griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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sorry for disappearing guys. shit got super hectic irl. i’m gonna try and get to everything tomorrow, though i’m going to post a few replies tonight (or at least i’ll try)
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
Send in a ❣ for a random kiss.
a shy kiss. 
a forehead kiss.
a cheek kiss.
a nuzzle kiss.
a neck kiss.
a hand kiss. 
a hug + kiss combo. 
a dying kiss. 
a bleeding / bloody kiss. 
an assertive kiss. 
a nonchalant / uninterested kiss. 
a kiss to your muse’s shoes. 
a blown kiss. 
a sad / crying kiss. 
a quick kiss. 
a happy kiss.
a teasing / sensual kiss. 
a platonic kiss. 
a clumsy kiss
a kiss of your choosing! ( requested by the sender! )
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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rose looks down at her feet in an attempt to hide the huge grin on her features as she realizes that he doesn’t really know what it does either. she’s not going to call him OUT on that -- he might get slightly offended if she does -- but just the knowledge that he doesn’t know e v e r y t h i n g, and that he can be just as confused as she is -- well, it’s comforting, in an odd sort of way. her grin widens as her gaze meets his again, and she stands up just a moment after he does, eyes gleaming as she gives his hand a little squeeze. ‘ tryin’ to take me for a ROMANTIC WALK, are you? ’ she teases, a laugh pushing from her lips after she speaks. ‘ yeah, why not. which way? ’
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“   ah, well, it, um-   ”   the   doctor   sucks   on   his   teeth   as   the   device   is   handed   to   him,   pressing   a   button   which   causes   it   to   light   up   with   several   different   colors.   “   it’s complicated,   ”   he   explains   after   a   moment   instead   of   admitting   that   he   doesn’t   really   understand   it   himself,   “   but the blue lights are good! there’s all these different colors, but we should follow it until it’s all blue.   ”   he   grabs   her   hand   then   as   he   stands   up   (   careful   to   keep   the   device   steady   in   his   other   hand   ),   then   grinning   at   rose   as   he   asks,   “   up for a walk?   ”
@griefbuilt ;; continued from here
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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‘ when did YOU get so short? ’ jughead retaliates, grinning fondly as he places a hand atop the other’s head, emphasizing on how small she actually is. ‘ oh, come on. short girls are a d o r a b l e. why are you complaining? or, if it bothers you that much, just -- i don’t know, wear heels? ’
@griefbuilt for Jughead!
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“When did you get so tall?”  She asked playfully, she could a remember time where they were pretty much the same height and now he was like a giant compared to her. “It’s not fair.”
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
Every muse you touch is so well done. I love reading everything that comes from you and your blog. Thank you for existing.
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
send me a symbol for...
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
send a symbol for an au starter
send me a ♛ for a starter where your character is engaged to be married but can’t keep their hands off of mine.
send me a ☤ for a starter where my character is a surgical intern and yours is my resident.
send me a ☁ for a starter where your character is caught in the rain waiting for a cab and mine offers to share.
send me a ☆ for a starter where our characters are famous actors and are co staring in a movie together as love interests, but they actually can’t stand each other.
send me a ♫ for a starter where your character is a famous rock star and my character is a huge fan and we bump into each other at a bar.
send me a ☼ for our characters literally bumping into each other while jogging at the park and knocking all their things on the ground.
send me a ✖ for a starter where my character is the presidents kid and your character has been assigned by the secret service to tail them everywhere and anywhere and mine is extremely annoyed.
send me a ☻ for a starter where my character is getting their first tattoo and your character is the artist doing it and my character is super nervous and just won’t sit still.
send me a ✎ for a starter where my character happens to take a glance in your sketchbook and sees a drawing of them.
send the ‘symbol + :)’ for the situation reversed.
