell bittersweet if that makes sense? . Arcana This is another one that I call bittersweet scent because the sweet scent hits me first and then I felt a bitter kick at the back of my nose. I personally like licorice scent even though I hate the candy 😅. The nutty and vanilla scent hits me afterwards and even though I don’t particularly like vanilla scent, the combination of both are beautiful! . Ego This one leans towards feminine scent because the fruity scent hits me first and then comes the flowery scent with a slight woody tone so it’s not that feminine either. I applied it on the inside part of my clothes and the scent last all day!! . Zephyr This scent becomes one of my favorite right away because I’m into oceanic scents lately and this one delivers!! Sometimes oceanic scents tends to be masculine but this one is a perfect balance!! The citrusy scents hits me first and then comes the jasmine and woody scent. I might get this one in full size soon!! . #oullu #iamoullu #oulluperfume #localbrand #review #crochetandlipstickreview #iamego #iamumbra #iamaether #iamarcana #iamzephyr #indonesianbrand #madeinindonesia #perfume #edp https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CS_TUl_Gb/?igshid=s3llinvt8mg5
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Current Favorite Primer: @npureofficial Cica Face Serum . Is it a primer or is it a serum? It’s both!! It has a silky texture and good for covering skin texture and pore so that your makeup can be applied smoothly . My makeup looks nicer and no more cracking during the day. With Centella Asiatica, Green Tea, Javanese Turmeric and Vitamin C that’s beneficial for skin brightening and also good for acne prone skin. Oh and did you know that it’s also free of paraben, alcohol, SLS and mineral oil? . BPOM NA 18191905104 . #PureBeautyInNaturalWay #NforNatural #NPure #CicaSeries #BeKindBeBeauty #LocalBrand #IndonesianBrand #Beauty #Skincare #IndonesianBramd #MadeinIndonesia #SkincareLover #SkincareJunkie #MakeupLover #BBlogger #SurabayaBeautyBlogger #SbyBeautyBlogger #AsianBeauty #ABCommunity #SkincareCommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/B805RYelcow/?igshid=i7s5rkq7uxl7
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Can’t believe that I won @sbybeautyblogger of the year 🥰 . Last Sunday SBB 3rd Anniversary was a blast!! . Special Thanks to: @cmm.idn for making the event fun and well executed @thelocalist.sby for the venue @parisiennepastry @parisienneresto @parisiennewedding for the gorgeous cake and pastry @altheakorea who’s been supporting us for such a long time and our main Beauty Sponsor! @bioderma_indonesia and @ultimaii_id for supporting this event and making it special . I hope I can’t still be an active member for years to come 🙏🏻 . #SBBXBioderma #SBB3rdAnniversaryXBioderma #SBBXCMM #SBB3rdAnniversaryXCMM #SBB3rdAnniversaryXTheLocalistSby #SBBXTheLocalistSby #TheLocalistCafeBistroSurabaya #SBBXParisienne #SBB3rdAnniversaryXParisienne #ParisiennePastry #ParisienneResto #ParisienneWedding #SBBXUltimaII #SBB3rdAnniversaryXUltimaII #SBBTurning3 #bblogger #sbybeautyblogger #bbloggerid #beautyblogger #beautybloggerid #beautybloggerindonesia #beautybloggers https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VDQlHlETO/?igshid=q3bseyzd3ts0
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Yayy akhirnya launch juga produk terbaru dari @npureofficial yaitu Marigold Series. Marigold ini disebut juga Bunga Gemitir yang memiliki kandungan anti oksidan yang tinggi. Makanya Marigold Series ini memiliki claim Bighten, Moist & Anti Aging . Foaming Facial Wash Facial wash ini memiliki brush silikon yang lembut di kulit dan bikin kulit rasanya super bersih. Formulanya ringan dan sama sekali gak bikin area hidung saya perih. Biasanya kalau gak cocok pasti perih soalnya . Toner Kemas toner ini cantik pake banget!! Berupa botol kaca dan ada kelopak bunga Marigold asli di dalamnya. Teksturnya cair banget dan saat diaplikasikan ke wajah kelopak bunganya juga ikut menyerap lho. Finishnya membuat kulit saya terasa lembab dan cocok untuk layering ala 7 skin method. Tapi kalau di saya sih sekitar 3-4 layer saja sudah cukup. BTW kalau kamu terkadang merasa hydrating toner terlalu “rich” dan lengket bisa banget cobain ini untuk alternatif . Serum Saya SUKA PAKE BANGET sama serum ini!!! Teksturnya agak sedikit kental dan butuh sekitar 30 detik lah baru dia menyerap sambil saya tepuk2 perlahan. Saat baru diaplikasikan ke kulit memang terasa agak sedikit lengket Tapi kalau sudah menyerap sempurna kulit terasa lebih lembab dan kenyal. LOVE BANGET!! Btw ukurannya memang kecil Tapi sekali pakai hanya 3 tetes aja lho untuk wajah dan leher . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lovelocalbrand #purebeautyinnaturalway #bekindbeauty #nfornatural #crochetandlipstickreview #beautyreview #skincarereview #skincareenthusiast #abcommunity #skincarecommunity #asianbeauty https://www.instagram.com/p/B5K32h2FuVV/?igshid=1b4ggzygqxlha
