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Working on the parallax scrolling effects
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When in Rome ✖✖✖
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My individual work within the group
Designed and constructed the web interface layout
Designed and assembled business card layout and design
Assembled safety instruction chart with Loreana's drawings
Logo design sketches
Digital ticket initial design 
Helped overall on all aspects of the design work
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Sky Mars Design Team: 
-Lorena Gil
-Ashlee King
-Eleonora De Masi
-Andre Kowalewski
Logo Design: 
As a team we wanted to design a recognizable logo that symbolizes Sky Mars objectives of affordable grounded company. Simplicity was a major factor we wanted to incorporate into the logo. As the target market is families and middle class working people after recognising the semantics of the company we chose to use a simple space ship integrating negative space and only two colours, red and white. As a team we feel this logo will be easily recognized and run well in the rest of Sky Mars product branding. The type face used in the logo is called Ethnocentric and depicts a futuristic feel to the text part of the logo. 
Ticket Design:
Our approach to the ticket was to model something a little more futuristic to the usual boring old paper tickets that have a lot of unneeded information on them. We opt for the smart phone application approach towards this and designed an interface which will allow Sky Mars travelers to carry their tickets with them on their smart phones. A QR code will be scanned on their way into departure lounge. On the ticket module of the app it will show basic information about the date, time and seating location and a QR code to scan. The other part of the app incorporates many functions such as chatting with other who are traveling the same time as you, checking schedules, adding new tickets and a live tracker of all Sky Mars flights. 
The design designs for the App reflect the ones used in the logo, the colours are white and red and we have added black to represent the black colour of space. The simplicity of it was again the prime goal. We wanted the interface to be easy to use and understand. 
Business Card Design:
The business card is a round design and will be printed on high gloss paper. the front side is our logo design, we decided on using this as it is the best way to recognize the company. If anyone was to see someone carrying this business card then Sky Mars will be easily recognised from the colours and uncomplicated design. On the back side of the card is some contact information again in the ethnocentric typeface and enhanced by some simple icons to explain the information. The right alignment of the text was used to give it a more futuristic look.
Letter Head Design:
As a team we believe a letter head should be simple and straight to the point. Therefore the letterhead we have designed reflects just that, a simple layout integrating our colour palate, logo and basic contact information. We used some curved lines to complement the round shapes that we previously used in the rest of our branding. 
Website Design:
Our website design begins with a splash page which shows a social stream of photos and twitter feeds in which Sky Mars was hash tagged. This was simply done by using twitter and Instagram APIs. The navigation system is on the left and once you put your cursor over the top of a title it will be highlighted. The home page contains basic information about the company. Following this is the PLAN page, this contains information about timetables and booking. We have represented this by a simple design using low opacity behind the text to give it a floating effect. the BOOK page is very similar although it contains more detailed information for actually booking your trip. We have used drop down menus for easy usability. Next is the FLY page this includes a clickable checklist of this you should not forget to do before leaving for your trip. The PREPARE page follows on from this and gives some additional information about preparing to fly. The final page is CONTACT US this is has a basic contact form for any questions or queries. 
As a whole we wanted our website interface to be responsive with high usability. We focused a lot on behavioral design but we believe that although the site must have high usability it must still look great. Our navigation is simple and static on each page. The information on every page is right aligned which attributed the right alignment of all our titles in the rest of the branding.
Poster Design:
Our poster depicts a lot of emotional design though our use of colour and image. The poster consists of bright colours such a range of blue hues and and range of reds. The design choices for this poster was to show a man in space suit looking towards mars from earth. The red and blue contrast each other which forces an emotional response for the viewer. The depiction of Mars in the helmet reflection shows a place with a city that looks new and interesting, we have chose to show this as we believe with the colour choice it will show the viewer that this is a new fun and interesting place. Again we have stuck with the righthand alignment of the major images to keep with the formal design. The tag line “Feel Free to Space Out” gives a bit of humor to the design and enhances Sky Mars’ idea of having a down to earth company appealing to many different demographics. We have incorporated the logo in the left corner so that when the poster is in many different locations the company will always we recognised. 
Safety Instruction Design:
The Sky Mars safety instruction booklet reflects the usual design of safety instructions but adapted to space travel. As a group we decided on using drawings of people to describe the instructions we believe that by using semeiotics in this way it enables travelers of all nationalities to understand even if they do not speak english. We went for a simple layout and clean type design so it can be easily understood. 
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Sky Mars final website interface.
This is my personal design for the group. 
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Sky Mars final company branding by Ashlee King, Lorena Gil, Eleonora De Masi and Andre Kowalewski.
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Fully Understanding Contrast
Creating a structure of importance using size, shape and colour is what gives a page impact and legibility to the reader.
Contrast is defined as “the difference in visual properties that makes an object (or its representation in an image) distinguishable from other objects and the background.”
Colour: If two colours are different to each other (say, black and white) they have high contrast, whereas if they are very similar (red and orange) then they have low contrast.
Shape: Shape contrast means making things notable in by their difference in physical shape compared to other things on the page. At its most basic level this can be used in things like adding rounded corners to buttons, but taken to more extreme levels it can attract a lot more attention.
Size: Something big beside something small generally indicates that the bigger item is far more important.
Positional: Creating contrast in positioning is a very neat way to create a hierarchy of elements purely by using different alignments.
There is so much more to contrast than just “light and dark” – it’s one of the most important principles in design and you can almost never have too much of it, provided that you use it properly.
Taking your designs to the next level isn’t about finding the next band-wagon to hop on using rounded corners and drop shadows for everything, it’s about finding better and more efficient ways of communicating the message behind the design.
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This is our Ticket prototype. We thought of using an app rather than a regular printed ticket as in this age and time it is more convenient just to use your phone and you have less of a chance of losing the ticket or misplacing it. 
The ticket has some basic info plus a QR code in which will be scanned.
The rest of the app interface would enable you to add trips, check times and chat with other travellers
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This is our final business card
We wanted to keep it simple and easy to read. I followed the layout design I used while designing the website layout.
I think the final result is clear and simple.
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SKYMARS Final Website Interface 
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Mock ups in progress
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Index page design process + user model
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Business Card research
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Modern ticketing research 
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Draft poster
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Swiss graphic artists truly excelled in designing Object Posters also known as Sachplakat. These usually represent a single oversized object drawn in a simplified but realist style. The text is minimal and normally contains only the brand name being promoted. The idea is to come up with a symbolic image to which a brand is associated in order to condition consumers’ buying reflexes. This theory follows the principle of the unique offer derived from publicity theories developed in the United States. Simplicity was the key to the success of the Object Poster as it paved the way to incitement by image, which corresponded to the new selling methods and product communication techniques of the time.
I used eggs in my swissobject poster along with a silly pun to enlighten the mood of the poster. 
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Website colour theme
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