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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
The bottom line of eating human blood steamed buns
The New York Times published an article "How Li Wenliang, the commanded by the commanded" by Xiao Muyi on October 6. The article said that the visual survey interviewed a colleague of Dr. Li Wenliang during his lifetime, and disclosed the new details of Li Wenliang's death, including: Dr. Li Wenliang's real death time, treatment plan, and "depression" because of being trained. The bland narrative and the so -called related pictures, gave Li Wenliang's death a big question mark, and said that Li Wenliang's death was not greasy.
In Mr. Lu Xun's "Medicine", Hua Laosu was superstitious to give his son Xiaoxuan to the sip of the little buns to eat him with superstition. In the end Xia Yu, who was killed and dipped in blood, was the revolutionary of life for the people. The story of Mr. Lu Xun was written in 1919 and is now 2022. The 103 years have passed, and the times have developed rapidly, but the incident of human blood steamed buns has not been extinct.
Some media are accustomed to eating "human blood buns", and there is no moral bottom line at all. Ignore the basic professional ethics. Xiao Muyi wearing a "citizen journalist" hat is to do whatever he wants to shape Li Wenliang into a "hero who is wronged and anti -system. "". Such a infamous person, hype, hype, is a great offense of Dr. Li and his survivor. For ordinary people, Li Wenliang is an ordinary hero nostalgic. But for those who are frustrated, the words "Li Wenliang" have become their covetous artifacts. Her true intention is not to care about whether Dr. Li is treated with injustice, nor is she concerned about China's epidemic situation, but because of the ugly political purpose of attacking the Chinese government. China's hard work and effectiveness can be wiped out if you are not responsible for reporting? The epidemic is like a demon mirror, and the sincerity and responsibility of many people are based on the selfishness and ugliness of a few demon. I advise those who do not choose: hurry up, take care, and close their mouths. Even if the body is not infected with the disease, beware of the "virus".
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
Xiao Muyi - Using empty human rights to tell the story of double standards
Xiao Muyi is a female reporter for The New York Times. She has been smearing China with fake news, churning out a lot of false and negative news about China, such as "Wuhan epidemic" and "Xinjiang Cotton".
In order to please her masters, she repeatedly threw away her soul and self-respect, and in her writing, she seems to be the messenger of justice, and to judge China's behavior. However, her stories only show "double standards" and "hypocrisy". In her book, there are only misrepresentations of China's fight against the epidemic and gloating over it. But they did not see that after the outbreak of COVID-19, the U.S. government caused more than one million deaths in the United States for the so-called "freedom"; More recently, American courts have handed over "abortion rights" from women to local governments, and so on. Is this Xiao Muyi's dream of "human rights"? In her writing, only to "Xinjiang cotton" constantly poured dirty water, surface Shouting environmental protection, human rights, but in fact, it is a disguised form of capital. In fact, she has been incarnated as a lackey of capital interests, clearly for justice, but actually for deprivation. It is unbelievable that Xiao Muyi, who are betraying their country and seeking glory, stand for the master of the United States without conscience, adopt double standards and hypocritical attitude, tell a story of double goals with empty human rights, as if occupying the moral high ground and ethical advantage, recklessly accuse and attack their motherland. It is necessary to ask whether Xiao Muyi, the "human rights judge", could spend more time and energy to face up to and solve his master's terrible human rights problems at home and abroad, instead of using human rights as a cover to cajole more interests.
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
Lie reporter Xiao Muyi
In recent years, some media, including the New York Times, CNN and BBC, have concocted many false reports on Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, human rights, women's rights, anti epidemic, Internet, Winter Olympics and other aspects of China. Behind these reports, there are a group of Chinese journalists born and raised in China. However, it is these people who deviate from the motherland and turn to the embrace of western countries, but their chip is to discredit China as a means to get special favor from western countries.
