Hello! I'm not sure why you're here, but I do hope you enjoy yourself greatly. If you're ever interested in rping with me, all you need to do is put green-grape-gaze as a tag on omegle or send an email to [email protected].
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It has been awhile but I actually still rp/write. I’m just in different fandoms so I don’t post much of what I rp here. However, I thought I’d give a slight update and just drop a Star Wars fic in case anyone is interested in that.
Here it is, please enjoy!
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@immortaljailor, I dare. I most definitely dare.
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When You Were Gone
Found an RP with an absolutely lovely person with a new ship I’ve found myself into. It’s a cute, funny, and sad one shot that is actually complete. It did make me cry so, be warned.
Stranger: d o nt b e s c a r ed - P n ot g o N na h u r t y o u - P (Ghost AU)
You: If this is all a joke to scare me, you've succeeded. AH Now leave me be. AH
Stranger: t i ge - P
Stranger: i Ts m e - P
You: Don't call me that. AH This isn't funny. Leave me alone. AH
Stranger: t ig et ig e t i g e - P
Stranger: a l re d y f o rg et ? - P
You: Stop it. AH Stop this. AH
Stranger: it s o k ay - P
Stranger: i m oka y t ig e - P
Stranger: tige - P
Stranger: d . o n t be m ad - P
You: I'm not mad, I'm terrified! AH I don't know what you want. I don't know who you are or why you think this is funny. AH
Stranger: [delay] y ou c a ll ed me - P
Stranger: to c o m e bac k - P
Stranger: y ou a sk ed - P
Stranger: a sk ed ask ed askKEd . ask ed ask ed - P
You: You can't be him-I know you're not him because it's not possible. AH I don't like this joke you're playing. AH I loved Poe Dameron with every bit of my heart and this isn't funny. AH It's cruel. AH
Stranger: [long delay] y o u l i t ca nd l es fo rm e - P
Stranger: l it f o ur - P
Stranger: o n e two . t h re e f o ur - P
Stranger: as k ed me to c om e - P
Stranger: ha - P
Stranger: d e a d o n e m o N th a nd y o u b e c . ome a w i tch o r so me ti hn g- P
Stranger: s ti l l . d O n t t rust m e - P
You: [Delayed] I was desperate. AH
You: I didn't think it would work. AH
Stranger: h e re i am - P
Stranger: s p o Oky is n tit - P
You: How are you even typing? AH How did this actually happen? AH
Stranger: y o u c al l ed m e - P
Stranger: ne e d ed me - P
Stranger: s o i c a me -
Stranger: i t ol d y ou - P
Stranger: a l wa ys c o m e w h . en yo U c al L - P
Stranger: a . l w a y s - P
You: [Long Delay] I can't believe I'm actually starting to believe this. AH So you're actually here, right now? AH
Stranger: [delay] y es a nd no - P
You: Yes and no. AH What does that mean? AH
Stranger: d o . nt k n ow - P
Stranger: n e w f o o r m e t o . o ti ge - P
You: I guess we have to figure out what to do from here. AH I really didn't expect the spell to work. AH
Stranger: h a a t i ge - P
Stranger: a re y o u a g o od . w i t ch o r a b a d w it ch ? - P
You: I don't know. AH I only got into it because I missed you and it was all that was left. AH I don't know what to do from here. AH I don't even know if you could take a physical form if there's something I could do to help you take a physical form. AH
Stranger: t ig e - P
Stranger: b e e n . wo r r i ed - P
Stranger: y ou as s - P
Stranger: w hat d y ou p r o m ise me ? - P
Stranger: promisepromisepromisepromise promisepromisepromisepromise promisepromisepromisepromise - P
You: I promised you many things. AH [Delayed] I also promised you that I'd take care of myself. AH Which I have been, technically. AH
Stranger: d o n t l I e - P
Stranger: c a nt l i e - P
Stranger: n ev er c ou l d - P
You: I'm not lying. AH I'm merely using technicalities to my benefit. AH I have been taking care of myself... Just not in the way you would have liked. AH
Stranger: l o o p h o l es - P
Stranger: s tii l l a lie - P
Stranger: y ou m i s s m e - P
Stranger: m is s me - P
Stranger: my tige - P
Stranger: d o n t c r y - P
You: I can't help it. AH
You: You don't know how much I missed you. AH You don't understand what it was like to have you gone. AH
You: You were there one day and gone the next, and I didn't realize just how much I really loved you until then. AH
You: You don't know how much I missed you, Poe. AH
Stranger: e v e r y o n e g o e s - P
Stranger: a l way s w it h y . ou - P
Stranger: a l w ays - P
Stranger: promised - P
Stranger: c a nt t o u c h y o u - P
Stranger: c an t s p e a k to y o u -P
Stranger: e v e r y t h in g f a d es - P
Stranger: m i s . s y o . u - P
Stranger: i m s o R r y - P
You: No. Poe. AH
You: Poe, are you leaving me now? You said everything fades. AH
You: What do you mean Poe? AH
You: Are you leaving me? AH
Stranger: nononononnononononononononononononononononon - P
Stranger: n ev er - P
Stranger: n e v er n ev er n e v e r - P
Stranger: i a m y o u r s - {
Stranger: a l w a y s - P
Stranger: w o n t g o - P
You: You promise? AH You won't leave? AH
Stranger: w o n t g o -P
Stranger: y ou r s -{
Stranger: *P
You: I'll figure out how to get you back here completely, Poe. AH I promise. AH
Stranger: p r om i . se . - P
You: I promise, Poe. AH I'll figure out how to make this better. AH
Stranger: ti g e - P
You: Poe? AH
Stranger: d o n t lo se - P
You: Don't lose what? AH
Stranger: y o u - P
You: I won't. AH
Stranger: n o t r ad es - P
Stranger: no trades - P
Stranger: p r o mi se - P
You: But I might be able to get you back that way. AH
Stranger: n o no no no no n o no no - P
Stranger: P R O M I SE - P
You: Poe, please. AH
Stranger: d o nt w an t it - P
You: But it could bring you back to me. AH We don't even know what the trade would be about. AH
You: It could be the smallest thing, Poe. AH
Stranger: n o n o n o - P
Stranger: n O T rad e - P
Stranger: p r o mi s e - P
Stranger: i f y ou t hi nk it s m e - P
Stranger: i t i s no t -P
Stranger: wi ll n e v e r as k -P
Stranger: ne ver -P
Stranger: n e v e r a sk you to t r a d e -P
You: But what if someone else could give us what we need with a trade? AH
Stranger: l i e s - P
You: You don't know that. AH
Stranger: [no reply]
You: I promise. AH
You: I won't make any trades, Poe. AH
You: I promise, just keep talking to me. AH
Stranger: l o ve y ou - P
You: I love you too. AH But don't do that again. That's not a fair tactic. AH
Stranger: d o ? - P
You: Going quiet until I give in. AH
Stranger: s o r r y - P
Stranger: h a . -P
Stranger: y o ud d o i t t o o - P
You: That's different. AH You're not supposed to use my own tactic against me. AH
Stranger: i c an - P
Stranger: i m d e a d - P
Stranger: c an d o w h a t i w a n t - P
You: You're still as insufferable as ever. AH I promise not to make any trades without talking to you about them first. AH
Stranger: h m - P
You: It's much better to have this compromise, isn't it? AH
Stranger: n o - P
You: Don't be obstinate, Poe. AH
Stranger: y ou l i k ed it - P
You: And always will, but that goes without saying. AH It's a good compromise and you know it. AH
Stranger: [delay] i ha ve fi na l s a y - P
You: Thank you. AH This will make figuring this out all the more easy. AH
Stranger: be s a f e - P
You: I promise that I will. AH It wouldn't do to get into trouble when we're so close to being fully together again. AH
Stranger: d o n t b e s t u p i d - P
Stranger: ok ? - P
Stranger: p l e a se - P
You: I'm never stupid. AH I'm almost insulted you think I possibly could be. AH
Stranger: y ou s u m m on ed a g h o st - P
Stranger: s t u pi d - P
You: And it worked. AH
You: So clearly I'm not stupid. AH
Stranger: a s . s - P
You: Incorrect. AH Genius is what you really mean. AH
Stranger: [no reply]
You: I'm not agreeing with you Poe so this tactic won't work. AH
Stranger: [no reply]
You: Poe? AH
Stranger: [no reply]
You: This isn't funny, Poe. AH
Stranger: [no reply]
You: [Delayed] Poe, stop it. AH
Stranger: [very long delay] s t o p w ha t ? - P
Stranger: w h at s w r . o ng - P
You: Poe? AH You keep going quiet. AH You stop responding. AH
Stranger: ? ? ? - P
Stranger: i j u s t di d . - P
Stranger: ju s t c a ll ed y ou a s s . - P
You: Poe, that was four minutes ago. AH You stopped responding for four minutes. AH
Stranger: [delay] w h at - P
You: You stopped responding for four minutes. AH [Delayed] You mentioned earlier that everything was fading. AH What did you mean by that? AH
Stranger: [delay] n o th in g - P
Stranger: no th in g t ig e - P
You: I don't believe that. AH Something is wrong. AH [Delayed] I only have you for a limited time, don't I? AH
Stranger: [delay] y . e s - P
You: What happens when you leave? AH Will I be able to call for you again? AH
Stranger: d on t kn ow - P
You: Then I can try and bind you to something. AH I don't want to risk being unable to call for you again. AH
Stranger: b i n d . m e - P
You: [Long Delay] I'm going to bind you to your mother's wring, alright? AH I've got everything I need here to do it and I can keep you with me this way. AH
Stranger: h a k ink y - P
Stranger: [delay] . y ou k e p t it - P
You: Don't be vulgar, Poe. AH And yes, of course I kept. AH I kept a lot of your things. AH
Stranger: i d h a v e g i v e n it to y o u - P
You: Yeah? You can give it to me again later. AH I'm going to start the binding process, okay? AH
Stranger: o k - P
You: I don't know exactly what's going to happen but you should still be here and you shouldn't feel like you're going to start fading again. AH It'll be done soon, okay? AH
Stranger: i t s c ol d - P
You: [Long Delay] Do you feel anything else now? AH Do you feel any warmth? AH
Stranger: y e s - P
You: [Delayed] Can you feel the warmth going away now? AH
Stranger: n o - P
You: I think you can feel me holding the ring. AH
Stranger: f e e l s s nic e - P
You: I'll make sure to keep you warm then. AH Now that we've bound you here, we can start working on getting you a form. AH
Stranger: a l w a y s lo v e wh en y o u b in d m e pl a ce s x - P
You: I can't believe you're flirting with me right now. AH
Stranger: y ou n e e d a ha ir cu t - P
You: Oh shut up. AH It's not that bad. AH
Stranger: y ou r e r e . a l l y em br a c i n g th e s ad w i t ch a es t h e ti c - P
You: I'm going to put you in the freezer if you don't shut up. AH I am not falling into any cliche. AH
Stranger: p ai n t yo u r n ai ls b la ck - P
Stranger: b u y ey eli ne r . - P
Stranger: g o fu l l g ot h - P
Stranger: h o t - P
You: That's what you're into? AH I should have known there was a reason you always wanted to have sex whenever I wore full on black attire. AH I can't believe I didn't know you were a goth fetishist. AH
Stranger: i w a n t ed to h av e s ex wh en y ou w o r e b l ac k be ca u se y o u l o o k ed a m a z in g t i ge - P
Stranger: b e a u t i fu l and s le . e k - P
You: It's okay, Poe. AH I understand. You have a kink for sad goth witches. AH
Stranger: [delay] y o u w e a r b l a ck f o r m e s t i l l- P
You: Because I'm still mourning you. AH [Long Delay] I always thought we would get married. AH I wanted to, you know. AH
Stranger: [delay] m e t o o - P
Stranger: w o u l d h a ve g i ven y ou h er r i n g - P
Stranger: w a n ted t o -P
You: Well, when I get you a form, we're getting married. AH
Stranger: [delay] h ow s my d a d - P
You: He's sad. AH He adopted me, which is nice. AH He made me one of your favorite meals. AH I think they were called emapadas? AH
Stranger: e m p a d a s - P
Stranger: [delay] te l l h im i l o ve him - P
Stranger: t e l l h im i m s o r r y -P
You: Is that not what they're called? AH I will tell him and then, when you get the chance to, you will tell him in person. AH
Stranger: [delay] t i g e - P
You: Yes, Poe? AH
Stranger: w h a t if - P
Stranger: y ou c a n t . - P
You: What if I can? AH Why don't we focus on that. AH
Stranger: [delay] i t s o k ay - P
Stranger: if y o u c an t - P
Stranger: o k? - P
You: It isn't okay if I can't. AH
Stranger: y es i t i s - P
Stranger: i t . is - P
Stranger: ok ? - P
Stranger: i lo v e yo u - P
You: No. AH Nonetheless, I love you too. AH And I will get a body for you or figure something out. AH
Stranger: t ig e - P
Stranger: d o n t f ra n k en s t i en m e - P
Stranger: d o n t f au s t me - P
Stranger: a nd i f i c o m e b a ck a s m il l i e i w il l k i l l y ou - P
Stranger: i s w ea r t o g o d - P
You: You wouldn't be able to kill me. AH
You: besides, I would never do that to Millicent. AH
You: I also don't like the smell of rotting flesh. AH
You: The two ideas I have are the following: 1. Find a patient in a coma for you to posses. 2. Make a deal with a demon. AH
Stranger: 1 n o - P
Stranger: 2 n o - P
You: 1. We can find a coma patient that is on the verge of being taken off of life support. AH 2. This is the best bet we possibly have unless I find something better. AH
Stranger: 1 i do n t w a n t s o me r an d o s p o o r b o d y - P
Stranger: 2 de m o n s a re b a d n ew s - P
Stranger: a l wa y s - P
You: They're going to die as it is, Poe. AH Yes, well, they've never dealt with me before. AH
Stranger: i m d ea d - P
Stranger: ho w d y ou li k e it t i g e - P
Stranger: w h a t if i t w as m e - P
You: [Delayed] Fine. AH We go with demons then. AH
Stranger: nonono - P
Stranger: w e g o w i t h i m a r i n g g h o st - P
You: No. AH I refuse. AH
You: We're making a deal with a demon. AH
Stranger: no w e a re n o t - P
You: You don't even know what the deal is! AH
Stranger: i t s a l wa ys t h e s a m e d e a l - P
Stranger: a n d yo u d m a ke it - P
Stranger: s o s h or t si g h t ed - P
Stranger: n o s e a s e s t ú p i d o - P
You: I would not! AH Look, I've been looking into all this gross witch-y stuff for awhile now. AH I've got this book that talks about different demons and what they'll trade for. AH Did you know that there is a demon that will clean your house if you give it almonds soaked in milk? AH
Stranger: n o t f o r a bo d y - P
Stranger: [delay] h o w lo n g - P
You: It will keep cleaning the house until the house is clean. AH You have to summon it again and offer its favorite meal if you want to clean once more. AH
Stranger: n ot w h a t i m ea n t - P
You: Well it should have been. AH That's an amazing trade and you know it. AH
Stranger: h ow l o ng h a ve y o u d on e t hi s - P
You: [Delayed] I don't think you'll like the answer. AH
Stranger: t i ge - P
You: Do you remember that big chest I told you not to touch that I have hidden in the closet? AH
Stranger: [delay] . y e s - P
You: That was passed down through my mother's side of the family. AH I suppose I should be a bit more honest about the fact that I've been practicing since I was a child. AH
Stranger: [no reply]
You: [Delayed] Do you hate me now? AH
Stranger: n o - PD
You: I never intended to lie to you about it. AH
Stranger: y ou s h o u ld h a v e t o ld me - P
You: I haven't practiced in years. AH I just didn't want you to think I was crazy. AH
Stranger: i d o n t - P
You: I'm sorry for not telling you. AH
Stranger: i t s o k -P
You: You promise? AH
Stranger: j u s t a lo t t o p r o c e s s -P
You: Well, now you know why I knew how to do the rituals. AH
Stranger: h a ve you d o n e th i s be fo re . ? - P
You: No, but I watched my grandmother do it. AH
Stranger: f or w ho - P
You: I don't know. AH
Stranger: [delay] n o d e mo ns t i ge - P
Stranger: t h e r e l l be a c a t ch - P
You: There always is but you just have to be clever about it. AH I can do it, Poe. I've dealt with them before. AH
Stranger: wh e n - P
You: Before we met. AH
You: [Delayed] And a bit after. AH Why do you think my house was always so clean? AH
Stranger: [delay] no t w i t h ou t m e - P
You: I told you I would run the deals through you first. AH
Stranger: b e . c a . r ef ul - P
You: I will, I promise. AH
Stranger: o k - P
You: We'll get you a body. AH
Stranger: [delay] o k - P
You: And the catch will be very minimal. AH
Stranger: o . k - P
You: I promise. AH
Stranger: i t r u st y o u - P
You: Good. AH Now, what are you willing to sacrifice? AH Or, rather, how willing are you to becoming a demon? AH
Stranger: [long delay] t i ge - P
You: Genuine question. AH There's a few ways we can go about doing this. AH
Stranger: m y f am il y s c a th ol i c t i g e - PD
You: So no, you won't be willing to become a demon. AH Which is perfectly fine. AH What else are you unwilling to sacrifice or do? AH
Stranger: [delay] t r y m e - P
You: Being mute? AH Being blind? AH Being deaf? AH
Stranger: [delay] i p re f er n o t b ut - P
Stranger: i d l ik e to b e b a c k - P
You: In order to be back, would you be willing to make one of those sacrifices? AH
Stranger: [delay] f o r y o u - P
Stranger: y e s - P
You: Do you need all of your limbs intact? AH
You: Are you willing to become a werewolf? AH
You: And what are you opinions on curses or making blood sacrifices every full moon? AH
Stranger: [long delay] ti ge j e s us - P
You: Jesus will have nothing to do with our plans. AH
Stranger: [delay] w e g o in g t o h e l l fo r t h i s ? - P
You: That depends on we do. AH
Stranger: [delay] d e p en ds on t h e l i m b - P
Stranger: m a y be if i d o n t h a v e to k i l l a n y bo d y - P
Stranger: d e p e n ds o n t h e cu r s e - P
Stranger: w h o s b l o o d - P
Stranger: w o u l d l i k e t o a v o i d e t e rn a l da m n a t i o n if po s s i b l e - P
Stranger: b o t h of u s - P
You: Don't worry, Poe. AH We won't go to hell. AH All blood sacrifices have to be willing and fully consensual or else they won't work. AH
You: So we could easily use some of my blood. AH
Stranger: [delay] o k - P
You: One of the curses might be that dogs will run away from you anytime you're near them. AH Are you willing to go through that? AH
Stranger: [delay] w h at a b o u t b b - P
You: We might be able to work in an exception. AH Though I do think your best bet would be to become a werewolf. AH Although, you might acquire some dog like quirks and have to be chained down during the full moon. AH
Stranger: b e t y o u d l o ve t h at - P
You: Love what? AH
Stranger: i t w as a c h ai n i n g m e d o wn j o k e - P
You: Oh. Back to bondage again, are we? AH
Stranger: c an i m a k e m y o wn b lo o d s a c r i f i c e s? - P
You: Yes and no. AH It depends on the demon. AH
Stranger: o k - P
Stranger: w h i c h d e m o n a re we d e a l i n gw i t h - P
You: Four of them. AH I'm looking through their portfolios. AH
Stranger: d e mo n po r t fol i o s ? P
You: Yes. AH I mean, the best way to think of this is like a business deal. AH I have to go through the information about them before I decide to actually reach out to them. AH
Stranger: y o u a re s o w e i r d - P
Stranger: i l o ve i t - P
You: [Delayed] I love you too. AH And I will love you even with a third eye or a desire to hump the upholstery. AH
Stranger: t h i r d e y e m i g h t g e t t r i c k y - P
Stranger: w he r e w o u l d i t be - P
You: I don't know. AH Which option have I listed do you like the most? AH
Stranger: b lo o d s a c r i fi c es s e e m s lo w k ey - PD
Stranger: w i l l be w i l l i ng to l o s e s om e mi no r p hy si c a l a bi l i . t i es . - P
Stranger: n o t s u re h o w i fe e l a b o u t w e r e w o l f b u t c o n c e p t u a l l y s u re - PD
You: I'm assuming no to curses then? AH
Stranger: i a m a m e n a b l e to cu r s e s - PD
Stranger: d e p en d in g o n t he c u r se t e r m s - P
You: Alright. I have to go out to get supplies and then we can get started. AH
Stranger: o k - P
You: Remember, you have final say in any deal. AH
Stranger: o k - P
Stranger: t r u s t y o u - P
You: You'll be back soon, okay? AH
Stranger: [delay] o k - P
You: I love you you Poe. AH
Stranger: l o ve y o u - P
You: [Two Hours Later] We have our first deal. AH Are you ready? AH
Stranger: h i t m e - P
You: The demon is willing to give you your body, but in return, you will not be able to taste or feel anything physically. AH Do we go with this deal or do we try another? AH
Stranger: [delay] t ha t s ou n ds - P
Stranger: l e s s t h an i d e al - P
Stranger: b ut if n o t h i n g e l s e p an s o ut d o k n o w i w i l l g i v e u p f e e l i ng s e x f o r y o u - P
You: [Delayed] That's certainly flattering... AH I will tell them no and move on. AH
Stranger: h a < 3 - P
You: [An Hour Later] I have another demon. AH The demon is willing to give you your body but you will have curse on you, and any child you have will bear it as well. AH
Stranger: [delay] w e l l i c a n t b e a r a c h i l d - P
Stranger: w h at s t h e cu r se - P
You: People will never believe your stories when you tell the truth. AH However, they will always believe your lies. AH
Stranger: u gh t ha t is so co m p l i c a t ed - P
You: [Long Delay] They're willing to change the curse. AH
Stranger: wh a t s th e n e w cu r se - P
You: Your will always feel restless and never be able to settle down. AH You're always going to have the desire to wander or leave. AH
Stranger: p a s s - P
You: Very well. AH I might be able to find another demon willing to do curses or we can move onto the werewolf demon? AH
Stranger: j u st do n t w a n t to l e a v e y o u t i g e - P
Stranger: y o u r e h o m e - P
Stranger: l e t s t r y a c u r se - P
You: It's okay, we'll figure it out. AH I won't make a deal unless you accept. AH I'll start the ritual for the next demon. AH
Stranger: t h a n k y ou - P
You: You can thank me when we get you a body. AH I'll let you know when we have another curse. AH
Stranger: o k - P
You: [Three Hours Later] I don't think you're going to like this one Poe. AH
Stranger: s h o o t - P
You: [Delayed] The demon is willing to give you a body as long as you never remember the people within your past life. AH There's more to it, but I didn't think you would accept it with this information alone. AH
Stranger: [delay] s o i w o u ld h a v e t o f o r g e t y o u a l l - P
You: Yes. Your father, anything about your mother or Rey. AH BB-8 or Millicent. AH You wouldn't remember any of this. AH
Stranger: o b v i ou s j o k e - P
Stranger: ne xt - P
Stranger: y ea s u r e - P
Stranger: n o f u c k in g w a y - P
You: We're going to run out of demons with curses soon, Poe. AH I also don't think you're going to want the Werewolf one either. AH That's essentially a curse in itself and its incredibly painful. AH
Stranger: [long delay] s o m a y b e i d o n t c o . m e b a ck?- P
You: [Delayed] Do you want to come back? AH
Stranger: [delay] y es - P
You: Are you sure? AH
Stranger: [long delay] i d o n t w a nt t o l ea ve y o u b e h i n d - P
Stranger: a n d i d o n t wa n t yo uc o m in g a f ter m e - P
You: But you don't actually want to come back. AH
Stranger: [delay] i t w o u l d n t b e th e s a m e w o u l d i t - P
