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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 31: “Elvira” Today’s prompt: “ripe”. My last Inktober entry is a saucy, groan-tastic pun worthy of Elvira herself. Enjoy! Happy Halloween, everyone! . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday31 #inktober2019day31ripe #inktober2019day31 #catch #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #elvira #elviramistressofthedark #cassandrapeterson #spooky #sexy #pinup #creepycute #elvira #spooky #80s
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 30: “D.Compose” Today’s prompt: “catch”. In one of the more obscure things I’ve drawn this month, here’s “D.Compose” from the 80s cartoon/toyline “The Inhumanoids” where environmental scientists don armor and go... fight HELL. For real. What does that D in its name even stand for? Dexter Compose the Third Esq? He can catch you in his gross rib cage (get it?) and also turn you in to a huge, disgusting rotting corpse monster if he so much as touches your bare skin. Rad. . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday30 #inktober2019day30 #inktober2019day30 #catch #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #hasbro #dcompose #decompose #inhumanoids #theinhumanoids #80s #80scartoon #80stoys
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 29: “The Flukeman” Today’s prompt was “Injured.” This was probably my most requested requested monster this whole month! The giant humanoid-fluke creature from the second season of the X-Files. Was so excited to draw this one because I love the X-Files so so very much. . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday29 #inktober2019day29 #inktober2019day29 #injured #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #xfiles #thexfiles #flukeman #mulderandscully #mulder #scully #trustnoone #thetruthisoutthere #monster #mutant #chernobyl #chriscarter
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 28: “The Gentlemen” Today’s prompt was “Coat.” From 4th season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer comes “The Gentlemen”. They steal your voice so you can’t scream as they cut your heart out! The lead Gentleman was eerily played by @actordougjones , who, btw, gives the BEST hugs. . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday28 #inktober2019day28 #inktober2019day28 #coat #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #buffythevampireslayer #buffy #dougjones #gentlemen #thegentlemen #hellmouth #sunnydale #josswhedon #scoobies
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 28: “Speed Demon” Today’s prompt: “ride”. Here’s Speed Demon from the 2012 TV version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was a character heavily inspired by Ed “Big Daddy” Roth’s, Finked-out style artwork. It was fun as hell to draw in this style! @superrobot74 . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday28 #inktober2019day28 #inktober2019day28 #ride #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #speeddemon #edroth #edrothstyle #ratfink #monster #demon #mutant
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 28: “Speed Demon” Today’s prompt: “ride”. Here’s Speed Demon from the 2012 TV version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was a character heavily inspired by Ed “Big Daddy” Roth’s, Finked-out style artwork. It was fun as hell to draw in this style! @superrobot74 . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday28 #inktober2019day28 #inktober2019day28 #ride #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #speeddemon #edroth #edrothstyle #ratfink #monster #demon #mutant
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 26: “Lucy Butler” Today’s prompt was “Dark.” 23 years ago yesterday, one of my favorite TV shows first aired: Millennium. It was the first show Chris Carter made after The X-Files (which it even crossed over with) that featured Lance Henriksen as ex-FBI crime scene consultant Frank Black. The series takes a sharp turn in the episode “Lamentations” when Frank Black encounters Lucy Butler, a shapeshifting manifestation of pure evil played by the amazing Sarah Jane Redmond! . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday26 #inktober2019day26 #inktober2019day26 #dark #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #lucybutler #millennium #chriscarter #lancehenriksen #sarahjaneredmond #thetimeisnow #xfiles #demon
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 25: “The Langoliers” Today’s prompt was “tasty.” The Langoliers was a 1995 TV adaptation of a Stephen King story featuring creatures that eat the passing time. The series can be found on YouTube if you’re curious but whoa... those CG monsters absolutely do not hold up over time. Actually, they didn’t even look good for ‘95! . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday25 #inktober2019day25 #inktober2019day25 #tasty #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #stephenking #langoliers #thelangoliers #horror #90s #90stv #fourpastmidnight #fourpastmidnightbook #fourpastmidnightstephenking
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 24: “The Spiral Curse” Today’s prompt was “dizzy.” The Spiral Curse from Junji Ito’s horror masterpiece, Uzumaki seemed appropriate. This entry is a bit of a stretch for my theme as the TV series it appears in has not even aired yet. Excited to see this tale come to animated life on Toonami in 2020! . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday24 #inktober2019day24 #inktober2019day24 #dizzy #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #junjiito #spiral #uzumaki #uzumakijunjiito #manga #horrormanga
