gureiify · 5 hours
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The captain
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gureiify · 1 day
if shes your girl then why have i slowly been replacing her parts until there’s nothing left of her original body? is she then still your girl?
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gureiify · 11 days
"if you are over 30 on Tumblr the mental illness won" "the aging fanbase of Tumblr" motherfucker if you are over 30 and have been here the entire time it means the mental illness didn't win we are still alive WE MADE IT
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gureiify · 13 days
CW: medical symptoms/horror
I have IIH and migranes are a thing there too (IIH=spinal fliud doesn't drain so my skull fills with liquid) usually it takes about a year for the fluid to build up enough to have to Do Something. My one and only covid infection caused that fluid to fill up in 3 days.
The pain of an migrane caused by yer brain being squeezed is Beyond. Then add to that a fever of 105 (delirium, shakes) I lost most of my vision, and then my nerves went. All i could feel from neck to fingertips was pins and needles, that caused my muscles to spasm and get stuck like trex arms. I couldn't open my hands.
I was paceing the house, slamming into walls and doorways screaming and crying. My spouse was so freaked out. I went to the ER twice in two days for IV painkillers and diamox.
Healing after that was terrible. My vision took 3 months to come back fully. 8 months before my arms and legs functioned normally again. Over a year before i could do things i enjoyed and i still have fits of the cough from the lung scaring 2 years later.
Yeah, i got that infection in 22. Fully vaxxed and boosted. I would have stroked out and died from it had I not been vaxxed im sure.
Lost of new research shows that covid causes numerous micro brain bleeds, something that causes issues in abled people, and can be catastrophic in people with existing brain issues.
My eyeglass prescription has changed because the pressure from behind my eyeball litterally changed its shape. I used to have astigmatism (non round eyeball) in both eyes, now only In one because the other got squished round.
Covid is, was, and will always be, absolutely horrific for anyone already having health problems, especially the brain kind.
did you start getting migraines as a result of getting covid or was it something else? i follow shannonbarry on instagram (writer and aspiring actress!!!) and she has some really interesting writing about dealing with migraine stuff
Oh no, I got my first migraine at age 11 when my period kicked in. I’ve had them ever since.
They’ve gotten worse over the last five to six years but that’s more to do with my genetic disorders.
Covid will for real fuck up your migraines though. I know so many people who went from mild to moderate migraines every blue moon to intractable daily pain after their Covid infection. Which is why I’m still masking up in public because fuck that.
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gureiify · 14 days
Cuttlefish can change color to fade into the background. It can do it amazingly fast.
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gureiify · 1 month
You can see Tahoma basically from my front yard. A neighbors tree blocks the view in the summer, and clouds during the winter, but on the rare clear day she's magnificent!!
You can see the cascades as well as a range in the distant skyline.
(Tahoma is mt rainier)
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gureiify · 1 month
My neighbor/babysitter when I was a weeeee child (~6yo) made zucchini bread and it was just about my favorite thing in the world.
Being a super taster who is autistic, was just about the ONLY green adjacent thing I would eat without a fight.
It was 'dessert' that i would get for eating most of my dinner (my poor parents tried so hard)
One day I didn't eat enough to get dessert. I remember having a dream that night, that I got some of the bread myself, leaving half the loaf chewed thru on the counter.
The next morning I got woken up by mom shouting at me for eating most of the loaf in the night. Thats when we discovered I was sleepwaking.
The bread was just that good!
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gureiify · 3 months
Princess Sakuya passed away last night.
I want to talk about her some, so this might get long. <3
She was a koi style female betta fish I got from a petsmart in late 2018. White red and black in color with short fins. She had original tankmates of 2 glass catfish and three hatchet fish. I did a lot of research and decided on a female betta because they are calmer and less likely to abuse tankmates.
She was always friendly and curious and mostly left her tankmates alone. Though she starts out three colors the white in her scales turns to red and black over time, although she also gains an electric blue shimmer to some scales that reminds me of that storybook the rainbow fish.
My very favorite thing about her was her 'cuddliness' Because she was so curious she always swam toward things coming into her tank, not away, and I was always afraid that during water changes she'd get knocked around by the water and get injured. So I started sticking my hand in to block her to one side, to my suprise she swam right over and sat in my curled hand. I'd never had a fish that was like 'ok! hold me!' That became what we did every time there was a water change.