You: [Long Delay] I've a few things I need to do and I have to clean up the rituals. AH I'll let you know when I'm done. AH
Stranger: t i ge - P
Stranger: t i ge pl e a s e - P
You: No. AH
Stranger: [delay] y ou r e a n g r y - P
You: It doesn't matter what I am. AH I have a few things I need to do and I have to clean up. AH
Stranger: t ig e - P
Stranger: d o n t - P
Stranger: pl e a s e do n t do a n y t hi ng s t u pi d - P
You: I promised you I wouldn't do anything stupid and I keep my promises, Poe. AH
Stranger: [delay] i d o n t ? - P
You: That's not what I meant. AH That's not-it doesn't matter. AH [Long Delay] I'm going to unbind you from the ring and let you go. AH
Stranger: [delay] i t m a t t er s - P
You: It doesn't matter. AH I was just being stupid. I should have known better. AH
Stranger: [long delay] m ak e t he d ea l - P
You: No. AH
Stranger: y es - {
Stranger: *P
You: I'm not making a deal. AH Not with anyone. AH
Stranger: the n i wi l l - P
You: Stop it. AH [Delayed] You don't want to come back Poe and I should have asked you that to begin with. AH I was being stupid and selfish. AH I'm sorry. AH
Stranger: s o . a m i - P
Stranger: si ck n e s s or i n h ea l t h -P
Stranger: t h at s wh a t i w a nt ed to p r o m i s e - P
Stranger: d i d n t g e t to y et - P
Stranger: i w a n t y ou t i g e - P
Stranger: yo u r e w o r t h c o m i n g b a c k f o r - P
You: Stop it. AH Just stop. AH [Long Delay] I'm going to go to bed. AH We can talk tomorrow. AH
You: I can't do this right now. AH
Stranger: [no reply]
You: [Long Delay] I'm going to release you tomorrow. AH I shouldn't have bound you to the ring and I should have asked you if you wanted to come back. AH I didn't think any of this through because... AH [Delayed] You were the best thing to have ever happened to me, Dameron. AH You were the kindest and happiest person I had ever met and I loved you so much that it destroyed me when you died. AH I thought I had finally found a piece of happiness I could truly hold onto and keep. AH And then you died and I couldn't breathe. AH
You: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for being so selfish and stupid. AH I didn't even think about what you wanted. AH
You: You're right, it won't be the same and I need to let you go. AH
Stranger: [long delay] i wi s h i c o u ld h o ld y o u - P
Stranger: i wis h i ha d y o u b a ck - P
Stranger: i m sor r y - P
Stranger: i m so r r y i l e t yo u d o w n - P
Stranger: i m s o rr y e v e r y t h in g t u r ne d s . o f u ck e d - P
Stranger: i m s o s or r y t i g e - P
You: It's okay, Poe. AH It's not your fault. It wasn't even as if you wanted to die. AH You didn't want this to happen and I'm an asshole for even putting you through any of this. AH I'm the one that fucked all of this up. Not you. AH None of this is your fault. AH
Stranger: i d i e d - P
Stranger: i l e f t - P
Stranger: myfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfault
You: It's not your fault, Poe. AH It's not your fault. You didn't leave me on purpose. AH You didn't choose to die. AH You didn't choose to come back either, I forced you back. AH
Stranger: [long delay] i lo v e y o u - P
Stranger: i w o ul d d o a n y thin g f o r y o u - P
Stranger: a n y t h in g t i ge - P
You: I love you too Poe. AH I love you so very much. AH I'm going to do the right thing now, alright? AH I'm going to let you go. AH
Stranger: t ig e - P
Stranger: [delay] . t i g e - P
You: I just need you to know that I love you with every piece of my heart. AH I will always love you and always miss you. AH You were the best thing that ever happened to me. AH
You: I'm going to let you go now Poe. AH
Stranger: p o e - P
Stranger: i l o v e y o u ti ge - P
Stranger: i lo v e yo u- P
Stranger: i lo v e y u o - P
You: I love you too. AH I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. AH [Delayed] Goodbye, Poe. AH
Stranger: t i g e - P
You: [Long Delay] We're supposed to be saying goodbye, Poe. AH That was supposed to be it. AH What more could we possibly talk about now? AH
Stranger: [long delay] i m g o n n a s . e e yo u a g a in - P
You: It'll be several long years before that happens, but yes. AH When I die, we'll be together again. AH So I just have to be patient. AH Promise me you'll wait for me, alright? AH
Stranger: i p r o m i se - P
Stranger: h a - P
Stranger: w on t a s . k y o u t h e a sam e - P
You: You wouldn't have to. AH I made the promise a long time ago. AH I'll let your dad know that you're sorry and that you love him. AH I'll take BB-8 on an extra walk for you. AH I'll take care of myself better, alright? AH
Stranger: t h a nk you - P
Stranger: i lo v e y o u - P
Stranger: [delay] i l . o . v e y ou - P
You: I love you too. I truly do love you. AH
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The FCC sided with Comcast and decided to let ISPs censor the internet. The Internet needs to stop this from happening: http://cms.fightforthefuture.org/tellfcc/
Last Wednesday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal for new rules that would allow for a “ fast lane” of Internet traffic for content providers who are willing (and able) to pay a fee. [1] The proposal reverses the FCC’s previous commitment to net neutrality and open internet and allows ISP’s like Comcast or Verizon to slow down and censor services that don’t pay the toll.
We have to be totally honest, this situation is seriously grim. But there is still hope. The FCC already knows that the Internet community wants net neutrality, but they think they can put their spin on these new rules and sneak them through. If we can prove them wrong right now with a massive public outcry, we can literally save the Internet once again.
We need to stop the FCC now. Big business groups are already ramping up lobbying efforts with the FCC in swarms since Wednesday’s announcement in support of censoring the open Internet and to ensure this dangerous proposal moves forward. [2]
This is a critical moment. In the last few weeks more than 65,000 people have taken action with us. Can you help us get to 80,000 by the end of the day today?
[1] Gautham Nagesh. “FCC to Propose New ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules”. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304518704579519963416350296
[2] Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt. “Lobbying Efforts Intensify After F.C.C. Tries 3rd Time on Net Neutrality” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/business/lobbying-efforts-intensify-after-fcc-tries-3rd-time-on-net-neutrality.html?hpw&rref=politics
- Fight For The Future
276K notes
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This was absolutely perfect and long and I certainly stayed up way too late. However, it was worth it! Thanks for taking my prompt stranger!
You: The medics informed me that you left before they could properly discharge you. AH How are you feeling? AH
Stranger: They did not need to keep me longer than necessary. They're paranoid. KR
Stranger: I'm fine. Tired. KR
You: Are you in pain at all? AH
Stranger: No. KR
You: And your wounds are all accounted for? AH
Stranger: Yes. Stop worrying, Hux. I'm fine. KR
You: [Delayed] Yes, well... They seemed very concerned when you left. AH I merely wanted to ensure you weren't bleeding out. AH
Stranger: Concerned, why? KR
You: [Long Delay] it hardly matters so long as you are truly fine. AH
Stranger: I am. KR
You: Good. Then I will ensure they were aware. AH
Stranger: Noted. Anything else? KR
You: [Delayed] How was your mission? AH
Stranger: It went well. Disposed of the traitors. KR
You: Of course. Will you be sending in a report? AH
Stranger: Is it necessary? KR
You: You're supposed to send a report for every mission, Ren. AH
Stranger: Am I? KR
You: Yes, you are. AH
Stranger: Tedious. KR
You: It isn't meant to be enjoyable, Ren. AH
Stranger: You know I rarely bother, Hux. KR
You: Yes, I do know and it's rather maddening. AH I have to hunt down the troopers you are within in order to adequately fill out a report for you. AH
Stranger: Why waste your time? KR
You: Because I need the reports for my meetings, Ren. AH I need the documentation in order to support our budgeting and our programs. AH It may seem as though it is a waste of time, but if I want to ensure our budget remains funded, then I have to prove that. AH
Stranger: You send me out to kill people, Hux. I don't see what that has to do with your funding. KR
You: How much do you think it costs to run a ship, Ren? AH To ensure the troopers are well fed, that we have the weapons we need and the resources we have? AH A mission costs money. To justify the money for a mission, I have to prove that it was beneficial. I can't do that without reports. AH
Stranger: Tsk. KR
You: [Delayed] I don't know why I bothered trying to explain. AH Let me know if you need anything, Ren. AH
Stranger: I will be training. KR
You: Are you sure that is wise right now? AH
Stranger: I'm fine. KR
You: I don't believe you. AH
Stranger: Why? KR
You: Because your perception of 'fine' is horribly skewed. AH
Stranger: Skewed? Its not skewed. I'm not bleeding out, so I'm fine. KR
You: Just because you're not bleeding out doesn't mean it isn't bad or that your body is ready, Ren. AH
Stranger: A couple of breaks is nothing. I can deal with it. KR
You: [Delayed] A couple of breaks? AH I'm coming to see you now. AH
Stranger: Going to insist I return to medical? KR
You: Depending on your injuries, yes. AH
Stranger: [..] I've dealt with worse. Its nothing to worry about. I don't need to go back there. KR
You: I don't believe you. AH
Stranger: You worry too much. KR
You: Perhaps, but it is all valid. AH Are you in your quarters? AH
Stranger: Yes. KR
You: Perfect. I'm on my way. AH Don't even think about leaving or training, Ren. AH
Stranger: Fine. KR
You: Thank you. AH I will be there shortly. AH
Stranger: Very well. KR
You: This was absolutely ridiculous and Hux couldn't stop himself from caring entirely too much about it. The idea that Ren might actually contemplate training whilst injured was wholly beyond him. Was there a particular reason as to why the man couldn't just let his body rest or at least let the medics finish clearing him for battle? No. The Knight was just being idiotic and stubborn. Thinking of the situation alone was causing the General far too much stress. Hux was just barely resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose or rub at his temples. Instead, the man drew in a sharp breath as if it might aid him in warding off the headache that was surely building. Not that it would matter in the next moment. Without bother to alert the man, the redhead used his override code to gain access and stepped into the Knight's quarters already prepared for a verbal battle. "The sooner you let me see your injuries, the sooner I will be out of your hair." Hux started before Ren could even think of saying anything. "So long as your injuries aren't severe of course... Now then, let me see them." The General finished, glancing towards the brunet expectantly.
Stranger: Glowering flatly at the man that had come into his sights, non too pleased about being bothered about /minor/ (his version) wounds, Ren groused, " You need to find something better to do. " Naturally though, after a mission he is drained, tired and unwilling to put up too much of a physical ( or verbal ) fight, which explained why he caved so easily. Normally, he'd find a way to get out of the situation in order to avoid being needlessly pestered over something so trivial. Shrugging off his cowl, cloak and the heavy layers of his robes, he thought nothing of it. Once he gets a look at the injuries, he'll go away. Right? Right. Hopefully. Bone breaks are nothing serious to him, as the Force can do wonders for such injuries. It can numb them to the point where he can even walk on a broken leg and not be aware of it until hours, even a few /days/ later. Of course, this is also why he believes them to be /minor/. Any other person would be doubled over, wailing from the agony.
You: "Perhaps. However, I'm off rotation currently and have the free time to do whatever I choose." Hux countered immediately, his gaze sharp and severe as he observed every minuscule movement or twitch from the Knight. The General wanted to ensure that he missed nothing in the exam; no finer details or meager scratches would go unnoticed. And to top it all of, he could already see how tired the other man was. That alone had the redhead stepping closer with the intent to hover until he had a full list of Ren's ailments or wounds. "Which bones are broken, Ren?" The man inquired, letting his fingers curl into his palms to form tight fists as the desire to touch overwhelmed him. He wanted to smooth his fingers over the Knight's tired muscles, perhaps even ease away any aches or pains that settled deep into his bones. He was already doing too much, already far too involved, yet he couldn't stop himself from pressing even more. "Have you even had anything to eat? Any water?"
Stranger: " Two lowest ribs on the right. " Begrudgingly giving that up, Ren rolled his shoulders back a few times and then stepped away, albeit awkwardly as he had also acquired a limp whilst out on that mission. He promptly sat himself down on the edge of his bed, careful to not aggravate the still healing wounds, the majority surface lacerations which were already treated. As much as they could be, anyway, before he snapped at a droid or medic that prodded at him too much. He despised medical environments and anything to do with them. Didn't really help his cause, he knew, but that's the way it is and its unlikely to change. " I ate before I returned. " Sometimes, he learns to predict certain things. Medics are more probable to leave him be if he has eaten and he will do what it takes to get them off his back.
You: As soon as Ren told him about his ribs, Hux felt the panic settle into his chest. "You're telling me that you're just walking around with two broken ribs and no proper care for them?" He inquired with full rhetoric as he followed the man. The limp did not go unseen by the man and he made it very obvious. "What's wrong with your leg, Ren?" The redhead bit out, his gaze traveling over the man's skin to survey the lacerations and gashes. How could the man possibly be alive now? How had he not succumbed to infections? How was it possible that the brunet had not lost any serious functionality? Finally giving into the headache beginning to pound at the back of his skull, Hux pinched the bridge of his nose and forced himself to breathe. "What else is there? We have your ribs, and your leg... What else is there?" He asked as he sat down right beside the brunet, his thumb and forefinger rubbing along his nose.
Stranger: In truth, given his promise to leave the man's mind alone, even his surface thoughts, he has no idea what has brought this on. This is more than usual. Far more. Normally, if he were to escape medical or just leave prior to proper discharge ( most of the time ), Hux warns him and that's that. Unless he's trailing blood around, then there's an exception to be made. Nonetheless, he's again reluctant though he willingly answers, " That's it, Hux. There's nothing else. " Pause. Its obvious to him, now, that its very apparent how much this situation has affected the General. A headache? Definitely. Judging by his responses and the constant attention to his nose - or well, the bridge of it. Its a clear indicator. So why is he here despite having his own afflictions?
You: Wonderful. Just the ribs and the leg. "How is your breathing, Ren?" Hux pressed, dropping his hand in order to fully look at the Knight. He knew he was being obvious, he knew there wasn't any going back from this. He'd already displayed too much of his hand and now he wouldn't be able to hide all of his cards again. He'd do the very same next time and the time after that. He'd second guess the brunet's words and all because some medic had felt the need to prod the General for attention. He wasn't good at any of this and he only had basic training, but they had mistakenly assumed he could fix whatever ailment the man had come down with. It was better that he saw to the Knight than just simply leaving him alone and Hux had fallen for it because he actually cared. Biting down on the inside of his cheek until he could taste blood, the redhead forced himself to stand, smoothing out his uniform. "I'm going to have a droid bring you more bacta bandages and some pain medication. I won't pressure you to return to the medical bay, but I want you to let him see your ribs. Just in case they need binding."
Stranger: Ren just regards him in a tired manner, the lack of bite and snark terribly evident. " Fine. " Why is he so compliant? He wished he knew, but, well, he doesn't. It made no sense to him as to why he even went as far as to /agree/. Granted, yes when he's tired, he's easier to work with.. Shaking his head rapidly to get rid of those thoughts before they could really go anywhere, Ren resisted the urge to get up and make himself scarce. At least if he did that, he'd be left alone. Medics know damn well to stay away from the destroyer's training rooms, primarily because they'll get caught up in whatever he's doing and after one or two incidents, they learned. Droids, on the other hand, are just infuriating little machines. They'll go away if he tells them to or threatens them in some manner.
You: "Perfect. Then you won't mind my waiting until the droid arrives either," came the swift remark as the man called for the droid. "I'd rather not leave it unattended... I know how you are when you become frustrated with them." Hux murmured, his gaze softening just slightly as he searched the Knight's face. He immediately looked away, trying to act all the world as if this were normal-as if he would do this for any higher ranking officer. He knew better and it wouldn't be surprising to the man if Ren did as well. As soon as the droid finished, the General would leave with it and act as if nothing happened until the next time the medics came to whisper into his ear. He could avoid this desire, could avoid wanting to brush Ren's hair from his face and gentle scold him in between kisses. He bit down on the inside of his cheek in order to distract himself from the wish. He didn't stop even when he could taste the blood.
Stranger: ..and that idea is promptly voided. Exhaling on a sigh, Ren leaned forward to rest both arms on his knees, immediately regretting it. The pain was already starting to tear through his barriers and he could only keep them there for so long before it exhausted him. That particular mission, while successful, had nearly done him in- just one more reason for him to avoid tapping out a report- and he's really just barely staying stitched together. Lovely. Rubbing at one side of his face, he refrains from muttering something along the lines of 'they have it coming'. If given a choice, he'd avoid them altogether. He supposes technically he does, but Snoke would be on his back for causing the General problems, seeing as things are going so smoothly.
You: Hux's gaze shifted to the man once he leaned forward and felt his resolve slowly crumbling. He tightened his grip within his fists and moved them behind his back in order to keep himself from reaching out. He desperately wanted to smooth his hands over the Knight's face, to lay the man down and urge him to rest with gentle touches. It was pathetic but he wanted so horribly to do everything he possibly could not. Hux looked away before the sight of the Knight further encouraged his impulses. He stood in silence instead, his thoughts so very loud and caustic as he warred with himself until the supplies came. It had to have been five, perhaps seven minutes at most, but it was certainly far too long. Hux watched as the droid made its way over to the Knight, the redhead's sharp gaze following it as it beeped and whirred loudly. "Let it do what it needs to do and you'll be free to relax, Ren." The General murmured, gesturing for the bot to begin.
Stranger: Again, Ren glowers and remains still, only moving where absolutely need be. Fortunately, the only real sign of pain is in the furrow of his brow and the way he does shift whenever prompted by the infuriating little machine. Damned thing. Indeed, its getting to him and he hates that its happening when he's not alone. At least if he's alone, he doesn't have to answer questions or deal with being stared at like a hawk. Eventually, he does swat at one of the extended metal arms, hissing through his teeth when it prods too much. There's no real malice in the gesture, its just a move to get it away. Had he more strength, he'd try to relayer the barriers to subdue his aches and pains. Nothing seems to be in his favor and it just makes it worse.
You: Once the hiss has sounded, Hux knows it's over and he can't contain himself. "I knew it was worse than you made it seem. Two broken ribs and you're 'fine?' Hardly. Look at you, you're barely containing yourself." The man started, fully ignoring the hypocrisy within his statement. "Give him pain medication," Hux ordered, stepping closer to the Knight in order to observe the man's expression. After a moment of inspection, he reached out to cradle the Knight's jaw within his fingers, tilting the man's face up to look at him. "How bad is it, Ren? You're obviously not fine and, if you fight it, you'll only make it worse for yourself. I'd really rather we not argue while you're in pain and tired." He'd rather not argue at all. He'd prefer smoothing the man's hair away from his face in order to kiss his cheek and promise that it won't hurt for much longer.
Stranger: Observing him wearily with glazed over eyes, nowhere near as sharp as they ought to be, Ren doesn't move away, nor does he try to encourage the touch. This is, in all actuality, a situation he doesn't know how to handle. Its different from how brutal Snoke is when it comes to training or reprimands, very different and the notion, however small it is, is terrifying. He barely notices the thin needle being nipped into his side whilst he's distracted, the droid obviously doing its best to not wind up as a pile of rubbish. Pity the poor thing. Finally, he finds the words, " I did not allow them to run a full examination. " The last thing he wants to confess because it means he may be lectured for the next hour and a half. " Worse.. than usual. I acquired these injuries .. " Full stop. Hesitant and justifiably so. What's minor and trivial in his head, is probably severe for an average person, especially if they are not trained to endure the conditions that he does.
