griffin-blakeee · 3 years
my favorite line in the whole movie had to be when Andrew replies to Strange “You were in the Grand Canyon? Why DIDN’T YOU HELP HIM?” as if Strange wasn’t fighting for his life and pride after being beaten
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griffin-blakeee · 3 years
all good lawyers can catch a brick thrown thru a window with their bare hand. doesn’t matter if they’re blind or not. all part of the job
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griffin-blakeee · 3 years
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does it just come out of your wrists or does it come out of anywhere else tobey. does it
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griffin-blakeee · 3 years
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no way home spoilers without context
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griffin-blakeee · 3 years
The fact that Yelena’s plan was to help the widows and then go reunite with her sister breaks my heart. She didn’t want to spend anymore time away from her and now she will never see her again
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griffin-blakeee · 3 years
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I was in there for five seconds, I come out and I’ve lost five years of my life. HAWKEYE (2021) || BLACK WIDOW (2021)
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
I miss the old The 100 so damn much it hurts
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
To those still watching The 100 and providing updates in the tags for the rest of us who just can’t stomach what the show has become, but self-torturously need to know how this whole garbage train implodes for the sake of closure - thank you. That’s a damn public service.
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
I can't believe that a few months ago I was so excited for season 7 and now I don't even care enough watch it. Not even my favorite characters are enough to make me watch it... Good job Jason, it takes real determination to do this
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
Fun fact: The Last War actually refers to Jason’s Rothenberg’s face against my fists as the 100 fandom charges into battle.
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
literally saw the words "series finale" on the 100 promo and felt RELIEF bc it'll be over
so once again fuck jroth for ruining my favorite show
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
considering what eliza went through in the midst of filming this season, its UNBELIEVABLY fucked what jason did to clarke’s child 
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
tw // miscarriage
The thing that’s making me uncontrollably sob is that they did this shit to Eliza. They made her act out losing a child, yelling for her “baby” to come back to her shortly after a miscarriage. In times her husband wasn’t even on set to support her because they killed him off and made her do that, too. It’s fucking disgusting and I’m glad that she’s now free to live her life and go onto other projects where she’s supported because Jason NEVER deserved her.
How on earth can you be THAT sick? How can you stand idily and let a producer run that? To make someone endure that? I don’t UNDERSTAND.
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
They really made Eliza do that scene with Madi after she had a miscarriage last year. Wow.
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
At this point I need this show to be over for my own mental well-being.
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
I’m going to be perfectly honest I have not watched the last three episodes of the show because it is not the same show to me anymore. It sounds cliche but this show got me through some hard time because it was all about redemption. That no matter what you did the people who really love you will always forgive you. They really threw that down the drain with one bullet
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griffin-blakeee · 4 years
About the Bob Morley situation:
I’m truly shocked by what I’ve read today. I have always stood by believing the victim first and foremost. I won’t be attacking Bob or Eliza but I am incredibly disappointed in this whole situation. I really looked up to these two actors since I was a teenager, and it’s made me realise once again that these people are just that.
We really need to stop idolising these people we don’t even know. We don’t know what happens behind closed doors. Even if what Arryn has said turns out to be false, what I’ve just said is still important. I spent a lot of my teenage years thinking that actors were god’s who could do no wrong. I’m older now and a lot wiser.
Cancel culture shouldn’t be a thing because we shouldn’t need it in the first place. Stop idolising celebrities because I know I will be.
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