group38 · 5 years
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Teamwork was a little rocky as a few of us were really struggling to keep up with uni and outside life which naturally lead to strain on other members even if it could not be helped. But here is us all coming together doing our bit and creating something for others.
Teamwork is definitely one of the hardest challenges in creating things and the hardest part of this paper.
Intrigued to know how to better fit together clashing abilities and communication styles, as everyone had their own brightness and skill sets, meshing them was extremely difficult.
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group38 · 5 years
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Our expo went very well. The narrative and continuity worked fabulously. There was a constant theme of dreaminess and being immersed and then lost, remembering then forgetting, having then throwing away. We even had problems with one childhood station because people would stay and take too long to get up and move on. Out rest section was very popular as we had the koha coffee (first group to include it), some visitors came through just to grab a cup and nothing else. 
I hand held people from one station to the next especially if people looked lost and even participated in a few things with people to add to their inclusion. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be, the music and chatter helping a lot.
I think our team could have spread out a bit more, experiencing and documenting the expo as we had more than enough to cover our stall the whole time.
How well our ideas were conveyed I also am unsure, perhaps having a better feedback system like the other group with their stickers and poll at the end would have been helpful and participatory. The other groups also put on some great shows and I think as a whole our class expo went very well.
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group38 · 5 years
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Expo number 2, attended a wedding, climbed through a tent full of nature and trash, attended a parliamentary debate, screamed in a small room full of people, and accidentally signed my future children and cats away to Rachael Archer. Could be worse.
Had an even better time at this expo as the narrative and continuity was stronger than the first. The ideas conveyed and weight of topics we were made to consider were just more. the debate especially impressed me, the way they got us to argue over a point whilst making both sides seem equally important and just in their own way rather than having such a black and white perspective for one side.
Many of the events immersed oneself in the perspective we don’t usually see, such as being forced to crawl through nature filled trash, be taken advantage of as an elderly with less sensory abilities, eat food to be revealed stolen, be fired or rejected from job placements without a chance so on and so forth. 
The screaming room was my favourite. It was very cathartic and reset my mind space, like jumping in a cold shower, also screaming in a room with a bunch of people is strangely bonding an experience, though I cant actually remember what It was for. I think it was for tracking out reactions, and mine was pretty great.
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group38 · 5 years
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Expo one
Massey strikes again! Expo at Massey or Alien abduction I do not smoke Don’t do drugs kids
I loved this expo, it was super creative and immersive. The creativity and ingenuity was clear. It was a little difficult to follow the narrative or figure out where to go after the first four or so rooms, but the beginning was very fun and interactive whilst being wacky and confusing like the giant room to small room with the smokes and tea party. The Thomas the tank engine and snacks in the blanket fort I could watch forever. Still not sure what they were really trying to convey but it did make my human experience seem both magical, wild and very alien indeed
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group38 · 5 years
Expo review
Impossible Things
Arriving to this expo was an intriguing experience. We were greeted by an alien in the waiting room then led into the expo. The introduction to alien marks the beginning of this expo however the alien seems like an after thought instead of a core element in the expo. It was hard to grasp the concept of the alien because it did not play much of a role in the expo except for being a guide to the groups. I assume the goal was to introduce us to planet earth in a different perspective and to raise awareness to the negative and positive effects of human activities whether it be introducing new technology, farming or building houses. Part of it was about the resources available to us humans on earth and how one can affect another. The globe was a good way to show that everything we do on this planet is connected. The first couple of stalls are video screenings and to get from one stall to another we had to crawl through these dark tunnels. This was very interactive and exciting as it gives the attendees the impression of entering into a new world. However as we move into the expo the path became unclear. I wasn’t sure where the beginning and end of each stall were, it was crammed together and made each stall blend into one another. As we move further into the expo the stalls became more interactive. This was more engaging as people are more excited to be practical and get their hands on things. Overall the flow was very smooth, there was a clear path and the traffic was moderate, it was never too crowded.
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Immaterial Labour
I was unwell on this day which resulted in my absence.
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group38 · 5 years
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OUR EXPO - Found Unfound
Our delivery - Hit or Miss
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group38 · 5 years
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During the expo we adapted the desk barriers to help aid traffic flow. Originally we had people entering and exiting from the same place. People didn't know where to exit and it became a bit of a mess between the entry and exit points. We opened up the other side so people could enter in one side and exit the other. This change dramatically helped the flow of our offering and helped us to control traffic much easier. 
