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greendudenumber7 · 28 days ago
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jason todd x f!reader (based on this ask)
✿ kitty cat fever — jason has a soft spot for kittens
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Jason was completely drained after a week-long mission, now all he wanted to do is go home and place you in his arms.
It wasn’t often that he’d take long missions that took a week or so, considering that sometimes he can’t survive 3 days without you, but it wasn’t like he could ignore his duties.
Finally, Jason stood in front of your shared apartment, practically itching to get home and relax. But as he opened the door, he saw a small little kitten mewling in front of him.
He frowns.
“Jason!” you called out with a smile, at least you were here. His expression softens as he sees you and pulls you into a very tight hug.
Jason buried his face in your hair, “I missed you.” is what he always says when he comes home. Jason pressed a kiss in your temple as you rested your head on his shoulder, “I missed you too.” you said, melting in his embrace
As he was about to say more, his tired eyes widened as he saw four scrawny kittens crawling towards you, with its mother watching from the sofa.
He released you from his grasp, staring at the small little devils pawing and meowing “Baby,” he furrows his brows “What is this?” he asked, looking at you.
“My friend is out of town for a month, so she’s looking for a babysitter, aren’t they just adorable?” you smiled, picking one small kitten in your hands as you showed it to him.
The kitten stared at him, in his head he could hear the little thing telling him, ‘I have replaced you, I belong here now.’
Jason didn’t want to deal with this right now.
He lets out a sigh and walks past you “I just want to lie down right now.” he grunts, you shrugged as you crouched down to play with the kits.
“These things are just gonna make a mess.” He complained as he took a seat on the sofa. Jason rubbed his temples, he had been running around the past week and now he has to chase down kittens all over your place? What a warm welcome home.
You caught him brooding in the corner of your eye as you turned your gaze to him, “Oh, come on Jay.” you said “They’re harmless.”
Jason glared at you, that usually worked. But unfortunately this time you were too overwhelmed by the small kittens running around, too busy playing with them that you didn’t notice the glare he was giving you.
He looked at you, Jason was a little disappointed that you didn’t seem to notice and that you were more distracted by the kittens.
If he were to be honest, he was a little jealous. He wanted to spend time with you, he’s been gone for almost a week, but you had your hands full with these kittens.
The mother cat sits right next to him, looking at him as if she understands him.
Jason looked at the cat but he was also too tired to say anything, instead he walked to the bedroom and dropped himself on the bed.
He thought he was at peace till he heard the sound of a cat purring.
What now?
He turned his head and saw the mom on the foot of the bed, looking at him. “What? I don’t have anything for you, go make your little devils stop running wild.” He grumbled as he turned around to cover his head with his arm.
The cat just moved forward and he could feel its presence next to him. He looked up from his arm as he saw it flopped right in front of him, dozing off.
It was tiring, just like him.
He took the cat, and brought it closer to him and he placed it on his chest. “You know, we may have a lot of similarities.” He mumbled as he began petting its head, the mom purred and did a soft meow.. which was probably the most girliest meow he has ever heard.
He soon dozed off and fell asleep.
It has been 3 hours since, and Jason has been asleep for a while. He could feel a hand caressing his hair and it felt wonderful. “Did you find someone else to take care of the kittens?” he asked, eyes still closed.
He could hear a small laugh and a smile crept on his face. He then could feel the bed dip beside him as you sat down, he could also feel your hand caressing his cheek as you kissed his temple.
Jason opens his eyes and sees you, “Hello.”
“Hello.” you greeted in return, he hummed in response as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
Jason pulled you down to lay next to him as he kisses your temple, “I missed you.” he repeated. “I missed you too.” you repeated as well, Jason buried his face in your hair once again, taking in your scent.
It felt good just being next to each other.
Jason groaned as he slowly sat up. “What now?” he asked, annoyed.
He turned around and looked at the floor. There, looking up at him was one of the kittens. The small little thing was mewling as he moved its two front paws up as an attempt to climb the bed.
