greenafrica · 8 years
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UNGA71: 16 Infrastructure Projects for African integration (2016)
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Africa NEPAD Week: New Partnership for Africa’s Development Press Kit
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Africa NEPAD Week: NEPAD-APRM CEO Address to the 70th United Nations General Assembly
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Africa NEPAD Week: Annual Briefing to UN Member States on “The Key Role of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development in Implementing Africa’s Agenda 2063″ by NEPAD CEO
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Summit 2015 event on Scaling Up Climate Smart Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs in Africa; to attend RSVP to [email protected] before 24SEP2015 CoB
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Summit 2015 event on NEPAD & Delivering on the SDGs in Africa: regional integration for national implementation; to attend RSVP to [email protected] before 22SEP2015 noon
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Common But Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR) for Africa’s transformation in a globalized context
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greenafrica · 9 years
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SDSN & NEPAD side event at the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development: "Unlocking public & private capital for African Infrastructure", 13JUL2015, 10AM, Elilly Hotel, Room Mars, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (background information)
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greenafrica · 9 years
Lagos Plan of Action
for the economic development of Africa (1980-2000)
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greenafrica · 9 years
Abuja Treaty
establishing the African Economic Community (1991)
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greenafrica · 9 years
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African Economic Outlook 2015 on Regional Development and Spacial Inclusion
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greenafrica · 9 years
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SCOOP: Common African Position (CAP) website launched!
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greenafrica · 9 years
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SCOOP: Continental Business Network (CBN) Launch 1JUN2015 Cape Town SA
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Africa Regional Report on the Sustainable Development Goals (2015)
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Report of the High Level Panel on IFF from Africa: Illicit Financial Flows, Track it! Stop it! Get it! (2015)
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Africa Power Vision: from vision to action (2015)
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greenafrica · 9 years
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Africa's Capacity Development Strategic Framework (2013)
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