Doll with a Soul
25 posts
Rema | She/Her | 24 | Combat Doll but full of Soul | Casual enjoyer of Stillness | Living at the intersection of a Doll, a Robot, and a Knight | Presently guarding and guarded by very precious PuppyWitch, and a very smug Witch
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
guardiandoll · 1 hour ago
Sorry y’all, ik this was supposed to be a doll focused account but now it’s a Rey Dau fan account
this nap is authorized by the guild
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guardiandoll · 2 days ago
“That one has my thanks” is my favorite solution.
hi um, i have a question about doll ettiquete? like i understand the thing with using "that one" and third person instead of second, but what about addressing in phrases like if i wanted to say "thank you lace!" that doesn't sound right but... how would one phrase it?
-alice a
Hello there Alice! This is a very considerate question, and you're a very good floret for asking.
In this one's experience, it's a little different from doll to doll. Personally, this one doesn't mind things like "thank you" being used for it, since it understands that it's still being seen as a doll even when people use 'you' as a part of a phrase. On the other hand, it totally understands if a doll isn't as accepting. Since there typically isn't a humanity for the 'you' to refer to, it can sometimes make a doll feel a bit uncomfortable.
So, this one thinks the most polite thing to do would be to ask Lace directly! It seems like a very nice doll, this one is sure it wouldn't mind. If that one is unsure, or you can't really ask it directly for whatever reason (this one understands that plurality can be a little unpredictable sometimes) then it may be considerate to air on the side of caution. Saying "thanks" instead of "thank you", using passive voice, things of that nature.
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guardiandoll · 6 days ago
Would be so worth it tbh
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my beautiful baby boy
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guardiandoll · 6 days ago
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guardiandoll · 6 days ago
There’s a lot of reasons that this image is suuuuch a vibe, but I just woke up, my eyes aren’t even fully open, and I can’t form a coherent thought. But gosh, what a *banger* piece from Rattle.
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Waking up a sister
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guardiandoll · 7 days ago
I love Rey Dau so much it’s unreal how cool this dragon is.
And its theme music? G a h ✨🙏✨
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rey dau is so cool
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guardiandoll · 11 days ago
This, this is the combat doll vision.
When gaming meets hypnosis, we do see it often fall into similar areas; mindless drones gathering resources, pocket healers with eyes only for their owner, even just a pet running around after them...
I want you to be sharper.
What a waste of a mind to shape it for things so small as resource gathering.
You will be my sniper, clearing a path for me to walk unscathed.
You will be my bulwark, a wall for me to scale so that I can rain down fury.
You will be my mage, incapacitating the enemy for me to deliver a swift and final end.
You will be my blade.
You will be my arrowhead.
You will be my bolt.
You will be mine.
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guardiandoll · 14 days ago
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The main task of Knight robot-girl is to protect the royal family. The one with the ears is the princess. Actually, many of the kingdom's inhabitants have ears and tails.
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guardiandoll · 15 days ago
Put me in coach, put me in!
I’ve got this I’ve got this. Trust me.
the last ask's suggestion made this one think of a group of dolls playing a TTRPG and the GM is their witch
just because adventuring and such
Oh, that's perfect! That would be such a fun setting for the story, and it'd be neat to see dolls coming up with characters to roleplay.
Hmm, but now this one is conflicted. It likes writing deeper character analysis, but something so nested as a story-within-a-story might make that difficult. Especially if it comes to writing followups that look into the new doll's development...
Oh, what to do, what to do...
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guardiandoll · 16 days ago
They did, it’s called VRChat
(Full dive one day 🙏)
they need to invent a way for trans girls to cuddle each other over the internet
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guardiandoll · 17 days ago
I know if nothing else, I have you to support me
Isn't that right, Penny Parker's cover of All of Me from Shadow the Hedgehog
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guardiandoll · 21 days ago
The gentle sounds of a sleeping bot. The soft whirring of its fans. The occasional little beep as it dreams.
Pressing your ear right against its body to hear the tiny sparks of its electric life as they course through its body.
Is there anything more soothing to fall asleep to?
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guardiandoll · 25 days ago
First Contact
{ This story takes place in the world of my original Guardian Class Combat Dolls post }
“Alright, you lot know the drill.” Roared Captain Witch Augustina Starscraper, her face aglow from the breaching-spell she was currently building between her fingers. “Group one, sweep for nodolls and bring them back to the ship. Group two, begin the retrieval of their cargo. Group three, watch over group two. I’m going to check the ship’s system logs for other possible target. Am I clear?”