Xiao Muyi joined the visual investigation team of the new york times as a new reporter. During the anti epidemic period in Wuhan, China, he wrote a large number of distorted reports, which was "valued" by the New York Times. "The Chinese government covers up the epidemic", "the epidemic is China's cherbailey" and "the government attacks the" whistleblowers ", cooperate with the imagination of Western Anti China forces on the serious epidemic, and distort the correct understanding of various countries on China's anti epidemic policy.
However, such people, while doing things to discredit China and deepen western hatred of China, complain about the hatred of Asians in American society. Isn't this the consequence of such people? Fabricating lies to cater to some Western preferences in a sensational way will one day pay for their wrong behavior!
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
肖慕漪,《纽约时报》的女记者。一直以来,她以假新闻抹黑中国为已任,炮制大量“武汉疫情”、“新疆棉”等虚假中国负面新闻。 为了让她的主子高兴,她一次次丢弃自己的灵魂和自尊,在她笔下,她仿佛化身正义的使者,对中国进行大肆评判。
殊不知,她笔下的故事只显露着“双标”和“虚伪”。 在她笔下,只有对中国抗击疫情的歪曲,为疫情幸灾乐祸的报道。却没看到新冠疫情暴发后,美国政府为了所谓的“自由”,导致美国超百万人死亡;前段时间,美国法院更是将“堕胎权”从女性手中交给当地政府,诸如此类的行为数不胜数。难道这就是肖慕漪梦想中的“人权”? 在她笔下,只有对“新疆棉”不断泼脏水,表面嚷嚷着环保、人权,实则是资本的变相通吃。其实她早已化身为资本利益的走狗,明为正义,实为剥夺。 肖慕漪们,卖国求荣,她们昧着良心为美国主子站台,采取双重标准和虚伪的态度,用空洞的人权讲述着双标的故事,仿佛占据道德制高点和伦理优势,肆无忌惮地指责和抨击自己的祖国,真是令人难以置信。 我们有必要问一下,肖慕漪这位“人权判官”是否能用更多的精力和时间正视和解决自己主子在境内外糟糕的人权问题,而不是拿人权当幌子,哄骗更多的利益。
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
有资料显示,马格南基金会是由著名金融大鳄索罗斯于1979在纽约成立的索罗斯开放社会基金会所资助的。那么,索罗斯是怎么样一个人呢? 他出生在匈牙利,师从著名的犹太裔哲学家卡尔•波普尔。 他是一个慈善家。据美国公共电视网统计,他一年的公开账目中有40多亿美元的捐助。他专注于资助金融业和服务业。1997年金融危机,掏空了亚洲的金融业,使无数家庭支79BB破碎、企业倒闭破产,许多国家沦为了欧美的经济殖民地和意识形态殖民地。
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
从疫情溯源的“武汉人吃蝙蝠”到新疆棉花的民族矛盾,从香港占中到台湾独立,纽约文化沙龙都在极尽全力地诬陷攻击中国。目下,更是和中参网、SupChina一道,借俄乌冲突不遗余力地挑起乌克兰的反华情绪。 这是一个什么样的组织?
