greenofleaves · 9 years
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greenofleaves · 9 years
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These orc armies you speak of, M i t h r a n d i r . Where are they?
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greenofleaves · 10 years
"There are," he said, all of the races of Middle Earth tended to keep to themselves though there was trade among some, and some relations, but otherwise they could all get along just fine.
"I am afraid the closest home is my own, and we do not take visitors," he said, "But there is a human town a few days walk from here, which I think will do you much more wisely." 
He smiled, eyes twinkling the stars in his amusement, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lina Inverse, but I am afraid your age only proves to me how very little you are, an elf your age would be still a child," he said, really just trying to prove a point, also because he was amused.
"You a Golden Dragon or an Elf?" the petite sorceress asked, looking up at the other.
"Excuse me?" he looked around in bewilderment and then looked down, "Ah, hello little one, and I am an elf, I am of the Mirkwood. What is a ‘Golden Dragon’?"
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greenofleaves · 10 years
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A little idea I had ages ago with Legolas and Thranduil. It ends in a different style because I wanted to finish it. (And it still took me forever :/)
Anyway! I hope you like it :)
(ETA: If you like this, check out my Thranduil-Legolas centric blog, Mirkwood Family.)
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greenofleaves · 10 years
He cocked his head to the side, looking highly amused, "You are a fool," he said simply, "Do not mistake my confidence in my soldiers as arrogance, this is something that has long been done by the elves of Mirkwood, we fight those who attack us and rarely do they make much of a fuss once they reach the wall. So your mistaking my confidence as such shows your youth and ignorance."
"Also...do not mistake your dismissal of your post as a dismissal of your obligation to respect your prince," he said, voice hard and cold as stone, "You are useless and weak if you truly believe that I am hard to work with because of my faith in those who fall under my command, when you should show me your loyalty above all things, you will not be valued anywhere if you are unable to stand and fight, and fear means nothing if you let it overcome you! Healthy only when you can face it and use it to be strong!" he said fiercely, before calming.
"Do not be so ignorant as to think you are free of punishment, I am still the crown prince and hold power over you," he said evenly, "You are banished until such time you learn your place in this life, be gone with you."
I paused. I was caught between returning and apologizing, or shunning him because of his arrogance.
One voice said: You promised not to leave anyone again, not when they had a fight to win that you could help with.
Another said: Yes, but he’s arrogant and could use a lesson.
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greenofleaves · 10 years
"That does little to do to change the fact of its' rudeness," he said stiffly and then huffed, "That will suffice, however my eyesight is far greater than that of a hawks."
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greenofleaves · 10 years
The battle was really not much of a battle at all, the spiders were more help than hindrance in this case, taking out many of the stupidly invading Uruk Hai, before they even reached the wall, and those few who did were shot down with a single command from Legolas.
They came in hoards, there were many, but still, they would not win when the elves knew their home terrain so well and their enemies were vastly out skilled.
It was only a few scant hours before the battle was ended and only the clean up was to be thought about, Legolas already had everything sorted and all orders issued to do that so only had one more thing to clear up.
He turned to the one from before, "You are dismissed from your 'duties'," he said simply, "I have no need for insubordination or cowardice in my ranks."
I paused. I was caught between returning and apologizing, or shunning him because of his arrogance. 
One voice said: You promised not to leave anyone again, not when they had a fight to win that you could help with. 
Another said: Yes, but he's arrogant and could use a lesson. 
Another said: He doesn't need you, just leave already. 
Yet another said: Don't be stupid, act like a man and get out there. You're only ruining your reputation by walking away. You don't have to apologize, just go back. 
I listened to the last voice and marched myself back there to stand beside him silently. 
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greenofleaves · 10 years
"I did, I heard the disrespect and uncaring  and am curious as to why you would be so to someone who has shown you no ill will."
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greenofleaves · 10 years
He snorted, so much for duty to your prince.
Uruk Hai were something he could handle, as could the loyal fearless members of the watch, that was...if they made it past the spiders.
Legolas was not worried, even if they were stupid enough to attack the Mirkwood, they would not make it far.
"I will not. It is my duty to stand beside you, my prince. I will not allow my feelings to interfere with my duties." I said, maintaining my composure.
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greenofleaves · 10 years
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greenofleaves · 10 years
"You are no use to me if you are too terrified to fight," he snapped, "I have enough to take care of this myself, you will only be in my way."
"I will not. It is my duty to stand beside you, my prince. I will not allow my feelings to interfere with my duties." I said, maintaining my composure.
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greenofleaves · 10 years
"I think I am going to have to...what is the phrase...'call your bullshit on this one'?"
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greenofleaves · 10 years
"Very well, then I suggest you leave before your fear overtakes you, I will stop them, if they come. Be gone with you."
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"…I find that very hard to believe."
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greenofleaves · 10 years
"Hardly, I deny your claim of bringing death to them, quite easily, in fact."
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"…I find that very hard to believe."
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greenofleaves · 10 years
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"...I find that very hard to believe."
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greenofleaves · 10 years
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Thranduil and little Legolas have my heart
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greenofleaves · 10 years
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