hanabiacademy · 6 years
hello! i've noticed under genres that the game is tagged with psychological (horror); is it possible to disclose more information about why it has this genre tagged?
Hello, hello! The genre is subjected to change, depending on the course of our game during development, and all current information about the game’s story won’t be release for another while. This is mostly due to the fact we have yet to figure out what information is worth sharing, and what information won’t spoil the game.What I can say is that the genre is heavily tied with psychic abilities. You can find all information about the abilities, and how they work, here!- Navy
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
Do you guys plan on hiring voice actors for this game?
Hello hello~ We don't plan on having voice actors because we don't really see it really suiting the style of the game? And it'd help with the sense of immersion with the story and characters to imagine their voices yourself because both the music and the text/character dialogues are already fronting most of the characterization :D ~Doodle
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
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Liam Fitzgerald 
Liam is one of the 10 bachelors available in Hanabi Academy. Smart, witty, quick thinker, and can usually conjure up ideas within minutes. Liam is an ideal strategist to have on a team, however, he may come off as intimidating to those who fail to understand him. 
Age: 18 Beginning height: 6′3″ Date of Birth: January 19th Nationality: American Occupation: Student Ability Class: Physical Hobbies: A man of very few hobbies except work and research 
Character design and information by Navy! Art by Doodle!
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
Due to most of our team going back to school, we’ll be changing the schedule up, by a bit! We’ll now be posting one character per weekend alongside occasionally, but not always, posting music. It’s a busy time of the year for us all, so I hope you understand. When given free time, we’ll be sure to do as much as we can!  Thank you!  -Navy 
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
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Malou Olsen
One of the nine available mentors in Hanabi Academy. A cluttered soul, Malou is a character of great disorganization. Despite her “efforts”, she’s an extremely intelligent individual who has a habit of allowing her flaws to take over. She’s kind and caring, but easily annoyed by internet culture.  Age: 24 Beginning height: 5′6″ (168cm) Date of Birth: May 2nd Nationality: Danish  Occupation: Teacher Ability Class: Elemental - Earth  Hobbies: Taking all the free samples and playing video games  *Character design and information by Edwin *Art by Doodleladle
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
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Subaru Inuoe
One of the 10 bachelors available mentors in Hanabi Academy. Subaru’s very expressive with both body language and speech, and coupled with a loud voice that he’s rather oblivious to, Subaru can come off as angrier than he actually is. Despite his outward appearance however, he’s a serious and hardworking character, and reveals a softer, gentler side to those he trusts. Age: 16 Beginning height: 5′6″ (168cm) Final Height: 5′7″ (171cm) Date of Birth: August 1st Nationality: Japanese Occupation: Student Ability Class: Physical Hobbies: Reading the same book, over and over and over again *Character design and information by Edwin *Art by Doodleladle
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
This is the second Winter track that will play in the background, so the player doesn’t have to listen to the same song for an entire season. This song was composed using Musescore, and will be polished on a more professional program later in development. 
Song composed by Rachel! 
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
This is an incredibly ambitious project, how certain are you that it will actually be completed?
Hiya! Sorry this is late, it’s a busy week. I do have plans on finishing, I’ve dedicated my life and future to this project. There will be down time, especially during the school season (slower posting as well), but we’re trying to complete it as fast as we possibly can without jeopardizing the quality. Until I can set up funding, it’ll be a slower process given we do have to work for a living. - Navy
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
Heart System
A player is able to gain the heart of a player simply by gifting them the items they love. It’s not the only way of obtaining hearts in Hanabi Academy, but it is one of the quickest. Each day you speak to an NPC, you’ll receive one heart point towards the total of points you need to complete a heart.  *Some NPCs are a lot harder than other NPCs. This is because they have a higher difficulty level. 
Amount of points needed for each difficulty:
Normal: 100pts/heart; 2000pts/NPC Hard: 125pts/heart; 2500pts/NPC Difficult: 150pts/heart; 3000pts/NPC
Point System
Love: +15pts Like: +7pts Neutral: +3 Dislike: -5pts Hate: -10pts
We do plan on adding extra dialogue upon gifting the NPCs, rather then just having them say one phrase all the time. We were contemplating on whether or not we should do it by heart, meaning the lower the hearts, the more cautious the NPC sounds upon receiving the gift.  Exmaple 
Heart 1: “Hey ... how did you know I liked this? You weren’t reading my diary, were you?” The NPC awkwardly laughs.  Heart 7: “You know exactly how to cheer me up, MC! Really! I’m so happy!” 