You tried to stifle a giggle, the sight of the kitten mewling and Jason glaring at it was just too funny for you. Jason didn’t share the same thought though, he looked at you and sighed, “It’s fine if you find them cute, but I'm starting to get annoyed.”
Jason takes the kitten by the scruff and places it on the bed.
You rested your cheek in your palm, “It likes you.” Jason didn’t reply as he just absentmindedly pets the kitten, the small feline curled up beside him, snuggling next to his side.
“How long are they gonna stay here?” Jason asks.
“A month.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder, “Come on, my friend needs a vacation and she can’t just leave them alone.” you said, “Plus, they’re cute.” As hard as he tries to ignore it, your puppy eyes were too much.
“As long as they don’t make too much noise, we can tolerate them.”
You smiled, cupping his face and pressing a kiss on his cheek “I love my boyfriend.” Jason rolls his eyes at the way you said it. He can’t help but smile, he knows that you said it just to tease him.
“Yeah, you better.” He replied.
After two weeks since the kittens came, Jason begrudgingly grew accustomed to their presence, although he still complains about them bothering him or getting everywhere.
Despite his constant complaining though, to your delight, Jason would often come back from patrol with new cat toys and treats. He thinks he’s being discreet about it, but you see how soft he is for these little creatures.
Jason sat on the couch, reading a book when a kitten started approaching him. This kitten was particularly the runt in the litter, he’d always get left out by its other siblings and at times he’d get a hissy fit.
This runty little kitten was also Jason’s favorite, he couldn’t help but find it adorable whenever it tried to run towards him but fell flat on its face because of its stubby little legs.
This time was no exception. The runt went up to him, mewling in annoyance and pawed at the edge of couch, trying to climb but it was unable to.
He looked down, seeing the kitten’s feeble attempt to climb. Jason dropped his book on his lap. He reached down and picked the kitten up, placing it on the couch next to him.
Jason hears the door open as he sees you coming inside the door. “I'm home.” you called out. He set his book aside and turned his head to see you, he can’t help but smile a little.
“Hey.” He greeted, he watched as you walk over the couch and dropped next to him. You glanced at the kitten in his lap as you scratched behind its ear, “This one really likes you.”
Jason snorted, “It just likes to bother me.”
He didn’t comment on how he’s grown fond of the runt, or how he often lets it lay in his lap whenever he’s sitting down on the couch. You looked around, “Where are the other kittens?”
Jason scoffs, “God knows where they are.” Jason answered. He looked around their living room, no sign of them. “Probably playing in the kitchen again.” You chuckled, “Those little rascals have been too hyper lately, they need someone to tire them up.”
Jason hummed in agreement. He has been getting tired as well, dealing with these little furballs around the house has been tiring. You leaned against the couch, “I'm tired though.” Jason wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “Try babysitting five cats.”
“You think you can get kids now?” you joked. Jason raised an eyebrow, but as he saw your teasing look he scoffed “Haha, very funny.” he rolled his eyes.
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When it was time for the kittens to return home to their owner, Jason was secretly disappointed. He stayed inside the apartment, not wanting to show how much he wanted to keep them. Poor Jason.
He sat on the couch, leaning back with a frown on his face. It was quiet for once and Jason didn’t like it, he misses hearing the sounds of the little kittens running around and pestering him.
“I'm home.” you called out.
Jason’s head snapped up when he heard your voice. He looked over at you, his face still blank as ever. “You’re back.” He said bluntly, “Someones with me too.” you smiled as you showed him his favorite kitten.
As soon as he saw his favorite little runt in your arms, Jason’s eyes widened and he instantly straightened his back. “You brought him back?” he asked, he couldn’t hide the surprise in his voice.
You nodded, “My friend told me we could keep one. So I decided to bring him home.” Jason stared at you, then the kitten, then at you again. He looked so confused but he couldn’t be more happy, despite trying to hide his smile. He held out his hands.