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 23: “Mumm-Ra” Today’s prompt was “ancient.” Here’s Mumm-Ra, the main baddie from the 80s cartoon staple, the Thundercats (how is this show not streaming anywhere?!) “Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form to MUMM-RA... the EVER-LIVING!” . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday23 #inktober2019day23 #inktober2019day23 #ancient #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #thundercats #fanart #thethundercats #mummra #mummratheeverliving #rankinbass #thunderthunderthundercatsho #thundercatsarego
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 22: “Samhain” Today’s prompt was “ghost.” Oh man, there’s a ton of TV ghosts I could have drawn for today but I decided that I had to go with the actual spirit of Halloween, Samhain, from The Real Ghostbusters cartoon. . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday22 #inktober2019day22 #inktober2019day22 #ghost #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #ghostbusters #therealghostbusters #samhain #whoyougunnacall #halloweenghost #spiritofhalloween #creepy
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 21: “Candle Cove” Today’s prompts was “treasure”. Channel Zero has been making short, effective horror stories out of “creepypasta” stories. Today’s art is a smattering of... things from the first season. ��You have to go inside.” Also, why the hell did I choose to draw a character made entirely of teeth?! Just... why? . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday21 #inktober2019day21 #inktober2019day21 #treasure #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #channelzero #toothchild #skintaker #candlecove #syfy #creepypasta #creepy
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 20: “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.” Today’s prompt is “tread”. You remember that episode of The Twilight Zone where William Shatner saw a creature on the wing of his plane? After all these years, still creepy as eff. Especially when he first walks into frame and he’s mostly obscured by the rain. “THERE’S A MAN OUT THERE!” . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday20 #inktober2019day20 #inktober2019day20tread #tread #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #twilightzone #thetwilightzone #nightmareat20000feet #gremlin #williamshatner #rodserling
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 19: “Kang & Kodos” Today’s prompts was “sling”. Here’s Kang & Kodos from The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror! — “Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!” . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday19 #inktober2019day19 #inktober2019day19sling #sling #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #thesimpsons #simpsons #kangandkodos #treehouseofhorror #shazbot #aliens #kang #kodos
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 18: “The Zanti Misfits” Today’s prompt was “Misfit”. In 1963, the sci-fi anthology series The Outer Limits loosed this human-faced ant creature, THE ZANTI, upon us. It’s an amazing episode. Earth makes a deal to receive prisoners from an alien race, The Zanti. The Zanti are morally incapable of executing their own criminals so they send them to us like on off-planet prison. And, like humans do... fear and confusion gets the better of them and they begin to attack the Zanti prisoners. The show ends with the Zanti making a chilling assessment of humanity, “we are incapable of executing our own species—but you are not. You are practiced executioners. We thank you.” . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday19 #inktober2019day19 #inktober2019day19 #misfit #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #theouterlimits #zanti #zantimisfit #zantimisfits #thezantimisfits #alien #monster
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 17: “The Bumble” Today’s prompt was “Ornament”. Okay, hold on. You know, I’m the first person to tell Christmas to ease up and keep clear of my Halloween times. But the prompt was ornament and the more I thought of it... I couldn’t think of anything better than the Bumble from the Rankin Bass Rudolph TV special. And the Bumble is a monster so... yeah. . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday17 #inktober2019day17 #inktober2019day17 #ornament #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #rudolph #monster #abominablesnowman #thebumble #christmas #rankinbass #christmastree #star
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Inktober Monsters Of Television Day 16: “Old Gregg” Today’s prompt was “Wild”. So let me ask you something... “You ever drunk Bailey’s from a shoe?” This here scaly man-fish is OLD GREGG from season 2 of the brilliant British comedy show, The Mighty Boosh! Old Gregg is played by Noel Fielding, who... (I think this is weird to say) most people know from the Great British Bake Off! ...GREGG’S PLACE . . . . #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberday16 #inktober2019day16wild #inktober2019day16 #wild #halloween #horror #art #ink #drawing #illustration #sketch #artist #inked #artwork #illustration #artistsoninstagram #drawings #inkdrawing #mightyboosh #themightyboosh #oldgregg #imoldgregg #baileys #gregsplace #noelfielding
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