You: Now that he was touching the man, Hux couldn't stop. He gentled his grip on the Knight's jaw and stepped forward so he use his other hands to tuck the errant strands away from Ren's face with delicate swipes. His fingers were just barely grazing against the man's skin, the faint feeling ghostly in comparison. "Why must you do this to yourself..?" He murmured softly, his sharp expression melting into something more intimate and soft. It was clear that his resolve was broken and his composure had been abandoned in kind. He knew he was overstepping and he knew that Ren could use the Force against him with full justification. He knew and yet he continued to cross the line. Hux gave the droid a dismissive glance, his gaze become transfixed on the Knight just seconds after. A sigh escaped the General once he knew they were alone, his hands slowly retracting from where they had been pressed into the man's skin. "If it's the medics, then at least allow the droids to oversee your injuries and care... You can't keep doing this to yourself." Hux whispered, his words laced with genuine concern.
Stranger: He's bewildered by all of it and there's confusion in his expression, the pain slowly beginning to melt away. It'll be a while before its gone completely, it always lasts longer when he prolongs avoidance of treatment. For once, nothing makes sense. None of it. Hux is continually baffling him and its borderline frustrating, yet, he can't be bothered to internally complain about it. Carefully curling an arm protectively around his midsection, he's silent for a long few moments and then, " Snoke told me it does not matter.. " That's what started it all and as it progressed, he eventually adopted the same mindset, learning to /stop/ caring about what damage has been done to his body. Whether self inflicted or caught while out on a mission or some other sort of excursion. " The pain.. I'm supposed to deal with it. " He shouldn't be admitting anything, confessing anything and here he is. Perhaps though.. its more of an admission to /himself/. " He insists that I leave injuries as they are.. that it does not matter. "
You: There was no warning for the man's reaction. Ren started speaking and Hux... Hux simply couldn't handle it. To think that the Supreme Leader had manipulated the Knight into thinking the pain was acceptable had him utterly enraged. He should have expected it. Their leader was nothing more than a vile piteous leech, but here he was; startled and displeased all over again. "That's nonsense and you know it, Ren." Hux said with full anger on display. "You don't deserve this, and you should never feel as though you simply have to put up with it. How could that possibly be right?" The General continued, the rage within him expanding until all he could think about was killing Snoke in the most tortuous way plausible. "There is a difference between powering through the pain and blatantly ignoring it, but there is nothing wrong with taking care of your injuries or seeking aid to manage the pain. I don't care what Snoke has told you and I don't care that you think he's right." Hux bit the words out, a fierceness within both his expression and tone. "He is wrong. Promise me that you'll take care of the pain and your injuries going forward. You don't have to go see the medics for medication, or even a droid-I'll bring the medicine to you if I have to. Promise me that you'll stop ignoring your body."
Stranger: Even now, that's the last thing Ren expects to hear and he expels a long-suffering breath. Its odd, how he's the calm one and Hux is the opposite like they've switched places on a mental level. Normally, one would expect him to argue, to contest that Snoke is right and he could never possibly be /wrong/. There's no argument, no reasonable one. All of his replies are going to end up baseless, anyway and whether he's tired or not, he knows who's correct. Hux. At this point, he tries to stand and does so successfully. Unwisely. He favors his left leg over his right, leaning more to that side whilst his arm remains firmly in place. " Hux.. " Realistically, there's no debating it. They both know who's right in this whole mess and-- kriffing hell. " .. you have my word. " If there is one thing he will not do, its going back on what he says he'll honour. If he says he's going to do something, or if he agrees to something, he sticks with it- or at least he'll try.
You: Hux has every intention of admonishing the Knight for standing whilst injured until the man speaks. The anger slowly dissipates until it is just them standing in silence with a pact settled between them. He's going to kill Snoke the moment he is able to but he says none of this aloud. Hux steps forward instead, his hands moving out to to cradle Ren's bicep with one and his face with the other. "I don't know what to do with myself when you look like this... What are you doing standing up, Ren?" He all but hummed, his thumb stroking over the other man's cheek gently before sliding down to rest against his bicep. "Lay down... You've been through enough today. We'll pick this up tomorrow when you its time to administer the medication again. I've already kept you for too long as it is." Hux urged the Knight, his hand smoothing over the man's skin only to pull away shortly after. "Lay down, Ren."
Stranger: Its taking him a while to understand what's going on and he numbly agrees, stepping back slump down on the bed again, hissing all the while. Pain medication or not, there's no such thing as a cure all and he's nowhere near strong enough to relayer those barriers as they were. There's no telling what Snoke will do if he finds out about this. It'll be more than just a small lecture and slap on the wrist, he knows for sure. In more than one way, he's defying orders and the thought makes him wince visibly. Truly, the ancient being is a horrifying thing to behold and has done well to take advantage of him, his strengths, his weaknesses. He took away the one thing that meant anything to him, Han Solo and in turn, destroyed the concept of family. There's no telling when he'll be ordered to turn on Hux. More than once, its been implied that.. this arrangement will not last forever and certainly, it'll expire before the war is over. Its not something he wants, but he's in no position to argue with his master on the matter or contest that it'll make things worse if he is taken out of the equation. Plus.. Hm. He's gotten attached. Not that he'll ever admit it aloud. May the maker save his soul if he does.
You: With Kylo sitting, there is only so much left for Hux to do before he truly needs to leave. He won't have an excuse to stay any longer with Knight settled in for sleep. Not any reason he can truly justify at least. "Get beneath the covers, Ren. As soon as you settle in and are able to sleep, you won't have to deal with the pain." Hux added gently as he placed his hands gingerly against the brunet's shoulders in order to usher him into a more comfortable position. He made it obvious that the man could take his time with delicate presses and faint whispers of encouragement. By the time Ren is fully laying, Hux knows that it's time for him to leave. There's far too much he needs to get done and not enough time. The Supreme Leader will find out about his treacherous thoughts soon and he needs a plan that will ensure both his and Ren's survival. He knows where Snoke is lying in wait, an error on the Supreme Leader's end, but he also knows that his usefulness will wear off. Soon Snoke will cast him aside as though he's a pawn without a purpose. Drawing in a calming breath, Hux looks back at Ren one last time before beginning to make his way out of the room.
Stranger: " Guard your thoughts.. " Is all he mutters in the silence that follows, as he once again looks over at him. He's lucid, just barely, but lucid all the same. Ren knows he cannot necessarily protect him against Snoke, or his mind for that matter. All he can do for now is warn him and do his best to ensure that the being is kept at more than arms' length. On the other hand, he knows he'll be summoned in the near future, whether Hux likes it or not. His physical state does not dictate when he's called for and why. Then, eventually, he succumbs to the exhaustion that had continually lingered near the edges of his consciousness. This is good. Sleep is good. Its been too long since he last got any and its about time he at least experienced some.
You: There was no pause or hesitation as Hux left the room. He didn't look back at the Knight nor did he give one last parting reply. The General simply left and made his way to his own quarters. As soon as he was locked away, the redhead removed the Corellian brandy hidden within his drawers and took a sip directly from the bottle. He sat himself down on the bed and leaned forward to rest his elbows against his knees as the full weight of the situation settled heavily over his shoulders. What was he going to do now? Standing at attention on the bridge hours later, Hux kept the forefront of his mind focused on schematics and plans for a new weapon forming. Really, beyond the surface of numbers and lists, the General was piling his resources together. He had two options; he either took Snoke down by using the First Order or he abandoned the Order and gave himself to the Resistance. His men were loyal, that he knew, but were they going to be willing to go against the Supreme Leader? Hux resisted the urge to sigh and checked the time, determining that it would be best to see if the Knight was fully functioning or at least just waking. Shall I send a droid to administer the medication or would you prefer I do that instead? AH
Stranger: He had already long been awake, though he kept mostly to himself and avoided others if at all possible. Habit. Always an early riser unless practically on his death bed. Glancing down to the datapad he carried on his person, he frowned at it and hesitated to send off a response. Predictably, he doesn't answer it and instead, his attention is focused on other things. Usually when he feels or senses something, its bound to happen. The night prior, he had that uncanny notion that Snoke would soon call for him; he just didn't realize /how/ soon. Less than twenty four hours soon. Barely a cycle had passed. The only thing he's gotten out of the entire situation is that he has to do something about the ancient being. Hux's .. sort of lecture, whatever it really was, had struck an uncomfortable chord and his morning summoning only served to confirm how right the General is. How.. morbid.
You: There shouldn't have been any expectation for a reply from Ren. Really, Hux should have known better than to reach out to the man after such a tumultuous conversation. That still didn't stop the first prickling of worry from creeping up his spine and into his heart. Instead of dwelling on it, the General attempted to focus his sights elsewhere. Such as the meeting that would arise in just an hour when he met with his officers to go over their complaints and inquiries. He'd gone through their reports, he'd weighed his options, and he was certainly prepared for it. Should he delegate the meeting over to Mitaka or Phasma? Would it be best if he were there personally? Was Ren truly alright? Was it possible that the man was still sleeping? Would it be too much if he went to go see the Knight now? The thoughts slipped through with ease and Hux found himself antsy when he couldn't confirm any answers. The concern outweighed the mundane and, before he knew it, the redhead was typing out another message. I'll send a droid in the next fifteen minutes, Ren. AH A less potent dose than what you were given last night. Do try to keep your training to a minimum. AH
Stranger: Still, no reply. Nothing. By that point, the datapad he carried isn't even with him behind closed doors. Its left in shattered pieces in the atrium where they often met with Snoke, no matter what the reason for it is. As for Ren himself, he had confined himself to one part of the destroyer for a good long while as he recuperated from the encounter. Having his mind torn through is hardly pleasant and it always leaves him nearly incapacitated as he tries to overcome the aftermath. There's one lingering thought. He knows he has to do something and it isn't what their master wants. When he finally feels he has enough control over his bodily responses to the damage done, he slinks out of his temporary hideaway, sidestepping the droid that initially had been sent to his quarters. He's going to do his best, for now, to maintain a neutral facade and skulk about the bridge as he regularly does at different intervals. Later, he'll see about intercepting the General.. Something must be done.
You: With no response to his message and an obvious avoidance to the droid, it wasn't hard for Hux to come to the worst conclusion. His meeting with his officers is spent distracted, his meal towards lunch has gone untouched, and there's a certain air of anxiety that seems to have latched onto the man as he tries to work. It isn't until he's nearing the end of his shift that he's worked out a plan and decided to confront the Knight about his physical state that the General finds himself more centered. His men believe he's concerned and stressed over their new project-a worry he is not willing to disprove. He chooses to leave the bridge early with a warning that he will be in his office should they need anything but Hux walks directly by it until he finds himself standing before Ren's chambers. He uses the override code once more and walks in with no warning. There is a brief thought that he's letting his concerns overstep some sort of boundary but its ignored with each step he takes further into the man's rooms.
Stranger: He's there and he's not quite all together as he should be. His encounter with Snoke that morning was the final straw and as much as he tried to play it off during the rest of the day, those attempts were futile. He had left the lights off further in and when he heard the hissing of blast doors sliding open, then shutting, he knew who entered. There's only one person on this destroyer who is authorized besides himself. No one else has an override code. With the blankets drawn up around his shoulders, eyes wide and glazed over, Ren seems to be almost withdrawn. Whatever exactly happened.. Its unlikely that he'll say. Doesn't matter, though. What /does/ matter is what he intends on proposing. If for Hux's sake, rather than his own. Should it be rejected, then there's little he can do and he'll have to take it as it comes.
You: The sight that greets him is not one he'd ever wish to see. The way Ren is sitting has Hux on edge and moving across the floor towards the other as quickly as he can. He doesn't speak, doesn't ask, but merely reaches out to touch the man with hesitant gestures. He's half standing and half kneeling on the bed in order to reach the man, one of his hands cradling the Knight's face in order to spur a reaction. An expression or emotion-anything to give him a glimmer of the man he knows. The silence is too much for him then and Hux knows, he knows that there isn't going back now. He can feel it within the depths of his heart that this is the end for Snoke. He's overstepped and the redhead is going to make sure he's fully aware of it. "Ren," Hux attempts in a shallow breath. "Ren, are you alright?" Comes the first question, one of his hands smoothing over the man's cheek before using his thumb to delicately rub against the skin. "Did he do this to you?" Is the second question and one that needs no answer. Hux is going to kill Snoke. He's going to drain the life from the man with his own hands.
Stranger: Releasing a shaky, unsteady breath, Ren doesn't fully realize what he's doing next as he grabs onto the man, his grip just as weak as he feels. He's not attempting to push him away or place some distance between them, rather, he's doing his damnnest to pull him closer. There's an underlying fear he'd failed to fully acknowledge earlier on and as it snuck its way to the surface, so did many other things. " He'll kill you. He'll kill you, Hux. I can't. " The words are rushed, flighty and nearly slurred together, syllables meshing as he got them out. " I can't let him. " How funny, it took him sustaining a few broken bones, defying medical and a late night visit from him for /him/ to realize that its time to stop running away. Running from it is just going to get them both killed. Any man with a brain in his situation would know. No one needs the Force to be aware of this fact.
You: As soon as he's grabbed, Hux wonders if this is his end. If this was the last strand and it's finally snapped. He expects to feel pain, to feel his breathing stutter and cease as he's choked with the same Force Kylo has used on his men. He does not anticipate warmth as Ren bring him in close and clutches him so tightly that the redhead knows there will be some bruising from where the Knight's fingers burned into his skin. Now realizing that the brunet is doing nothing more than clinging to him, the redhead shifts so that he can press himself into the other man and hold him back just as firmly. He's relieved to find that the man isn't fully catatonic and is able to speak, even if it is slurred and panicked. He's also relieved to find that he means something to the other man. He may not be entirely sure as to just what it is he means to the other but this... This is enough for him. "He won't, Ren. I promise... He won't. We're going to take care of him. I'm not going to let him hurt you ever again, Ren." Hux started calmly as one of his hands snaked its way up to the back of the man's head in order to more effectively hold him close. He's trying to be careful with the man's injuries but he knows that his hold is just a touch too firm and desperate to ensure he's inflicting no pain. He knows but he's not willing to let go just yet. "We know where he is, and we can take him down, Ren... My men are very loyal to me-I know the First Order will stand with us... I also know that the Resistance will as well if we believe we need that extra power."
Stranger: There's some relief in the way his sore muscles shift, gradually relaxing. Oddly, Hux is like an anchor for his mind and the full contact helps further soothe his frantic, frenzied thoughts. Its good. He's fine. Snoke will not get to him. It'll be over his dead body. That's a promise he knows he can and will keep if worst comes to worst. Listening in silence, he mutters lowly after several minutes of giving nothing in reply. " .. I'll do it. I.. I know how to get to him. " But. There is always a 'but' involved. " ..but, the chance of me coming back is slim. " Slim, yes. Absolute? No. There's that tiny window between the two. He may very well have a chance and escape with his life intact. Afterall, he knows Snoke's tricks and he knows what makes him /tick/. No one knows the ancient being like he does, no one else has been in such close proximity. After many visits to his citadel for 'one on one' training sessions that lasted for weeks at a time, he learned what he didn't know would be so crucial later on. Rather, maybe he refused to, for the /fear/ of being listened in on.
You: There's a brief moment of tension as soon as Ren begins to speak. Hux's muscles strain with the effort to not let go and reject the idea outright. He doesn't want to take the chance. He's not willing to let the Knight go alone. He's not willing to let Ren get so close. Not when he finally has him within his grasp-the Knight can't possibly ask him to let go of him now-it wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be fair. So he clutches onto the brunet and allows him the moment to express his thoughts before he speaks. It's only when he's certain that the brunet is awaiting a response that he does truly reply. "No." The simple word escapes him so firmly that it brokers no chance for an argument. It's a finality. An end to a suggestion that could barely form. "I'm not letting you get close to him. I'm not going to let him touch you." Hux explains next in a voice that is sharp and unrelenting. "I don't care how you have the best chance. I'm not willing to risk it. I'm not willing to lose you."
Stranger: No? One syllable. One word. It lingers there and while Ren waits, then there's the rest. Closing his eyes for what seems like an eternity, he's at a loss of what to say. The grip on him is solid and firm, reminding him that this is not a situation he has to deal with on his own. For that, he's strangely grateful. " Then..? " Then what are they supposed to do? What is /he/ supposed to do? There's no clear direction if indeed he's forbidden from confronting the being himself. Tilting his head with what little room there is still present, he allows it to rest on his shoulder, doing his best to get his thoughts together. For a good portion of the evening, he spent who knows how long sitting here, a complete mess. He hated how weak it made him, how disgustingly vulnerable. Yet, Hux didn't appear as though he had a problem with it, whereas Snoke always reprimanded him for displaying his emotions so openly.
You: He doesn't have an answer and it's obvious. There isn't a rebuttal he can come up with, a secondary explanation, or a theory. He hadn't gotten so far just yet. Hux knows that he can use Ren's knowledge of Snoke to get close, but then what? He can't kill the man himself and he couldn't send anyone in to do it for him. He has no weapon strong enough to destroy the Supreme Leader in one go either; Starkiller is gone and has been for several months now. So what is left for them? What can he say to the brunet to assure him that they can do this? Falling quiet, Hux merely turns his head so he can press his face into the brunet's hair and sighs instead. It's almost defeated. Almost. He truly does not want the man to get close. He doesn't want there to be any risk that Ren might not come back. He can't bear the thought of it. "I'll figure something out, Ren... I'll come up with a plan." He murmurs as he loosens his grasp and presses a tender promise of a kiss into the Knight's temple. "I just got you... I'm not willing to let you go so easily."
Stranger: Still, weirdly enough, he accepts the explanation quietly. Without argument. Unfortunately, he cannot promise he won't find a way to face Snoke and end this stupid charade. He can't promise he won't leave one of these days without warning. Its the kind of man he is and he'd be a liar if he were to reassure him he wouldn't go out there. When he has his mind set on something, it can't necessarily be changed. He's a stubborn, stubborn person. All so much like his mother. That is one quality they share and perhaps its gotten them both into more trouble than what they bargained for. Smoothing one broad hand down his back, then curling his fingers into the fabric of his outer layers, he mumbles, " It'll be fine. " One way or another, it'll be fine. He hopes. There's no promise there, either, just hope that he's barely got a handle on.
You: With the hand against his back, Hux finds himself finally able to relax. He moves so he's not resting fully against the Knight's body and shifts the placement of his arms and hands so as not to disturb Ren's ribs. It's awkward at first and they certainly weren't in the best positioning to begin with, but the redhead doesn't necessarily mind. They've already gone through the worst of it for now and it's about time he focuses on something else. Such as the brunet's current status. Pulling away slightly, Hux faced the other man, his gaze flitting across the brunet's face to take in his reaction as he began to speak once more. "How are your ribs and leg? I was told that the droid wasn't able to to give you your medication." The redhead commented, moving one of his hands up to tuck the man's hair away from his face. "Have you eaten at all yet either, Kylo? Perhaps I should have something ordered for you..."
Stranger: " I.. had been summoned. " Its the truth and afterwards, he had simply hidden away whilst he recovered, knowing that if the droid crossed paths with him right after, he'd have to explain himself in that state. Certainly, it would've not gone over well for anyone involved. Leaning into the gentle touch, something he found he liked despite being unaccustomed to it after all these years, he shakes his head. " Not since .. " Actually. That's a good question. When had he last eaten? Not today or yesterday. The day prior to his return? Even that requires too much effort and rifling through his own mind to pull up the memory, so he simply concludes, " ..its been a while. "
You: Frowning at the answer but not willing to press, Hux kept his touch gentle as he played with the Knight's hair. Clearly Ren enjoyed it and there wasn't any reason to stop when he was pleased with it himself. "I'll have them bring something for us to eat as well as medication for the pain." The redhead hummed, already shifting in order to call for a droid to bring them a meal and something to eat. It wouldn't take very long to get it, just enough time for him to keep lavishing the brunet with attention. "Relax for now, Kylo. We'll focus on everything else after you've rested." Hux suggested, moving so he could lean in closer in order to bridge whatever gap was between them. With gentle fingers, he tilted the brunet's face forward and pressed a chaste kiss against Ren's cheek, his lips just barely pressing into the flesh. "I'll take care of you." He finalized, leaning back just to return to smoothing his hand over the brunet's face once more. His fingers combing through the Knight's hair to keep brushing it back and away from his face.
Stranger: Whatever effect Hux has on him, its calming. Extremely so. Initially, when he first arrived, he had been anything other than calm; the furthest thing from it. If he had the ability to purr like a large, oversized domesticated cat, he probably would've. The fingers in his hair are soothing and he leans into them, starting to reach that stage he only does when within the deep depths of meditation. Its like sedation, in a way, except he's aware of what's happening and fully responsive. He's more affected on an emotional and mental level than he is physically. " .. I trust you. " One of the most promising things he can say to anyone and Snoke is the only other individual whom he's said them to in present time, his past unaccounted for. On the other hand, they're only valid for Hux, seeing as the ancient being destroyed that bridge by threatening the General's life and.. that amongst other things, such as Han's death.
You: The words give Hux the briefest of pauses. His fingers hovering within the Knight's hair as they statement settles in. It's only a second, perhaps even less, but it means far too much to him. A lump forms within his throat and the redhead can't help but take and take from the brunet. His hands are guiding the man's face up and soon he's kissing the other man. His lips wholly certain and so gentle against Ren's as he kisses him. He can't breathe through the amount of warmth and adoration that's flooding his chest. It's too much all at once and he's so horribly overwhelmed that he can't even speak-can't even think about anything other than showing the other man just how important he truly is. There's nothing beyond the feeling of their lips together and Hux has truly solidified his fate with Ren. He knows that he can't let the brunet go ever again; it would destroy him to lose what he has right now in this moment.