Extra Points
Another way of obtaining points is during the customization of the MC! You’ll be given two selection boxed labelled “Clubs” and “Hobbies”. This decision will add +50 points onto the the NPCs that also attend the club or holds similar hobbies to the MC. 
In order to keep things interesting, we decided to write up to 20 pieces of casual dialogue. Casual dialogue is when the MC approaches the NPC during gameplay to speak with them. This means that rather then only getting one to two new pieces of dialogue during a heart, you’ll be getting a new one almost daily. It gives you a reason to visit the NPC and trigger events you may not of known about.  *There’s a change we may lower it to 10-15 instead of 20.
The entire system is still a major work in progress and we’re finding new and interesting ways to edit it each day. 
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
is this gonna be an rpg esque game, like Stardew??
Hiya!Yes, it’s going to be extremely similar to Stardew or Harvest Moon, actually, Stardew Valley is the reason I started the game in the first place. I finished it so fast, I just wanted something that kept me going, character and story wise, so I decided to start this game, LOL. Some of the mechanics that’ll be implemented will be influenced from other games like Rune Factory, Animal Crossing, and Zelda like battling, I hope. - Navy
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
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“O-Oh, I hope you don’t mind! Your plant wasn’t doing so well and I thought I could, um, help a little.” 
Meet Celeste! Art drawn by Doodle 
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
Just curious, how completed do you think you are with the game? Or how long do you think it will take to finish the game?
Right now, we’re in the beginning stages of the game, but I can confidently say that as soon as I complete pixel art I can move onto putting it all together since the story is almost completed. My goal is 2 years, at best. If it comes out earlier, that would be great! I’ll be going to school for video gaming programming, so I’m going to TRY and work on my game as study as much as possible.  
- Navy 
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
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Oya Shango
Oya is one of the 10 bachelorettes available in Hanabi Academy. Hardworking and loving, she has dedicated herself to the improvement of her ability to pass that knowledge onto her younger siblings. She is overly serious about herself and her shoes, but that hard exterior can be cracked by the right person.“ Age: 16 Beginning height: 5′10″ Date of Birth: July 11th Nationality: Nigerian Occupation: Student Ability Class: Elemental — Fire Hobbies: Shocking her friends behind the ear
Character design and information by Erica! Art by Doodle!
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
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☾ Akio Leiko ⊰
One of the nine available mentors in Hanabi Academy. A lover of nightlife, poetry, and the occasional silosphical quote, Akio is a whimsical man loved by some and hated by many.  Age: 27 Beginning height: 6′1″ (187cm) Date of Birth: February 13th Nationality: Japanese  Occupation: Teacher Ability Class: Physical Hobbies: Sudoku, smoking, and running away from Siris *Character design and information by Navy *Art by Doodleladle
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
When making this track, we tried to aim for a more hollow, emptied sound. It was created on MuseScore and will be uploaded and polished on a more professional program, later. Winter in Hanabi is incomplete, however, we don’t have plans to post the updates to the track, instead, you’ll be able to get the full experience upon playing the game. 
Song composed by Erica! 
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
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I did a few recolours for the tree above. I do want to add a few more colours along with a winter version. I was also contemplating on whether or not I should recolour the leaves into a saturated summer shade.
Pixel art by Navy!
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hanabiacademy · 6 years
Annual Festivals and Events
As spoken about in the previous post, Hanabi Academy is going to have a good portion of annual festivals and events. Here’s an incomplete and rather small list of what we have so far (this doesn’t include the festivals that’ll come in the later years, instead it’ll be the festivals that happen int he three years of Hanabi Academy). 
Disclaimer: this does not involve any of the festivals that’ll appear in instalment two of Hanabi Academy and all information is subjected to change. 
January 1st — New Years Day; fireworks and wishes February 14th — Lover’s Day; a day to give chocolate to those you admire. March 13th — Responder’s Day; a day to return the favour of chocolate.  July 21st — Firework Festival August 1st to August 10th — summer vacation; you have the option to visit an NPC’s home or stay at the school with the scholarship students. August 15th — Ancestor’s Day; a day to honour passed loved ones. October 1st — Cultural festival October 21st — Hallow’s Eve; spooky.  December 15th — Winter's ball; a festive ball to celebrate the holidays. 
I should mention this list is possibly 10-20% of what we’re going to have in in the game, the festivals and events above only serve as an example of what you may get in the game. To prevent spoilage, I condensed the information by an immense amount. 
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