“Give me.” he says. You chuckled and placed the kitten in his hands. Jason immediately held him close, petting his head gently. “I’m surprised you’re not mad.” You said, as you watched him with a smile on your face.
Jason looked up at you, holding the kitten close to his chest. “Why would I be mad? I love this little runt.” he admits. You sat next to him, giving the kitten a pet on its side.
“I know how much you’ve grown fond of them, so I had to get you your favorite.”
He slightly shrugs, “He’s my favorite, yeah.”
“Thank you.”
🐈 reblog or the cat gets crowbarred too
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greendudenumber7 · 2 years ago
Spider Noir x Spiderwoman Reader
(Sorry for any errors feel free to suggest thing)
Y/n is a jumping spider, she can jump through time, to other dimensions when she does this she does not experience the glitchy thing (sorry i have no clue if it has a real name)that the other spider people experience, and jump to other places. *pretty much teleporting* If she can remember the location of an item she can teleport the item to her
Due to Y/n being able to travel and stuff not feeling the effects of it she spent most of her time going to other dimensions then them coming to her's. She had been with Noir for a little around a month and she would go and help him fight crime. She never worked with anyone in her own city who's company she enjoyed, but working with everyone from the other universes she was able to learn that maybe we all need a little help sometimes (She learned most of that time from mailnly working with Pennie, Noir, and Ham. She worked with others but she bonded best with these three). When Y/n had first met Noir he was the first person that she met outside of her own world. She thought his world sounded so fascinating. Technically he is only a year older than Y/n but his timeline was based in the 30's so does it still count or not she often thought about. (When Y/n had gone to see Noir) Y/n had been swinging around Noirs city looking for him, she had already stopped by his apartment, and Aunt May's but he was nowhere to be seen. So here she was blindly looking around New York City for him. Y/n had thought she was lost but then she heard people screaming and and a loud crashing sound. She had moved over toward the noise and seen a villain at first she did not recognize who it was but then she seen him. Green Gobin. Y/n had seen him in many other universes which spiderman or woman had existed in including her own but since she did not need to take care of New York because in her world she had a few spidermen. Her job was to watch over Vegas. Turns out that Noir had been fighting this guy for sometime now."So that's where you had been the whole time" Y/n said to herself, as she started swinging herself over to where Goblin and Noir had been located. Noir looked pretty beat up. "Hey need help over there" I called over to Noir. I think that I might have surprised him because he looked at me and Goblin took the chance to throw a blow at Noir. "Oh hi doll, sure some help right now doesn't sound to bad" he said while standing up. Time skip Y/n had helped out Noir and they both ended heading to his place. Peter did not seem to look to well. Once we got inside we finally were able to take off our masks.Peter grabbed his glasses and put them on I noticed that he had a cut on his face. "Hey Peter let's go clean you up, you don't look to good." I look up to Peter feeling slightly worried hoping that his wounds were not to bad. "Alright, my love" we walked over to the bathroom and I grabbed his first aid kit from the cupboard and Peter sat on the counter. I looked up at him "would you like me to get the cut on your face first?" Peter took his glasses off " We can start there if you would like to love." I grabbed some gauze pads and peroxide and started cleaning the cut on his face, it was on his cheek a small little scratch. While I was cleaning out his cut I held my other hand cupping his face to get a better view. I had just realized how close we had been and I could feel my face burn up. Peter could see this which caused him to smirk, "you look cute when you blush like that doll." Peter got close to my lips and placed a soft gentle kiss. "Hey for your information I was not blushing I was just, um I didn't do anything actually it was the lighting" Peter laughed at my statement, "Mhm sure doll" I shock my head "okay let's see what other scratches you got, lift your shirt" Peter did so, he had a good amount of them. Thankfully none of them were to deep. I ended up spending the next half hour cleaning them and putting bandages on a few of them. I looked up at him once I was done "Cuddles, or another night?" Peter smiled "sure that sounds great my love" Y/n and Peter got ready for bed and cuddled. The couple stayed happily together until... The end.
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