Stranger: Its certainly telling. Ren yields to him as he never has to anyone else in the far reaches of this treacherous galaxy and its of his own conscious choice. He's completely willing and in no way reluctant, hesitant or otherwise disjointed. More than responsive beyond words and simple gestures, he kisses him back with everything he has in him. His fingers tighten their grip in the fabric they've snagged and a fleeting thought passes through his mind about him wrinkling a perfectly good uniform. He can snort at it later. That aside, he now understands that its not some mere thread of attachment he's formed to the man. Attachment doesn't make a person do this. There's more to it and he suspects he knows exactly what it is. The Force is.. helpful in other aspects of life, too, not just when it comes to meditation or fighting. It can better aid in analyzing what type of emotion he's experiencing, who they're directed at and /why/.
You: Hux is crumbling as each beat passes. His walls, his insecurities, his very being is crumpling and breaking down until there is nothing be here and now. He had never expected to become so attached to the man holding him now. He'd originally loathed every last piece of him, but then he'd seen Ren's face... He'd seen the emotions hidden within the well of his eyes and he'd watched the man's shift with his reactions. He'd begun thinking of how the Knight would react to his words or decision, what his face might look like beneath the mask when talking to him, and then he'd been tasked with over seeing the reports for Ren's missions. He'd become responsible in aiding the man and setting the assignments up-it was only a matter of time before he became dedicated and attached. He'd let weakness strike him at his center and now... Now Ren was his. It's already so much to deal with and Hux only wants more. He wants to bring the man closer into his being and keep him there forever. He simply wants in a way he has never desired before and it's too much. Coming up for air is almost painful, his lungs burn and his lips throb, but he doesn't care. He breathes in between kisses against Ren's skin starting with the corner of the man's mouth and up towards his temples. He lavishes the skin with as much affection as he can muster until he's overwhelmed even himself. Until his face is pressed into Kylo's hair and he's merely existing alongside the man. The only thing left between them now is a soft oath spoken directly from the General. "I'll always take care of you..." It's a vow. A promise for their future.
to be continued...
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Adorable Oblivious
I love 00Q! It’s also been so very long since my last run with it. Thank you for an amazing Bond!
Stranger: Tell me: why would someone so utterly brilliant always seem to TRY and look like a bloody student? JB
You: Only if you tell me why someone so devilishly handsome could be such an utter annoyance? Q There is nothing wrong with my clothing choices, Bond. Q
Stranger: I annoy you because I care. JB You've no idea the effect you have on people. JB
You: My clothes are comfortable and affordable, Bond. Q
Stranger: And they make you look like a teenager. JB
You: If it bothers you so very much, then buy the clothes for me. Q
Stranger: Would you wear something I bought for you? JB
You: Perhaps. It depends on what it is. Q
Stranger: Personally, I'd like to introduce you to my tailor. JB
You: Fine. Q
Stranger: You really aren't aware of your set of admirers, are you? JB
You: I don't have admirers, Bond. Q
Stranger: I'll take that as an emphatic 'no.' JB
Stranger: You've got half of Mi6 fawning over you already, and you look like a child wearing his grandfather's clothes. JB
You: Don't be ridiculous. Q
Stranger: Me? I'm not the one denying the existence of your little fan club. JB
You: I don't have a fan club, and my clothes are perfectly acceptable. Q
Stranger: Matilda from accounting, Jeremy of the courier service, Tosh of your own department, and at least three double-ohs...you're certainly noticed. JB
You: [Delayed] That would explain why the double-ohs have been pestering me-or why Tosh brings me far too much tea. Q
Stranger: Wouldn't it, though? JB
You: Very well. I've a minor fan club. Q
Stranger: At least they aren't organised. JB
You: I'll wear the suits, Bond. Q Simply schedule an appointment. Q
Stranger: I shall. JB I am curious, though...how old are you, really? JB
You: Within my thirties, Bond. Q
Stranger: You're joking. JB Are you serious? You can't possibly be thirty. JB
You: Thirty five exactly. Q
Stranger: It's rather difficult to believe, though I suppose it's a relief you're well within the bounds of adulthood. JB
You: And why is that? Q
Stranger: Because I'd feel like a ridiculous old man if I tried to flirt with someone barely grown out of their teens. JB
You: Oh? I wasn't aware that your intention was to flirt with me. Q
Stranger: Q, my intention has always been to flirt with you. Now I just feel comfortable doing so. JB
You: Even with my ridiculous clothes? Q
Stranger: They do make you look too young, but you've an endearing sort of air about you. It's amusing. JB
You: And what else about me amuses you? Q
Stranger: Your dedication to your work. You hardly ever notice when I'm lurking around Q branch, too occupied with your little projects. JB
You: I notice, I simply choose to ignore it. Q
Stranger: Interesting. How much can you ignore? JB
You: I'm not certain. Are you planning to test it out? Q
Stranger: I might, if you're up to the challenge. JB
You: I am. Q
Stranger: What are you working on at the moment? JB
You: A double-oh's security system. Q
Stranger: Anything time-sensitive? JB
You: No. Q
You: Though it wouldn't be hard to make one that is. Q
Stranger: I'll be right over. JB
You: Do let yourself in. You always do. Q
Stranger: Bond strode into Q branch and headed straight for the labs, finding the little tech-cluttered room Q had sequestered himself in and knocking on the doorframe as he entered. "Good evening, Q," he said smoothly, that trademark smirk of his firmly in place as he walked over and leaned a hip against the table Q was at.
You: Setting the laptop to the side as the blond entered, Q raised his head and focused his dark gaze on the other curiously. "Hello, 007." He greeted calmly just before picking up a gadget set off to the side and his tools. He set his phone down on the counter top and drew up his time counter. "Shall we begin or was there something you wished to speak of first?"
Stranger: Bond shrugged and stepped around behind the young man, watching his hands move as he worked. "I believe I've said all I need to say," he murmured, reaching past Q's hip and toying with something the purpose of which he wasn't entirely sure of. "I just enjoy watching you work."
You: The brunet didn't lift his head to focus on the other but merely set apart the gadget in order to begin working on the inside. "You never have enough to say, James." The male murmured, focusing intently on the object. "Nor do I believe that you're here to simply watch me work... And if you are, then I admit to being disappointed."
Stranger: The agent smiled when his Quartermaster used his first name, stepping up close behind him and reaching out to use a hand against the slender young man's front to gently pull their bodies flush. "You're a clever boy...I think we both know I'm not here to just watch." He nosed against the pale skin of Q's neck, breathing him in. "We're testing your focus, or so I thought..."
You: "My focus is impeccable..." Q stated, though his breath hitched just slightly at the way the agent touched him. A tremble worked its way down his spine, but the Quartermaster merely squared his shoulders and adjusted the internal wiring of the gadget. "We're going to test it and I will win. I suppose we should put down prizes-if I win, you'll bring back every gadget or weapon I give you."
Stranger: Bond smirked against the skin of Q's neck, kissing his way up to the soft patch of skin just under his ear. "And if I win?" he murmured, sucking a light red mark into the skin and hoping Q's hangers-on would see and know that they'd lost out against him. "Returning everything is quite the tall order," he whispered against the shell of Q's ear, "I think we're going to have to come up with something rather nice for my prize..."
You: The two were the focal point of the room now, and it seemed to all those watching that Q was hardly aware of what Bond was doing to him. Except that no one saw the faint tremor in his fingers as he finished organizing the wiring, his gaze never lifting from his task. "If you win, well... I had assumed you would choose your prize. Perhaps a date? If you win, then I will go on a date with you. is that acceptable, Bond?" The brunet inquired, using another tool to melt the items in place.
Stranger: He'd allowed his hand to slip a little lower, thumb tucking into Q's belt and letting his fingers just lightly skim across the lowest part of his abdomen without actually groping him - despite his desire to do just that. His mouth worked its way down Q's neck to his collar, teeth scraping along the smooth porcelain skin as he nibbled at a prominent tendon. "You're trembling, Q...is something the matter?" he asked in a whisper of warm air against the spot he'd been marking up. He could feel himself hardening against his Quartermaster's arse, punctuating his teasing question with a slight roll of his hips so Q knew he was getting worked up as well.
You: Oh. The man was wicked, but the brunet had known that all along. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he granted further access while adjusting his sights on the gadget. He knew the timer was still going, knew that he had to complete the modifications soon. He was going to win. Well, he would try to within the next seven minutes so long as Bond's hand didn't become more distracting. Or the way the agent rubbed against him. His focus was beginning to shift and he certainly didn't want that to begin happening. "No, Bond. I do believe you are mistaken." He remarked, tone even as he worked. His fingers continued to tremble, and now his body was in the process of adding more signs of his arousal with a budding erection. How delightful. "Six minutes left, Bond. I suggest you try harder."
Stranger: James chuckled, letting his fingers dip below the edge of the lab table so he could run them along the hard line of his Quartermaster's stiffening cock through his trousers. "You should be careful with those suggestions, Q," he whispered into his ear as he took the lobe into his mouth and sucked. "If I try much harder I'm afraid we may end up giving Q branch quite the show." The hand that had until now been resting comfortably on Q's hip gripped it tighter and pulled him back against a more insistent roll of his hips. "While I'm sure there's a certain morbid curiosity as to what's happening, I think watching me fuck you right over this table might be a bit much even for the most voyeuristic of your techs..."
You: This was certainly becoming a struggle. As Bond pulled him back and touched him, the Quartermaster felt the air in his lungs depart in a shaky exhale that shuddered throughout his body. His back arched, pressing his hips back into the firm roll so that the curve of his arse was settled right against Bond's hips. Four minutes. He simply needed to last four more minutes. Except Q had nearly forgotten exactly what he was doing and his actions had still for at least twenty seconds. "You would still do it... If only to show those around us that I am yours." The brunet stated, his gaze lifting for just the moment to look around the room before dropping back down to the gadget before him. Everyone had to know now. It couldn't possibly be a secret. "Three minutes left, Bond."
Stranger: Bond blatantly cupped his Quartermater through his trousers, palming him roughly as he rocked against him with a groan. "God, Q," he hissed, "I'd take you right here and now if it wouldn't get the both of us sacked. After today, he'd probably have to spend quite a bit of time in some sort of correctional activity Mallory devised for him, and while getting to Q was utterly worth it he didn't quite want to lose his job over it. He grabbed the boy's hips and spun him around, pressing him against the edge of the lab table and using a hand in his messy brown locks to tug him into a kiss that clearly communicated his desperation and desire.
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Dog Days
I won’t lie. I have the worst weakness when it comes to Victor Trevor. I absolutely adore him. Thank you stranger!
You: Have you finished flirting with the cashier yet or has something else come up to delay your return from the grocers? SH
Stranger: I'm not flirting with the cashier! VT Much. VT
You: I do believe you are flirting far more than just 'much.' SH
Stranger: He's precious, actually. VT
Stranger: I'm not seriously flirting. VT
You: Precious? He sounds dreadfully boring. SH
Stranger: I like a little dreadfully boring every now and then. VT
You: Of course you do. SH Finish flirting. I need the milk you're purchasing for an experiment. SH
Stranger: For the record, it's not the flirting that's holding me up, Locket. VT
You: No? Then what is it? SH
Stranger: [IMG attached - a soaked, small, smooth-haired brown puppy with large paws chewing on one of Victor's gloves] VT
You: [Long Delay] He clearly doesn't belong to anyone. SH His coat is tangled and matted. Bring him with you. SH
Stranger: I found him in a box next to the road! Who would ever get rid of a precious little thing like this? VT
You: It no longer matters. SH Bring him with you, Victor. SH
Stranger: Hang on, he's squirmy. VT
Stranger: I think he's some sort of spaniel. VT
You: You are correct. SH
Stranger: Would you run a bath for the poor thing? I've got him wrapped up in my coat. VT
You: I have already started. SH
Stranger: You're an angel. VT Oh, god, bumblebee. He's shivering. VT
You: Victor, stop texting and simply bring him here. SH Your texting will only prolong your arrival. SH
Stranger: Five minutes, okay? VT
You: Thank you. SH
Stranger: It was around seven minutes later that Victor managed to maneuver himself into the flat, the shopping clenched in one hand with the stray dog in the other. At that point, the dog had stopped shivering and was instead getting a little uncomfortable in Victor's grip as he squirmed about. He made his way up the stairs carefully, but as soon as he managed to make it up, he placed the dog on the ground and let him wander into the flat. The dog was clearly nervous but nevertheless sniffed around, pausing every so often and wagging his tail. "Locket, I've got your milk," Victor called out, keeping an eye on the small animal. "And, er, your new little friend."
Stranger: [brb]
You: What started out as mild annoyance and bitter jealousy had slowly transformed into worry and bubbling excitement. The detective drew a quick bath and gathered what little products could be used to help clean the animal up. It'd been quite some time since he'd last had a furry companion and the pleasure of having a new one was far too grand to hide. There was a mischievous and vibrant glint to the brunet's gaze as he abandoned the bathroom to greet their new companion. "Victor," he murmured, ignoring the man in favour of approaching the dog. "Bonjour, mon chéri. Froid?" Sherlock continued, crouching before the animal with his hand outstretched. "Je vous réchauffer, mon chiot." (Hello, my darling. Cold? I will warm you my puppy.)
Stranger: "And just like that, I'm outclassed by a dog," Victor sighed with faux-annoyance as he let Sherlock approach the dog. He was secretly extremely pleased, though. Seeing Sherlock any shade of happy was always a good thing, and he crouched down by Sherlock. The puppy shrank away from Sherlock's hand at first, but after a few seconds of hesitation, he leaned forward and tentatively sniffed at him. That turned to the dog starting to gently lick and then nibble on Sherlock's fingers when they were prsented to him. "I can't believe anyone would do that. I heard these terrible little noises coming from the alley, and he was curled up in a box that was half-underwater. The /poor/ thing. I fed him some of the chicken I got at the store and I swear, he looked like I'd just given him the golden egg."
You: Dragging his sharp gaze to Victor, the brunet took the man's words in for only just a moment before reaching out to lift the dog up, tucking the creature close to his chest and shoulder. Clearly taking more interest in the canine than the other male. It would only be temporary, of course. "Given we were not prepared for his arrival, I will let it slide that you gave him chicken." He remarked, expression softening when he looked down at the canine. He cooed a few more words in French, his tone lilting and soft. It changed almost immediately when he called out to Victor. "Will you grab a few towels for when I've finished washing him?" Sherlock inquired, not bothering to wait for a response as he disappeared into the bathroom. He set the canine slowly into the water, ensuring it was at a comfortable temperature as well as that the animal would not make a run for it.
Stranger: "It was either chicken or granola, love, and he turned his nose up at that." Victor didn't mind it. It was brilliant to see Sherlock so enraptured. Certainly Sherlock liked his little shield where he didn't like anything besides his own work, but Victor knew even he couldn't resist a bright-eyed little puppy. He leaned over to press a kiss to Sherlock's head in response but before he could, the man was already up and moving towards the bathroom. "Twit," he chided comfortably as he went to get a few towels. As soon as the dog hit the water, he made a terrified little yip and looked up at Sherlock with big, mournful eyes. As the dog got more comfortable, however, he resumed wagging his tail and nosing at Sherlock's hand. The dog's fur was matted and dirty, and underneath it was clear he hadn't been eating well. Victor joined his partner in the bathroom a little while after, holding three towels over his armr. "Aww. Look at you."
You: There was a slight hint of panic as the puppy gave his terrified yip. It was only doused with relief when he realized it was due to the unknown rather than the water being too warm. Running the water over the canine's coat, he washed it free of all the dirt he could without product. Untangling several knots as he pet through the animal's coat. "Are you speaking to the dog or to me, Victor?" The brunet inquired, eyes focused solely on the canine as he worked. Once it came time to lather the soap into the dog's coat, Sherlock lifted his head to finally look at the other man and then shifted closer to the dog. Cooing faintly in French to keep his words a secret from Victor. It wasn't as if it weren't obvious that he was coddling the animal, but this was just one of those many things he wished to keep a secret. The dog was a weakness. After rubbing the soap into the dog's coat, Sherlock leaned back and set to washing the suds out, taking care with the animal's ears and eyes.
Stranger: "I'm speaking to the man who's obviously melting over this dog," Victor teased him. He got on his knees next to him by the tub, occasionally leaning forward to run his hand down the dog's back to soothe him. "I was going to suggest we take him and just see if he's got an owner, but I'm not totally convinced you wouldn't give him up even if he had one." For the second time, he leaned over and pecked Sherlock's cheek warmly before the man could swat him away. The puppy seemed to enjoy the bath, starting to pant as his ears were handled. His eyes were shut after he had discovered that soap in his eyes wasn't a particularly good feeling, and he setted his chin on the edge of the tub. Victor reached over to fiddle with the dog's paws, one at a time, trying to work at the knots and dirt stuck between his toes. "I think it's all very adorable, you know. Big bad Sherlock Holmes gets all huffy when his partner flirts with a grocer, but he's an absolute /teddy bear/ when there's an abandoned puppy involved."
You: "Don't be ridiculous, Victor. I am not 'melting.'" He remarked with an exasperated scoff. "I already stated that he doesn't have an owner, and if he did... Well, clearly they're an idiot. They've no idea how to shelter and care for an animal." The man stated bitterly, tone crisp and chilled with his displeasure over the situation. It changed, if only slightly, when Victor spoke gain. All because of the reminder that Victor had flirted with someone else. Not so easily consoled by the kiss to his cheek, the brunet became eerily quiet and allowed his pale features to take on a displeased pout of an expression. He openly ignored the other man once more out of his jealousy, washing the last of the dirt away from the top of the dogs coat to begin working on its tail and legs. "Vous ne serez pas flirter avec un autre, non? Vous ne serait jamais, mon chiot." Sherlock spoke to the animal, humming and cooing affectionately. "Je devrais trouver un nom pour vous. Un bien plus approprié que chiot." He added, leaning back after rinsing the animal's coat out completely. (You will not flirt with another, right? You would never, my puppy. I should find a name for you. More appropriate than puppy.)
Stranger: Sherlock was in a bad mood again. Victor wasn't an expert on Sherlock's emotions, but he figured he was nearly half on the level that John was. Hopefully. "I think it's attractive when you speak French," he tried half-heartedly. Raising one sudsy hand, Victor fondled Sherlock's hair a bit while he washed the dog. "We can keep him, either way. I think he likes you. Look how he's looking at you." And the puppy was looking at him a bit adoringly, even allowing his tail and legs to be manhandled as Sherlock washed them. When the dog was completely rinsed, Victor picked him up and placed him on the towel. Before he could properly get the dog under control, though, he shook, spraying both Sherlock and Victor with a healthy dose of water before allowing Victor to gently dry him. He worked on his ears first, backing off a little when he heard the puppy give a pained snort. "He'll be sleeping in our bed, of course. God knows he's probably been in a box his entire life, the poor thing. We'll get him some proper food and make sure he's got plenty of things to chew on. Won't we, Locket?" The dog was struggling a little in the towel, trying to get closer to Sherlock again. When it was clear Victor had a hold on him, the puppy flopped down and shut his eyes.
You: The man's attempts were working only faintly. The stony expression lifting bit by bit until he was merely pouting. He tried not to make it obvious but there was no way to mask it. The canine paired with Victor's praise was precisely what undid him in the end. It was ridiculous-/absurd/-and wholly unfair. Crossing his arms over his chest, the brunet watched as the man attempted to dry the dog down only to get them both wet in the end. His clothes were beginning to stick to his lithe figure in certain places, his hands picking at the fabric in an attempt to keep it from sticking to his skin. "We will still have to find a bed for him. If he ends up sleeping with us, then he'll take on your habits of trying to steal as much space as possible." Sherlock remarked dryly although there was a clear hint of fondness tinging his words. When the other man had finished drying the canine off as much as possible, the brunet crossed over to the other man and curled his fingers around the front of his shirt to draw him in close. "Of course, I could simply let him take your place on the bed..." He hummed, pressing a kiss to the corner of the man's mouth before turning away to get undressed. "We'll need to buy everything for him tomorrow."
Stranger: There was Sherlock. Victor grinned a little at him. When he was kissed, he pressed his hands against Sherlock's neck for a few seconds to keep him there. Their relationship was rocky at points. Victor enjoyed people immensely, enjoyed socialising, and, yes, he enjoyed flirting every now and then. Most of the time, he wasn't even aware he did it. It would just take Sherlock's stony expression on the way home for him to realise that he'd probably gone a little overboard. "Oh, no, you'd miss me too much. I don't know if you could manage to get a full night's sleep without having someone hold you or you holding someone," Victor teased. They made it work. Probably helped that Victor adored the man in front of him more than anyone else in the world, and went to considerable lengths to try and get a smile out of him. "Besides," he went on flirtatiously, "I like to think I've got another purpose in bed besides -- oh, /damn/!" he cursed out. As he was drawing close to Sherlock, the puppy, now unconstrained by Victor's hands, made a sprint towards the living room. His little claws clattered on the floor as he left as quickly as possible.
