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Ali, she/they, 23 I make Hermitcraft and Minecraft stuff My main is nookisms
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gravel-rotat-e · 5 months ago
I love the concept of minecraft as a post-post-apocalyptic world. like caves and cliffs made the terrain so intense it's like it was split by earthquakes. the structures are long since ruined. some known animals persevere and other new ones have evolved. there were people here but where are they now. nature has forcefully reclaimed what is hers
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gravel-rotat-e · 7 months ago
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Pandora"s Vault:
Contained : Dream, Tommyinnit, Ranboo, Technoblade, Connoreatpants
Series : DSMP
Propaganda : its so big. Its so so big. Look at a map of the dsmp. Its just a black void bigger than l'manburg was. You look at it and you just know it's something terrible. the obsidian walls, lava, the iron. It's just there. In the middle of the ocean. It does not fit in and its scary. the AMOUNT of redstone and functions it go is AMAZING. the only way to enter is through a portal that then leads u to the nether and has to be manually activated again by the warden. So to enter you literally NEED the wardens permission. All the bridges and all the door. It's so fucking cool man what can I say. The amount of security. the lore that happened inside pandora as well. Pandoras arc was the best arc of the whole of dream smp and I stand by that. There is so so much to unpack. Sam and Dream could have just built some shitty obsidian box and called it a prison, but no they made PANDORAS VAULT
The Ghost's Vault:
Contained : VikingPilot's Prized possesions
Series : Dominion SMP
Propaganda : Perhaps the only self-titled Vault to actually be one, the Ghost's Vault, built by VikingPilot, is two things -- a consolidation of wealth, and a display of power. Built at a time on Dominion where every single diamond had to be handed over to the Queen every two weeks, the Vault is made in total opposition to that policy as an extremely intimidating secret stash. All 10 sets of Netherite armor are enchanted and labeled. It's built with soulfire lanterns under the center carpet runner for the sole purpose of unnerving the local piglin. He's taken people here twice onscreen, and both times it was to cash in a no-conditions-set IOU with that other person in order to make sure things work out exactly the way they need to. It also contains two very important books! Viking's "To Do" list is very simple -- Run Dominion. However, the other one -- the Book -- is quite possibly the single most dangerous thing in Viking's possession. He's not sure what's in it, other than that it contains rituals of unimaginable power and that if he opens it again, he will crack in half. Oh, and the Ghost's Vault is also the location for the world's most unhinged 12-minute 100% improv monologue to ever exist.
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gravel-rotat-e · 8 months ago
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The Desert:
Contained : YourPalRoss
Series : Redstoner
Propaganda : Forced home to one of the earlier MCYTers to ever truly be trapped in the narrative, the Desert in Redstoner is a creative superflat world designed for redstone testing and inhabited by the lone YourPalRoss. Ross's days are spent tinkering with redstone machines, and his nights are... well, they don't exist. The Red Sun never sets. He hasn't seen the night in months. Also present within the Desert is a malignant entity known as the Red Sun, one which speaks to him through flashes of text on the screen and tells him to do... things. Keep your eyes closed. Trap your friends when they come to visit, make them stay with you. Kill your friends, they know too much. Keep those damn eyes closed. Oh, and as if this wasn't bad enough... the entire world is also a timeloop, one in which Ross invariably breaks down under the Red Sun and kills his friends, only to be guilt-tripped by a demon taking the form of one of those friends into resetting the timeline to try and save them "this time". He can't, of course. The Red Sun never sets
The where-is blogs:
Contained : Anyone
Series : All of them
Propaganda : My boys are getting put in situations they need help to escape !!!
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gravel-rotat-e · 9 months ago
Y'all heard Precipice yet from the new Minecraft update? Holy fuck. Listen to it now and get back to me.
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gravel-rotat-e · 10 months ago
Twitter's purity culture is really something else. I can't describe how hard it is to see people tearing Xisuma down for his past.
To preface, I am no expert on Xisuma, but I know the man has come a long way from his homophobic, racist upbringing. He has courageously talked about it in-length on various videos and how it's been a never-ending journey to educate himself and unlearn all those harmful idealizations.
People should be allowed to fuck up and learn from their mistakes. They should be offered a space to reflect on themselves and their poor behavior, admit to the hurt they've caused and allow themselves space to grow. It doesn't have to be in your space, just a space.
So when I see people label him transphobic for not having preferred pronouns, it hurts.
And yeah, I get it. You want your favorite content creators to have the same views you do. This is how parasocial relationships work - you want to see yourself reflected back.
(We are all guilty of it at some point.)
But people are far more complex than that. Xisuma is not only showing his love and support for marginalized people, but he is also helping to set an example for others who may think like he used to do. He is creating a safe place for that community to change. Leading by example.
And for many of them, they may not have safe places to learn acceptance. They could be surrounded by racist, dangerous family members. There are worst case scenarios here that I am sure you can imagine.
I've known these people. I've loved these people. They have been family members, friends, loved ones.
It is a brave and courageous thing Xisuma is doing, reflecting on himself and growing the best he can.
I am proud of him. And seeing his growth over the years has been uplifting. I hope he continues to self reflect, showing others that it's possible to do the same.
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gravel-rotat-e · 10 months ago
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gravel-rotat-e · 10 months ago
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gravel-rotat-e · 10 months ago
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gravel-rotat-e · 10 months ago
Why is the bedrock hermitcaft download map broken beyond repair :(
Not a single thing in the world works
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gravel-rotat-e · 10 months ago
minecraft “i can’t remember where i put anything” asmr
[sound of chest opening] [sound of chest closing] [sound of chest opening] [sound of chest closing] [sound of chest opening] [sound of chest closing] [sound of chest opening] [sound of chest closing] [sound of chest opening] [sound of chest closing] [sound of chest opening] [sound of chest closing]
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gravel-rotat-e · 10 months ago
Trying to find crossover fics is impossible in this fandom because with the "crossovers only" button selected THEY'RE ALL TAGGED "MINECRAFT (VIDEO GAME)"
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gravel-rotat-e · 11 months ago
Do any of my mcyt friends and mutuals have the impdubs hello gorgious chat messages I need it for. Reasons.
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gravel-rotat-e · 11 months ago
vanilla minecraft is popular because the children yearn for the mines. modded minecraft has survived so long because the children yearn to become orphan generating factory barons
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gravel-rotat-e · 11 months ago
I have done some EXTREMELY important math. As we all know, there are 10 teams of 4 in MCC, which means there are 40 contestants. There are 10 Hermits participating in MCC this time, which means a fourth of the contestants are Hermits.
25% percent Hermits, and the teams without Hermits either have their friends or people that aren't toxic sweats. We are having fun in MCC this month, we are cooking!!!
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gravel-rotat-e · 11 months ago
the concept of "lore" ruined discussion of mcrp because like. people use it to mean some kind of weird hybrid of plotline and worldbuilding but ONLY if the server is drama-focused otherwise it doesn't count i guess.
so you get people saying like. hermitcraft isn't a lore server. smplive isn't a lore server. sdmp isn't a lore server. and it's like yeah this is true because "lore server" is a meaningless slop category you guys made up. they very much have plotlines and worldbuilding though 💀
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gravel-rotat-e · 11 months ago
best dsmp theory eras
someone in manberg was poisoning schlatt
literally everything else
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gravel-rotat-e · 1 year ago
the results are in
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Grian: -Joe and Doc!
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Etho: Oh, snap
Martyn: Welcome, noobs
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Grian: So now that we're all here-
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. . .
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JoeHills and Docm77 got the most votes so in they go! Next update preview:
=====> Be Joe Hills
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