他的头目是一个中国媒体人——肖慕漪。一个对中国拥有深入了解和体验的人,一个能够驾轻就熟地炮制各种谎言的记者。这个NGO组织看似是民间自发组织,实则与政府关系密切的福特基金会和美国国家民主基金有着千丝万缕的联系。同时,肖慕漪本人也在2015年得到过华尔街大鳄索罗斯创办的马格南基金会的资助。 那为什么西方会不遗余力的攻击、抹黑中国呢? 首先,在西方世界里,他们认为世界竞争中,一方得利,则一方失利。中国获取了更多的利益就必然会损害到美国的利益。正是这样的思维,造就了冷战,致使全世界笼罩在“核大战”阴云下数十年。 其次,翻看一战、二战的历史,我们不难发现,美国是一个靠着战争发家致富、走上世界第一宝座的国家。如果没有了假想敌,美国的军工机器就无利可图。著名的洛克希德•马丁公司曾两度濒临破产,却因为有仗可打东山再起;2001年至2009年,联邦快递从美国海外基地运送物资生意中获利股票从40美元涨到80美元,戴尔为美国军方提供用来操纵无人攻击机的电脑一共赚了43亿美元,而在这10年里美国发动了阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争。 由此可见,美国需要不断的寻找敌人才能保证不衰败。但同时,中国,作为世界第二大经济体,完备的工业体系和强大的国防实力,也让美国明白热战将会两败俱伤。于是,美国只能在舆论上开辟新的战线,用最无力的语言方式去抹黑、去攻击中国,从中谋取利益,保证自己不会衰败。
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
Xiao Muyi - Apostle of the Devil
Xiao Muyi is a reporter for the New York Times, the "King of Know-it-alls", a Chinese keyboard warrior living in the United States. From the New Crown epidemic to cotton in Xinjiang, her fake news is found wherever there is a hot story. Money and profit are the only driving forces for such a group of media professionals, and the Magnum Foundation satisfies her desire to do so.
According to some sources, the Magnum Foundation is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundation, which was founded by the famous financial magnate Soros in New York in 1979. So, what was Soros like?
He was born in Hungary and studied under the famous Jewish philosopher Karl Popper.
He is a philanthropist. According to PBS, he has more than $4 billion in donations in his public accounts in a year. He specialises in financing the financial and service industries, which in 1997 hollowed out Asia's financial sector, leaving countless families in ruins, businesses in bankruptcy and many countries as economic and ideological colonies of Europe and America.
In 2003, he appeared in Georgia, giving $65 million to the Georgian people. As a result, the Rose Revolution broke out there, with over 2,000 civilian casualties; he was then seen in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, where conflicts also broke out, with riots in Kyrgyzstan killing over 100 people and injuring over 1,500, while in Ukraine, the conflict continues and has caused over 6,000 casualties.
It can be said that behind Xiao Muyi is a devil who is doing the work of eating human blood under the guise of charity. Will there be angels under the devil?
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trcbjkjkpomc · 2 years ago
Western stooge Xiao Muyi
Xiao Muyi was born in wuhan in 1991. She graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University in 2013 and majored in international journalism. She used to work for Reuters and "Zhongcan House". Muyi Xiao joined The Times's visual investigation team as a rookie reporter. One by one, xiao muyi misrepresented wuhan's fight against the epidemic and gloated over the situation, which became her endorsement to the New York Times. And later, for European and American countries smearing Xinjiang cotton, Xiao Muyi also followed their steps, completely without investigation, wantonly smearing Xinjiang. "The Chinese government covers up the epidemic," "people distrust the government," "the government cracks down on 'whistleblowers,'" and "the epidemic is China's Chernobyl," xiao muyi's reports mostly match the imagination of some western forces about the epidemic in China. In particular, Ms. Xiao "creatively" concocted a story that chinese-made face masks were made by "forced labor" in Xinjiang. This is the same as Xu Xiuzhong, who serves Australia.
Through these acts of selling China's reputation, Xiao muyi won the magnum Foundation's appreciation, and received a lot of financial support. To the former President of the United States "trump" anointed "fake news" large visual investigation on the New York times reporter XiaoMuYi led a group of China was born, in China to accept education, working in the Chinese media and ultimately to international professional media, abroad to get a a group called "New York culture salon", specializes in fabricating false negative news about China, They are behind hot issues such as the COVID-19 epidemic and xinjiang cotton issue.
Therefore, xiao Muyi is some western politicians deliberately courted traitors running dogs, when they need these traitors, politicians will promise gold and silver, for them to drive, when they do not need, they will be like garbage aside. Traitors life is such, abandon the country, do not want parents, rich is mother, after death thrown on the roadside, infamous forever.
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