“YES MISS CAPTAIN!” Roared back the loyal crew of dolls in front of her. Groups one and three were relatively small, made up of combat dolls of the clockwork variety. The second group was far larger and far more mixed however, composed of wooden, cloth, ceramic, and even a few rodolls-turned-dolls. The anticipation in the air was palpable, nothing made their witch more excited than a raid, and so nothing made them more excited either.
Augustina’s grin widened as her dolls reflected her own exhilaration back at her. So it continued, a bubbling, broiling static to the air as the Captain Witch energized her dolls and they energized her back. It was a self fulfilling cycle of exponential energy, the perfect source of fuel for the spell building ever larger between her hands. Most witch pirates still had to manually hack away at the hulls of the ships they raided with magic or machines or tools. But not her~
“BREACH!” Yelled Augustina as she turned from her dolls and pressed the compressed sphere of magic into the technocrat vessel’s hull. In equal measure both she and the hull were blown back, the only difference being she was caught the soft arms of her First Doll while what remained of that segment of hull ricochetted inside the ship. “How was that for a breach Precious?” she asked, still catching her breath from the casting and subsequent blast.
The doll holding her laughed softly, “You were amazing as always Miss Captain. Truly no other Captain Witch could compare.”
Augustina’s exhilarated grin twisted into a satisfied smirk when Precious replied, “ALRIGHT CREW, TO YOUR DUTIES.” She roared, still in her First Doll’s arms. “DOUBLE TEA FOR THE LOT OF YOU FOR A WEEK IF THERE ARE NO INJURIES!”
Another resounding cheer from her dolls followed as they all began to rush through the breach and into the ship. There was work to be done.
Shortly thereafter, Augustina (with Precious in tow) made her way to the bridge of the vessel. The real money was in the cargo, yes, but the flight and communications logs of these vessels often contained information that lead to future targets. This vessel had been no such exception, as the nodolls aboard this ship had recently exchanged a ping with another nodoll vessel headed in the opposite direction. Not something she could capitalize on, but certainly something that could be sold to another pirate witch for a share of the-
“Miss Captain, group one have missed their scheduled rendezvous.” Precious’s voice interrupted Augustina’s thoughts, causing the Captain Witch to turn to her First Doll.
“That’s strange…” with a flick of her wrist, a pocket watch on a chain tumbled from her dress sleeve before yo-yoing back into her hand and snapping open. “So they have.” Unconcerned, she chuckled and dropped the watch back into her sleeve. “Do you think they accidentally sealed themselves into a safe room again?”
“Who’s to-“ Precious’s voice paused as the power suddenly went out and the bridge became pitch-black. “say.”
A darkvision spell was a simple matter for Augustina, but not all of her dolls would be properly equipped for such an environment. What was going on? “We need to move, now. I don’t like this, I’ve never seen the nodolls do-“
Now it was her turn to get cut off, this time by the heavy crash of the bridge’s blast doors sealing. Several similar sounds, albeit much more faint could be heard in the distance. For the first time since starting this raid, there was worry on Augustina’s face.
“Breach” said Augustina, her voice firm but her volume fading as she was blown back into Precious’s arms for the 5th time today. The blast doors all across the ship had been opening and shutting unpredictably, clearly trying to block her path. When they refused to open, she’d had no choice but to blow through them. It was much easier than blowing through the ship’s hull… but it still wasn’t easy. The inside of her dress was getting uncomfortably sweaty, and she could feel herself getting weaker as she ran to where she was tracing group one to.
That had been the last one though, the last one before the room they were sealed in anyway. Heaving herself off of Precious, she walked up to the blast door and placed her palm flat on it. “Stand clear for-“ but before she could blast, the door opened itself.
Precious didn’t see what Augustina saw, instead only seeing its witch clutch a hand over her mouth and stumble backwards before turning and sprinting back to Precious.
“WE NEED TO MOVE, NOW. STRAIGHT TO THE CARGO HOLD.” The witch’s eyes were wide as she yelled, and Precious froze for a moment, utterly unaccustomed to such a look in its witch’s eyes. “GO” yelled Augustina, starting to run down the hall.
Without hesitation, Precious ran after its witch. What had she seen?
Augustina was running herself ragged, slamming her hands into door after door. Each time Precious would catch and push her forward, allowing the pair to proceed at a strong pace. There had been a close call while falling through an elevator shaft, but a well timed double-breach had taken them through the top and out the bottom of the elevator car. Breach after breach, her mana dwindled, but she couldn’t stop, not until she reached
The cargo hold.