You: Victor would be the death of him. Or would have been if the puppy had not arrived. Unable to keep from chuckling, Sherlock reached up to stroke his fingers lightly over the man's neck in a teasing caress before slipping away. He'd return once he was certain that their new companion had not gotten into trouble or wouldn't. There was also the matter of introducing the canine to the landlady. "Chiot," he called out, cooing for the creature. He listened for the telltale scratch of claws against wood, of clumsy happy footfalls, and the obnoxious and excited pants of a canine. "Chiot, venez. Venez. Vous ne voulez pas que je vous donne des baisers?" Sherlock continued, heading towards the sounds of the canine and all but ready to snatch him up and cradle him close. "Voulez-vous que je vous caresser? Venez, chiot. /Venez/, mon chiot." The man continued, the mirth obvious within his expression. Whilst he believed that the canine would be troublesome, the brunet was looking forward to every moment they would share with it. Especially if Victor would partake in each second. The man might be maddening, but he could not do anything without him. (Puppy, come. Come. You do not want me to give you kisses? Would you I caress you? Come on, puppy. Come, my puppy.)
Stranger: Victor got up and followed after Sherlock, whistling for the dog. The puppy had scrambled his way back to the living room and had dragged out the rest of the chicken that he'd been given from the shopping bag. It was clear that his initial plan was to run off with it, as he was currently sitting and whining by the flight of stairs. Occasionally he'd dip one paw down and let out a cry of despair, his entire body hunched up and slightly shaking. Victor's heart nearly broke when he saw him, and he gripped Sherlock's arm tightly and let out a small 'Aw, Locket, look!'. Once the dog realised he'd been spotted, he was all tail wags and dog grins, nearly trotting back over to them and sniffing their trouser legs expectantly. "Poor thing's probably still hungry. We can make do tonight and find something to give him, and then I'll go get something proper tomorrow. Oh, god, we haven't even named him yet." Victor bent down to pick the dog up but quickly and lovingly passed it over to Sherlock. Sherlock was the enraptured one, after all. "We are not naming it anything I can't pronounce, so stop going through French nouns in your head."
You: As his arm was gripped, Sherlock released a sharp breath and reached up to tangle in his fingers with the man's. He only let go when Victor went to collect the canine and bring him over. He cradled the creature close, humming as he dragged his fingers through the warm and soft coat. He had already thought of several names but at the immediate rejection, he let it go. "We aren't naming it anything ordinary or boring either." He remarked, carrying the animal towards the sofa so that he could sit down. He was truly enraptured by it. Truly and utterly in love with the canine in his arms. He kept stroking over the dog's coat, soothing it and whispering small secrets and snippets of French. It was far to sentimental and grossly affectionate, yet the brunet could not stop himself. He was irrevocably attached-to both dog and man. "What else did you buy, Victor? If we choose to feed him more of the chicken, it will need to be skinned to ensure there is nothing overly greasy still attached." He commented, rubbing the animal's ears gently. "Perhaps I should name you after one of my favorite scientists...? A favored composer?" Sherlock murmured, lifting is gaze from the animal momentarily to glance towards Victor. "Did you have any suggestions for a name? If not, then I can easily continue to call him /chiot/."
Stranger: Moving to sit down by him on the sofa, Victor just leaned against Sherlock's shoulder and cooed at the small animal. Unlike his much more brusque partner, Victor had no shame in showing affection. He did, frequently and to everyone. When they'd first gotten together, Victor was extraordinarily affectionate in front of John -- jealousy? To show that he was good for Sherlock, that he didn't make the man more closed off? He didn't know. Victor offered a finger and let the puppy chew on him for a few seconds before taking his finger away. "Bach?" He offered. "Because we found him in a box, and it -- well, it sounds similar." It sounded weak, even to his own ears, and Victor felt the tip of his ears flush red slightly. "I've got some more chicken, and we've got some vegetables, and milk, and -- oh, I've just got some peanut butter, I'm sure he wouldn't mind a little of that, too. Not much, poor thing. Don't want him to vomit." And, er, they'd have to avoid the baking chocolate Victor had gotten. "We could name him after one of your cases, maybe? Or something to do with John? He'd be pleased. Or some famous hermit scientist that you like."
You: Sherlock moved to lean into Victor further once the man settled down in place. Where he was more chilly and stony in presence, Victor seemed to be the complete opposite. Something he thrived on given how much he desired affection. Even if he made it seem as though it were troublesome or a constant source of irritation. He enjoyed the warmth the other man's body brought forward, as well as the smiling and laughter. Every little bit of happiness the man showed by simply being around him was a soothing balm to the chaos of his mind. Reaching out with one of his hands, he captured Victor's and brought it close so that he could settle it against his body. "Bach is a horrible name, but I suppose it is rather fitting." He murmured, tilting his head to the side. "Let's feed him some more chicken and then a tidbit of peanut butter for desert." Sherlock remarked, turning his head to focus solely on the other man. "What about the name Yorick?" He suggested next, expression scrunching up slightly after. "No, that isn't fitting. Not well at all."
Stranger: Victor blushed further when Sherlock took his hand. Most of the time, he felt flattered that he was this wonderful, gorgeous, brilliant man's partner. While he couldn't ever do what John did (being skirmish about confrontration and blood besides), he enjoyed being this. A person Sherlock could come home to. A person who loved him totallyy, who could hug him and promise him that everything who would be okay. That he could be normal every now and then. Victor enjoyed that role immensely. He also enjoyed being able to appreciate Sherlock's mind without having to be standing over a body. "We are not naming him Yorick," he told him immediately. "But if you're looking for literary characters -- I mean, yes, there's Hamlet and Macbeth and Othello and Romeo. I think I ought to name him Romeo, because he's stolen my partner away from me already --" Victor sighed in dramatics. "But we'll see. Dickens or Twain or Wordsworth or Verne or -- we can feed him some chicken for dinner, actually. I'll be thinking about this all night."
stranger disconnected...
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Fervent Exhaustions
It’s been quite some times since I’ve last been on here, hasn’t it? I’ve been rather busy with work and the commute, but I’m rping here and there occasionally. I’ve also switched up my fandoms quite a bit and have become rather rusty. Be prepared to be bombarded if you are still interested.
You: I won't be on the bridge today. AH Should you need anything, Lieutenant Mitaka will assist you. AH
Stranger: Why? Did something happen? KR
You: It's nothing you need to concern yourself with. AH
Stranger: It does concern me because you are my co-commander. This better be something important. KR
You: You merely need to concern yourself with the bridge, not with the reason as to why I will be absent there. AH Lieutenant Mitaka will be taking over for me in the mean time. AH
Stranger: General Hux. Tell me. KR
You: I do not see why the reason for my absence is important to you. AH Is it not enough that I have a replacement and that I will return tomorrow? AH
Stranger: Fine. Do what you want. KR
You: Thank you. I will be back on the bridge tomorrow. AH [Delayed] If you desperately need me on the bridge, let me know. I will return as soon as I can. AH
Stranger: I don't need you, General. Take all the time you want. KR
You: I hate when you act like this, Ren. AH If I inform you as to why I will not be on the bridge today, will you cease continuing with this attitude? AH
Stranger: What? You're allowed to not be on the bridge without any explanations, but I'm not allowed to "act like this"? KR
You: Yes, Ren. You're not allowed to pout and sulk as if I've gone out of my way to affront you. AH If I tell you, will you calm down? AH
Stranger: I'm not harming anyone. I'm not the one not doing my duties. KR Don't bother. I don't care. KR
You: Not doing my duties? AH [Long Delay] Fine. I will be on the bridge in twenty minutes. AH Is that better, Ren? AH
Stranger: Why are you doing this? KR
You: Doing what, Ren? AH 'Not doing my duties?' AH
Stranger: Saying that you'll be on the bridge when you know I don't want to see your face? You're a jerk. KR
You: I'm coming to the bridge because clearly I can't even take a day to recover my health without it being thrown in my face. AH You don't need to be on the bridge, Ren. I can handle it on my own. AH
Stranger: So, you were sick. Why didn't you tell me? KR
You: Because I clearly didn't want anyone to know. AH It hardly matters now. AH
Stranger: Why not? When an officer is sick and unable to work, they let you know. KR
You: That is an officer, not myself. AH I prefer to keep my weakness private. AH
Stranger: Fine. KR
You: I'll be on the bridge shortly. AH If you do not wish to see me, you can leave. AH
Stranger: Stay in your quarters if you're sick. I can handle the bridge. KR
You: No. It's fine. AH I would rather not avoid my duties. AH
Stranger: All this drama only for you to--Fine. I'll leave. KR
You: Only for me to what, Ren? AH Finish your sentence. AH
Stranger: No. It's fine. I've already left the bridge. KR
You: Finish your sentence, Ren. AH
Stranger: Have a care how you speak to me, General. KR
You: Or what, Ren? AH You'll use the Force on me? Or will you tell Snoke that I was rude to you? AH
Stranger: [Slight delay] You can't give me orders. KR
You: Precisely what I thought-you would do nothing. AH
Stranger: I'm not going to waste my time. You're not worth it. KR
You: No. Of course I'm not. AH I will see you tomorrow, Ren. AH
Stranger: No, you will not. KR If you need anything, Lieutenant Mitaka will assist you. KR
You: [Long Delay] Typical. Have a good day then, Ren. AH I'll speak with you whenever you decide to show up. AH
Stranger: What? You were doing the same thing. KR
You: You're only doing it to spite me. AH I did it for my health. AH Unless you've suddenly become ill or injured, then I apologize. AH
Stranger: I wouldn't have said anything if you had told me you were sick from the beginning. And then you suddenly decided to show up at the bridge just to spite me. KR
You: I did it because you told me I wasn't doing my duties, Ren! AH I wanted to keep my illness a secret-why you couldn't have accepted that, I'm not sure. AH Do you truly believe I would abandon my duties so carelessly? AH
Stranger: I don't know. I don't really know you, General. KR
You: Really? I know far too many things about you. AH It hardly matters now. If you wish to have tomorrow off, that's fine. AH I'll manage with Mitaka. AH
Stranger: You know what my file says, yes. KR Good. KR
You: More than what your file says, Ren. AH I know how you act, how you react, what things you like or do not. AH
Stranger: Really? And what do I like, General? KR
You: When things go your way, when your skills are mentioned or highlighted. AH You enjoy training when it is you alone in that room, and that you occasionally struggle with meditating. AH You also-well, I suppose that's all enough to go on. AH I need to apply my focus on the bridge. We can speak later. AH
Stranger: No. We will speak now. You weren't even supposed to be at the bridge. KR
You: Yet I'm here now. AH We've nothing more to discuss, Ren. AH
Stranger: You said you were sick. What's the matter? KR
You: Why are you asking now? AH What does it matter what I'm sick with? AH
Stranger: Just tell me, General. I wanted to know from the beginning. KR
You: [Delayed] I've been unable to sleep or eat and have now acquired a severe migraine. AH It is nothing I cannot handle. AH
Stranger: Have you seen the medics? KR
You: Yes, I have. AH
Stranger: Did they give you a solution? KR
You: Yes. AH
Stranger: Then go to your quarters. Rest. Let the medicine or whatever they gave you work. KR
You: That was my solution, Ren. AH It was the only reason I chose to not go to the bridge. AH However, no matter what the issue is, I cannot allow myself to shirk my duties. AH I will be fine. AH
Stranger: General. Go to your quarters. Now. KR
You: I will once my shift is over, Ren. AH
Stranger: No. Do it now. KR
You: It would be pointless to have me leave once I'm already here. AH
Stranger: You need to rest. Others can take care of your duties. KR
You: I'm fine. AH
Stranger: Go to your quarters, General. KR
You: No. I'm going to finish my shift. AH It isn't as if I have much of a choice anyhow. AH
Stranger: General, please, go to your quarters, or I'll take you there myself. KR
You: You wouldn't dare. AH
Stranger: Yes, I would. KR I'm not doing this to hurt you, General. Stop being stubborn and go to your quarters now. Rest. KR
You: I can't. AH Allow me to finish my shift, Ren. AH
Stranger: I'll take you to your quarters myself, then. KR
You: Ren, don't. I'm fine. AH I'll not go to the bridge, tomorrow. AH
Stranger: Do not resist me when I come for you. KR
You: Ren, don't. There's no need for this. AH
You: Hux felt a small sense of panic flare within his core, but the nausea clench of his stomach kept his focus away from it. Ren couldn't possibly think he'd leave the bridge so soon, could he? Shifting his gaze to the front of the bridge, the General attempted to keep his posture and his migraine at bay, but the pounding in his head and the bruised bags beneath his eyes bellied his actions. Lieutenant Mitaka had taken one look at him and had attempted to usher him away, but the redhead was stubborn and he wasn't going to allow Ren to push away either.
Stranger: Kylo put his comm away and returned to the bridge. He hadn't gone too far, so he was there in a moment, looking around himself until he saw General Hux. As he walked closer to the redhead, Kylo saw the bags under his eyes more clearly, his sickly pale skin. Hux clearly wasn't well, and he wasn't the only one worried about the redhead - other officers, including Mitaka, were worried about him, too. One didn't need to be strong with the Force to feel it in the air. "General Hux," he said as he stood in front of the redhead. "You know why I'm here. Let us go."
You: It was obvious whenever Kylo entered the bridge. All eyes and focus shifted to the Knight immediately, the atmosphere tense and tangible between them all. Except, this time it was different. Hux's strength was waning and he could feel himself becoming dizzy and lightheaded. It was as if his strength was sapping from him to leave him weak. He didn't want to leave the bridge-he couldn't shirk his duties. So the General ignored the man as he approached, not making any attempt to move or turn to face the man. "We can leave once my shift is over, Ren." He countered, tone firm.
Stranger: Kylo sighed softly, waiting for a moment to see if Hux changed his mind. He didn't. "We will leave now, General." He kept his voice low, not really sounding as menacing as he did when he was angry, but the mask made it sound as robotic as always. He stepped closer to the General and grabbed his arm firmly to get his attention. "I suggest you cooperate. Your officers are already tense."
You: As soon as Ren grabbed his arm, Hux was already making a move to step away and rip it from the man's grip. He stumbled, his balance thrown off and the dizziness only making it worse. He fell directly back into the Knight, breathless for a moment as his head swam. The tension seemed to grow even further and the redhead cursed the other man though it was all his own fault. He bit back a curse and straightened, reaching out to remove the man's grip on him. "Very well." Hux remarked with full composure before calling out to the bridge. "Lieutenant Mitaka, you will be taking my position. Notify me should anything arise." He commanded, lifting his chin to appear dignified as as the Lieutenant nodded and took over his position. "Shall we, Ren?"
Stranger: Kylo smiled sadly under his helmet when Hux finally decided to cooperate. He wondered if the General would have done the same if he hadn't been sick and dizzy. Probably not. Hux hadn't listened to him until now. He'd had to come for the stubborn General. "Yes." He turned and let the redhead walk first, and he followed him to the exit. When they stepped into the corridor, Kylo was beside the General, looking over at him from time to time as they walked to Hux's quarters. "What did you eat today?"
You: Hux hoped that the Knight wasn't going to follow him all the way to his quarters. It seemed he wasn't going to have anything go his way that day. Walking slowly and calmly to keep his knees from buckling, the redhead kept his gaze ahead and moved along as if Ren wasn't there. A much harder feat to accomplish really. "I didn't. I've been unable to keep anything down." He answered easily, acting as though it were a casual answer. He hadn't dared try anything due to how nauseated he felt. He'd acquire his rest, allow the migraine to leave him be, and then he would attempt to eat.
Stranger: Kylo frowned and looked over at the redhead again. "I know you feel nauseous, but you know there are other ways you can be fed, General. You /need/ to be fed, especially now that your defenses are low," he said, his voice as casual as Hux's, even as the mask made it robotic. "I will contact the medics when we arrive to your quarters. Intravenous infusions might be necessary to feed you."
You: "It's fine, Ren. I don't need the medics." Hux countered immediately, an obvious hesitation on his pale features. He'd already seen them and he didn't wish to see them again. "I will be fine once I sleep. There's no need to do anything else." He finished, relief flooding him once the hallway containing his quarters came into sight. "I can see myself to my quarters from here, Ren." The General spoke, turning to look at the Knight calmly.
Stranger: Kylo's expression softened when he saw Hux's face again. He didn't look well. He /wasn't/ well. And he looked... fragile. Kylo bit the inside of his lip, but he looked at the front again, putting a hand on Hux's hair for a moment just because he could, and to show him he wasn't leaving. "I will escort you to the door, then I will contact the medics," he said. "I told you to stop being stubborn. You're ill, and you need help."
You: Hux was surprised by the touch and it showed before he could mask it away. "I'm fine," he reiterated, but it lacked any substantial bite. He turned away instead, continuing on his path until he reached the entrance to his quarters. He hesitated here, thinking about the fact that Ren was going to call the medics as soon as he entered, but there wasn't any way to stop the man. He'd already proven there was no room for argument before. Punching in his code, Hux granted himself entry into his quarters and headed directly for the bed.
Stranger: Kylo chose not to answer this time. Hux was stubborn, and Kylo didn't mind him saying that he was fine over and over again, just so long as he cooperated. When they arrived to Hux's quarters, Kylo walked in and stood by the door, watching as the General headed for his bed. Kylo grabbed his comm and contacted the medbay, requesting a medic, a droid or whatever they thought necessary. "They should be here in a few minutes," Kylo said, putting his comm on Hux's desk. "Do you want to sleep here, or would you prefer to stay in the medical bay?"
You: "Here," came Hux's immediate answer as he sank into the spot at his bed. He looked truly exhausted at this point, his hands moving to remove his gloves and coat slowly. He kept at his own pace, unable to do much more than pick at the fabric restricting him until even that exhausted him. He hadn't gotten to his shoes yet, but that was fine. He'd do it later. "I don't need to stay in the medical bay. I'm fine exactly where I am. Now that you've requested the droids, I don't believe there's much more now, is there?" He inquired, dragging a hand down his tired face.
Stranger: Kylo watched as Hux removed his gloves and coat. At one point he took a step forward to help him, but in the end he stayed where he was and let the General remove his clothes himself. Hux looked bad, though - worse than before. "I do not know. That depends on your progress, I suppose." He walked over to the bed and went down on one knee in front of the redhead. "Let me help you," he said, grabbing Hux's boot with gloved hands to remove it.
You: Hux opened his mouth to retort but it wasn't as if he could continue without the assistance. He didn't understand why Ren was so intent on taking care of him or helping. They'd always been at each other's throats before but this... This was new and the General was struggling to accept it. "What do you get out of this?" He inquired, watching as the Knight removed the boot. It was nice to have it off. It didn't feel as though his legs were quite so full of lead now but now there was nothing to ground him.
Stranger: Kylo removed the boot carefully, placing it on the floor before taking the other one in his hands, listening to Hux's question. He paused, looking up at the redhead. "You are my co-commander, General Hux," he said, and then he brought his hands to his head. A click came from his helmet, and he removed it carefully. "That should explain this to you," he said, brushing some dark locks out of his face with one hand while he placed his helmet on the bed with the other one.
You: Hux watched the man warily until the helmet was removed, his gaze taking in the man'd dark eyes and full lips. His heart constricted slightly but he ignored it. It wouldn't have done him any good to focus on it. He watched the Knight move his dark hair out of his gaze and wished he could have done it with his own hand. He quickly looked away after that, trembling fingers moving up to the front of his shirt to begin undoing it. "Thank you, but I believe that's all that will be needed now." He remarked, not bothering to look at Ren as he spoke. "I'm sure the medics will be here shortly."
Stranger: Kylo frowned a bit and looked at Hux's fingers. They were trembling, and that was not a good sign. Maybe he should have taken the General to the medical bay. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted when he saw a bit of Hux's chest, how pale his skin was. He had never touched the General's skin directly, but he could tell it was soft. Biting the inside of his lip, he looked down at Hux's boot and removed it carefully with both hands, placing it on the floor, beside the other one. And then he took Hux's hand gently, but firmly enough to stop it from trembling. "You're trembling," he said, reaching out with his other hand to grab Hux's chin gently, making him look at him. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the medical bay?"
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I love you rp posts! Wish my writing was that good, more people would probably stay and not leave. Any pointers for keeping an omegle strange hooked on a prompt?
Sorry for not responding! I’ve been rather busy as of late, so I’ve hardly had time to rp.
My tip, or trick, for getting someone to stay for a prompt is actually adding a hook. I give them an easy space to reply or leave an opening for them. I might ask a question at the end of the prompt, or say that my character has noticed something specific. For example:
Sherlock dragged his fingers through his hair as he observed the crime scene before him. There was something missing-something not quite right. He couldn’t figure out precisely what it was yet. A frustrating admittance but a confession nonetheless. He turned towards the man to his left, his sharp gaze settling on the blond before speaking. “Tell me what you see, John.”
I give them something immediate to reply to or speak to. I set the scene and give them an opening or a “hook” that will draw them in. (:I hope this helped, even though it was totally late.