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
AU-Symbol Meme
Send a symbol for an AU-starter where my muse is…
♞ a knight
■ blind
☁ deaf
╳ mute
▢ in a wheelchair
シ a murderer
♛ a king/queen
♔ crown prince/crown princess
♧ an animal
♀♂ transgender
☂ homeless
► a vlogger
✪ an actor
♬ a musician
✍ a writer
☕ IT-worker
$ a cashier
☙ a vet
☘ a doctor
💔 unhappily married
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
Our muses live in a world where all marriages are decided by the government, send me a ✉ for my muse's reaction to being assigned to your muse
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
Send me a symbol and i'll write a starter
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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alhough he IS immersed in his writing, jughead notices her fingers sneaking across the table. gaze flickers upwards as she steals one of his fries, and his eyebrows raise, but he doesn’t stop her, lips twitching at the corners as she ips it into her milkshake. ‘ i should’ve known you were the kind of person to dip french fries into a milkshake. ’ he rolls his eyes, but his grin reveals that he’s only joking. he looks surprised when she asks about the novel, but answers anyway. ‘ it’s going pretty good, actually. ’ he replies, reaching for his plate to grab a french fry.  ‘  i didn’t think i’d be focused on it for long, but it’s kinda fun.’ he pops the fry into his mouth, with a shrug, as if his writing isn’t that big of a deal. it is to him, though. 
@griefbuilt gets a fem!archie starter for Jughead
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She’s sitting in a booth in front of him, sneaking a french fry from his plate as he focused on his laptop, typing away. Dipping the french fry in her vanilla milkshake, she popped it into her mouth, chewing and swallowing before speaking up. “How’s the novel going?”
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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       “ i’m not saying they don’t . “ she’s known pain . & she’s seen people struggle with it , too . she believes everyone’s had a share of it at one point or the other & riley is not excluded .  but , god help her , she can’t phantom a person more selfless than her best friend . she would never tell people she’s hurting if it meant inconveniencing others  . it’s frustrating —- not being able to always tell when your best friend needs you most . “ i’m saying that i think how you react to that pain matters . &that – a little optimism can go a long way , help you not turn into someone who inflicts that pain on other people . “ a small smile takes form . “ & you , riles , are the most positive person i know . you wouldn’t become someone you’re not . not if it meant hurting others . “  she meets the other’s gaze then , the upturn ofher lips widening at the sound of her words . “ always . “
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hiding what she’s really feeling from everyone has been taking a toll on her, but the desire to keep everyone around her happy OVERRIDES everything else. she h a s to make sure her friends are happy, and so her own well-being is always pushed aside. but maya is her best friend, and riley knows that if she ever turned to her and admitted that she wasn’t okay, the blonde would do everything in her power to help. yet she feels like these are her own demons to bear, and she doesn’t want to bother her best friend with her unhappiness. the word positive makes her shoulders t e n s e slightly, because lately she’s not been feeling that way. she chews on her lower lip. ‘ yeah. i just...try to be a good person. ’ a light shrug rolls off her shoulders. her grip on maya’s hand tightens just a little, because the blonde has become her COMFORT ZONE whilst everything else seems to be falling to pieces. deciding she should try to lighten the mood -- for the other girl’s sake, when she speaks again she tries to make her tone a little more cheerful. ‘ ...my mom bought some ice cream today. you want me to go get it? ’ ice cream helps when you’re trying to cheer up, right?
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
hey just so u no -- ur cool :")
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seriously though im a potato. but uR AWESOME
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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fred can’t even begin to EXPRESS how proud he is of his son. not only is he an amazing singer, but he managed to face his fears and sing up on stage, even though there was an undeniable chance of humiliation. but he did great, and fred can’t stop grinning, his pride making him feel rather giddy. as his son approaches, the man immediately opens his arms to envelop his son in them. 
‘ you did great, archie. actually, you were b r i l l i a n t. ’ he says, pulling back to clap a hand on his son’s shoulder and beam at him. ‘ i am so proud of you. and i knew you could do it. ’  fred pauses, thinking, then decides to make a suggestion. ‘ you hungry? we can get pizza on the way home if you want. ’  
@griefbuilt gets a post ep starter - for Fred
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The smile won’t go away no matter how much he tried to will it away or how nervous he was while approaching his father. He’s still on cloud nine and ecstatic from how well he’d been received, how happy he felt up there on stage as everyone enjoyed his music and his voice.