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group38 · 5 years
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After the expo, we stored the items and recycled them in their correct areas. It was important that this step was taken to ensure we were recycling as best we could. 
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group38 · 5 years
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FINAL setup. 
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group38 · 5 years
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Our Expo
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group38 · 5 years
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Tuesday Setup.
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group38 · 5 years
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Setting up
We met the day before to set up our expo, giving us enough time to make sure we had the space and equipment needed.
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group38 · 5 years
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EXPO 2 - Immaterial Labours
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group38 · 5 years
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Immaterial Labours Expo
This expo started by posing a question and sparking debate. I really liked how this expo experience began. I believe their goal was to raise awareness about topics by making us feel uncomfortable and I think they achieved this start from the word go. As you moved through the expo it continued to develop new concepts and ideas. I think the overall layout and flow worked really well. I felt as though I fully experienced every part of the expo which is something I missed in the first expo. Each offering was well-considered and created to a really high standard. There isn't really anything negative I have to say about my expo experience. I understood each offering and felt willing to engage and learn throughout each experience. I think this was due to the well thought out concepts and layout/flow of each offering. I think they did a really good job of working together to create a great yet uncomfortable experience haha.    
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group38 · 5 years
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Immaterial Labours
This expo I felt started off better than the first, and started off by asking a question that led to a debate. This start to the expo was quite intense, which I believed helped achieve their goal of raising awareness to a topic, as well as addressing the overall expo theme of making us feel uncomfortable. Moving through the expo there was a nice flow and layout between each offering, which made the expo easy to understand and follow. Walking through the expo, each offering was well thought through, interactive, easy to understand, and all addressed the idea of making you feel uncomfortable, whilst targeting different areas and ways of making you feel uncomfortable. I thought that overall the expo was of a high standard, was highly engaging and rather fun.
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group38 · 5 years
Attending - impossible things
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Attending the expo as the first expo experience was quite interesting as I didn’t know what to expect from it. When we arrived at the expo we were greeted at an ‘alien screening’ station where someone in the group had to be an alien and wear a mask throughout the expo. I thought that this was very interesting and was intrigued to see what this would eventuate to. We were then taken into a room where we watched a video ‘teleporting us back in time’ which I found quite interesting and a great and fitting way to start the expo. From then onwards our trip through the expo was through a maze like setting, which I thought worked really well as it created a clear pathway around the expo, however at times it was hard to identify the beginnings and ends of some of the offerings. Walking through the expo, there were certain things that the alien wasn’t allowed to do, and was asked to move onwards - this seemed to be the only thing to do with the alien, and I thought that the alien would have a bigger impact or role and would eventuate to more. The first few expos where very visual and didn't require a lot of interaction, where we just watched videos, but further on through the expo became a lot more interactive. I think that the interactive offerings were more successful and left more of an impact. Unfortunately I didn't get through all the offerings because our allocated time to walk through was one of the last and a lot of the offerings were packing up or had finished by the time we got to them.
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group38 · 5 years
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Attending the Expo for Impossible things.
Attending this expo was a really unique and interesting experience. The expo was like nothing I had previously experienced. When arriving we were greeted by ‘aliens’ and were asked to wait until it was our turn. This strange welcome made it impossible to predict the experience we were about to enter. This waiting process allowed the expo to build some suspense and set up a transition into the world they were aiming to create. Once we entered the expo we began mazing our way around all of the different expo offerings. It was difficult to grasp a clear understanding of the overall expo theme. This could have been to do with the lack of prior advertising. We never knew anything about the expo until we were invited to show up and experience it. The beginning of the expo felt very visual and focused on looking and observing. As we worked our way through I noticed it began to become more and more interactive. I felt that the more interactive offerings were much more impactful and easier to understand. Overall I think that the flow and path of the expo worked really well. It was never to crowed which allowed us to fully experience each offering. However, it was often hard to identity were an offering started and stopped. Having offerings so close together made it difficult to understand were each idea began and where it was time to move on. Other than that I felt comfortable moving throughout the expo and felt as though I learned and experience a few valuable lessons on my journey.   
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