Like the rest of the ship it was pitch black, hard to make anything out. She’d long since dropped her darkvision spell, instead relying on Precious’s eyes in the name of conserving mana. “Precious, details please.”
“Group three is… down. Group two, unconfirmed.” Replied Precious, each word tumbling out of its mouth just a little slower than usual as its gaze rolled over the broken bodies of the combat dolls. “There was a fight, one damaged nodoll body in the rafters. Nothing else of note.”
“Fuck!” Wheezed Augustina between labored breaths. She was drenched in sweat, her mana reserves were low, she couldn’t keep this up much longer. “When we find who did this, I’m going to rip their heart out!”
Precious winced, the anguish in Augustina’s voice was palpable. But what could it do? The situation was truly dire, and it could not fault its witch for mourning the loss of her dolls. But now wasn’t the time, and so it turned to face Augustina, prepared to advise a full retreat.
“I’m going to rip out their heart and-“ Augustina’s threats were cut off as Precious grabbed her by the front of her dress and swung her around behind it. “Precious what the hell are you-“
She could only see its eyes, two glowing blue orbs. Thoughtless, calculating, it observed her back. Whatever it was, Precious had undoubtedly just saved her life. “What are you?!” She screamed at it.
But it did not reply. It just stared at her, with those accursed, unfeeling eyes.
“We’ll be leaving now. You’ve destroyed the crew. We surrender.” Interjected Precious calmly, and while Augustina attempted to voice a rebuttal, the eyes in front of her spoke first.
“You will never threaten this ship, this cargo, or this crew, ever again.” Its words were flat and emotionless, but delivered with absolute certainty.
“Never aga-“ Precious began to agree before the thing dove at it.
Augustina bit the bullet and reupped her darkvision spell just in time to see it lunge. It looked like a nodoll, but was nearly a full foot taller. Its frame was slightly bulkier, sturdier and well armored. Soft bursts of light betrayed the microboosters on its body, providing the terrifying speed at which it moved. Whatever it was, she’d never seen anything like it.
All of these observations happened in a moment, but they were not all that happened in that moment. Precious’s mangled body fell to the ground in the next. Though it had drawn its blade to defend the Captain Witch, the thing had swept aside Precious’s sword with one hand before smashing its mace down on Precious’s head with the all the ease of someone sweeping aside a blade of grass and then smashing an egg.
One moment, that felt like a million, as Augustina watched the first doll she’d ever brought into becoming fall upon the floor.
Destroyed in one blow.
Crushed between the physical, spiritual, and emotional exhaustion, Augustina’s knees wobbled and threatened to cave beneath her.
And then it ended her anguish.
The ship was guarded
The cargo was guarded
The crew was guarded
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guardiandoll · 27 days ago
*taps mic*
Robot girl who matches her LEDs to the red-yellow-green color system during sex so her partner can always know how comfortable she is.
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guardiandoll · 1 month ago
So something about the last story I wrote ( ) wrote I just want to bring up because no one really mentioned it after reading-
The witch’s name is Tohe, and she wields a glaive (line shaped polearm). One of her dolls is Tack, and wields chakrams (O shaped weapons), and the other doll is Tick and they wield daggers (about as close as you can get to X shaped weapons.)
So together they are Tick (X), Tack (O), and Tohe (the lines of the game).
Tic tac toe
It’s very silly, but it’s also cute, and I couldn’t let go of the idea once it appeared in my brain.
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guardiandoll · 1 month ago
I can dream…
Robot girl hrt (pt. 1 or something)
One of the first notable change that is normal to notice is your UI appearing after the first few weeks. Man is it SO euphoric to wake up to a loading screen, I never thought I'd see the day...
After your lenses are actualized I remember swallowing becoming more automatic as the changes to your throat start. You'll notice your voice gets less organic over the course of the first year, singing is highly encouraged! The first time I heard the pitch correction in my voice while I was driving I had to pull over in excitement-
Growing up human you obviously won't have any guide to follow for organizational protocol, but robot-girls fear not! I was so lucky to be shown by a friend that file management isn't something to be feared, there's tons and tons of tutorials and guides online! I love seeing the community come together as our own sort of family raising newly formed CPUs ^^
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guardiandoll · 1 month ago
nothing fills the doll with a sense of joy like seeing another doll (or doll adjaecent thing) liking and reblogging its post
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