Focusing on his dad had REALLY helped like Veronica had said it would and the nerves had faded away in no time. “Hey.” Archie said as he approached him, the smile still present on his face, though not as wide as before. “What did you think?”
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
❛ Something draws near. I can feel it. ❜ @ maia
meme || no longer accepting.
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maia can feel it too -- all of her SENSES are on red alert as she takes a step towards her alpha, the need to protect him overcoming any inkling of protecting herself. a low growl tears itself from her throat and her eyes flash as she listens out for whatever creature may be approaching. ‘ go back, luke. clary’s out here somewhere. she could get jumped. ’ though the name is spoken with a tinge of bitterness, maia doesn’t have anything against the redhead girl -- except perhaps that luke seems to be making a whole lot of exceptions for her lately. but that doesn’t matter now -- as footsteps grow closer, a snarl rumbles through the young werewolf’s chest, and any other thoughts other than protect luke leave her mind. she takes a step towards where the sound came from, her entire body tensing as she prepares herself for a fight.
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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“Where the hell did this ‘poor me’ attitude come from anyway?” Carl asked after taking LESS THAN a moment to consider all that she’d said. She’d gone from cold, to warm, to whatever the mess in front of him in that moment was all without any real transition time between each one – like changing her moods was more of a switch than some kind of gradual growing closer or distant from someone. The only thing he knew was he wasn’t about to let her blame HIM for anything. Everything he’d done was for the better of the group (if not for her own personal good.) She could deal with a little tough love without falling to pieces.
That crap wasn’t what he’d expected to hear. Not from her, of all people, after hearing how tough she was supposed to be. “Something’s wrong with ALL OF US, Enid,” Grimes continued, only slightly annoyed with the fact he’d been the one stuck dealing with her downward mood swing. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there isn’t one of us here that’s the way we’re SUPPOSED to be. Do you think any of us want blood on our hands? Or… to watch people we love die and pick up and move on like it’s just another day?” He shook his head, one hand lifting to straighten his hat (and subtly shift his bangs away from his eye.) “Just–” the boy huffed, temporarily out of words of pseudo wisdom. “Find something to keep living for and focus on that.”
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‘ seriously? it’s not just me i’m thinking about. ’ enid is quick to correct him. ‘ i just... ’ she trails off, shaking her head because he doesn’t get it -- or maybe he does -- but she’s been pushing herself to be strong and there comes a time where that’s not possible anymore. she needs a moment of weakness -- a moment to think about everyone and everything that she’s lost, that they’ve a l l lost. but going to carl to voice her thoughts was probably a mistake, though now that they’re already arguing about it she’s now going to back down. he’s right about one thing, though -- the things he’s saying aren’t hurting her, they’re just making her want to put her point across more clearly. but she doesn’t really know how. 
‘ that isn’t what i meant. i’m not SAYING i’m the only one, okay? but it’s taken me this long to notice how much i’m changing and i can’t help thinking about how screwed up it is that we have to turn into m o n s t e r s to survive. ’ enid is well aware that they all do what they have to do to survive -- but that doesn’t make the acts any less monstrous. this is what she’s getting at -- she’s a monster for the things she’s done, for the things she’ll have to do, and the same goes for everybody. perhaps she’s just been thinking far too much about the way things used to be, and comparing that to how things are now. for a moment, she looks down, avoiding his steely gaze. but she’s soon lifting her head again, a mask falling over her features to give her a neutral kind of look ( though her eyes are still brimming with emotion that she doesn’t know how to let go of  ). ‘ i already have something to keep living for. ’
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griefbuilt-blog · 8 years
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No one knows the secrets that you know, come on, pull me close, lay me in the snow. I know you can feel it.
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