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For Another
Oh man. This was such a good rp! The angst was everywhere and ahhhhhhhhh. It’s technically darkpilot + kylux, but it’s just-ah. So good. Thanks stranger! You were the best. <3
Stranger: [Modern AU, Affair] We need to talk. PD
You: What is it? KR
Stranger: Your husband knows. PD
You: It was only a matter of time. KR Did he reach out to you? KR
Stranger: He showed up at my apartment. He throws a good punch for a scrawny guy. PD
You: I'll talk to him. KR I'm sorry you had to deal with that. KR
Stranger: Thanks. I want this...To still work. PD
You: Really? KR
Stranger: I don't know...Sex is good. PD
You: [Delayed] Oh, yeah. I'm sure I can figure something out. KR I'll talk to Hux. KR
You: That should stop him from going to yours. KR
Stranger: I don't like it when people accuse me of "stealing" their partners, but I know you're not going to leave him or anything crazy like that. PD
You: Would it be crazy to leave him? KR
Stranger: You love him. You love the status you give each other. PD
You: The status? KR
Stranger: You both are high power people, that kind of thing. PD
You: You think that's wh-nevermind. KR I'll talk to Hux. He won't come by again. KR
Stranger: What Kylo? PD
You: It's fine. Doesn't matter. KR You're not in any pain right? KR
Stranger: I can take a punch. PD
Stranger: Be happy I didn't reciprocate. PD
You: That doesn't answer my question. KR
Stranger: I'm fine, Kylo. PD
You: Did it bruise at all? Did you ice it at least? KR
Stranger: Really? *picture is attached of Poe with a bruise on his cheek* PD
You: That looks horrible. KR Put something on it. I'm sure you have a bag of frozen vegetables. KR
Stranger: Not sexy? Not even a little? PD
You: If it were a different situation, it would have been. KR Especially where you fought back and won. KR
Stranger: I'm not going to beat the shit put of your husband. I'm not that person. PD
Stranger: *out
You: I'm not suggesting that. I mean, if you had gotten into a fight with a stranger and won, I would be turned on. KR
Stranger: Fuck, you're wild. Still want your crazy ass. PD
You: Do you? I was worried you'd get turned off all this. KR Even if you said you wanted it to still work. KR
Stranger: You're worth it, but get your house in order. He deserves better than this shit. PD
You: I said I'd talk to him. KR It just an argument I don't want to have right now. KR
Stranger: Well, you're going to have it. Unless he's going to Britoshly subvert you to death. PD
You: I know. KR Look, I'll message you once I've had the talk with him. KR I'll figure it out. KR
Stranger: Ok doll. PD
You: Ice it, alright? KR
Stranger: Uh huh. PD
You: [No Response] [To Hux] Do you want to talk about it now or should I wait? KR
Stranger: Talk about what exactly? H
You: My affair. KR
Stranger: [Delay] Ah. Your boyfriend. H
You: I didn't expect you to go all the way over there and punch him. KR
Stranger: If you wanted something on the side, we could have arranged that. You didn't need to go find a whore. H
You: He's not a whore, Hux. I don't pay him for sex or anything like that. KR
Stranger: You're not making it better. H
You: I'm trying to get you to be honest and upfront about it all. KR I like to think that you're more angry about this. KR
Stranger: You have no FUCKING idea how angry I am. H
You: Because you're not telling me Hux. KR I can't just know what you think or feel unless you say something. KR
Stranger: How DARE you? We're married. If you had wanted something more then I could give you...there were ways to get it. H
You: If I had asked you, would you have agreed, Hux? KR
Stranger: I would have asked to work on us first, but needs are what they are. H
Stranger: I don't like the sneaking. How dirty this feels. H
You: And what now? Now that you know? KR
Stranger: I hate you right now. H
Stranger: But...what...what could I have done? Why are you doing this? H
You: I know. KR [Long Delay] I didn't expect you to actually ask why. KR
Stranger: Of course I'm going to ask why? Considering, sex was never an area we've had a problem with. H
You: I didn't start the affair for the sex. I like having sex with you, it's always good and I would never complain about it. KR I did it because I was lonely. KR I want to feel desired in a way that isn't just sexual. KR
Stranger: So, you think I don't love you? That is don't desire you? You have a perfectly good voice, maybe your should have said something! H
You: No, Hux. I didn't think you did. KR And you're right. I should have said something. KR I just got tired of waiting up for you when you needed to work late. KR Or when you woke up and I didn't want to ruin your day. KR I didn't want to make things worse. I didn't want to be a problem on your list. KR
Stranger: Wow. I have no idea what to say. H
You: I know it's stupid and it's cliche and you hate cliches, but I didn't do it to hurt you. KR I didn't want to hurt you either. KR I just didn't want to be alone and I was miserable. I'm sorry. KR
Stranger: You still want to be with him? H
You: I don't know. I don't how to describe the situation. KR However, I feel as though it is more important to focus on what you want right now. KR
Stranger: I have no idea what I want. My husband just told me he's having an affair with someone who can love him better then I can. H
Stranger: That's somehow harder then sex. H
You: No. I didn't say that he could love me better than you. KR I said that was the reason I started it-so that I could find that adoration. KR I don't actually even know if Dameron loves me or even desires me in such a way. KR I just-it's hard to explain. KR [Delayed] I can go to a hotel if you'd like. I'm sure you don't want to look at me. KR
Stranger: Guest bedroom. That's all I need. H
You: Are you sure? KR
Stranger: Could he be any more gorgeous? H
Stranger: Or different than me? H
You: I didn't pick him for those reason. KR I didn't pick him at all really. It just sort of happened. KR You know that I love you, Hux. You know that, right? KR
Stranger: I have no idea right now what you feel for me. H
Stranger: Please don't give me excuses. You didn't fall onto his dick, Kylo. H
You: That's not what I mean, Hux. I'm not excusing any of my actions. I know what I did. KR I just meant that it happened in that I didn't go out of my way to pick him up or go through a line of men and just select him. KR I didn't look at him and immediately think, "This is the guy I will have an affair with." KR I love you, Hux. I really do. Me being with him has never changed that or altered it. I'm still in love with you. KR I just needed to feel loved and I met him and I thought-I just wanted to feel important and loved from someone. KR I'm sorry. KR
Stranger: I'm sorry too. H
Stranger: That you didn't feel that with me. H
Stranger: But...You still want to go back to him. H
You: I don't know. KR I don't even know if he loves me or wants me in any way like that. KR As horrible as it is to say, I want both of you. KR I do love you and I don't even know what is going on between Dameron and I. KR Do I care for him, yes. Is it the same way that I care for you? No. KR I want you to be happy, Hux. I've always wanted that and will always want that. KR If you want me to cut off all ties from him, I will. I would do it a million times over. KR
Stranger: I don't know. No descision I make right now is logical. H
Stranger: Not with this much anger. G
Stranger: *H
Stranger: Because obviously, you need this attention to be happy. H
You: [Long Delay] I'm sorry I'm like this. I am. KR I'm so sorry, Hux. I can't put it into words because-I'm sorry. KR
You: If you want me to stay away, or if you want me to get a hotel, or even just stay in the guest room, I will. KR I'm sorry. I really am. KR
Stranger: I don't want you out of the house. H
You: I'll move a few of my things to the other bedroom then. KR Do you want me to stay out of view as well? KR
Stranger: No...I do want to see you.H
stranger had to go...
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I know it has been far too long for me to pop into this blog, and especially without an rp to grace you all with. I am certainly the worst. Here is why I haven’t popped in in quite some time;
I’ve been sick and I’ve been working a full time job and then some. However, I have to cut into a very large expense and I do not have the money to do so. So, I’m curious to see if any of you would commission a fic/writing out of me? I’ve many pairings I’m willing to write for and I don’t really have any limits.
If you’re interested, just message me!
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Comforting Disturbance
Okay, I typically don’t do Parent!lock but this was just too adorable and cute and I loved every minute of it. Protective Jim is just, aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thank you so much, stranger!
Stranger: Why is there a child in the flat? SM
You: Oh, don't mind him! JM I just needed to put him somewhere for the time being. JM
Stranger: James, why do you have a child here? SM
Stranger: Who's is it? SM
You: Mine. He's adorable, isn't he? JM My favourite safe house, the one even you're not allowed to go into, was compromised. JM I needed to put him somewhere safe. JM
Stranger: Yours? SM Why did you stick i in a safe house? How old is it? SM
You: He. It's a he, darling. JM He's just a toddler. Three, almost four. JM
Stranger: He then, right. SM
You: I'm already on my way to pick him up, Sebby. JM Don't get all cross. JM
Stranger: I'm not cross, it's just weird. It's weird. SM
Stranger: Where are you going to take him? SM
You: I'm going to take him to my other safe house. JM It's his favourite one. JM Then we'll spend the day and night together, I'll have meeting tomorrow morning, then I'll go back at the end of the night. JM You know the routine. I've always had a pattern. JM
Stranger: So you're going to dump him alone in another home? Lovely parent. SM
You: Think before you speak, darling. JM Do remember who you're talking to, Sebastian. JM You don't know whether I have a nanny for him or if I leave him to his own devices. JM You weren't aware I had a child. JM
Stranger: Fine, it's your problem either way. I have no say. SM
You: Do you have another suggestion then, Sebastian? JM Clearly you have experience in parenting. JM
Stranger: Sarcasm is unneeded. SM Why would I have a suggestion when you seem oh so competent enough to have your own plans. SM
You: Because you're being abrasive. JM Something is obviously bothering you. JM
Stranger: There is a child on the floor. That's all. SM
Stranger: Oh it fell over.. SM
You: Did you touch him? JM
Stranger: No. SM
You: Then what do you mean that he 'fell over?' JM He was in a secure playpen. JM
Stranger: He tripped./In/ the play pen. Now he's crying. SM By god it's so loud. SM
You: I'll be there in two minutes. JM Pick him up and pat his back. Softly. JM
Stranger: You want me to pick it up? SM
You: Him. I want you to pick him up. JM Softly. JM
Stranger: Fine. SM [Delay] James it won't shut up. SM
Stranger: /He/ won't shut up. SM
You: I'm coming up JM Try rocking him slowly, rubbing his back. Tell him that everything is okay in a soft voice. JM
Stranger: For fuck- fine. SM I think he's calming down. SM
You: I'm almost there. JM
Stranger: He's got a little mark on his head, perhaps he hit it but he's stopped crying for now. SM
You: Kiss it and tell him it's all going to be okay. JM
Stranger: Great now my shirts soaked in tears and oh god that better not be snot. SM Hurry up already. SM
You: Setting his phone into his pocket, Jim carried the bags from the local Tescos up the stairs quickly and opened the door with a faint sense of panic. It was barely suppressed, his smile tense with his worry as he all but dropped the bags and closed the door with his foot. "Come now, sweet heart. Daddy's home." He cooed, walking immediately towards Sebastian with his arms held out. "Come on, love. I didn't mean to be gone for so long, but that grumpy man over there doesn't ever carry food in his fridge... You're hungry too, aren't you?" Jim spoke, searching the child's frame for any other possibly injury.
Stranger: Sebastian thankfully passed the small child over to Jim at the first possible chance. HE didn't know how to deal with children at all and just trying to calm him down had put him off for life. Sebastian looked down at his plain white shirt, pulling it out a little to look for marks. Noticing the water marks and what he hopped weren't snot. "Great." He muttered in slight annoyance, releasing his shirt and putting up with it before looking back to Jim, noticing the sudden parent mode. It was different, the way he spoke and acted more child like to match the younger child. "I'm not grumpy and I do have food, you just don't like most of the things in there." He defended.
You: Ignoring the other man, just for the moment, Jim rocked the child in his arms, cradling him protectively against his chest. "I'm sorry, darling. I got your favourite this time. Maybe we can get Mr. Grumpy to make it for us if we ask him very /very/ nicely, hmn?" He hummed, turning to look at the other man finally. "You've snot on the back collar, it would be best if you changed, Sebastian." The male remarked, stepping closer to inspect it curiously. "Alcohol, snacks, and take away are not food. Not healthy food." Jim finalized, as he turned towards the play pen. "Will you grab the grocery bags for me, Sebby?"
Stranger: Sebastian grabbed at the shirt again to rty and look at the back of his collar with a low groan. Before he reached to the hem of the shirt, pulling it offand throwing it into the basket next to the washing machine. "Anytime Jimmy." He spoke in sarcasm as he moved over to the abandoned back of food, picking them up and taking them into the kitchen. "I think I'm health enough." He commented as he began to un pack the bag from in the kitchen. "What is it you want to eat?" HE asked regarding Jim's comment before. "And stop calling me grumpy."
You: There was a soft chuckle from Jim as he set the small child down, kissing the little mark before he leaned back. "You don't eat healthy foods enough and grumpy suits you, tiger." The male retorted as he turned to walk into the kitchen. He leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the man. "Honey, peanut butter, and banana on bread. There's also pretzels in there for him to eat with it." Jim answered, dragging his fingers through his hair. "You're handling all of this rather well, Sebastian. I had assumed you would throw more of a fit. I'm pleased."
Stranger: Sebastian looked up from the bag, "What with what now? None of those foods would ever go together." HE spoke in disgust as he thought of it, continuing to unpack the items one by one. "Honey and peanut butter are are enough but banana?" He muttered more to himself though lined up the items once everything was unpacked. He looked over at him, "You caught me in a good mood, plus it's not like it- /he's/ staying here long." He spoke, shrugged, "What's his name?" He asked casually as he began to butter the bread, wrinkling his nose as he began to add in a few of the items.
You: "Honey is likely the only thing I find disturbing with this sandwich. Though bananas aren't my favourite either." He mused, moving to fall in step with the other male, standing beside him closely as he watched him. "His mother named him Oliver Alexander Moriarty, though hardly ever called him by his first." Jim commented, giving a soft hum as he swiped his finger along the rim of the peanut butter jar to bring to his lips. "He answers to anything really, though I tend to call him Ollie." The man concluded, turning so he could lean against the counter, his dark gaze on the sniper. "I won't happen to mention that you're to say nothing of this, will I? I rather like you. You're my favourite, but I will hunt you down."
Stranger: Sebastian continued to layer the sandwich neatly before adding the peanut butter, "No, everything here is disgusting, but the fruit." He muttered, disliking peanut butter and the pure taste of honey, far to sweet for his liking. He nodded as he received an answer only looking up from the food at the sudden and obvious threat. "How sweet of you." He drawled in a monotone voice before moving the knife to slice the sandwich into triangles. Well that's how he used to like them as a child. He then put them onto a disposable plate along with the pretzels, not trusting the boy with a china plate. "Here." He spoke, pushing the plate to Jim, "What happened to his mother?" He asked simply.
You: Jim didn't accept the plate immediately, simply watching the other man for just a moment before he answered. "She tried to use him." With that, the man accepted the plate and turned on his heel to cross back towards where the child was playing to pick him up. "Ollie," he sing songed, setting the child in his lap after he sat on the floor. "Look was Mr. Grumpy made for you, /and/ he even cut it just the way you like it! We'll have to thank him once we're all done, won't we?" he inquired, an arm wrapped protectively around the child's middle while he held the plate with his other hand. The child wiggled for just the moment, reaching out to immediately begin eating. As the kid took a big bite, Jim focused his gaze on Sebastian and smiled. "He's not so bad, is he, Ollie?"
Stranger: Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows but didn't inquire more, those simple words told him enough. Being the man James way, many would try to use anything to get to him or get something out of him. He did practically own London. Sebastian cleared away the remaining mess of crumbs and put the jars away. Before washing his hands, hating the taste of the ingredients but he guessed making the food for the boy wasn't so bad. He then moved from the kitchen, into the lounge before moving to grab another shirt from his room. He returned as he pulled it on, standing slightly off to the side of the room, looking over to Jim, "Any other..plans today?" He asked simply.
You: "None. We're just laying low until the safe house is ready for him." He answered, smiling as he kissed the boy's temple before nuzzling into his neck. Making odd noises to get the child to giggle and squeal. "We were just going to stay with Mr. Grumpy for the day, weren't we, Ollie?" Jim inquired, stealing one of the small pretzels to pop into his mouth. The child protested for a second before giggling again, shoving a pretzel forward for the male to take. He accepted the pretzel leaning back as he chewed it over. Oliver then picked up another to hold it out to Sebastian. "We were hoping we could turn some shows on the telly. Would you put something fun on for us, Sebby?"
Stranger: Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Of course those were the plans." He muttered knowing any plans he would have made were out the window until the smaller boy, Oliver, had left to the next safe house. Sebastian glanced down to Olivers extended yet short arms holding the prezial. "No thanks." He muttered, running a hand thought his messy blonde hair before glancing over to the television. "Sure." He spoke airily as he moved over to grab the remote from the table before switching it on. It took him a few minutes to find the children's channels before he clicked on a random one. Scooby Doo began to play. "Perfect. He can learn to be a detective." He muttered in amusement, glancing to Jim, "Anything else your highness?" He drawled in sarcasm.
You: There was a snort as Sebastian rejected the pretzel, but Jim took it quickly and ate it. The child didn't have the chance of feeling hurt, but became indignant and displeased instead. "A detective? Oh no. Is that what you'll be doing, darling?" He inquired, giving an expression of fake surprise as he looked down at the child. The kid shook it's head, finishing off the plate before setting it to the side. "Thank you," he spoke, the sound quiet as he looked up at Sebastian with a shy smile. Jim practically preened with his pride, hugging the boy close to him as he kissed his cheek. "You've peanut butter and honey all over your hands. Let's ask Mr. Grumpy if he'll let us use his bath, hmn?"
Stranger: Sebastian looked down at the younger boy as he spoke, surprised by the voice. He'd started to think the young boy was mute, most could talk at his age, at least not well but enough. "That's ok." He muttered awkwardly, unsure how to speak to him. It wasn't that he disliked children, well that to, but he didn't know how exactly to deal with them. Sebastian sighed as he looked towards the bathroom before back to the two, "Go for it." He spoke, nodding back to the door, at least he'd get a moment peace. The change in the usual mood shifted ever since the boys arrival.
You: Jim opened his arms, holding them to side. "You know where it is. I showed you when we got here-think you can beat me there?" He exclaimed, the child immediately standing with a giggle to run. The male, let him have the head start before he stood, smoothing down the casual clothes he was currently wearing. "Thank you, Sebastian. I'll get you something nice, unless you'd prefer a kiss?" He teased, picking up the plate to put it away in the kitchen. "I'll make dinner tonight. You won't have to lift a finger." The male called out as he disappeared into the bathroom. Just twenty seconds later and there was an eruption of laughter and the tub being started.
Stranger: Sebastian shrugged, "No, I think i'll be fine without either." He muttered though not making dinner sounded good enough. He didn't care that much. At most it had disrupted the usual peacefulness between the two men and he'd seen Jim so much more..normal. It was werid to say the least. He sighed as he ran a hand over his face before settling down onto the couch, taking a hold of the television remote and turning off scooby doo, turning it to one of his channels. He leaned back, making not to never ever have a child.
You: It was forty five minutes later before either walked out. Jim without a shirt on and Oliver in some pyjamas for his nap. The brunet was rubbing a towel over his middle, frowning openly at the mess that had been made in the bathroom as he followed the excited child. Oliver went immediately to the sofa, moving to get up to sit right beside Sebastian on it. "Are you trying to avoid nap time, Ollie?"Jim called out, to which the child gave a very dramatic, "/No/," and then giggle. "Sebastian, could I borrow one of your shirts, please? I'd go into your room and take it, but manners are important, aren't they, Oliver?" The child nodded, glancing directly up at the other man.
Stranger: Sebastian stiffened slightly as the too over energetic child sat beside him, but relaxed again after a moment. Smirking at Olivers reply to Jim, finding it amusing that someone other then him would say no to James Moriarty. Though he tried not to say no to the man unless he completly wanted to. Sebastian looked down to the boy as Oliver looked up at him, before looking back to Jim, "Sure, they're in the cupboard." He spoke. Immidietly thinking that having a child requered more shirts then a man needed in one day.
You: Jim brought two fingers to his eyes before flipping the direction towards Oliver. "I'm watching you. Nap time is in half an hour." The child leaned back with a nod, and only then did the consulting criminal disappear. The moment the man was out of sight, the child turned to focus on the other man, smiling brightly. "Are you going to take a nap too?" He inquired, scooting closer to the man curiously. He'd only ever met a few people, but this man wasn't like any of the others he'd seen. He had many questions to ask and it was obvious by the inquisitive and curious look on his face.
Stranger: Sebastian watched Jim leave, moving his eyes back to the television which was still stuck on his channel. Only when Oliver spoke, did he look over to Oliver. "Why would I take a nap time? I'm too old for them." HE spoke simply with a shrug, not liking the curiosity growing in the small boy's eyes. "How about we watch some scooby doo." He offered, trying to take his attention from asking Sebastian questions.
You: Oliver seemed to frown for a moment, sitting back against the cushion of the sofa. "But Daddy takes naps too." He remarked, though the moment Scooby Doo was offered, he immediately turned his attention to the telly. "You've found his weakness." Jim called out, running his fingers through his hair once against as he crossed to the sofa with a smile. "We'll watch one episode and then it's nap time." Came the stern compromise as he picked Oliver up and took his space right beside Sebastian, settling the child in his lap once again.
Stranger: Sebastian raised an eyebrow as Oliver stopped talking to watch the childs show, glancing over as Jim reentered. "You take naps?" He spoke with a slight smirk, finding it very amusing that someone so high up like Jim took naps with his child. "Cute." He played along as he sat back, stretching out his legs slightly as his eyes moved to the television. Having to once again put up with the show.
You: The man resisted the urge to pout and simply turned to look at the other. "Yes, I take naps." He shot back, turning slightly so he could lean into the other man. "Tell me what else is cute, Sebby. Go on." Jim teased before turning his attention on the telly. He chose that moment to lean against the sniper, fully uncaring that he was invading the man's space.
Stranger: Sebastian, once he felt the contact, looked over to Jim with furrowed eyebrows. Noticing his personal space had been invaded and that was something he'd always been displeased with, Jim knew that. Sebastian stopped himself before he pushed the man away, taking a breath before relaxing and giving in to the invasion. Not wanting to disturbed him and the kid, while all three of them sat there watching Scooby Doo.
You: One episode turned into two, and then Oliver had fallen asleep and Jim was well on his way to falling asleep as well. The child was a limp noodle against him and the male gave a slight huff as he shifted against Sebastian. It was only just a few minutes until both of them were asleep, Jim's arms snug around the child and his head resting against the sniper's bicep and shoulder. Both of them now dead weight against Sebastian
Stranger: Sebastian still had his eyes on the show, muttering how stupid the crimes were, they were so stupidly planned, but then again it was a child's show. He snapped out of thought as he felt the wait on his arm increase significantly. His eyes moving over to the two, the boy fast asleep and so was his father, leaning against Sebastian. "You two are a pain." He muttered simply. He could have moved, woken them up and told them to leave, but instead he only sighed and leaned back a little. Moving his eyes back to the show and releasing a yawn of his own. Staying on the vege of sleep for most of that night.
