gunsnagavel · 6 years
Unexpected Changes
[Pounding on my dorm room door woke me from a deep sleep. "Ash, phone. It's the prison." Yeah, it was my father. I wanted to groan but calls from my father were going to stop soon because he was set to be executed for a triple homicide. I rolled onto my back and pulled on my sweats opening the door to the current VP Victor otherwise known as Slash. He was my dad's best friend and my uncle of sorts. "Sorry, doll, but I figured you'd want to talk to 'em." I did, and I knew Uncle Vic got it. I nodded and slid out of my room with ease.
When I got to the kitchen to answer the phone I expected to hear my father's voice, but instead, it was the voice of the warden. I knew this couldn't be good, but what he was about to tell me was going to change my life. "I'm sorry to disturb you so early, Ashlynn, but I have to tell you that your father was found dead this morning in the kitchen."
My heart hammered in my chest as the words sunk in. He would've been gone in a few months anyway, but knowing he was murdered this morning was making my hands tremble as I acknowledged what I had been told.] Thank you for letting me know. I'll call you back as soon as I have the arrangements. [As the call ended I didn't know what to say to the rest of the club that was now surrounding me in the kitchen. Despite my best efforts, tears slid down my cheeks as I made eye contact with Slash once more.] He's gone. He was killed this morning. I'm going to need a few minutes to myself. Whatever arrangements he had planned to have done after the execution took place need to happen now. Just give me a few minutes to wrap my head around all of this, please.
[I made my way back to my dorm grabbing the pillow that was just cradling my head. I let out a painful scream that was muffled by the fabric of the pillowcase. I knew that the man that had a hand in raising me along with the rest of the men in the club were going to be devastated. I knew I had to be strong for them because most of them don't know how to handle me when I'm upset. My door opened without warning and Victor stood there with his arms open wanting to comfort me.
I stared at his eyes for the longest time before I realized he had to tell me something that I wasn't prepared for. "Look, baby doll, I was going to have this conversation with you before the execution so that you were ready for it, but I'm afraid we're going to have that conversation now as the circumstances have changed." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as if he was afraid to tell me what I needed to know. "Your daddy wanted the club to be yours when he was gone. What I'm telling you is, the Dragons are yours now. You are free to make whatever changes you see fit. The gavel is in your hands now. I'll gladly stay as VP if you want, but if you want to change that it's fine too."
I had no idea what to say to him. I had no idea how to feel. I wasn't even a member of the club, not to mention the fact that I have a brother who is in the club. Why would my father hand the club over to me? Before I could even ask the question, my brother James stood in front of me and pulled me into a bear hug. "Little sister, you have this. I know we're going to catch some shit for having a female member much less the president, but things need to change anyway." I wanted to smack my brother at the same time I wanted to hug him this was not the thing I wanted to hear.
I stared up at the two men that have complete blind faith in me. Yes, I wrote a Harley, I knew the ways of the club. That didn't mean I was ready to sit at the head of that table surrounded by the men that raised me giving them orders. If I rejected this gift from my father I would feel like I had let him down somehow. Therefore, I quickly wiped my eyes.] Okay, okay just give me a minute to absorb all of this. I know that some of them might leave because of this choice. A lot of them are like family to me and I don't know what they're going to do if they know that I am the one calling the shots now.
[It wasn't a lie, being the president of an MC was tough enough when you were a male, but being the daughter of the current president was going to be difficult. Hades Dragons was started by my grandfather so turning down this condition would not only disappoint my father but also my grandfather. I didn't know what to do but when I closed my eyes and thought about it some more I realized there was only one choice to be made. That gavel was going to be in my hand now and no matter what comes of it, it's what my father wanted. At the end of the day that was all that mattered to me. Fighting the rest of the club for approval was going to be a little taxing, but if I made my father proud then bring on the President patch.]
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