h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
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“When you choose your friends, don’t be short-changed by choosing personality over character.”  ― W. Somerset Maugham
Amelia Bones & Hestia Jones
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
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marauders era dreamcast ↳ felicity jones as hestia jones
“Don’t these people realise what you’ve been through? What danger you are in? The unique position you hold in the hearts of the anti-Voldemort movement?”
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
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-“and Hestia Jones.” A pink-cheeked, black-haired witch waved from next to the toaster.
◆ manip (x)
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
Dancing Queen.
The guy sitting next to Hestia at the bar wasn’t in any way bad looking. He had a nice enough smile, and rather pretty blue eyes, which Hestia had noticed when he had sat down and offered to buy her a drink. Tipping back the dregs of the one she had already been holding she had accepted, and returned his bright smile with one that did not quite reach her eyes.
They had buried Emme today. There weren’t many of them at the funeral, Remus and Hestia, a few other members of the Order, but most could not get away from their duties to attend. Moody had even made an appearance, he had had to leave soon after, but he had thrown his handful of dirt on the coffin and mumbled a few gruff words before apparating away. She was sure Emme would have liked it. It was very Alastor of him.
Remus had left with Tonks after the funeral. They couldn’t give her a wake… it was hard enough to get the time off work just for the funeral and then make sure it did Emme justice. The bar had been Hestia’s church for the late afternoon into the early evening, as she sat at the bar nursing a drink she hadn’t even take a sip of, eyes glazed over, dreaming of carefree nights in the Gryffindor dorms with the girls, dancing in their pyjamas and eating through Hes and Lily’s supplies of muggle sweets. She was like this until the blue eyed boy next to her had sat down, the scraping of his chair jolting her from her nostalgic daydreams.
When they got talking, really talking, he started quizzing her drunkenly as she sat there with only one drink in her and not really in the mood to reveal anything about herself. She responded civilly, but in a detatched way, until he asked a question which made her think a moment.
“So, favourite song?”
She had to think about it, and then it struck her.
Lily and Emme executing their crazy routine so many years ago at Marlene’s birthday party… attempting to teach it to the girls in the dorm at a later point, all of them lined up trying to master Lily’s twist and kicks… many a night at Mary’s summer house, the last summer they had together, staying up late, playing the song over and over, laughing hysterically at Sirius’ impressions of Lily dancing. Her face broke into a smile, all the despondency gone from it, as she replied.
“Dancing Queen.”
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
Howdy kids.
I'm home!
Let's rp guys, I miss y'all.
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
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Lily Evans and Hestia Jones reading Marlene’s old diary.
Taken by Emmeline Vance.
Summer 1976.
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
All right over there Marls?
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Ugh I’m so bored!!!! Someone come talk to me!!
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
@Sirius and James, 5th year
Lacing her hands together and propping her elbows on the table, Hestia rested her chin on her hands and leant slightly towards James, playing along with his charade. "I just can't deal with the hair." she hissed at him, "It's too long, reminds me of a dog my neighbours used to own. It bit me once when I was little. Terribly scarring - in both senses of the word." giggling at the nonsense she'd just spouted and sitting back in her seat, Hestia tapped her fingers on the table and surveyed the boy sitting in front of her. "Besides, it's not like he's short on admirers... and when he's played with all the girls he's got his boyfriends to come back to. It's a nice little domestic set up you four have." It wasn't that Hestia was immune to Sirius' charms, truth be told she'd been infatuated with him for well over a month when she was thirteen and a half, just at the stage where boys weren't so icky any more, but the novelty of his beauty and charm had worn off quickly, and he'd gone back to being just another arrogant maruader who was fun to hang around and really nice to look at, but not someone Hestia would ever let herself fancy.
The food arrived and Hestia inhaled the scent, the smell suddenly causing her to realise she hadn't eaten since she had regurgitated her breakfast and been administered the foul smelling stomach settling potion, but the slightly queasy feeling in her stomach reminding her not to eat too much. Not that she had much time to begin her food before Sirius sat down and began his assault of information on his brand new date. Laughing at the gusto with which he did everything Hestia finally turned her head down and picked up her fork, taking a few bites of the food in front of her tentatively, before determining that she wasn't going to throw up and chewing with more purpose, turning her head up to Sirius at his unexpected address. Sipping her butterbeer and swallowing she grinned at the two boys. "Love, I'm only quiet because you have so much to say. Believe me, I usually dominate conversation but you are on a whole new level." waving her fork at him as she spoke, she sounded vaguely amused.
"Dinner and a show, eh?" she snorted and put her fork down next to her plate to avoid accidentally throwing it at the Hufflepuff third years in the booth behind them as she spoke. "What am I supposed to talk about? Give me a clue, I'm not used to entertaining to an audience with as high standards as I'm sure you two have."
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
Hestia photographed by lovely Lily on a particularly cold day on which her choice of dress was not appropriate, 1977.
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
@Sirius and James, 5th Year
Snorting at James' comment, Hestia raised an eyebrow at him. "Of course I've had Firewhiskey before." she laughed and wrinkled her nose at Sirius' back as he passed her with a wink. Following behind the two boys, she crossed her arms over her chest and made sure to keep a few paces behind Sirius. She was ready to sit down and have a drink. It had been too long since she'd just relaxed. Too bad she had Black teasing her. Sighing to herself she silently hoped he'd get too interested in some girl at the pub to continue his jibes and leave her to her drink in peace. As they entered the pub the warmth and chatter greeted her and she smiled, relaxing visibly in the easy environment of the friendly pub. Taking a seat next to James and chuckling at Sirius' behaviour she made herself comfortable and with a frown at the pair for their manners she settled back into the seat.
Following the line of sight of the two boys she raised her eyebrows and turned back to facing forward as the pair ogled the Ravenclaw like she was a piece of meat. Leaning slightly towards James she stage whispered to him, a grin on her face. "Don't drool James... it sends out the wrong message." Sighing and turning to smile at Rosmerta she asked for a butterbeer. Turning back to watch Sirius she smiled and let out a giggle. "Poor girl. He didn't even have to say anything."
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
@James and Sirius, 5th year
Hestia nodded at James offer of a butterbeer, smiling at her captain whilst tugging her sleeves down over her hands to warm them. She was just about to open her mouth and suggest they move somewhere inside when she heard a familiar voice, and looked up to find Sirius Black ambling towards them. She wondered if she should go and try and find her friends, leave Sirius and James to it, but she knew she didn't have a chance in the crowds of students, and the two marauders were as good company as any. Acknowledging Sirius with a nod and raising her eyebrows, Hestia stood to one side of the pair of boys, waiting for their exchange to be over. Snorting in response to his comment, she shrugged. "None taken Black, I'm not sure being found attractive by you is top of my priority list."
Offering a suggestion for what they could do, Hestia nodded her head in the general direction of the three broomsticks. "Want to go for a drink?" Tucking her hands in her pockets she shifted from foot to foot restlessly.
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
Eh. Maybe now's one of those times where you shouldn't let yourself be driven by your ego then?
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I never settle for second best.
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
Would you really want to do that Sirius? Really?
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Are you somehow implying I’m somehow lacking? That I’m not enough to raise your ire? I could try harder. I really could, I’m up to the challenge.
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
Of course not. It takes a lot more than you to get me angry Sirius.
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Oh dear. Have I angered the lionness?
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h-is-for-hestia-blog · 12 years
Really Sirius?
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C’mon, Hes. You love me. You know you do.
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