You: Nap time typically only lasted half an hour, but Jim found himself waking up forty five minutes later with a stiff neck and drool against the arm trapped between his body and Sebastian's. There was a light grunt as he tried to carefully sit up so as not to disturb the boy, his hands cradling the child to keep him from follow. "Sebastian," he mumbled, the sleep making his voice husky with grogginess. He shifted up more and looked at the telly before dragging his fingers through the child's hair. "Oliver, it's time to wake up. Nap time is over." He started, gently trying to wake himself and the child up, though it appeared that both of them were simply far too comfortable.
Stranger: Sebastian looked away from the television the moment he felt Jim shifting beside him, hearing the sleep deprived voice as he awoke. Sebastian looked over to Jim then to the boy who was still asleep in Jim's arms. "Let the boy sleep." He spoke with a shrug then quickly added, "It'll keep him quiet for longer." As not to seem like he cared for either of them in that moment though he'd thought it nice to let the other sleep. He shifted a little along with Jim. Trying to get feeling back into his arm.
You: "If he sleeps longer, than he won't sleep tonight." Jim countered, though he didn't attempt to wake Oliver. He'd let it go for a tiny bit longer. The child had had a rough day and he was comfortable. "Stop moving, Sebastian." He huffed, finally leaning forward to take the man's arm and raise it over to wrap around his shoulder. From there, the man leaned into the other's side as if he had every right to invade the sniper's personal space. "Better?" He murmured, closing his eyes as he relaxed.
Stranger: Sebastian smirked knowing he'd one the small disagreement about waking the kid or not, Jim letting him sleep despite reason not to. Sebastian raised an eyebrow as Jim moved his arm around his shoulders. Jim closing into his side more, less and less space being available to him and he didn't exactly know how to feel but he let it slip. Everyone seemed to comfortable to disturb with negativity. "Better then a dead arm." He admitted simply.
You: "Thought so." Jim mumbled, voice dropping towards the end as sleep began to creep up on him. He shifted Oliver in his lap lightly, ensuring they were both comfortable as he closed his eyes. He wasn't going to question why Sebastian was letting him invade his space, or why the man hadn't simply kicked him out to wait about at another safe house. He certainly also wasn't going to question why Sebastian was allowing him to sleep against him. He was simply going to enjoy it until he awoke next.
Stranger: Sebastian didn't know why he allowed these things to take place, perhaps he secretly had a soft spot for kids? Pft, no chance, he hated most of the droowling demons. He made note to kick the two out the next time they both woke up, kick out the sudden chaos they had brought in for the day and return to the peace. Sebastian leant into the sofa as he once again tuned into the kids show to help bide his time.
You: Twenty minutes later, Jim was waking up to a wiggling Oliver trying to get out of the male's lap. Jim grunted as an elbow collided with his side and quickly lifted his arms. "Gotta potty!" Oliver spoke, rushing off to the bathroom to leave Jim and Sebastian alone. "Morning," he sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face though he made no move to sit up or shift away from the sniper. In fact, he sat there for a long moment, watching the telly drone on about some silly crime they crew had just solved.
Stranger: Sebastian had stayed silent as Oliver awoke and had his little potty fit, running off towards the bathroom. Sebastian then moved to look at Jim then to the gang on the screen again, "It's still the afternoon." He muttered simply, "You've been asleep an hour-ish." He continued, not looking at the other though surprised Jim hadn't moved away from him yet and more surprised Sebastian hadn't said something negative about it yet.
You: "Then we've only a few more hours until dinner and I leave for the next safe house." Jim began as he shifted to turn his cheek into the man's chest. "He's going to come back and jump on us to play a game..." He informed the other man, sighing once again, though it was all fond. It was only ten seconds after that Oliver came bounding into the room excitedly. The child stopped to look at the two before gearing up to run, racing through the living room to launch himself at both Jim and Sebastian.
Stranger: Sebastian nodded, about to get up after the first comment Jim spoke, before he furrowed his eyebrows, "You are kidding, right?" He spoke referring to the boys game, before looking up as he heard the small boy running back into the living room. He widened his eyes as he saw the boy sprinting towards them.
You: Jim only laughed reaching out when the kid lunged for them. "No. Not kidding." He answered as he grasped the child with a soft grunt, tucking him into his chest with a smile. "Soon you'll be too big to do that." He murmur, beginning to tickle him. Oliver giggled and kicked, trying to get free. Oliver finally stopped, wiggling until Jim stopped. "Alright. We should we do now?" He asked, looking at both Sebastian and the child. "What game should we play?"
Stranger: Sebastian grunted only slightly as Olivers shoe caught him when he first lunged, not in pain but more in surprise, sitting back slightly. He looked over to watch Jim tickling Oliver and trying to avoid the kicking feet, a smirk showing faintly on his lips from amusement. Before it faltered slightly, "You two can play a game." He spoke simply, "I'm too big to play games."
You: "Come on, Sebby!" Jim whined when the male said no, his lips turning down into a frown. "Please," Oliver chimed in next, both of them turning to look at the man with wounded puppy eyes. Or rather, Jim was pouting and Oliver was eager to hang out with the other adult. "Please, Sebastian. Don't be grumpy or mean... Just one game. Play with us. Please?"
Stranger: Sebastian tried to ignore the first of Jim's plea by watching the television, looking back down when the younger boy stepped in to ask for him tojoin is. He looked between the two, rasing an eyebrow at Jim's pouting attempts. "Are you serious right now." He muttered at the older mans childish actions, before finally sighing. "Fine. But for one game." He finally gave in.
You: Oliver squealed with excitement and bounced on Jim's lap. "What should we play, Ollie?" He asked, plotting with the boy before their eyes lit up. "Hide and seek?" "Not enough places to hide." "Simon says?" The suggestions went on and on until the child settled on just one. "Let's build a castle!" He started, sliding off Jim's lap excited. The consulting criminal smirked as he turned his gaze towards the sniper. "Maybe after we make a castle, Sebastian will let us use some of his things to make you a crown."
Stranger: Sebastian rested his chin in his hand on the side on the couch as he listened to the two ramble on about which game they'd like to play. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "And how exactly will you build a castle?" He asked before furrowing his eyebrows, "Do you mean a cusion fort?" He questioned in confusion. "Sure, we'll find something here to make you a crown."
You: "That would be it exactly." Jim spoke, standing up to his full height to stretch. "Alright, so, what should we use? Pillows, blankets, chairs... What else?" He inquired, beginning to look around the room. Oliver moved over to the large play pen Jim had set up earlier to keep the child from getting into anything dangerous. "Right, you've a blanket in there. We could start there and... Sebby, if you would, could you bring us blankets?"
Stranger: Sebastian watched the two moving around and planning to completly tip his flat upside downwith a roll of his eyes. "You two are cleaning this all us though." He stated as he rose to his feet, stretching his dead limbs out. Before moving to grab some of the blanets and spares, returning after a few minutes. Placing them down onto the couch.
You: Oliver and Jim attacked the sheets eagerly, the both of them ecstatic with the thought of being able to make a fort. "We need chairs, where should we-Sebastian!" The male sing songed, turning to look at the sniper. "Could you grab us a chair, or two...?" He beamed, bright eyed and smiling. The child beside him very much the same, if not more. "Please!" The kid chirped, holding a large blanket in his small arms.
Stranger: Sebastian, who was about to sit down and let the two children play fort, look over as Jim called him. He stood back up with a groan, "Of course." He muttered quietly as he moved to grab two of the chairs from the other side of the room, bringing them over to the two boys. "Here you go, royal pain in the asses." He stated, putting them down. "Anything else?"
You: The two looked at each other with a giggle before getting started. Oliver moved over to the first chair while Jim stalked over towards Sebastian. "A kiss?" He teased before thrusting a blanket into Sebastina's hands. "Come on, tiger!" He hummed, moving beside Oliver to help the child start on the first corner of the fort. "If we put the blanket underneath the back legs and wrap it over, it'll be fine." He assured the child as he lifted the back of the chair up to set the corner of the blanket in place.
Stranger: Sebastian took the blanket unwillingly as he sighed, knowing there was now little to no chance of getting out of this mess without helping. He sucked up his pride before finally moving over to the next chair, beginning to lace the blanket over that one. For some reason, he actually didn't find it to humiliating to help the two, since their laughs were basically contagious.
You: Twenty minutes in and Jim was standing off to the side, looking over the fort they had created. The entire time had been filled with laughter and smiles and it seemed that both of them were growing on Sebastian, though he wouldn't dare say a thing. "What do you think so far, Ollie?" He inquired, the child seemingly ecstatic about it as he moved back and forth. "Need another chair." He called back, the male turning to look at Sebastian. "Do we have another one?"
Stranger: Sebastian also stood back to admire the fort they'd put a long time and effort into for such a simpe thing. "Another chair?" He asked, looking up at the fort before nodding, "Should do." He spoke. Two minutes later returning woth another one, "Where do you want it?" He asked Oliver, wanting his opinion since it was his fort.
You: The child looked between Jim and Sebastian excitedly before tugging on the sniper's shirt to get him to follow. "Here!" He smiled lifting one of the draping parts of the fort so the man could put the chair in place. "We still need to make a crown for you, darling... Every king needs a crown." The man chuckled, dragging his fingers through his hair.
Stranger: Sebastian let the boy guid him to where he wanted the chair and Sebastian obliged. Placing the chair down in the right place and helping drape the blankets back over it. "Perfect." He spoke, stepping back. "What can we make a crown from?" Sebastian asked, looking over at Jim.
You: "There's tin foil, or... Paper. Cardboard." The male suggested as he left Oliver to begin exploring the little fort they had all created. The man walked into the kitchen, beginning to look around at all the things they could use. He even reserved several thing to the back of his mind for later game use. "Do you have any tin, Sebastian?" He called out, beginning to open random drawers here and there.
Stranger: Sebastian glanced once to Oliver before also leaving the boy to play as he followed Jim into the kitchen. "Second draw." He spoke as he moved over to it, pulling out the roll of tine foil. "I have paper and a few bits of cardboard probably if you want thse." HE said as he placed the roll onto the table in the middle of the kitchen.
You: Jim hummed at the sight of the roll and moved over towards Sebastian. Instead of picking it up, he leaned against the counter, closer to the male than might be acceptable. "You know, I'm still waiting for that kiss, tiger..." He smirked, dark gaze searching the man's face. The male was going to wait patiently for the man's response. He wanted to see exactly what the man might do or say.
Stranger: Sebastian looked up from the tin foil roll as Jim approached. His eyes meeting Jim as he paused, raising an eyebrow at his words. Remembering the last few times he had brought it up from the time he stepped into the flat to a few minutes before the fort. To him, he took i as an obvious joke, finding it near impossible for Jim to actually want him to kiss him. Sebastian smirked, "I'm still waiting for you to get out my house." He whispered, "Better luck next time, Jimmy." He winked before standing up.
You: As Sebastian winked, Jim turned away so the man couldn't see his smirk grow, his hands beginning to take the tin foil apart to make a crown. "Sebby, I need tape!" He called out, tone near whining and ripped and tore the foil. It wasn't long before he'd made a crown, though it certainly wasn't the best, but he knew it would be up to the child's standards. Carrying it out, the male held it up as if it were a worldly treasure and smiled. "Oliver, my king, I have finished polishing your crown." He spoke, the child immediately poking his head out to see.
Stranger: Sebastian handed a roll of tape over to Jim as Jim got to work making the crown for Oliver. Sebastian then moved out back into the lounge to wait, watching as Oliver played in the make shift fort. He then looked over at the badly made crown as Jim returned, watching how happy Oliver seemed as Jim placed it atop his head.
You: Jim smiled down at the child as he adjusted the crown, fingers lingering affectionately at the boy’s temple as he played with a strand of hair. After a moment, he leaned back, seeming to focus with over abundance of excitement. “Let’s go explore your castle, my king!” The male began, just as the child crowed and dove for the opening with Jim following behind. Just a minute later and the two poked their heads out, looking at Sebastian. “Aren’t you coming?”
stranger had to go...
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New Beginnings & Old Mistakes
Such a lovely Omegalock rp! <3 I adore Mystrade and I seriously don’t do it enough stranger! Thank you so much!
Stranger: I’ve added a clause to the divorce papers for you to sign, it covers the unborn pups I have recently learned about. GL
You: [Delayed] I had planned to inform you of my pregnancy. MH I'll read over the papers. MH
Stranger: Yes, I'm sure it would have occurred to you at some point. GL
You: What did you add? MH
Stranger: That I'd like to see them as often as possible, that they not be sent to a boarding school at a young age and that you introduce any future partners to me before them. GL
You: I wouldn't send them to boarding school. MH Nor will I be introducing any future partners to anyone. MH I'll read over the clause and then sign. MH Is there anything else? MH
Stranger: I see. GL
Stranger: There is one more thing, how are you? GL
You: I am fine. MH
Stranger: And the pups? GL
You: Healthy. MH
Stranger: I don't even know how many, John just said pups. GL
You: [Delayed] There's not too many. MH
Stranger: Do you need anything? GL
You: No. Not any longer. MH
Stranger: Any longer? GL
You: Don't worry, I didn't mean anything untoward or unforgiving. MH I merely meant that I had finally been able to lay down and had stopped vomiting for the day. MH
Stranger: I'm sorry to hear you're suffering, would something with my scent on help? GL
You: [Delayed] I've something of yours already. MH
Stranger: You do? GL
You: Yes. MH [Delayed] Several ties I gave you that were left, as well as a jumper several Christmases ago. MH
Stranger: Oh, I have been looking for that. Let me know if you need something else. GL
You: Have you? MH I assumed you wouldn't want it any longer. MH
Stranger: I love that jumper, but I'd rather you have it right now. GL
You: [Delayed] I could trade with you. It's begun to lose its scent. MH
Stranger: I'd like that and would prefer you have something with a good scent on it. GL
You: Whenever is best for you, I could meet you. MH
Stranger: Alright or I could bring it over tomorrow? GL
You: Whatever is more convenient for you. MH
Stranger: Either is fine, I was thinking of you Myc. GL
You: If you could come over, at any time, that would be acceptable. MH
Stranger: I'll be over first thing then, is nine alright? GL
You: Nine is fine. MH
Stranger: Could I bring you breakfast? GL
You: [Delayed] You don't have to, Gregory. MH
Stranger: I want to. GL
You: I will likely be unable to eat it. MH
Stranger: Something small then? And simple. GL
You: Gregory, there is no need to force yourself. MH
Stranger: It is no trouble. GL
Stranger: Or am I being too forward? I'm sorry. GL
You: It's fine... MH [Delayed] If you would like to bring breakfast, you may. MH
Stranger: I'll see you tomorrow then. GL
You: Tomorrow. MH [Paras? I can start if you'd like?]
Stranger: [Sure! x]
You: Setting the phone down, Mycroft looked at the empty spot beside him before choosing to lady down in it. The Omega had been confined to his room for several days now, the stress of the divorce and the morning sickness taking its toll. Work had been unbearable and the Alpha's scent had slowly begun to dissipate while the ache in his chest only grew stronger. Closing his eyes, the male breathed in the scent and relaxed in preparation for the next day. When nine rolled by, Mycroft found himself still in bed, in nothing but a pair of comfortable pyjamas, and a soft robe tucked around his shoulders. He was tired and had no energy to move from the med as each shift or change in smell seemed to bring forth the urge to deposit any and all contents within his stomach right into the bin at his side. He gripped the Alpha's old pillow, breathing in the faint scent still lingering desperately.
Stranger: Greg hardly slept the night before, his thoughts were full of plans and ways to help his omega, he hated to think of him alone but it had been what Mycroft wanted. It still hurt when he thought back to the day it had all fallen apart and he'd been sure he'd never get over it, but now there were pups and Greg couldn't help but hope Mycroft would reconsider the split. He rose early and started to pack a bag, adding in his pillow, a few tops and the heavy quilt his mother had made him, this last he would miss dearly as he'd slept with it every night since she'd passed and before, but Mycroft had more use for it now he told himself as he headed out. He stopped at tesco on the way and bought some fresh bread for toast as well as some banana's and honey. Soon he stood outside his old home, he took a deep breath before ringing the bell.
You: Once the bell rang, Mycroft could no longer put it down. It took far too long for the Omega to rise to his feed and make his way down the stairs to answer the door. He greeted the DI tiredly, the exhaustion and fatigue written over his features. He'd lost weight in his face and key points in his body from the morning sickness, but he'd begun to gain in his middle. His eyes were dark, the circles standing out amongst his pale skin, and he truly looked horrid. Something he worried over as he faced the Alpha that looked far better off than he. His chest ached and he took a step back, hand settling lightly over his stomach. "Come in," he murmured, leaving the door open to begin making his way back towards the stairs and the bedroom they once shared. It was as he moved and turned away that he closed his eyes, breathing the Alpha's scent in desperately. Simply longing to have it wrapped around him once more. "Is it alright if we have the breakfast upstairs?"
Stranger: It took everything not to wince when he saw Mycroft and even more not to drop to his knees and beg to return home. He could see the omega was struggling and knew he could ease his suffering with his scent alone. He stepped inside and moved behind Mycroft. "How about you go back to bed and I'll cook this and bring it up soon?" He offered and held up the tesco bag.
You: Looking down at the bag, Mycroft hesitated in giving his approval before nodding. He simply hadn't wanted to separate himself from the Alpha. The scent was so comforting... Steeling himself away, he chose to be patient as he continue his sluggish travel up the stairs. "Help yourself to anything. I'll simply be lying down." He murmured, disappearing down the hall and into his room. He stopped for a second, feeling his eyes burn before he climbed into the bed and turned his back to the door, Hiding within the sheets and blankets in an attempt to comfort himself and his longing.
Stranger: Greg was breathing heard as he made his way the kitchen, he was almost in tears but forced himself to move. He tasted the bread before spreading it with honey and a layer of sliced banana, he added it to a tray along with a cool class of water. Lastly he washed his face and took it and his bag up to Mycroft. He set the tray by the bed and sat down, he didn't know what to say. "I..it's only something simple, dry toast with honey and banana, which is supposed to be good for sickness." He offered.
You: Mycroft didn't turn as Greg entered the room. He wiped slowly at his face and used the sheets to ensure it was dry of any tears. Once certain, he began to sit up and reach out for the plate quietly, clearing his throat once he had the tray over his lap. "Thank you," he murmured, looking down at the toast and honey banana slices. He hoped his stomach would accept it, prayed that it would as he simply didn't want to throw up again. Or in front of Gregory. He didn't want to show how miserable he was. Hesitating on bringing it to his lips, he took a small bite and chewed cautiously before washing it down with some water.
Stranger: Greg leaned closer, he wanted to wrap the omega in his arms and soothe him. "Try a bit at a time." He suggested and smiled when he saw him take the first bite. He reached into his bag and pulled out the heavy quilt and spread it over Mycroft's legs. "I thought this might help."
You: The Omega looked down at the quilt and felt his heart clench, his eyes beginning to tear up before tears began to dribble down his cheek. He curled his free hand around the fabric, his breath hitching slightly. He abandoned the toast on his plate, turning his face away as he hastily began to wipe the tears away. It was the Alpha's mother's. The quilt he had used on a daily basis, and the man had brought it for him. "I apologize... I seem to be overly emotional."
Stranger: "Hey." Greg soothed and reached for his hand. "That makes the two of us then." He sniffed. He wished he knew how to make things better again.
You: Mycroft took the hand holding his and brought it close to his stomach, wishing to feel it there. He didn't say anything but just held on. His hands cradling Gregory's as if it were the most fragile thing he'd ever he'd. "I'm sorry." He murmured, voice breaking slightly from the tears. "I truly am."
Stranger: Greg gasped when Mycroft placed his hand on his tummy, he could feel the firm bump and it made it all finally real. "Don't Myc, you have nothing to be sorry for." He soothed.
You: "I have every reason," he continued, looking down at their hands before tightly closing his eyes. Releasing a shaky breath, the Omega smoothed his hand over the fabric but never once let go of the Alpha's hand with the other. He fell quiet as he breathed in the scent of his mate, beginning to relax slowly.
Stranger: "I..I worked too much, I couldn't make you happy, wasn't enough." He mumbled, there were all things he knew and hated, he also vowed that he'd do better with their children. He looked down and took a deep breath but couldn't think of anything to say, he smoothed his free hand along the edge of the quilt and wondered if he could remember how to make one.
You: "I didn't ask for a divorce because you worked too much. I-" Mycroft stopped so he could bring the man's hand up over his belly, setting it flat against the firm bump. "I asked because I had assumed I wasn't making you happy. The crimes had picked up, and I knew you were busy with work, but I was insecure and... And I found out that I was carrying the pups and assumed that this would be easier. I didn't want to tie you to me with them and have you end up hating me because of it... I was terrified."
Stranger: He shook his head as Mycroft spoke. "I love you, I have always loved you and always will, I...I thought you were unhappy, that I'd hurt you." He was crying now and wiped his face roughly. "You and the pups are everything to me."
You: Mycroft reached out with his free hand to kiss the Alpha's cheek, his own tears falling as he tried to lean in to bury his face in the male's neck. The tray seemed to get in the way and his body rejected every movement possible. "I love you, Gregory."
technical error....