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Seneng banget akhirnya Soothing Gel kesukaan saya yaitu @npureofficial Cactus Aloe Vera Soothing punya kemasan praktis dalam bentuk tube . Karena baru launch di @dusdusan langsung deh saya cari resellernya dan beli 3. Buat di kantor, buat dibawa-bawa sama buat di mobil . Kalau kemasan jar-nya jangan ditanya lagi saya udah habis 4 jar donk. Kenapa saya suka banget? Karena Soothing Gel yang ini lebih banyak kandungan Cactus-nya dan kulit saya sendiri dalam jangka panjang ternyata lebih suka Cactus dibanding Aloe Vera. Sebetulnya udah lama mau review di crochetandlipstick.com tapi lupa foto melulu 😅. Sekarang yang kemasan jar udah masuk yang ke-5 padahal nanti saya bikin reviewnya deh 🙈 . #skincare #localbrand #madeinindonesia #skincareaddict #abcommunity #skincarecommunity #asianbeauty #indonesiabagus #skincarelover #plants #cactus #succulent #rustic #npure #soothinggel #cactusaloevera (di Retrorika coffee bar & resto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4R93vNleSb/?igshid=1e2iajswjig9f
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Setelah kemarin saya sudah mencoba @avoskinbeauty PHTE sekarang saya mencoba produk hits yang lainnya yaitu Miraculous Refining Toner . Produk ini sudah saya gunakan selama 2 minggu dan saya cukup terkesan dengan hasilnya. Bekas jerawat saya lebih cepat memudar dan jerawat yang baru pun lebih cepat kalem dan tidak meninggalkan bekas yang terpampang nyata . Nanti setelah sekitar 1 bulan pemakaian akan saya review yang lebih lengkap di crochetandlipstick.com ya! . Apabila tertarik untuk mencoba bisa langsung dibeli di official store Avoskin di Tokopedia. Disana lagi ada banyak diskon dan PHTE special edition juga masih ada lho stoknya disana. Buruann!!! . #avoskin #avoskinbeauty #avoskintoner #miraculousrefiningtoner #skincare #skincarelover #skincarejunkie #asianbeauty #skincarecommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/B3raSt_lQQx/?igshid=lrcvhdhi3154
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Dari pagi seharian hujan dan dingin banget. Untung bawa thermal 1 dan long cardie penyelamat dari @tekopociig . #korea #travelkorea #autumninkorea #autumn #travelling #liburan #jalanjalan #jalanjalanseru #liburanyuk https://www.instagram.com/p/B3T9zEeFD5j/?igshid=v6u28wglph8o
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Naik kesini capek banget ya bokk. Tapi hari ini beruntung karena tidak terlalu ramai . #korea #travelkorea #namsantower #locksoflove #namsan #namsanseoultower #autumninkorea #autumn #travelling #liburan #jalanjalan #jalanjalanseru #liburanyuk (at Namsan Locks of Love) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3RKlP3l56f/?igshid=ybp3iv2qvbmk
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart. -The Little Prince- . #korea #travelkorea #koreatravel #travelling #littleprince #petitefrance #jalanjalan #liburanyuk #autumninkorea (at Petite France 쁘띠프랑스, Gapyeong, South Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3O8H2sl9KY/?igshid=1kt1w22hhw92i
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Numpang lewat disini 😁😁 . Panas bokk . #jalanjalan #brunei #travelling #liburanyuk #jalanjalanyuk #libur #liburan #liburanseru #bruneidarussalam #bruneistyle (at Muzium Alat Kebesaran Diraja) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LwtTmlVTt/?igshid=1eiibdlverm8c
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hanaiyzm · 5 years ago
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Selamat Hari Batik Nasional!!! Kalau udah bingung mau pakai baju apa ke kantor paling andalan pakai Batik emang . Batik hari ini adalah salah satu batik favorit saya which is @susan_batik ❤️❤️ . Btw ini cafe @retrorika.id ucul pake bangett!! . #batiksusan #haribatiknasional #haribatik #batik #batikday #batikdays #ilovebatik #batikindonesia #cintabatik #cintabatikindonesia (di Retrorika coffee bar & resto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HT2vll0lu/?igshid=yauza4fd46da
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hanaiyzm · 6 years ago
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Here’s a shot of @id.oriflame Love Nature Cucumber Gel Mask for #texturetuesday . Packaging: It comes in sachet but I put mine in a small pot and put them in the fridge before use . Texture: It has a gel texture with a greenish tint that looks very refreshing. It has a fresh scent to it which I thought was from the cucumber but it’s actually from the parfum and I’m having a conflicted feeling because parfum comes before cucumber in the ingredients list . Verdict: Overall the mask is an okay mask for me. It help cools my skin on a hot day since it has Cucumber and menthol but I don’t feel that it makes my skin better nor worse. FYI since Mask has parfum and menthol in it so it might not be suitable for people with sensitive skin . #oriflameindonesia #oriflame #mask #maskerwajah #beautyreviews #beautyreview #bblogger #sbybeautyblogger #maskaddict #masklover #skincare #skincarereview #crochetandlipstickreview https://www.instagram.com/p/B2f_chzlmrp/?igshid=dj5jxoyvyrk7
