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the people who responded “joe” and “biden” are operating a higher level than anyone else. they can see the matrix
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so not tumblerinos dude... #uncool #
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They hate me becaus i always pick mmmfmgh
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in the chapter where vivian joins the party, mario loses his name and body and vivian is the only one who cares enough to help him while the other party members dont believe mario is himself. vivian being trans is thematically important to the story
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Every time mario does the thumbs up sprite at these guys this is what I see
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retumbling my briends aret! you are my friend.
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inspired by the sunburn i got yesterday while swimming :T
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im tumbling it im retumbling it im quote retumbling it (qrt)
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They hate me becaus i always pick mmmfmgh
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They hate me becaus i always pick mmmfmgh
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Wish I could hop into my bed like they do in paper marlio
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saw this enemy in TTYD and couldnt stop thinking about this
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captain olimar: oh no.... i've crash landed on a planet and now my ship is in pieces!!! i only have 30 days to escape or i'll die!!!!
the pick min:
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He's me
Today's Seal Is: Umm...Uhhhhh...I Forgot My Lines...
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i would never make intricate lore about these guys... would i? no never
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Hey! Did you know?
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There's a one in a million chance for Lancer to appear as "Lancer (Green)" in the KEY ITEMS menu in Cyber Field, with an emblem similar to Whatsapp (the app) on his stomach, while also being green. He also says "Hey! Whatsapp?" in reference to the app.
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Nico the sorrowful
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"Frisky, you're having a happy ending!"
"Well, we'll see, won't we, Bluey?"
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