In late 2020 we decided to move from FL to WA. Usually a significant move necessitates rehoming fish, and that was originally the plan, but the closer move date got the less I wanted to separate. So I decided to take the risk and take the fish with us. Into a bucket goes the Princess, 3 hatchet fish and the remaining glass cat. 7 days and over 3000 miles later we arrive in WA, only the glass cat didn't make it.
The new tank is a 40Gallon tall, and it's a wonderful amount of room for 4 fish. The hatchet fish all eventually pass and it's just her left in that big tank.
In late 2022 she becomes ill and starts struggling to swim to the surface of that huge tank to breathe the air as betta need. So she moves into a 10gal tabletop tank on the bay window for treatment. She ends up recovering, but with her favorite plants and leaf hammock and the windows sunshine she is happy so she doesn't move back to the big tank.
In april 2024 she gets ill again, and after treatment recovers physically, but her personality has changed, she's listless and fearful, laying near the surface and seeming to panic whenever food or new water goes into the tank. Last friday I moved her into a hospital bowl for a last effort treatment, knowing it was likely end of life and not sickness. She was 6 years old.
Sunday I knew in my heart that she would be gone soon. So I put my hand in the tank to say goodbye and after a moment of panic she calmed and swam over into my hand. I got to hold her a last time. Monday night when I went to check on her she had passed. She'll be buried under the cherry tree with her favorite leaf hammock.
Many people think of fish as disposable pets, and betta especially. They're sold in little cups with incorrect care instructions. In truth they're amazing little companions who are worth the time and effort to really care for them.
I'm glad I got to spend 6 years with Princess Sakuya and I'll miss her dearly.
Thank you for spending the time to hear her story.
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gureiify · 3 months
Rare images of a leafcutter bee sharing its nest with a wolfspider:
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These photographs were taken in Queensland, Australia, by an amateur photographer named Laurence Sanders.
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The leafcutter bee (Megachile macularis) can be seen fetching freshly-cut leaves, which she uses to line the inner walls of her nest. The wolfspider moves aside, allowing the bee to enter the nest, and then simply watches as the leaf is positioned along the inner wall.
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After inspecting the nest together, they return to their resting positions -- sitting side-by-side in the entryway to the nest.
The bee seems completely at ease in the presence of the wolfspider, which is normally a voracious predator, and the spider seems equally unfazed by the fact that it shares its burrow with an enormous bee.
This arrangement is completely unheard of, and the images are a fascinating sight to behold.
Sources & More Info:
Brisbane Times: The Odd Couple: keen eye spies bee and spider bedfellows in 'world-first'
iNaturalist: Megachile macularis
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gureiify · 5 months
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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gureiify · 5 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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gureiify · 5 months
this seems self-centered you know “stereotypical American bs” but I’m curious
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gureiify · 6 months
People keep telling all the new star trek is great, but I think AOT is peak, so I'm just not interested. Im happy they get to enjoy watching it! Yay! But its so annoying to lie thru my teeth that I'll get to it 'eventually'
I will, in fact, not.
The remake reboot prequel sequel industrial complex is killing me but the good thing is I don't have to watch any of that. I can just think "that sounds boring or otherwise doesn't interest me in any way" and do something other than watch it
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gureiify · 7 months
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Technically true.
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gureiify · 8 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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gureiify · 8 months
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good riddance live
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gureiify · 8 months
I also had this experience. It was middle school, he was my second 'boyfriend' but I was his first. We had been friends for all of middle school, and started 'dating' the last year.
It wasn't the best time. I wanted to cuddle and make out and he was NOT in for that. I think i was 'safe' because I was boyish and we were friends. He helped me with math homework and we went to the dance together. We ended up breaking up when we went to different high schools, but stayed friends. He never dated another person in HS or college.
He came out as gay after graduation and a handful of years later I came out as a guy. XD
Ends up we had the spirit back then we just had no idea. (It didn't help this was the early 00s in the south.)
me: “yeah I dated a guy in high school who came out as gay. it was before i knew i was a boy so needless to say it didn’t work out”
coworker: “damn dude was preordering”
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