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Tempted & Tainted
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I lost complete connection to my internet and it was horrible. This was such a good rp! I hope I find you stranger <3
Stranger: [Priest!Sebastian. You can make it with an age gap or not, and your character's gender is your choice!] Sebastian had knelt before the altar, hands intertwined and forehead resting on them as he muttered his prayers. Five years ago, he'd reached the absolute bottom. He'd been forced to flee to a village in the middle of nowhere, India, after he'd pissed off the kind of people you should never piss off. Three months in the jungle and a tiger had almost taken his life away, leaving three stripes forever on his chest. He'd been effectively dead for a few minutes, in fact, and during those minutes he'd been convinced he'd seen Heaven. He'd found peace. Then, he'd been given a second chance. Awake, back in the humid, disease-ridden India, he'd realised his place wasn't on the run anymore. He'd decided he would abandon the gun, and find better ways. And he had. Lord, he had. Through the past five years he'd managed to lead a better life, to forsake the violence, the depravation, the vice. He'd gotten close to Heaven again, and he felt at rest. That was, until that dark eyed devil had appeared. Slipping into his mind, plaguing his thoughts. There was something about that person that made his blood boil, his fingers itch, his whole body beg to go to its old ways. And so, his peace had been disrupted. And so, he prayed to find solace again.
You: Sebastian Moran was a wonder. How the man hadn't committed suicide with the way his life was now was wholly beyond the mastermind. Praying and kneeling before stained glass was so dreadfully boring. Well, he'd certainly change the man now. Take him, /remind/ him of his past vices, and then they would be unstoppable together. James Moriarty always kept his word. The man had been searching for quite some time after someone had mentioned the man. He'd disappeared and the rumour of the man reforming was so ludicrous that no one dared to check it out just to see if it were true. It was the only thing Jim could have gone off on and he was more than pleased that it was true. He'd begun to pester the man day in and out, picking and prodding at the man's armour in order to get closer. His task was nearly completed. In fact, he was currently in the process of just one of his plans to recruit the male. Releasing a long drawn out sigh, the man stood to his feet, his hands in his pockets as he crossed towards the other man. "I've a confession to make..." He cooed, lips stretching to a overly cheerful grin. "Well, I've many of them... How about we talk about every single one of them over a glass of wine, Sebastian? What do you say...?" Jim purred as he stopped just behind the man. "I'll make sure it's worth your while."
Stranger: Sebastian didn't need to open his eyes to know Jim had entered the church. The man had been there enough times that Sebastian recognised his way of walking, the cadence of his step. He sighed quietly, muttering an 'amen' and abandoning the kneeling position to sit on the bench, looking tiredly at Jim. He couldn't turn him away, of course. It didn't work like that. He was supposed to turn the other cheek... and if this was some sort of test, he was decided to pass it. "If you wish to confess, there is a confessionary right there," he said, keeping his voice calm, no matter how much he wanted to stretch his fingers around that pale, thin neck and press until he couldn't hear him breathe. "Or you can sit here with me, son, and we can talk." He knew Jim felt no remorse for his acts, but he still had to try.
You: Jim couldn't suppress the smirk that stretched over his lips at the look on the man's expression. At the way Sebastian seemed to merely tolerate him. He was flirting with danger and it was far more alluring than anything else he could find. "I'll sit with you here, Daddy." The man sing songed, taking the male's words to use them against him as he crossed over to the bench. "There's a whole confidentiality thing about this, isn't there? I can say anything I like... And you could do nothing else but just listen and inform me to pray to God for forgiveness, correct?" Jim clarified, leaning in close to the other male, and intimately so. "This means I can tell you about how frumpy your outfit is... You could do so much better, Sebastian. I've seen the old photos and you were marvelous. It's so disappointing to see how you've changed." He sighed, moving so he could sit even closer. "We should really meet up and have some wine. Don't you at least miss some of your old vices?"
Stranger: Sebastian's jaw clenched visibly. 'Daddy'. It was as if Jim's mere existence was blasphemous. "It's Father," he corrected, giving another sigh. It was going to be a long evening, as per usual. And somehow, Jim always managed to be in the church whenever he was alone. He scooted a bit away, not wanting the proximity, and nodded at his words. "I will listen, impose penitence, and give you forgiveness," he answered, trying to convince himself that much was true. He didn't really feel he could forgive him. "My old vices are a matter between me and God," he said, shaking his head. "And I doubt your thoughts on my appearance have anything to do with confession. I'm not going to have wine with you, James."
You: "Father, Daddy, it's all the same..." Jim teased, wanting so desperately to reach out and drag his fingertips over the man's jaw. Just to feel the grind of teeth together and tick of jumping muscles. However, at the shake of the male's head, the mastermind gave a petulant pout and looked back with strong indignation. "Your appearance has many things to do with my confession, Daddy... I've done multiple inappropriate things to the thought of you. I could show you instead of tell you, if you'd like?" He winked, giving a short chuckle as he looked away to glance over the walls curiously. "Out of curiosity, Sebastian... How can you give forgiveness when you don't believe in it? I'm mostly asking for myself, but I'm certain you've thought the same thing for yourself... It can't be true forgiveness if you don't feel it. They're just empty words then."
Stranger: There was something reptilian about Jim, in the way his neck oscillated and in how venomous his words were. As if the snake that tempted mankind had taken a new shape and it was sitting right beside him. Sebastian clicked his tongue at the tease, and chose to say nothing about it. Getting worked up about something so stupid wasn't worth it. His next statement, however, hit the bullseye. Forgiveness. Jim was right, Sebastian could hardly believe in forgiveness for himself. The things he'd done. The things he'd let happen. He looked away, failing at hiding how much had that hurt. "God forgives all," he said, voice breaking slightly. "As long as there is true repentance."
You: "And you consider this true repentance?" Jim asked next, reaching out so he could turn Sebastian's face towards his. "Darling, you kneel on the ground throughout the day continuously asking for someone to forgive you but receive no answer. How do you know someone is listening to your prayers? What if you've already been forgotten?" He pushed, knowing full well that he'd found his way in now. He just needed to tempt the male further away... "I've been listening to you. I know everything you've done and I still came for you. Come with me, Sebastian... I won't punish you for your vices. I'll forgive your every sin. That's what you want, isn't it? Someone to listen to you and forgive what you've done?" Jim purred, his dark eyes searching the male's face avidly. "God has forgotten all about you and I, and it's perfectly fine."
Stranger: It was hard to not lean on that hand. To give in and go back to the ways he knew, to the ways he belonged to. Sebastian knew there was no use on putting an expressionless front, because those dark eyes were seeing right through him. They could see the desperation, the loneliness, the pain. The scars of having been through Hell and back. Sebastian swallowed slowly, and then turned his head, hands balling into fists. "God hasn't forgotten about any of us," he said adamantly, even though he was finding hard to believe his own words. Sometimes he did. "I know he listens. He gave me peace, before you came. I was /fine/." That was the sad thing of it all. He'd been fine. He'd been comfortable. Never happy, never joyous. But still, it was better than the place he came from. Just fine.
You: "You were /existing/, Sebastian. You were going through the days, praying for the same things, asking for the same forgiveness. How long have you been here on your knees just begging? Just /looking/ for happiness and forgiveness? Did you find it at any point?" Jim pressed, not wasting any time as he slid closer, forcing the man to take in his presence. To be fully aware that he was /there/ and not going away. "He didn't give you anything before I came and you're beginning to realize this. I came and I asked you the questions you should have been asking quite some time ago, darling. God didn't forgive you and he won't. He's not listening to your begging any longer, but I will. I'll take care of you, Sebastian. I'll listen, and I'll make it so you're never alone again. Come with me. " The man spoke, tone softening just slightly. "Come with me, Sebastian."
omegle lost connection...
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Writing Again
And I need a beta. I’ve got several things in the works, but there’s a fic that I’ve been working on for two years that I would like to finish. It’s a self harm fic with depression/anxiety. It isn’t complete and I’m struggling, hah. I need someone that knows the ins & outs of John Watson. Anyone interested?
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What do you recommend with rude/harsh players? I got this: logs. omegle. com/39e5384 o.o
I brush them off, which is incredibly hard. I’ve had plenty rude/harsh/mean players before and they sort of chip at your armour and make it entirely hard to continue rping. However, that’s just one rude person in a pond of many very lovely people and we tend to forget that when our feelings are hurt.
I wish people could be quiet, keep their opinions to themselves, and simply disconnect. It’s the polite way to do business, but there are people that simply feel the need to put us down or hurt us.
I’m perfectly fine if it is constructive and sometimes you will find those players that are gems full of advice and praise. That’s just one of the reasons to just brush it off��or ignore it.
Keep rping. Act as if nothing is wrong. Keep smiling and keep enjoying yourself. It’s proven that the more you fake your confidence or that you’re unhurt, then the more that you’ll begin to believe.
I would hate to see you stop rping when there are such fantastic people waiting to you meet you, mein liebling. Don’t miss out on all the best possibilities because someone tried to ruin your fun.
Ich bete dich, mein liebling. Ich bete dich ~ !
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Mon Proies, Mon Cœur
Ahhhh, I haven’t done Vamp!Lock in such a long time. It was fantastic. Thank you stranger! <3
Stranger: [Vamp!lock] John, I didn't intend for you to see that. It's not what you think. SH
You: No? It's not? Then what the bloody hell did I see? JW
Stranger: People pick people up in bars and such things. To be intimate. Why shouldn't you believe that's what you saw. SH
You: You're not like that. JW
Stranger: Then what exactly do you think I was doing? SH
You: I don't know. JW I just-you were right there-I don't know. JW
Stranger: Exactly, John. SH You don't know what you saw. SH
You: No. I know there was something going on, but I just don't know what. JW
Stranger: There's nothing going on. SH It's not an uncommon thing to be intimate with strangers. SH And that's what I was doing. End of story. SH
You: [Delayed] Fine, Christ, alright. JW
Stranger: I'd appreciate it if we left it now. SH
Stranger: And don't tell anyone. SH
You: Don't tell anyone you were intimate with a stranger in a bloody alley? JW
Stranger: Oh, fine. Fine, gossip. I don't care. SH
You: I'm not going to gossip. JW Bloody hell. JW
Stranger: I would expect little else. SH
You: Right. Of course you would, because alone is what protects you, right? JW I'm going out. Don't bloody wait up. JW
Stranger: Yes, as a matter of fact, it does. SH You wouldn't understand. SH Oh, and you complain that /I/ sulk. SH
You: No. I really don't think you understand, Sherlock. JW But it doesn't bloody matter, does it? JW
Stranger: I understand plenty. I don't expect you to understand why I do what I do. SH
You: You really don't, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: Go on then. Do enlighten me. SH
You: [Delayed] No. It's not worth it. JW
Stranger: Of course I'm not. SH Bye then. SH
You: [Long Delay] I was jealous. Is that better? JW I was bloody jealous to see you getting intimate with some random stranger. JW Christ, then you immediately thought I was going to gossip about it. Like you're not the most important person to me. JW
Stranger: [...] You've nothing to be jealous of. SH
You: Yeah, because seeing you intimate with someone else doesn't bother me. JW I'm going to the pub. Don't wait up. JW
Stranger: No, I mean it, John. SH You've nothing to be jealous of. SH Consider yourself lucky. SH
You: I've everything to be jealous of. JW
Stranger: You really haven't, John. SH
You: This is pointless. JW You telling me not to be jealous is going to stop me. JW So, I'm going to get sloshed and we'll forget we had this conversation. JW Ta. JW
Stranger: I wasn't being intimate. SH Well, I mean, I was. Not in the way you think. SH John, please. SH I can't tell you, I wish I could, but I can't. SH
You: Then what was it? JW Why can't you tell me? JW
Stranger: Because you wouldn't believe me. SH And when you eventually did, you'd leave. SH
You: Try me. JW
Stranger: You're going to think I'm insane. SH
You: Tell me. JW
Stranger: [...] I'm not human. SH
You: [Delayed] What? SH
Stranger: I'm not human, John. SH I realise just how ridiculous it sounds. SH
You: What are you then? JW
Stranger: Nosferatu. SH Colloquially known as a vampire. SH
You: [Delayed] Bloody hell... JW You're joking. JW
Stranger: I assure you John, I am not joking. SH Check with Mycroft, if you like. SH
You: No, I believe you. JW You wouldn't really lie about this... JW
Stranger: You believe me? SH I wouldn't lie about something like this. SH So, like I said. I was not being 'intimate' with that stranger. SH
You: [Delayed] You were going to feed from them... JW
Stranger: Yes. I was. SH I wasn't going to hurt them, if that's what you're jumping to. SH
You: No. I just... JW They looked like they were enjoying it. JW
Stranger: They were. SH It's how a lot of us feed, actually. SH There's no pain, for either of us. SH
You: [Delayed] Right. Okay. JW Then feed from me. JW
Stranger: Sorry what? SH
You: Feed from me. JW
Stranger: No. SH John, I can't do that. SH
You: Why not? JW
Stranger: Because I can't ask that of you. SH Feeding is incredibly intimate. SH And I never feed from the same person twice. SH
You: Right, well, it would stop me from being jealous and I know your secret now. JW I'm the safest one to feed from. JW
Stranger: I'll start to crave you, John. SH
You: And why would that be bad? JW
Stranger: Because we'd have to mate. SH
You: [Delayed] You don't want me as your mate. JW Right. Got it. JW Makes sense. Perfectly fine. JW We'll just forget this. JW
Stranger: John. SH My kind mate for life. SH You'd never have anyone else. SH I'd feed from you frequently. SH And if I didn't eventually turn you, I'd lose you. SH
You: I understand. JW I'd likely not make a great mate anyhow. JW So, let's forget this whole thing about me continuously making a fool of myself, yeah? JW
Stranger: John, it's too much to ask you. SH I've lived this long without anyone. SH It's hard enough knowing I'm going to one day lose you anyway. SH
You: [Delayed] Then turn me. JW
Stranger: No. SH No, I can't do that. SH
You: Why not? JW
Stranger: Because I'm old, John. SH I've lost people and I've seen so many horrible things. SH I can't do that to you. Not to you. SH
You: So what do we do then? JW We just keep going like nothing will happen until I die? JW
Stranger: You don't want to be like me, John. SH You deserve someone you can live your life with. SH
You: The person I want to do that with doesn't want me. JW Christ, I should just stop trying. JW I'm going to the pub. I won't respond. I'm going to get sloshed and we'll forget it. JW
Stranger: Have you not listened to what I've said? SH I can't let this happen to you. SH No matter how much I want you, I want you to be happy more. SH
You: I've listened, Sherlock. JW Every time I come up with a solution or share my willingness, you immediately reject it. JW I get it. You don't want me. I should have figured that out. JW I'm going to get sloshed and that will be that. Don't wait up. JW
Stranger: I want you! SH Damn it, John, I want you. SH You're telling me you really want this? SH
You: [Delayed] Yes, Sherlock. JW I want you, this, whatever it is so long as you're included. JW
Stranger: It's not something you can take lightly. I'm not going to turn you for a while, if this works. SH
You: That's fine. JW
Stranger: Then come home. SH I'm starving. SH
You: [Delayed] You mean it? JW
Stranger: Yes, John. SH
You: Right. Okay. JW Is it alright if I've had a bit to drink? JW
Stranger: How much? SH
You: I'll just walk back. JW That will help. JW
Stranger: Have you had a lot? SH
You: Just a smidgen. JW
Stranger: Because if alcohol is affecting your decision.. SH And also if you've had a lot, you won't taste as good. SH
You: The alcohol isn't affecting my decision. JW I brought this up to you before I was at the pub. JW I had a pint, and maybe just a bit more. JW
Stranger: I'm just making sure. SH Alright, that should be fine. I suppose I'm too hungry to mind either way. SH
You: Right. Good. JW I'm nearly there. JW
Stranger: I might jump you. SH
You: Jump me? JW If I'd known you were that hungry, I would have done this earlier. JW
Stranger: Well I was supposed to eat earlier today, but that didn't happen. SH It's not just that, your scent will be stronger. I'm letting myself go a little. SH
You: Oh. Right. JW I'm a bit excited. JW
Stranger: You are? SH We're most certainly going to sleep together. SH
You: Yes. JW Right, I'm coming up now. JW
Stranger: I'll be waiting. SH
You: So it was really happening. John looked up the stairs to their flat and ignored the beginning pound of his heart, his hands gripping the banister nervously. He was excited, more than he should be, but this was the first time he was going to be fed from. It also meant Sherlock was going to be his mate for life soon Christ. That alone was enough the be nerve wracking. Closing his eyes, the blond took a deep shaky breath and began making his way up. The nerves seemed to melt to the back of his mind and his eager excitement built itself all the way back up. John opened the door and walked inside, dragging a hand through his hair. "Sherlock?"
Stranger: Sherlock was certainly nervous. Very nervous, actually. But, he was also hungry. Starving even. He hadn't eaten a thing in weeks. Not to mention he was now going to have... John. He'd never thought he'd be here, but John had agreed, John wanted to do this.. It wasn't as if John was just a meal to him. They were going to mate. Perhaps he wouldn't have to lose him after all. That made his chest feel warm. He raised his eyebrows quickly however, sucking in a quick gasp as he heard John's voice, his scent becoming quite overpowering as soon as he entered the room. Sherlock looked up to him with dark eyes. "Sit down. Now. Or I'll come to you."
You: He hadn't even made it through the door and he was being ordered to sit? The blond cleared his throat and looked down at the floor. "Right, do you mean... Do you want me to sit down, on the ground?" He inquired, feeling all the more ridiculous. He supposed he could kneel on the floor, but he didn't see how that would be any help. So the doctor closed the door, locked it, and began to remove his coat and scarf. "Just... Give me a minute. I can make my way over to you if you can wait. Or, if you can't, then I'll just sit right here. Whichever you prefer, but wearing my scarf and coat will just get in the way and frustrate you." John explained, finally turning to look at the brunet, ignoring the way his pulse picked up in pace at the sight of the other male.
Stranger: Sherlock's eyes stuck on John, his breath picking up and his chest heaving. He could smell John so clearly, and it was delicious. /He/ was delicious. And it wasn't even just the smell, just looking at him was making Sherlock fidgety.. "You're going to want to sit. Right here.." He indicated to the sofa. "Now, John." He practically growled, leaning forward in his seat, looking all too excited. "Before I come over there to get you." He added slowly, raising his eyebrows lightly as he kept his dark, almost black eyes on John, brimming with anticipation.
You: The growl sent shivers down his spine and John found himself cemented in place. There was a challenge underlining Sherlock's answer and the blond wanted nothing more than to accept it. To taunt and tease the brunet. So he stood exactly in place, making no move to cross to the couch or do anything else. "I suggest you come over here and get me." He shot back, voice far more steady than he believed. Curling his fingers to form a fist, the male uncurled them before clenching into a fist again. A way to focus on something other than the eager impulse to flee and have the man give chase.
Stranger: Sherlock curled his lip slightly, watching with something of confusion as John remained where he was. He clenched his hands into his jeans, his fingers digging into the fabric as he waited for John to join him. But he was getting impatient and he didn't waste anymore time standing quickly and crossing the room with speed. His hands shot out and he placed them on the spaces of wall beside John's head, leaning in and caging him against said wall, his dark eyes fixed to him intensely as he let out a slow, deep growl.
You: John hadn't expected it to happen so quickly, and yet Sherlock was right there within a matter of seconds. The intent behind the move settled deep within the blond's core and the doctor found the situation even more alluring than before. The growl just made it all the better. Releasing a quaking breath, John leaned back against the wall, fully caged in by the detective's entire frame. He couldn't really pick a word to describe what he felt and found himself just giving in instead. "Oh, God, yes." The male breathed, head tipping partially to the side to expose the vulnerable flesh of his neck.
Stranger: Sherlock's eyes wandered slowly, trailing down John's breathless face, his parted lips and landing on his neck- dear God, his neck. Sherlock could practically see his pulse beating ferociously under his skin and Sherlock was panting just as hard. He leaned in hastily, pressing his nose to John's warm skin, taking in a long breath and letting his open mouth drag over his neck. "You smell delicious." He breathed out hotly, leaning into John so he couldn't get away, not that he was going to.
You: Christ. Sherlock looked so domineering and dangerous this way. It piqued his fight or flight response, flooding his veins with adrenaline and arousal. He could feel this thin thread between them and it was on the verge of snapping. He knew the moment it broke would be time for the brunet to finally take was he was starving over. The anticipation was simply tormenting him. "Go on then," John taunted, unable to stop himself. "Have your taste and see if I taste the same."
Stranger: Sherlock let out a low, rumbling growl into John's neck and pulled back for a moment with a huff of breath. He let his eyes close for just a moment as his fangs were unsheathed, drawing out down past his lips before he instantly leaned in again. His dry lips trailed over John's neck and his arms shifted so he could curl them around his friend, knowing he wasn't used to this and he'd most likely have to hold him up. Carefully, Sherlock pressed his face into John's neck, his fangs piercing his skin rather deeply before replacing them with his lip and taking a long, greedy sip. John's blood was extraordinary, making him shiver and cling to him closer as he drank.
You: God, that growl. It turned him on the more it happened and he shouldn't like it. Shouldn't be anywhere near as turned on about this as he was. It just seemed to worsen when he finally saw Sherlock's fangs, the thought of them latching onto his skin, pinning him in place-fuck. John took in a steady breath to will his growing erection away just as the fangs pierced his skin. He cried out, the noise choked and startled at sharp jolt of pain that came with it at first. He held onto the brunet, fingers curling into the fabric of the detective's shirt as the male drank from him. He was glad to know that the brunet was enjoying himself, pleased that he could get him to eat, really. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head more to the side in order to grant better access and let the man enjoy himself.
stranger had to go...
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