Weigh in
SW: 204
Last week's weight: 189.4
CW: 186.2
Total loss: 17.8lbs
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Okay, so the picture on the right was August 2017. Apparently I didn't take any flattering pictures that day, so excuse my closed eyes, please. Anywho, I couldn't button the jacket. The picture on the right is today after losing 15 pounds. I could probably button 1 or 2 buttons, and I'm not even disappointed! . . . . . #transformationtuesday #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #pcosweightloss #pcosfighter #gettingfit #gettinghealthy
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A little update on my goals
I finally applied for Grad school - Arizona State U. Everything has been turned in, and I'm just waiting on 2 of my 3 recommenders to complete their recommendations! Hopefully it'll be soon, so I can get a decision. I'm super stoked about this, and it gives me an excuse to go to Arizona because, honestly, the desert looks absolutely beautiful. 🌵
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Weigh in
CW 189.4!
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Before I started changing my eating and exercising habits, I hadn't had a period in 1.5 years. It's a struggle that comes with PCOS. 2 weeks into my exercising and eating healthier, I got my period, but I read somewhere it'll take 3 weeks for you to ovulate, so you shouldn't expect a period so soon, so I only hoped it wasn't a fluke. Well, let me tell you- I got my period today! And I know most people aren't happy about getting their periods, but I'm just over the moon that I've had 2 periods back to back!
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Today's breakfast was delish!
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Chile relleno, YUM!
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HUGE NSV today - this shirt doesn’t spread so wide at the slits on the sides, and it feels looser than it used to! Also, kinda personal, but my husband was laying on the floor while I was passing by, and he said “I can see more of your boobs than usual.”
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Zoe's kitchen for the win! I didn't eat the fruit because I momentarily forgot that I'm allergic to strawberries.
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Weigh-in today!
SW: 204 lbs
CW: 191.2 lbs
TL: 12.8 lbs
Weekly loss - 4.2 lbs
Honestly surprised at how much I lost this week. I never lose that much in 1 week, but I guess I'll take it.
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Enjoying a massage after our workout! Stairstepper and core today.
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Completed my first day of weight watchers, and I think I was pretty successful!
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So I did a thing and joined Weight Watchers yesterday, but only purchased the online tools. I figured it would give me more accountability. What are you guys' thoughts on WW?
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Yesterday's workout was truly amazing. I impressed myself by doing 30 minutes on the stairstepper and even 53 floors. Crushed it! But for real, this is huge progress for me; when I started going to the gym last month, I could barely do 5 minutes without stopping, and here I am, just a month later, going 30 minutes without stopping. I can't wait to see what next month will bring!
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Dirty mirror picture alert! So I wish I had a “before” picture, but, unfortunately, I don’t. However, I am still going to share this picture because my shirt fits LOOSE. When I first started this journey, that shirt CLUNG to me, so much so that it would ride up, and now it’s loose. I am over the moon about this non-scale victory!
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February Progress
You know when you tell yourself you're going to take control of something? Like, when I told myself I was going to take control of my PCOS? You know when you tell yourself that, but you don't actually do it? Yeah, well, that was NOT me this time!
Time and time again, I have told myself that I am going to work on my PCOS, which generally, for me, means eating healthier, exercising, and losing weight, all of which will improve my symptoms of PCOS. But this time, I actually have been doing just that; all THREE of those, just not in that order.
I started by joining Planet Fitness (I am not endorsing them; I simply did some shopping around to see which gym I thought was the best fit for me.).  After a month from joining them, I can say that I chose the right gym for me. I make it to the gym 5-6 days/week. In the past, I stopped going to the gym after 2 weeks, and it was usually about 3 times a week that I did go. Major props to myself for keeping it up.
I knew we were getting serious, the gym and me, when I spoke to my husband about buying a weight scale, and that was only about 10 days in. I weighed myself at PF the first day I started working out, but I did not start tracking my weight until I got that scale.
A week or so later I bought a food scale, so I could weigh all my portions and track them accurately. I am so serious about getting healthy this time. 
My journey started on February 2, 2018, and since then I have lost 8.6 pounds. I plan to keep striving to lose weight and get healthy. Here’s to another month of working towards my goals.
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New Year, Not so New Me
Okay, okay, so it’s January 25th. I’m about 24 days late for the “New Year, New Me” shenanigans, but ya know.
So I entered this year as a married woman. Woah, a married woman. I have 0 regrets, or should I say “no ragrets”? Just kidding. I love my husband more than words can describe. Buuuuut, I won’t bother you with a proclamation of my love for him.
Moving on – I NEVER set New Year’s Resolutions because I know I would never keep them, but this year I’m setting GOALS. Cue cliché blogpost definition of a word that is the focus of a post:
Goal: (noun) the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result
I have 2 main goals I wish to achieve this year, and they are as follows:
Start grad school. Okay, so I have started a couple of grad school applications since I graduated from UNCW back in May 2017. I was discouraged because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, so I didn’t want to jump into getting a graduate degree in something I might not want a year or 2 down the road. However, since then, I have done some soul searching. Soul searching has yielded the desire to work with adolescents, and more specifically adolescents and young adults who age out of foster care, still remains. I know I can’t achieve my ultimate goal right away – starting my own program to teach independent living skills to those young adults, but I know there are other jobs I can do to help build the knowledge I want and need to do such a thing, and that was it. I started my application a week or 2 ago. The personal statement has proven difficult for me, since I have so much to say, but I will not let it discourage me!
Manage my PCOS. So for those of you who don’t know, PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is basically a group of symptoms, and it is really underdiagnosed. There are 3 symptoms that can lead to your diagnosis of PCOS. You must have 2 of the 3 – irregular menstrual periods, cystic ovaries, or androgen excess. If you want to learn more about it, here’s one site of the many that google has to offer. Anyway, I started exercising back in October, and after only a month of exercise, I got my period, which was a major success for me, considering I hadn’t had one in so long. Unfortunately, I quit exercising. But so far, I have started eating healthier, and I walk more. No more putting my health on the backburner!
New Year, still the same me, just focusing my efforts on achieving the best me I can be.
Signed, The Girl With the Big Curly Hair and Glasses.
So I leave you with a picture of us from our wedding day.
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