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hanaiyzm · 6 years ago
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I’ve always been a Powder Blush kind of gal because I find that Cream Blush sometimes looks awkward on my combination skin until I found @sunniesface Airblush!! . The Blush felt so soft and applies like silk on skin. It leaves a powdery finish and blends really well on my skin. It’s suitable for a beginner since the color is buildable. Plus it has a good mirror too! The Airblush is a multifunction product too since I can use it as an eyeshadow or a lipstick too 😘 . The one that I got here is the Airblush in Doll. Doll is a cool mauve pink or carnation pink (from the website). I personally think this color looks cute on any skintone and FYI I got another two shade OTW 🙈🙈 . #sunniesface #airblush #blush #blusher #doll #makeup #cosmetics #sunniesfaceairblush #makeuplife #makeuplover #ilovemakeup #makeupjunkie #makeuphoarder #makeupholic #makeupmafia https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dwJqnl4II/?igshid=cr67wvw0jif9
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hanaiyzm · 6 years ago
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SOC Animal Cutie Mask Pack Anti-aging Horse Oil that I bought from @stylekorean_indonesia . I bought these in a set of 10 and I choose it because not only it offers skin elasticity and wrinkle improvement but it also good for deep hydration into your skin . The Packaging: It comes in a very cute sachet with a horse character. I think there are also tiger, monkey, panda etc. it’s quite easy to rip without using a scissor . The Mask: The sheet mask itself is quite thick and I’m having a bit of a trouble setting it on my face. You can see on the last pic that it sits awkwardly on my face . The Essence: This Mask has a lot of Essence inside but the texture is very runny and it constantly dripping on my neck and clothes. It also has a slight scent to it but it’s barely noticeable . The Verdict: I usually leave the Mask on for about 20 minutes and pat the remaining essence that was left on my face. I didn’t feel that my skin absorbs the Essence well since there’s usually a lot of it that was left on my face. When I finish patting the essence, my skin still feels a bit tacky. Overall my skin feels very hydrated but I don’t think that I’m gonna repurchase it again . #review #beautyreview #crochetandlipstickreview #skincarerereview #bblogger #sbybeautyblogger #beautycommunity #skincarecommunity #abcommunity #asianbeauty #mask #sheetface #skincareroutine #rainbowbeauty #koreanbeauty #beautyinfluencer #beautybloggers #reviews #reviewskincare #facemask #skincareaddict #skincarejunkie #skincareobsessed #maskaddict #skincarelover (di Gunung Batu Permai) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2bfn3NlG_O/?igshid=mz9ye8vwil1r
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hanaiyzm · 6 years ago
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The @sunniesface Fluffmatte Lipsticks has one of the most interesting texture appearance. Not only it looks like a velvet but it also applies velvety smooth on lips. It feels weightless, creamy, has good pigmentation and doesn’t sink into my lip lines at all!!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #sunniesface #fluffmatte #lipstick #matte #mattelipstick #makeup #cosmetics #lips #makeuplife #makeuplover #ilovemakeup #makeupjunkie #makeuphoarder #makeupholic #makeupmafia https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Vr__tH3dr/?igshid=i38ewo27nymo
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hanaiyzm · 6 years ago
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Seneng banget akhirnya saya bisa nyobain Avoskin Perfect Hydrating Treatment Essence. Kandungannya bagus-bagus seperti ascorbic acid, chamomile, carrot oil dan Rosehip oil. BTW waktu saya baca kandungannya ternyata Avoskin PHTE ini mengandung alcohol tapi jenisnya fatty alcohol yang berfungsi sebagai carrying agent yang bagus untuk penyerapan kandungan dalam Skincare. Pantesan waktu pertama kali pakai saja kulit saya langsung berasa segar dan lembut banget! . Saya akan mencoba produk ini selama beberapa minggu ke depan dan review lebih detailnya akan saya post di crochetandlipstick.com ya 😊 . @avoskinbeauty #PesonaCantikAlami #LifePerfectly https://www.instagram.com/p/B2G-2-pFyzo/?igshid=zyr72vt07i8u
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